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Cincinnati Weekend Recap

Anytime we go out of town, Reddit is always a major help with what to see and where to go. So, I like to give a little feedback on the weekends/trips/vacations. We try to keep it as positive as possible unless there is something that needs to be addressed. There is too much negativity in life and being from Cleveland, we aren't immune to harsh criticism.
We got in around 2:00 PM, a little bit later than anticipated. As we do, we drove around downtown, checked out the buildings, baseball stadium, and architecture. I'm an Engineer, so checking out the City is always fun for me.
After, we headed to Mirror Lake at Eden Park to fly the drone. Eden Park is great. We spent a ton of time there this weekend.
From there, we checked into the hotel and headed straight to Kings Island and arrived around 5:00 PM. Being from Cleveland, Cedar Point is only an hour away. We hadn't been to Kings Island since we were kids, so it was fun to see it again. It really reminded us of Geauga Lake - our favorite park from our childhood. We spend a weekend at Cedar Point every year - as well as going 1 or 2 other times per year - and we were getting a little jaded with it. Kings Island provided some nice perspective and it was a welcome change to only wait in 15 minute lines as opposed to 1-2 hour lines. We stayed until 10:00 PM and watched the fireworks from the parking lot.
After Kings Island, we went to Rhinegiest. I didn't realize how big the brewery was. Truth is probably one of my Top 5 beers. We had a couple encounters on the way in and out of the brewery, but as I said, we like to keep these posts positive.
After Rhinegiest, we popped into a couple bars around our hotel for a drink or 2 before retiring for the night.
The weather was going to be touch and go all day, so our plans got a little changed around.
We started the morning/afternoon with Goodfellas/Wiseguys. What a gem. The pizza and sauces were great and the bourbon bar was fantastic. We loved the look/feel inside there and the food was great. Cleveland is really missing a good pizza-by-the-slice joint.
From there, we walked around that little hipster district and popped in some shops and stores. Hopefully that area can really pick up and take off.
From there, we wanted to walk off some of the pizza and sauce, so we headed back to Eden Park. Through the drizzle, we spent most of the time at Twin Lakes and Chatfield Memorial. We like to take some time and just enjoy views on a bench. I read up on the little historical plaques (which I loved). Once it really started to rain, we went to the Krohn Conservatory. It was a nice little botanical garden and cheap. We ended up flying the drone at Stand Pipe and Pump Station... 2 really cool buildings.
We made our way back to the hotel to get cleaned up. We checked out Sundry & Vice for cocktails before the concert. A really nice atmosphere inside and the drinks were solid. The name escapes me, but I got their signature - award winning - honey bourbon drink? Followed by a classic old fashioned. My SO got a dirty martini.
The evening was spent at the JACK Casino and Martina McBride concert. I'm not a country fan to say the least, but the JACK was nice. My S.O. wanted to gamble... so, I helped her play Black Jack and she did great, she was so excited and it ended up paying for our hotel stay.
We ended the night by going to a bar by the hotel and getting some food to take back to the room.
We tried to get up early and check out the water front, but man we were a little bit tired. We couldn't get into any of the breakfast places (Hang Over Easy, Tucker's, Hathaways). We ended up going back to the Goodfella's neighborhood to eat. We stopped in the macaroon shop and smore shop. Both were really good. I hope they can sustain.
We made our way down to Smale Park. What a great investment. The City has done a tremendous job with that park. Due to the stadiums and compass interference, flying the drone was very difficult and decided against it. We moved further east, checked out the Armleder park. We were able to fly the drone, but kept losing signal due to being so low in the bowl. I wasn't able to get the shots I wanted, but still got some shots. We then moved to the Friendship park to drain the rest of the battery. Right as we flew, a bunch of movers came to tear down a bunch of tents and chairs... so the shots weren't great.
I would have liked to use 1 more battery worth near the parks, but with the humidity, heat, and being worn out, we weren't about to get as many shots/videos as we would have liked.
The highlights were definitely Goodfellas and the waterfront. We have been to a lot of different cities and it becomes incredibly frustrating to see the development and emphasis on the waterfront. Being from Cleveland, we have Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River, and maybe 5% of it is developed. Cuyahoga County and Cleveland has a long history of being corrupt... but kudos to Cincinnati for developing it. They did a great job and really enhances the Bengals and Reds facilities and puts a great face on Ohio from Kentucky.
Your city definitely has a mini-New York City vibe to it. With the street cars, 1-ways, and street signs/lights, it definitely gave us a New York City impression.
Our only real complaint is the traffic. I can't believe all those 1-ways are necessary. It was so frustrating. You could be a block away from your destination, but would take 10 minutes to get there.
All-in-all, it was a fun trip. We got to do just about everything we set out to do - besides have breakfast at a mom and pop diner. We would have like to see Urban Artifact or MadTree, but from the comments, we avoided those areas. Thanks for all the suggestions/tips. I hope I can return the favor (I'm active on the Cleveland subreddit) if you ever head up north.
submitted by CLEstones to cincinnati [link] [comments]


My son has reached the age at which he can enjoy my stories. By now, his friends have gathered that I am “the guy” who wrote those books and Creepypastas that they have read and listened to on YouTube. Sometimes, when they are over the house, we’ll sit out around a bonfire in the backyard and share stories. Each time we do, it never fails that someone asks “Yeah, but do you have any true stories?”
