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Trusted Zynga Chip Seller u/sewidan

u/sewidan is a trusted zynga poker chip seller. I have bought from many people on this reddit forum and u/sewidan is by far one of the most polite, honest, and dedicated sellers. The first time I purchased from sewidan, he called me for almost an hour to slowly build my chip stack, and was patient when I made mistakes during the table transfer. The last time I purchased from him, I told him not to worry about the last 200b but he insisted on completing the order. Sometimes he even wakes up at 4AM to help sell me chips. This guy is the real deal
submitted by FloralVirus to zyngapoker [link] [comments]

Apple won't refund unintentional App Store purchase

Hi all,
Long story short, I was playing Zynga Poker and ended up clicking the stupid corner by mistake, which is the freemium buttom to buy chips. Somehow I clicked the next button (they are large) to buy some chips and got the App Store purchase confirmation, and I panicked and tried to get out or "escape" the prompt by pressing the TouchID button, which is also the "Menu" or escape button in most other situations. It bought a $15 item -- not a large sum but I didn't need it. EDIT: I also remember realising that I was the purchase approval stage and lifting my finger before it finished and hoping it wouldn't go through. It kept going for a bit, and then drew the checkmark and approved by itself after.
No problem, I follow their instructions and IMMEDIATELY (minutes later) filed a problem (I don't remember there being a place to explain what happened the first time, I think not). It was deemed not eligible, and *now* there was a place to appeal and enter the details.
I explained clearly in the appeal what happened, and that I had no intent to buy the item, and that I didn't need the item (have plenty of chips already). I mentioned that I asked for the return minutes later, and I told them that I was a reliable Apple customer in the phone and computer lines of product, and told them how many of each are in active use now (8 total). I also mentioned that I would be writing on Twitter and in forums if they "forced me" to buy this item.
A day later, they called it not eligible again without so much as an explanation.
At this point, I think this feature is BS to make it look like they might refund you, but ultimately is just a waste of time. Just guessing, probably somebody overseas pushing NO two hundred times an hour.
Are there any options now (apart from a chargeback)? This seems like slippery territory if the customer claims not to have intended to buy the item but was charged anyway (I know TouchID is a biometric and they could prove that I pressed it, but still, an aggressive approach. I also know it's in the TOS that it's non-refundable, yes.). What happens if I do attempt a chargeback? Is Apple going stop selling to my account?

submitted by MrRobotCmdrZero to applehelp [link] [comments]

Casino DLC: A musing on what it might be, and what I'd like.

So I know multiple people have posted similar, but, allow a man to dream.
Whilst we know it's gonna come with another almighty drip feed...cars, perhaps gradually released missions, hell...there's talk of a heist maybe being added...aside from any of this I really want the experience in the casino to be engaging and worthy of GTA.
What I don't want is for them to half ass it, turn it into another boring instalment of the same old overused mechanism: buy property / expensively (and possibly pointlessly) upgrade said property / source & deliver. It wouldn't be so bad if they facilitated a little extra individualism by way of more than 1 interior layout (looking at you nightclubs).
Having said that, how are they actually going to make this dlc? I will say that thinking a little about it, I wouldn't mind and could get excited about the idea of owning a casino and therefore managing another revenue stream. I'm not going to flesh out what I'd like that to include mind you, because, I'd much prefer the casino to simply be an environment for us to visit and spend time in.
Obviously though, where $ are involved R* will be looking for their own 'monei drop plz', being the shark card peddling deviants they are. And so, albeit without choice of location (a la Arena War), selling each of us the casino as a business opportunity makes sense. I very much doubt they will give us a fairly richly designed, engaging environment, just to try and make money from drip feed vehicles.
So despite my quite fancying casino ownership, this makes me sad...because what we are missing is places where as a user-base we can come together and be relatively civil and hang out. I'm quite happy for uncivil people to vent sheer anger down their headset as they bet it all on black, only for red to come in. But let's have somewhere to engage with each other or just the environment, in a less confrontational 'destroy everything' manner. The savagery that occurs down at Vanilla Unicorn sometimes...sheds tear.