True? Are you insinuating that my stories aren’t true? Well, for the most part they are not. There are a few that are mostly true, or based on true events; but I recently remembered one that is entirely true, and it still gives me the shivers. Let me digress a bit and properly set the background.
There are three types of campers. The first are the “glampers,” who drive around in their two-hundred-thousand dollar motor homes with king sized beds, satellite TV and internet access, and more televisions than are in my entire house. Then are the “campers,” who rent lots at campgrounds or state parks and sleep on the ground in tents telling themselves that, unlike the glampers, they are really roughing it. And that leaves the stone agers. My friends and I fall in that last category.
Our idea of camping was to drive out to the wilderness, pull off the side of the road, stuff as much as we could into our backpacks, and take off on foot up into the mountains. Give me a sleeping bag, a gun, a bottle of cheap whiskey, and a can of beans and I’m set for the weekend. That is how my friends and I spent most of our summer weekends in our younger years.
Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, the nearest place that we could find actual wilderness included a four hour drive to the foothills of the Appalachians in the Allegheny National forest. We would hit I- 90 right after work on Friday and drive east along the great lakes until we reached the outskirts of the forest, then plunge south into its heart. Our destination was the little town of Red House near the Seneca Nation Indian Reservation. It was a long, boring drive – especially after a hard day’s work – but our excitement would begin to grow when we spotted the first familiar landmark. Driving along the Allegheny River highway, it was impossible to miss the Kinzua Dam. Built for flood control and used to generate hydroelectric power, the one-hundred-eighty foot high concrete structure was massive and visible from miles away. It was, and still is, the largest dam east of the Mississippi River.
Passing the dam, we would go over a long bridge that crossed the man-made Allegheny Reservoir that had come to be known as Lake Perfidy – an interesting and fitting name, as you will soon find out. Red House was not far beyond that. On this particular occasion, our party consisted of myself and two friends: Mike and Rob. We reached an abandoned gas station – our “base camp” – shortly after nine o’clock. As usual, we packed our things and begin climbing into the Appalachian foothills. We were in a hurry to get to one of our favorite spots as soon as possible. It was freezing cold, even though it was the middle of August, and we still needed to locate some dry wood for a campfire.
Finding cut logs and kindling was never a problem, as that part of the forest underwent a constant process of selective logging. Trees were thinned out rather than clear-cut, allowing the logging companies to get their take while leaving a sustainable forest to repair itself. There was always some waste left over, and as soon as we dropped our packs and sleeping rolls, we went off hunting for chunks of wood. Another advantage of having the logging companies working out there was the network of primitive logging roads that they left behind. Narrow, flat, and paved with pressed sawdust and wood chips, the roads made great trails to follow. Theoretically, we could have used them to drive further up the mountain but a ranger had long ago warned us that they were dangerous. They twisted and turned without warning, were sometimes blocked by fallen trees, and if the weather was wet they tended to slide out from beneath your vehicle, potentially leaving you hanging from a mountain ledge. In addition to that, he told us stories about the local drunks who would use the roads at night to get from the bars in town out to their homes in order to avoid using surface roads, where they might run into the sheriff. Two vehicles trying to negotiate the same road, in opposite directions, with (at least) one drunk operator was a recipe for disaster.
Friday night was uneventful. We gathered some wood, got a fire started and laid out our sleeping rolls. We sat around the fire for an hour or so passing around a bottle of Echo Springs and talking about our plans for Saturday and then, exhausted, hit the hay.
Okay, the one downside of sleeping under the stars is the potential to wake up half-submerged in a puddle of water. Sure enough, it had rained overnight. Not enough of a downpour to wake any of us up, but enough to thoroughly soak our campsite. The coals from the previous evening’s fire were still sizzling. My sleeping bag, and my clothes, were soaked. First order of business was to get a roaring fire going and try to dry out and warm up. That done, we decided to head back to the truck and make a run for the reservation. Surely, we thought, there must be some type of general store where we could buy some tarps so that we would be prepared in case more rain should come on Saturday.
Although we had camped near the reservation for years, we had never actually been to the reservation. Driving in, we were all a bit anxious. We did not know what to expect. We had heard that the natives didn’t hold any fond feelings for “the white man.” I suppose that we half expected to find teepees and wigwams but instead found trailer parks and bingo halls. It was a thoroughly depressing place. Squalid living conditions and poverty oozed from every pore of the place. Maybe the white man really did screw these people over. They could always leave, though, right? Make their way out in the real world? I suppose it’s not that simple and I will never truly be able to understand. In our modern age, a reservation is just a place where a tribe has sovereignty to run their own government and enforce their own laws, even if contained entirely within another state. Hence, the bingo halls and casinos, which would be taxable or outlawed in the surrounding area. Of course, the prospect of gambling was not helping out the Seneca people. Big spenders did not often flock to little towns in the middle of nowhere.