With this said, what doesn't seem viable though, is for us to walk up to the casino doors to then get 32 options of which one to enter! It seems that to encourage interaction there should be plenty of NPC's and up to 32 players entering the same, the only casino.
So in my ideal world...what I would like from a non purchaseable casino dlc is:
1 - Poker:
I haven't played RDR, so I don't know how that version plays...but am aware indeed that RDR was probably R*'s testing ground and that what is there...is probably what will get reskinned to GTA.
For years I have pined for a poker minigame, not just an afterthought, but a well created one that immerses its players for as long as they wish. If Zynga can keep people logged into Facebook for full aeons of time, then, as with all good budding business ideas, why can't R* exclaim "why not" or "what if"...and end up with a decently functioning poker game that hooks its own player base?
However, I can see it now: no differing stakes, max buy-in $20,000...just like the Premium Races; or $1000 like the normal betting on races! Ok, $1000 is stupidly low, so surely not.
But they'll definitely want to prevent illegitimately gained money being dumped off to poor friends. They'll want to ensure people can't get wildly rich without having been driven to Sharkcard'ism. Good poker players can forget about making their GTA riches at the cloth.
What would be a great feature, one that would bring new life to past content, would be allowing home games in your apartments. Pop up poker table, invite people over, and play away. Personalised tables, chip sets, a hot hostess bringing your drinks orders to the table. ...Perhaps I'm now taking it too far!
To wrap up, a nice range of options for poker at the casino would be very welcome. I know tournaments are out of the question, even STT's. But a nice cash game poker room, with a choice of stakes, would be wonderful.
2 - House games / Slots:
A nice large gaming floor, mezzanine levels, private high roller areas, a mix of the usual games...would all be appreciated. Let's make this building we've all been waiting for -> wishing for -> dreaming of -> given up hope of ... a magnificent building that we want to spend time in and explore.
3 - Entertainment:
Remember the Perestroika from GTA 4? It would be great to have a stage with a few acts on, giving us another activity to experience. Now, obviously this is farrrrrr to much to expect...the all round design and labour on this is out of the question. But whilst we're dreaming...
4 - Music:
The music in the GTA:San Andreas casinos was fantastic. It really provided a great fun feel when entering. Hopefully the music is similarly good, yet with a bigger playlist.
5 - Immersion:
Onto smaller (and some dreamland) features now! I want the casino to be a place of no tryhards, no violence, no weapons. To be like the stripclub is not enough. No killing the doorman then letting guns blaze. No being like GTA:SA where you could survive whilst security and police come to gun you down. It should be like the security functions in the facility, guns disabled.
Dreamland: An on-site restaurant. An apartment for overnight stays / comps. NPC's that get pissed off with our plays at the table that then follow us when we leave to teach us a lesson. Remember the taxi driver options of previous games, well how about a 'Be a dealer' minigame. A valet minigame as well.
6 - Dripfeed Content:
Well, those better versed in culture than me could suggest vehicles of a casino related nature. I imagine that some of the cars associated with films that feature casinos should be an option; James Bond movies amongst many others.
Besides the thematically related options I'll certainly look forward to an injection of new vehicles. My garages won't, but I think we're well beyond the days of wishing for increased garage space!! There's plenty of vehicles that different demographics of the user base would like. Personally, give me some more luxury sedans, some more JDM...starting with a Mitsubishi GTO/3000, along with an old style Honda NSX/Acura.
Let's see some more clothing additions and perhaps a few new quick actions as well.
All in all I'm really looking forward to this DLC. I actually managed to curb my GTA addiction in recent months. Going from hours a day to minutes a month. Done right this DLC could have me chasing the dragon all over again - figuratively speaking, of course.
Beyond a Casino DLC....I still crave a pimping empire. Bring back looking after hoes. Let us go cruising for those ladies of the night, 'persuading' them to work for us...choosing their look...and putting them to work. My god, the possibilities.....
Anyway......, I know I've verbal diarrhoea'd this post; but if you want similar stuff, or fancy things I've missed...then share away and let's start a convo, let's build up our anticipation for the release.
And if you got this far...then well...quick action double tap: Salute
submitted by EdgyTwuntsEvrywhere to gtaonline [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: I was one of the 520 people laid off by Zynga yesterday. What do you wanna know about Zynga? AMA

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Date: 2013-06-05
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Questions Answers
What kind of snacks were in the break room? Depends on the room, but the basics were granola bars, cookies, liquorish bites, kettle chips, pop chips, pretzel bites, hard boiled eggs, cereal, nuts, chex mix, coffee and tea.
Thanks for the actual answer man, good luck finding a new job! I love that this is the top rated question!
Licorice or liquor-ish? Yes...
Do you have have unlimited energy on all the Zynga games? Nope. We had to pay like everyone else.
could just update the live database ;-) True. But why would you if you were on a live team? If you're on a team that has gone live, then you've probably been playing that game for almost a year before it's hit the public market. At that point, you don't care. You know the game inside and backwards. Yeah, you can give yourself unlimited energy, but who gives a shit?
What (if anything) do you think they did right as a company? They really try hard to keep morale high. They give so many perks that you really get accustomed to it. I ate two out of three meals for free at work every day. It was awesome. And they provided healthy options! They promoted volunteering. Going green. They really tried hard to be a good place to work and a socially conscious company. In that way, they're really great.
On the games side of things I think their whole concept of pulling data on everything players do is amazing. However their over reliance on that is not so amazing. It made the development very analytical, and less intuitive. It's easy to tell when a game is fun. It's hard to pull data on that though.
Do you think they have a sound business strategy? i mean its doubtful if they are laying off so many people but i just assumed they would be making a killing. edit removed second question because i all of a sudden learned to read haha. Oh hell no. Their business strategy is terrible.
Their major issues are the inability to adjust to the changing market. They did great when Facebook gaming was on the rise, but now it's declining and Mobile is on the rise. They're trying to change over, but employ too many of the same game development "best practices" that were developed for Facebook games. These just don't translate to the mobile market, which is why they're suffering in that market.
There's also lots of other issues internally.
A lot of micro-management from the top down that stifles the creativity and hinders the production of many games.
An over reliance on every game being a blockbuster hit which makes the fun aspect of games suffer while making the money grabbing tactics all too transparent to the users.
And a serious lack of foresight over all. Too many major decisions are quick reactions to sudden changes in the market. If some games jumps to the top of the Top Grossing charts then everyone need to drop everything and change to follow it. Which wastes time, makes for bad design and ultimately puts projects behind schedule. It just means they're always late to the party, and whatever game they're trying to compete with has already faded away by the time their own version hits the market.
They rely too much on reacting to what is making money now, and too much on their own data. They don't strive to make anything new or innovative and that's no way to excel in the games market. You need to lead the pack, not try emulate the best practices of top games with the hopes that you can out perform and already established IP.
What percent of users actually pay real money in Zynga games? Depends on the game, but on average I think it's about 5%. Maybe less.
Thinking about it though, that's a lot of people and a lot of money. The big games deal in Millions of DAU (Daily Average Users). If 3 million users pay an average of $0.20 you're getting $600k a day!
That's huge numbers!!
What are the benefits of working at Zynga? Lots of perks, like a gym in the building, three free meals a day, happy hour every Friday with free booze, unlimited vacation days. Not everyone takes advantage of them all. I loved getting a free 15 minute massage once a week.
Companies that have all the cool shit on campus out in the building are trying to make sure you don't leave, I've heard. Tears down the necessary work/life separation people need. Hopefully zynga are cool about people going home on time. Exactly. We also had a campus in an area of SF that had very little around it. So the temptation to eat out was minimal.
How do you feel about the revolving door mentality for employees working in a lot of development studios (basically as soon as the game gets done there is a mass layoff)? It's the worst aspect of working in the industry, easily. It's an unstable industry and you have to accept that you're going to lose your job, and change companies multiple times throughout your career.
Some people in normal industries can get a job, work there for 40 years and retire. That's virtually impossible in the games industry.