We weren’t having much luck finding anything other than what I just described when we stumbled across an old man sitting out in front of one of the bingo halls. Tanned, high-cheeked, and sharp featured, the man was obviously an Indian – an Iroquois, actually. He was also clearly drunk. If we couldn’t tell by looking at him (which we could) then it was readily apparent by smelling him from ten feet away. Of course, we had heard the old clichés about lazy Indians living off the government’s teat while they spent their days lying around drinking. That isn’t really the case, though. In fact, this guy was just an alcoholic, plain and simple. He could just as easily have been a white, black, or Asian man sitting in the doorway of an abandoned building in downtown Cleveland.
Mike rolled down his window and called out to the man. “Hey dude! Is there a hardware store or something around here?”
The old Indian looked up and tried to focus on our truck. “Huh? What are you looking for?”
“A place we can buy some supplies. We’re looking for some canvas tarps – you know, to keep the rain off.”
“Oh,” the Indian nodded, “Campers, eh? If I were you I would count my blessings and just go home.”
“Not an option, man.”
“Let me think, then.”
We parked and got out of the truck. You could almost see the gears grinding away in the guy’s head. “Nope,” he finally said, “Can’t help you. But you should really leave. Full moon tonight.”
“We’re not the superstitious type, man.”
“Not superstition,” the Indian said shaking his head vigorously. “Fact. It is very dangerous for you to be here. Onekahokwe comes, if not tonight then tomorrow for sure.”
“Oh-ne what?”
“Onekahokwe.” He sounded it out as oh-NEEK-ah HOCK-way. “The water man.” It was obvious that he was itching to tell us the legend, and we had nothing else to do, so we sat down on the sidewalk next to him and he began speaking.
“In 1796, Pennsylvania gave Seneca Warchief Cornplanter fifteen-thousand acres of land in this valley as thanks for his support as protector of American families settling in the Allegheny River valley. In what would become the oldest treaty between the Indians and the whites, General George Washington granted the land to the Seneca tribe forever.
“The white man has a funny idea of forever, though. In 1965 they built the dam. It flooded the river valley, covering our ancestral land. Our homes, our farmland, the graves of our families. All of it, hundreds of feet below water. Our tribal leaders begged the government to stop the building of the dam, but in 1960 the president of the United States broke the longest standing treaty with Native Americans that ever existing. They claimed to have relocated our burial grounds further up the hillside but we do not believe them. Many of the graves remained, including that of Chief Cornplanter himself.
“The Seneca people still consider it a vile act of desecration. The whites simply referred to the man-made lake as the Allegheny Reservoir, but to the Seneca it has always been called Lake Perfidy – as a reminder of the treachery and deceit visited upon us by the U.S. government.”
Rob raised his eyebrows. “So where does aqua-man play into all of this?”
“Dude,” I interjected, “Have some respect. Can’t you see that he’s serious?”
The old Indian raised his hands, as if in surrender. “No, no. He is right to ask. That is the only way to understand.” He turned to face Rob. “The park rangers try to keep it secret, but divers inspecting the dam encountered a terrifying creature. It was ugly, fierce, and so threatening that they will only dive in cages now. We believe that was Onekahokwe. He protects our ancestors’ remains from being despoiled even more than they already have.”
“That’s just a rumor, though, right.” I didn’t know if Rob was making a statement or asking a question.
“No. It is the truth.”
I’ll admit that the hairs on the back of my neck were raised, but I still felt relieved. “Well, even if it was it won’t be a problem for us. We don’t plan on doing any swimming.”
“Does not matter.” The old Indian shook his head. “When there is a full moon, Onekahokwe walks on land. He comes for his sacrifice and to be worshipped. It would be best if you did not meet him.”
“Walks on land, eh?” Rob slapped his knees and stood up. “Well, I think we’re done here! Thanks for the story, man. I think we’ll take our chances, though.”
We all laughed nervously and then left the Indian to go back to the bottle that he had been hiding behind his back. We never did find any tarps, but (not surprisingly) the old man was able to direct us to a duty-free liquor store where we could replenish our supply of whiskey.
While we had no trouble believing the Indian’s story about how the government reneged on their land treaty, we drew the line at the story of the fish man. Our interest having been piqued, though, we took a ride up to the dam to see if the visitor center was open, figuring that we might be able to find some brochures or some other sources of information about Kinzua’s history. We lucked out and, despite the previous night’s rain, the gate to the causeway over the dam was open and we were able to walk out to the small blockhouse at the end of the spillway. There was a park ranger there and we started to shoot the shit with him, telling him about the old Indian and his story.