I know you say "some people", but to be fair, you'd be hard pressed to find a job for life (or 40 years) in pretty much any industry. Unless you were born into it. True. This is less common these days. I grew up thinking you'd work in one place your whole life, retire at 60, yada yada yada. Not the case. Especially in the games industry.
Do you know any dirty secrets or scandals about the company ? Nothing that probably hasn't already been reported. I think the worst during my time was the law suit against the c-staff for insider knowledge. When the company went public the shares were $10. At their peak they were $15 and the c-staff had a special clause that allowed them to sell early. They sold something like 15 or 20% of their shares when the stocks were at their highest. By the time employees could sell for the first time it had dropped to $8 a share. After that window closed, the stock price had dropped to $4 or $5 by the next time employees could sell. I guess the investors were pissed that the top brass made out like bandits and everyone else got screwed.
Did they offer separation package? Hope you find another position soon!! Yep. I can't say for sure that everyone got what I did. But I got four months salary plus an additional week for each partial year. I worked almost two years, so I got 4.5 months paid. Plus insurance is paid on top of that.
Damn, thats pretty awesome. Were you in a management position? Nope. Not at all.
Just how prolific is their theft of other games? That's a broad question. But it varies. They got a lot better recently. After The Ville got sued by EA it was much less okay to "fast follow" a game (The term for copying a game).
I think that early on it was blatant. Later it became well known practice at Zynga, but rather poor taste. Dream Heights/Tiny Tower was a big slap in the face. Sims Social/The Ville was the last straw. Towards the end of my time it was not so much that games were straight up ripped off, but key features would be. Such as the general method or menu flow that a game handles it's multiplayer. The idea being that if it works for that game, it would work for our game.
In general though, most of us knew what game was copying what. Bubble Safari was a copy of Bubble Witch Saga. The Ville was Sims Social. Hidden Chronicles was Gardens of Time. The company didn't call it out for what it was, but you knew because whatever project you were on most likely had similar pressures to match and beat a game on the market.
Did you have a feeling previously that you were going to be laid off? Are they providing you benefits to help find another job? Also, I wish you the best in your new career search! I had no idea this was coming. Totally out of the blue. I knew things weren't great at the company but I wasn't expecting layoffs at this point and I wasn't expecting to be part of it if it did happen. I did get a nice severance package and benefits. So I'm pretty well set for a while and I have a lot of friends and former co-workers in other parts of the industry. So I've got a lot of leads already.
Why do you think you were one of the laid-off people? Was it random or were you involved in a failed or not-so-successful project? For me I know that I was low-man on the totem pole. I was a valuable and well like person in my team. My boss is actively attempting to find me a new job. But the fact is that the few people on my team were crucial to continued development, where as I was a support aspect to the team.
To add to this, after the previous round, the 5% cut, they seemed to give reassurances that that was a one time thing for the foreseeable future. I'd think that the remaining employees are a lot more wary, now that they've seen what can happen. So true. The last lay-offs sounded very rare and uncommon the way they presented it to us. Part of the reason I didn't see this coming on Monday.
I never played any of their games because I could see everything was a clone or designed to make me buy stuff. Was there anything the staff felt was actually worth playing? Oh yeah. I mean a lot of the people there genuinely loved the games. I was never really a fan either, but there were some that I played.
I think that a lot of freemium games suffer from the obvious fact that they're asking for money. But that's what you get from a free game, right? I mean Zynga wasn't making games to be charitable. It's a business. So the games they provided were free, and most people never paid. And for them that was fine.
I think a lot of gamers look at that with disdain because they hate the idea of paying to win. It takes the sport out of the game and makes it unfair. If I could pay $1 and win a deathmatch round of Halo I'd be a cheating asshole. But that's because everyone playing Halo already dropped $60 to play that game and it's also just not fair.
The playing field for freemium games is different. Farmville isn't a deathmatch. It's a solo grind that requires players to spend time and spam their friends to advance. If you don't want to do either, you can spend a dollar. The general attitude with freemium is that if you're going to pay us, we'll let you skip through the game as fast as you want. Because, who cares? We get the money, and you get to save some time. We both win.