The officer assured us that the divers from the Army Corp of Engineers did not use cages and had never spotted any “fish creatures.” He said that they had run into some very large catfish and muskellunge. The muskie grew up to eight feet long had some pretty wicked teeth, but they stayed away from the divers and were not enough of a danger to warrant using a diving cage. He also told us that unfortunately, what the old Indian had said about the U.S. government screwing them over was entirely true, right down to the tidbit about there still being some graves that never got relocated. The ranger excused himself for a minute and returned holding a pair of binoculars. One by one, he directed our attention to areas where we could glimpse the remains of the town of Corydon breaking the water’s surface. A church steeple, the roofline of an old building and some brush – the latter which he said were the tops of trees. If you were to take a boat over to that area, you would be able to see the trees’ entire canopies below the surface. More evidence of prior human settlement appeared during periods of drought.
An entire submerged town, sort of like Atlantis. Creepy, but certainly nothing as hair-raising as fishmen.
Having spent the morning listening to the old legend about the valley that we had camped in numerous times before, we were happy to see that the overcast sky was clearing. Perhaps we didn’t need any tarps after all. We returned to camp and spent the afternoon and early evening hiking in the mountains, making a side trip to bring some more large logs back to camp, which we set around the fire to dry out so that we could use them later that night. After dinner, we washed up our kits in a small creek and set to drinking. Once thoroughly drunk, we pulled out our guns for some target practice. Alcohol and guns – a logical combination, right? Fortunately for us, there were never any problems.
After a while, we had settled down and were sitting around the fire waxing nostalgic about previous trips and making plans for future weekends, when we heard an engine revving up nearby. We were about one hundred yards into the woods off the nearest logging road, yet we could see headlights glimmering through the thick forest. Before we had time to realize what was going on, the headlights were speeding past us. The sound of the engine was louder and we could hear the vehicle’s tires skidding on the wet sawdust road. Within seconds, its taillights winked out as it turned a corner.
Eyes wide, Rob exclaimed “Must be one of the locals heading home from the bars.”
“Yeah but… Jesus! He was moving too fast even for dry roads.”
“I’m sure that he’s an old pro,” I said. “Anyway, no skin off our noses.” And so we went back to our business of drinking and bullshitting, growing tired and lying back on our (still squishy) sleeping bags. After what was probably half an hour, we heard the sound of twigs snapping nearby, as if something was walking toward us through the forest undergrowth. Adrenaline surging, we instantly snapped out of our stupor and sat up straight. Something was out there. Looking into the woods in the direction of the sounds, we could see a glowing pair of eyes. It had to be a bear!
There were plenty of black bears in the area, and we had run across more than a few in the time we spent in that forest. One bear in your camp is one bear too many. The bears in the area only ran between ninety and one-hundred fifty pounds, but I use the word “only” very loosely. They have those big, sharp, pointy teeth and claws, you know. The old myth is to hang your food up in a tree to keep the bears away. Well… Bears are very good climbers, and it just becomes a big bear-piñata, so that never really worked. We found that tightly sealed plastic bags work better – even for garbage. Nevertheless, the bears in the area are a bit too familiar with humans and get curious sometimes. Usually making a lot of noise was enough to scare them off, so we tried that this time but the bear answered back.
“Hey! Anybody out there?”
Wary of the late night visitor, Rob already had a hand on his gun. “Yeah. Who’s asking?”
A young guy, maybe early twenties, emerged from the woods. He must have noticed the gun because his hands were raised. “I don’t want any trouble guys. I saw your campfire when I passed by.”
Still on the defensive, Rob asked, “So what? Are you Smoky the Bear?”
“No, man. I was hoping that you could help me out.”
“With what?” As the guy stepped into the light from our campfire, we could see that he was pretty banged up – forehead and left arm bleeding – and that he was limping a little.
“I, uh...” he started sheepishly, “I had a little accident. I was going a bit too fast and flipped my truck up the way.”
“Oh, so that was you!” I said.
“Yeah. It’s slippery out tonight. So, do you guys think that you could help me flip it back on its tires? It’s kinda’ sideways right now. I could probably get it back straight up with some help.”
It sounded like the guy may have been through the same thing before – either himself or with a friend. We put our heads together and talked it over in low voices, then agreed. Rob and Mike would go with him and try to help him out. Being the paranoid city-folk that we were, we decided that I should hang back at the camp. There was always a slim chance that it was a setup. This guy draws us away, and his friends sneak in and take our stuff. It was an unlikely scenario, but we felt more comfortable that way.
Rob and Mike went off into the woods with the unfortunate driver, and I settled back down next to the fire. I laid back and started to relax. Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep until they returned, I lay there and listened to the insects and frogs chirruping. It couldn’t have been more than ten minutes before I heard the snapping of twigs again – much too soon for my friends to be back, as I had calculated from the time it took the guy to get from his truck back to us. The thought of facing a bear on my own was a little daunting, but I had done it before. I stared deep into the woods and let my eyes adjust to the darkness.
Once again, it quickly became apparent that it was not a bear coming toward me. Not even a bunch of bears. I saw multiple sets of eyes reflecting the moonlight, and heard voices. The people were speaking in what I assumed to be the Iroquois tongue. There must have been about a dozen of them. In all of our years camping out in the woods in that valley, I had never seen any of the Indians out in the forest. Now, here was a whole band of them – and I was alone. My anxiety grew in proportion to the volume of their voices.