I'm not saying it's for everyone. But there's clearly a market for this kinda gaming.
The real problem is that charging money to let you skip through the game gives developers a direct financial incentive to make horrible, grindy games that people want to skip through. Not true. The best games are perfectly balanced without it. The transactions just make it more beneficial to the payer. The idea being that all players are equal. A paying player is on the same field of play as a nonpayer. The only difference is how much time a payer puts in vs a non payer. A payer in Clash of Clans can be on equal ground with non-payers. The only difference is that non-payers will spend more of their free time waiting around to finish construction/etc than a paying customer. However crappy game design/balance means you end up with shitty blockers that require micro-transactions or social spamming to continue.
It seems like good game balance and progression can't help but go out the window once you have micro-transactions.
We get the money, and you get to save some time. Give us your money and you don't have to play our game. Wat? No you play the game. you just don't have to wait to continue.
I always though zynga was a greedy evil company. but it was more or less based on a gut feeling. Did you ever have these kinds of feelings? Did you notice things and say well this isnt right? I wouldnt blame you for suppressing them. its hard to come to terms with those things sometimes. I hated Zynga going into the company. I wasn't hired. I was acquired through a studio that was bought by Zynga. I had no love for the company. But over time I learned that the company itself isn't evil. It's the perception of hardcore vocal gamers that think it's evil.
Why do people think Zynga is evil? Because they copy the games of smaller developers and do it blatantly and obviously. They've made way more money than those companies did on the same games. Hence: evil.
But evil is a crazy term to apply to any game company. What is evil?
I think we can all agree Hitler is evil. Is Zynga evil? Well, by comparison, no. Maybe they haven't always been the most ethical company. Maybe they took advantage of games that were already on the market. But that's business. It happens all the time. Remember when Pixar made Finding Nemo and Dreamworks made a Sharks Tale? Or when Happy Feet and Surf's Up came out around the same time?
That doesn't mean that I agree with the mentality of copying games. I hated that. I always fought against it where ever I could. But it's like Coke and Pepsi. Someone is always going to try and make the same product and package it under another wrapping. Zynga wasn't as bad as everyone makes them out to be. But the few cases where they were blatantly horrible at it got widely publicized. But most of the games that Zynga published were actually pretty original. They just suffered for other reasons.
How much longer will Zynga be around for? Hard to say. At this rate, I'd give them another 2 to 3 years. They make money and have a lot in the bank. But they also throw away money like you wouldn't believe.
If they actually manage to change their strategy and start putting out some big hits, they could be around a lot longer.
What do you think the odds are that they do change their strategy and end up staying around longer? I'd give them 10:1. The CEO is hellbent on believing that their current course is the correct course.
Do you think they'll get into the real-money online poker market? Online poker will be back eventually, and Jesus H Christ Zynga could rake in tons of money if they made it easy to get their money in. Commented on this in other replies. But yes, they could if they were first to market. The problem being that other companies have been into Real Money Gambling in other countries for much longer than Zynga. And so it's unlikely for them to be the victors when RMG hits the US.
If there are any, were there any games that looked great on paper and you thought was going to be great, but in reality didnt work? Yes. Honestly most of the games look great on paper. But that's kinda true of every game ever. Ideas are great. But once you play it, sometimes it's not actually as great as it seems. There was one in mobile that was a dragonvale style game. You bred dragons. But it also had an angry birds component. You used the dragons to fire different kinds of fireballs at pirate ships that were encroaching on your territory. In theory it seemed great. Sounded totally fun. In reality it was kind of a Frankenstein of both games and neither part worked because both aspects were tacked on by the executive staff late in the dev cycle. There always seemed to be a lot of games like that. They were 70% awesome. They just needed a little push to make them great. But the teams weren't left alone to make the final adjustments. Someone up top would always feel like they knew what had to be done. So some major (and often uninformed) changes were pushed on the team and they would be forced to change features that would ultimately disrupt the rest of the game and cause the entire project to fail.
Are the top brass really as big of assholes as they seem? In general, they're all fairly good guys. However I think there's a lot of the old c-staff that came to Zynga for the money. They're guys who made a name in the industry working on big games, saw an opportunity to make some big bucks in a new market, hopped in, cashed out and took off. The guys that are still around are doing what they can, but it's kind of like trying to sail a sinking ship. Everyone has ideas on how to change things, and each new change makes more problems.
+ With regards to developments in Zynga performance and stock price, how did employee perception of the situation change during those periods of time ? + Could you elaborate on infamous game copying. + What was the culture and expectation like initially, did it then evolve ? I started just as the company was going public. At the time everyone was REALLY excited. For people who had been there for a long time, it meant that a lot of the bonuses they had been accruing would finally pay off. The rest of us were happy to be a part of a company that was gonna hit big and we were on the ground floor... All that quickly dissipated after the stock plummeted from $15 to $8 by the first selling window. Now the stock has lingered around $3 for 8 months. It's kind of a joke. Everyone kinda hopes it will go up, but at the same time everyone knows there's no guarantee.
As for the copying, I feel I've touched on that in other comments. But if you have specific additional questions, let me know.
The culture was...weird. At least for me. I've never been a corporate kind of person. So it was hard to adjust. One of the weirder things was the obsession with dogs.
I like dogs. They're great. I grew up with them. Never really wanted to take one to work. But it's highly encouraged there. And kind of obsessed over. Some of the dogs were cool. Some were barking assholes I wanted to punch in the face. It's kind of like a crying baby on an airplane. It sucks, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Beyond all that, the culture had a major dichotomy. There were the people that saw through the bullshit and were there to get a paycheck and take advantage of what was offered. And there were those who loved the company and everything they did and truly believed in the company mission and every game that launched. From my perspective, more people that made the games were in the cynical camp, and more people that worked in the support groups (HR, legal, etc) were in the spirit squads. But that's not a hard rule.
Do you like milk? No. It upsets my stomach.
I heard Zynga is expanding into the gambling sector. Surely there's huge money there. Do you know anything about that? Yeah, they want to get into real money gambling. Here's the issues...
It's been legal in other countries for years. The companies that have been working those markets were the ones to pioneer and legitimize those markets.
Zynga is hopping in late. They have launched RMG (real money gambling) in the countries where it's currently legal, but they're not the first to the market.
They are pushing the legislation to make it legal in the US. But if it passes, there are other companies who have been doing it longer and better than zynga who will jump on the US market first. Zynga might jump on at the same time, but who are you going to trust your real money with? The company that has been managing online casinos for a decade or the company that is trying to jump into it now?
I don't blame Zynga for going after this market, and I honestly believed this could be the saving grace for Zynga. But they are Johnny-come-lately to this market.
In theory, they might be able to make tons of money on RMG. But in reality, there are a dozen other companies that have been doing it longer and better.
Tell us about the highs and lows of departmental competition would you? Wasn't it encouraged by zynga? It wasn't necessarily encouraged. It wasn't like the midcore division was trying to out perform the casual gaming division.
But ultimately you wanted to make a game that went live and made tons of money. If you did you got all the best perks.
There were things that were available to everyone in the company, like the gym and free food. But if you were on a top grossing team then you got additional perks, like trips to Vegas and other off-site excursions.
The problem being that some games inherently had better opportunities for success. Farmville 2 was destined to succeed as it had all the best of the best working on it and every spare dollar thrown at it. Smaller games had to perform at the same level with fewer resources and a smaller time frame.
There was always the chance that your small game could blow up and be huge. But odds were that if you were on a Farmville or Poker game, you were going to do much better than someone on an unproven new IP.
How much rework is done on a video game besides just the remaining of the game? If I understand you correctly, you're asking how much more work is done beyond just copying a game?
I've been to the SF office it's pretty crazy awesome there, is it like that at all their offices? No. The SF office is the craziest by far.
Have you ever heard of zynga going after a company for copying one of their games? Not off the top of my head, but any game that tried to go live with the "XVille" kind of name got hit by the legal team. If you made a game called Redditville, you'd get a letter from the Zynga legal team.