The Indians must have seen my campfire. They passed so close that they could not have possibly missed it, yet they continued on, passing me as if I were not even there, intent on getting to their destination. Curious – or perhaps just plain stupid – I decided to follow them and see where they were going. I don’t know if I was being as stealthy as my drink-addled brain thought or if they truly did not care that I was following. I got bold and closed the distance between them and myself. That’s when I noticed that two of the Indians were half-dragging, half-leading another man who appeared to be in a stupor. Seeing that concerned me, so I dropped back further into the woods.
They group arrived at a clearing at the top of a hill. I recognized it, as there was one very tall, dead, and completely stripped birch tree smack dab in the center. We had thought about cutting it down for firewood at one time, but it was just too darn big. The two Indians who were leading the impaired man approached the tree and lashed him to it with leather thongs. Then they all stepped back and began to chant. I must have gone on for a good half an hour but I remained there, transfixed by the sight and the sound of their invocation.
Then… I shit you not… this thing came out of the woods. I can only attempt to describe it because it was like nothing that I have ever seen. It was like nothing that should possibly have existed on earth.
The creature was undoubtedly Onekahokwe. The fish man. Although it was definitely part fish, I could not have attributed any features of “man” to it other than its un-fishlike appendages. Like a fish, the transition between its head and body was almost indistinguishable. The head/face portion was bulbous and spherical, probably three feet in diameter with a mouth that extended almost all of the way across it. It had two bulging, opaque eyes and a fin running down its spine – sort of like the dorsal fin on a marlin, only bigger. It was scaly, too, and it smelled funny. Not fishy, just… funny. Unlike a fish, though, this creature had long arms that hung from just below its head to the ground. It also had two stumpy legs. All of its limbs ended in flat, webbed, paddles that appeared to have a finger-like bone structure supporting them. Each “finger” or “toe” was tipped with a sharp barb. Based on the proportion of its height to the surrounding men, I would guess that it stood at least eight feet tall.
It was obvious that the Indians had expected the monster to appear, but they still seemed startled and afraid. They quickly scattered and fled into the woods, leaving behind the poor man that they had tied to the tree. He seemed to snap out of his trance at the sight of the fish man, and opened his mouth in a silent scream.
The last clear memory I have of Onekahokwe was when it looked directly at me. Our eyes met and it was as if it peered into my soul. I don’t think that it was at all concerned with my presence but I was not about to hang around to find out. I took off blindly into the woods, slamming my shoulders into trees in the darkness. I had the bruises to prove it the next morning, but at the time I did not care. From behind me came a combination of blood-curdling sounds. One was a human scream, letting me know that the man – a sacrifice, obviously – had found his voice. The other, much louder sound, was like nothing I had ever heard before. I had a feeling that if fish made sounds, it would sound very similar.
In my terror, I got lost in the dark and eventually had to work my way back to a logging road that I could follow back to our campsite. Apparently, I had beaten Rob and Mike back. They must have had quite a bit of trouble getting that guy’s truck set upright. At least I hoped that was why they hadn’t returned yet. I finished off the dregs of the bottle of Echo Springs and then dug into Rob’s backpack looking for more. I was happy to find that he had brought along a bottle of Jack Daniel’s – the good stuff – probably for an “end of summer” or “beginning of fall” celebration. We didn’t need many excuses for celebrations. I felt bad for opening it without the others there, but I needed another drink. That drink ended up being half the bottle.
I wondered what I would tell the guys. They would think that I was crazy or making the whole thing up. The decision had to wait until morning, though, as I had passed out before they returned. I was too hung over and befuddled to say anything the next morning, and I realized that the more time that passed, the more my credibility would suffer.
In the end, I never did end up telling Rob and Mike anything about what had happened. In fact, after a while I even began to doubt myself. Maybe it was all just a bad dream inspired by the old Indian’s story and fueled by the whiskey and too many baked beans. These days, I like to tell myself that it was. Nevertheless, that was my last trip to Kinzua.
Kenneth Kohl http://amazon.com/authokennethkohl
submitted by kohlkenneth56 to nosleep [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Jan 31st - Tue, Feb 6th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Jan 31st

  • Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Blue G-League TICKETS (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Blue vs. Iowa Wolves (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Cheer on the OKC Blue as they take on the Iowa Wolves at the Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City. Get in on…
  • 😂 Cash Levy (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 3rd
  • 🎓 Central Close Up (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Nigh University Center Constitution Hall: This day is specifically designed for high school senior students & their parents. On the day of the event, guests will take a campus tour, attend academic sessions, meet current UCO students, and have an opportunity to participate in fast track admission. Central Close Up is held on…
  • Hygge with Plants (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Hygge (pronounced Hue-gah) is a Scandinavian word used to describe finding coziness in winter. It might be achieved with a candle, a cozy blanket, or hot cocoa by a fire but it can also be found with plants! Plants can add brightness, beauty and warmth to your home and brighten your mood. Linda Vater's blog Garden Essence will share inspiration…
  • 🎨 James C. Meade Lecture: Mad Enchantment (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Wednesday, January 31 | 6 pm "Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies presented by Ross King," author and lecturer Details: Free for members | $5 for non-members Tickets available at the door and seating is first come, first served. | Book signing will follow the lecture. Join us for this fascinating lecture inspired…
  • 🎓 Legislative Breakfast (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am Legislative Breakfast Date: 01/31/2018 Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Location: Cox Convention CenteSMG 1 Myriad Gardens Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Map to Event Add to My Calendar Hear from Oklahoma House and Senate leaders about 2018 legislative issues. A panel of Republican and Democratic leadership will discuss issues that affect local businesses.…
  • Mr. Carmack (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get ready to dance the night away when Tower Theatre brings Mr. Carmack and all his gear to their historic stage for a…
  • OU Sooners vs Kansas State Wildcats (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Head to Norman to watch as the Oklahoma Sooners Women's Basketball take on the Kansas State Wildcats. Since the…
  • 🎭 Sista O in Norman, OK at the RedBrick (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Super Bowl Cooking Demo Day (Touchmark at Coffee Creek - Edmond) Start Time: 2:00pm Learn how to cook some Super Bowl appetizers from Touchmark's award winning chef. No charge, but seating is limited. RSVP to 405-340-1975 by Jan. 30.
  • Wednesday Game Night (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Play the games you love for jackpots and then play more games you love for Extra Cash & Prizes on Game Night at Remington Park, every Wednesday! Starting at 6pm on Wednesday nights at Remington Park, just make sure to use your Club Remington Card as you play in the casino. Doing so may get you selected via hot seat drawings to make Free Spins,…

Thursday, Feb 1st

  • 2nd Anita Martinez Mariachi Fest (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm The Second Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival
    Scissortail CDC is pleased to announce its Second Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival which will take place on Feb 1-2, 2018. Scissortail Community Development Corporation is a nonprofit that believes changing lives through engagement and creativity with our Hispanic youth will lead to strong, positive…
  • 🏆 2017 TLCA Longhorn World Championships (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am It has become the biggest event of the Longhorn industry, celebrating the cattle that so many love. Breeders from all over the country bring the absolute best to the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in order to participate in this spectacular measuring competition. Each year, the animals get bigger and better and so does the…
  • 🎨 Anime Meet & Greet (Teen) (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 6:00pm Meeting and making new friends under a common genre of television: ANIME. Will be discussing about starting an Anime club, what all we’d like for it to include, and what steps it would take for it to be started. Refreshments will be provided. Get in on the ground floor of this new club!

    Anime The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government…

  • 🎭 The Bluest Eye (Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 4th Start Time: 8:00pm THE BLUEST EYE Based on the Toni Morrison novel Adapted by Lydia Diamond Showing in Burg Theatre at Oklahoma City University Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye is a story about the tragic life of a young black girl in 1940's Ohio. Eleven-year-old Pecola Breedlove wants nothing more than to be loved by her family and…
  • 😂 Cash Levy (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 3rd
  • 🍴 Chamber Banquet (Del City Community Center - Del City) Start Time: 6:00am
  • Chocolate Decadence on Automobile Alley (Hudson Essex Building - Oklahoma City) Head to Automobile Alley in Oklahoma City for Chocolate Decadence, an evening full of delicious chocolate treats,…
  • Christopher Williams - Whistle Stop Concert (The Depot - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Hailing from Nashville, but nothing like your typical Nashville songwriter, Christopher Williams is a songwriter, storyteller, and entertainer - offering songs that are honest and confessional, yet never overbearing; and performances that engage audiences with an appealing mix of intense passion and humor. With “lush guitar work, and sweet…
  • 🎭 EMERSON-WIER LIBERAL ARTS SYMPOSIUM: DAVID HENRY HWANG (Te Ata Memorial Auditorium - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm On Feb. 1, David Henry Hwang will serve as the keynote speaker for the 12th annual Emerson-Wier Liberal Arts Symposium. His address is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in Te Ata Memorial Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public. A book-signing will follow his presentation.
    David Henry Hwang is a Chinese-American playwright, described by The…
  • Mariachi Campanas de America Gala Concert (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm The Second Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival Scissortail CDC is pleased to announce its Second Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival. Scissortail Community Development Corporation is a nonprofit that believes changing lives through engagement and creativity with our Hispanic youth will lead to strong, positive outcomes for Oklahoma City. Academia OKC,…
  • Meditation Class (St Stephen's United Methodist - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Weekly meditation and discussion group conducted by the monks from Oklahoma Buddhist Vihara.
    St. Stephens UMC 6-7pm Look for the shoes.
  • PETER PAN JR (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Broadway's timeless classic musical whisks you away to a place where dreams are born and no one ever grows up!