From what I read, Zynga did not focus much on mobile development. What do you think? Would you like to continue in the social gaming industry or you'd prefer to take your creative talents elsewhere? Well Zynga's major focus now is Mobile. They're just not making a great transition into it. They're great at Facebook games, but it's just not the same thing.
I wouldn't mind staying in social gaming. I started in consoles. One thing I really miss is having a physical copy of the product I've helped to create. It's nice being able to grab someone's iPhone and direct them to the game you've made and make them download it for free. But when that game gets cancelled, it no longer exists. ANYWHERE. That's pretty depressing.
I honestly don't care where I work, as long as I enjoy what I'm doing and feel passionate about what I'm making. Mobile...console...As long as someone out there enjoys what I'm creating, I'm happy.
What are your plans for finding a new job? Will you work in the same industry considering the plummeting job market? I'm currently taking some time to consider all my options. The industry is rough. There's always that looming threat of getting laid off. And it sucks. I know there's no guarantee in any job. But I'm considering looking to other industries where my skills would be applicable. But if I get offered a great game industries job, I wouldn't turn it down. It's still a fun and exciting industry. The stability is just crap.
What was your favorite Zynga game? Slingo? Which games did you specifically work on and what did you do? My favorites were Chess with Friends and Draw Something (1 and 2).
If you had to tell one story about zynga to deter all customers what would it be? Honestly, the Customer Service at Zynga is pretty top notch. They always tried really hard to keep customers happy. They even held events where the rest of us helped out as CS on a few customer service tickets so that we could have a closer connection to our players. From those I learned that general rule was to verify purchases, but if you couldn't, just hook the player up with some free credits. You can tell if someone is scamming the system. But most people are just getting screwed by bugs in the game. So if you throw some premium currency at them, they're more than happy to keep playing.
A LOT of my friends stopped playing right after Zynga bought it, perhaps they are just tired of the game or it did get affected with the purchase by Zynga. Whether or not people stopped playing because Zynga bought OMGPop was minimal. The problem was that they paid top dollar for a game/studio that had already hit their peak. At the time Zynga was on top of the world and had money to burn. They burned that money on a studio/game that held huge potential and didn't pan out. It's no fault of OMGPop. They cashed out at the best time possible. But Zynga had a tendency to buy better games than they could make. Zynga bought Words with Friends and Draw Something. I challenge you to name a game that they made that did better and is better known. There's one game that did better, but those two are the best known games and both were shitty money makers.
I know you guys copied some games that did pretty well. When it came to culture, how did you guys end up choosing which games to make? What kind of video game trends did you guys go by? Money. What ever made the most money. That was the biggest factor.
Some new games in development were based on opportunity. Like looking at what makes money in consoles, but isn't represented in Mobile and trying to make the next big hit there. But at the same time, there's always something that hit the market first. So those were always hindered by what the predecessors had accomplished, "Well if X game made Y money, we could never make more than Y+Z"
You seem pretty neutral and understanding of the situation, are you at all bitter about your time at the company? Are things better on the other side? I hated Zynga going in.
Eventually I grew to be neutral.
At a certain point I accepted being a corporate goon to make my own ends meet.
Now that I've been released I feel relieved. It's hard being a part of a company hated by so many. I didn't love our games. And I always hoped the company could become something better than it was. In the end I was a cog in a big machine that broke down.
Is the grass greener on the other side? I don't know yet. But I know that I'm not scared. I'm not afraid that I've lost the best opportunity of my career. I'm a little scared. But I can do a lot better, and I know it.
What sort of education would one need to get into this line of work? Depends on the job.
Artists, you don't need a degree. You need talent.
Designers, you need experience and connections. Education helps, but experience is best.
Programmers, you need talent and the ability to prove your worth, socially. (Many lack skills in communication and social etiquette.) Education is great, but acceptability (within a team) is best.
Producers, you need exceptional communication and organizational talents. Education is good, but managerial talents are best.