  • Poetry Slam (Our Glass - El Reno) Start Time: 7:00pm Every First Thursday of the month, Our Glass will sponsor a Poetry/Story Slam for FREE. Prizes will be awarded. Starts at 7pm, but come earlier if you want to read.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood. Some people will have stress reactions that do not go away on their own, or may even get worse…
  • SALT-Seniors & Law Enforcement Together (Del City) Del City Police 4517 S.E. 29th Street
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers the opportunity to share, listen, teach and learn with others also overcoming the loss of a loved one. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at…
  • Vintage Pistol (AR)// Bad Jokes (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm Vintage Pistol makes their way to The Deli stage joined by OKC's own Bad Jokes. Vintage Pistol is a 5 Piece rock band out of Fayetteville, AR. Influenced by the sounds of psychedelic, roots, rock music Vintage Pistol is doing just as its name states and is staying vintage and true to the sounds that were laid down by the Giants before…
  • 🍴 The Voices of Recovery Luncheon (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Please join The Recovery Center for our 2nd Annual Voices of Recovery Luncheon where we will honor local substance abuse treatment advocates and learn from a panel of speakers including Kelly Dyer Fry, Midwest City Police Chief Brandon Clabes, and TRC Alumni President Stacey Henderson

Friday, Feb 2nd

  • 2nd Anita Martinez Mariachi Fest (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm The Second Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival
    Scissortail CDC is pleased to announce its Second Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival which will take place on Feb 1-2, 2018. Scissortail Community Development Corporation is a nonprofit that believes changing lives through engagement and creativity with our Hispanic youth will lead to strong, positive…
  • Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival - Student Performances (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm The Second Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival Scissortail Community Development Corporation is a nonprofit that believes changing lives through engagement and creativity with our Hispanic youth will lead to strong, positive outcomes for Oklahoma City. Academia OKC, a program of Scissortail CDC was established in 2016 to help provide culturally…
  • Ben Brock CD Release (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎭 The Bluest Eye (Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 4th Start Time: 8:00pm THE BLUEST EYE Based on the Toni Morrison novel Adapted by Lydia Diamond Showing in Burg Theatre at Oklahoma City University Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye is a story about the tragic life of a young black girl in 1940's Ohio. Eleven-year-old Pecola Breedlove wants nothing more than to be loved by her family and…
  • 😂 Cash Levy (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • OK Classics Car & Memorabilia Auction (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Pictures and auction list can be found at http://www.ballauction.bid. Entries due no later than January 15th, 2018. Special room rate at Grand Casino and Resort in Shawnee, OK.
  • First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night…
  • 🎨 Fringe (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The Art Hall is thrilled to host the artists of Fringe Women Artists of Oklahoma for our next exhibition! Please join us for the opening reception on February 2nd, 6-9pm. Stop by before or after Paseo First Friday! Fringe is up to some fantastic things and we are very excited to help them kick off their year! The exhibition will be on view…
  • Funny AF Friday Comedy Show (ICE Event Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Funny AF Fridays is the weekly comedy show that features celebrity comedians and provides a platform for local comedians to get their shine. If you are interested in getting your "5 min" of comedy, contact Marc Flemon at 4052084240.
  • 🎭 Heisenberg by Simon Stephens (Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm In this new TONY® nominated Broadway hit, falling in love can be...uncertain. Amidst the bustle of a crowded London train station, impulsive American chatterbox Georgie spots Alex, a quiet, older buttoned-down British man, and plants a kiss on his neck. This electric encounter sends these two strangers into a fascinating and life-changing…
  • 🎭 Heisenberg - CityRep Theatre (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 4th Start Time: 7:30pm Presented by CityRep Theatre Starring Stacey Logan & Ben Hall In this new TONY® nominated Broadway hit, falling in love can be...uncertain. Amidst the bustle of a crowded London train station, impulsive American chatterbox Georgie spots Alex, a quiet, older buttoned-down British man, and plants a kiss on his neck. This electric encounter sends…
  • Master classes with Campanas de America (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm As part of the Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival, Mariachi Campanas de America will be teaching a Masters class for seasoned musicians that want to learn technique in the mariachi style. The Master class is free to attend. For more information, please contact Robert Ruiz 405-414-0444 or email [email protected].
  • 😂 OKC Improv (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Oklahoma City's premier platform for improvised comedy theatre features weekly performances with shows Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm and 9:30pm. Performances will be held at The Paramount Theatre at 11 N. Lee Ave, OKC.
    Each show is $10 or see both for $15. Enjoy buy one get one ticket prices with your Keep It Local OK membership card, and free…
  • Pancakes & Booze Art Show (Farmer's Market - Oklahoma City) Underground art and breakfast collide when the Pancakes and Booze Art Show comes to the OKC Farmers Public…
  • PETER PAN JR (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Broadway's timeless classic musical whisks you away to a place where dreams are born and no one ever grows up!
  • 🎭 Ragland! (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Catch Ragland! on the "Wimberley Album Release Tour" in Oklahoma City with Social Creatures / The Lunar Laugh / Mandigo & The Nasty Nasties / Astral Planes / Me Oh My
  • Shortt Dogg (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00pm Shortt Dogg will perform in concert at 8 p.m. at the UCO Jazz Lab, 100 E. Fifth St. Tickets are $10. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 405-974-2100 or visit ucojazzlab.com.