Clash of Clans on iOS is doing well.. supercell is making 1 mil a day off of microtransactions? So much more than 1m a day from what I understand. Yes. Clash of Clans is doing well. That's the understatement of the year.
Reading this post reminds me of what I used to love about the Fucked Company website back in the day. You wouldn't happen to have any entertaining company emails or corporate memos to share, would you? I don't have access to any of that stuff any more. But I remember one email that went around to the whole company. It was congratulating some team...RSM or something. They used a ridiculous amount of acronyms at Zynga and everyone on my team spent a few hours trying to figure out what the hell RSM stood for.
One of the best was when the Harlem Shuffle was a big deal for like a week. That video meme was everywhere. One person at the HQ suggested we do one, and at the time it was very early in the meme's popularity. Rather than spontaneously making the video, it became a whole production. The higher ups got involved, they gave it a budget to get a camera and crew. They wanted to send out emails to the company. They needed someone willing to organize everything. Once it started, emails were sent out asking for suggestions. Everyone put in their input about where we should film it. What we could do to be different. When we should shoot it. On and on and on it went. It took so long and no one could agree on anything that the process was like a 3 or 4 week ordeal. By the time the company got around to it, everyone hated the Harlem Shuffle. It was over done and obnoxious. When it was finally filmed and edited the whole thing was just a joke. It got posted on the company website and the video was made private.
It was kind of a true testament to the way Zynga operates. See something popular. Try to hop on board. Spend way too much time and manpower agonizing over what should be a simple project. Fail horribly at it. Hide the failure from the world.
Whenever I get an update to Chess with Friends or Words with Friends, is it really just a thinly veiled ruse to put new adds on the app? Because I don't feel like anything updates gamewise except the adds now. No. Actually most games can get away with minor updates without making you choose to update.
For instance giving you new ads, that can happen without your permission. That's easy.
Most updates are major updates to bug fixes. Or they are major feature changes that require updates to the code.
The general rule is if it's an asset update, you can do it without forcing users to update. This means players can update things like character costumes and environment updates without forcing them to update.
Data updates usually require some kind of code update. So the game will have fundamental code/feature updates that require the player to re-download the game to update.
Do you play words with friends while working with your coworkers? Yes. And I do consider my coworkers friends, if that's what you're asking.
Whats the % of stay at home moms / dads that play Zynga games, compared to those that don't? That's kind of impossible to say.
Zynga can draw data on what people do in the game, but not who they are.
You can tell if they are male/female and age range if they are signed into facebook. But you can't determine the employment and marital status of individual users.
Also were you given a severence package? if so did you feel it fair? "departing employee" made it sound like you knew it was coming before i continued to read the letter. did you know you were getting laid off prior to the letter? I did get a severance package (see previous reply). The letter came after I had been told by my boss I was getting laid off. I'd stood in a line for 30 minutes, and sat in a waiting room for almost two hours by the time I got that letter.
Where are you job hunting and how many of you are RoR developers? I need a few good engineers. Not a programmer. Can't speak to RoR...
Did you ever imagine working at a social games company when you started working in the games industry? Were the people working there passionate or was it just like a normal job? I never imagined working in games to start with. I fell into it. Social gaming didn't even exist when I started in the industry. Money is like gravity. You get drawn to the largest piles.
Yes. Some people were completely passionate about the industry and market. Social/casual/freemium gaming are things that some people love. Even the developers. Not everyone. I'm somewhere in the middle, I think. I understand the appeal, but I don't love the games. I tolerate them. The same could be said for online multiplayer versions of CoD for me. I don't love it, but I understand it.
How easily will you find a new gig? I'm guessing somewhat easy, as much as I see mobile dev jobs on HN (my gig included, not games tho). I hope it will be no problem...time will tell..
I can't believe no one has asked this (and I'm probably too late), but what were the salaries? Can you say how much you were paid? I'd point you to glassdoor.com for that. The salaries ranged wildly. I know I was on the low end of the pay grade for my position. But I knew people in their 20's making six figures who were definitely not in high-powered management positions.
Last updated: 2013-06-09 07:31 UTC
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