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. New Orleans Pelicans (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder take on the New Orleans Pelicans. Wear…
  • UCO Book Signing (Nigh University Center - Edmond) Start Time: 3:00pm The College of Liberal Arts at UCO is hosting a Book Signing event from 3-4 p.m. Feb. 2 in the Cherokee Room of the Nigh University Center. This event will celebrate the recent publications from 5 of our College Faculty members. They are: · Mark Silcox in Humanities – Experience Machines: The Philosophy of Virtual Worlds ·…
  • Urinetown (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Our student-directed OCU Stripped presents the Tony Award-winning cult classic Urinetown, a sendup of greed, love, revolution (and musicals!), set in a time when water is worth its weight in gold. Two shows: 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 2-3, in Petree Recital Hall. Free and open to all!

Saturday, Feb 3rd

  • 🏃 Balto 5K Run (Mitch Park - Edmond) Our annual BALTO 5K Run has been an incredible tradition and is a major way to raise money for our charity!
  • 🎭 The Bluest Eye (Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm THE BLUEST EYE Based on the Toni Morrison novel Adapted by Lydia Diamond Showing in Burg Theatre at Oklahoma City University Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye is a story about the tragic life of a young black girl in 1940's Ohio. Eleven-year-old Pecola Breedlove wants nothing more than to be loved by her family and…
  • 😂 Cash Levy (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • The Centennial Rodeo Opry (Rodeo Opry - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Adults - $15.00 Children 7 -12 years - $7.50 Children 6 years & younger - FREE *Military discount available at box office with military ID
  • Chee-Yun (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Enjoy the work of violinist Chee-Yun as part of the Oklahoma City Philharmonic's Classic Concert Series. The evening…
  • 🍴 Yukon Chocolate Festival (Robertson Activity Center - Yukon) Start Time: 1:00pm Local businesses and groups serving up chocolate treats. There will also be a silent auction consisting of an array of chocolate items. All proceeds benefit Yukon Friends of the Park and Ladies Library Club.
  • Christopher Knott-Craig to sign The Weird Animal Club (Full Circle Bookstore - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 3:00pm We all want to have friends. But sometimes, there’s something that makes us different from others. In many cases, that can make finding friends difficult. But as author Christopher Knott-Craig, MD, shows in his book, The Weird Animal Club, that doesn’t have to be the case. All the characters you’ll need have a physical difference of some…
  • OK Classics Car & Memorabilia Auction (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Pictures and auction list can be found at http://www.ballauction.bid. Entries due no later than January 15th, 2018. Special room rate at Grand Casino and Resort in Shawnee, OK.
  • Daddy Daughter Dance (Orr Family Farm Event Barn - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy an exciting evening at the Orr Family Farm with your little girl! Designed for ages 4-14, the Daddy Daughter Dance includes an evening of dancing provided by a professional DJ, light snacks, a commemorative photo from the photo booth and fun!
    Attire for the Daddy Daughter Dance will be church-appropriate clothing such as dresses for the…
  • February Gathering- brought to you by Synergy Advisors (Coffee & Cars OKC) (Coffee and Cars OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am Join Us for CoffeeandCarsOKC @ Northpark Mall (on 122nd & May)
    Bring what you got, or just come and look. No cost, plenty of room! TELL YOUR FELLOW CAR LOVERS
    -Spectators, please park in the north parking lot-
    Code of Conduct *NO Burnouts *No Parking on the Grass *NO Speeding *Pick-up Your Trash *Obey Traffic Laws *No Parking in Handicapped…
  • 🎨 For The Love of Art Opening and Reception (Studio112 and a Half - Shawnee) Start Time: 6:30pm Studio 112 and a half 112 ½ E.Main. Shawnee, OK. 74801. 405-314-4702
    MEDIA RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SHAWNEE, OK. 01/29/2018 Shawnee Muralist, Joel Carmichael to feature in ‘For The Love of Art’ show in February with 2 UCO students.
    Studio 112 and a half in Shawnee, Oklahoma, is extremely pleased to be welcoming back Joel…
  • Friends of the Guthrie Public Library Book Sale (Guthrie First United Presbyterian Church - Guthrie) Start Time: 8:00am The annual Friends of the Guthrie Public Library book sale will be held on Saturday, February 3 from 8-5 in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Presbyterian Church, located at 102 E. Noble in Guthrie. The Friends’ annual meeting will be held on Friday, February 2 at 7 p.m. with the members-only pre-sale to immediately follow until 9 p.m.…
  • Del City Gospel Singing (Del City) 4701 S.E. 26th Street
  • 🎭 Heisenberg by Simon Stephens (Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm In this new TONY® nominated Broadway hit, falling in love can be...uncertain. Amidst the bustle of a crowded London train station, impulsive American chatterbox Georgie spots Alex, a quiet, older buttoned-down British man, and plants a kiss on his neck. This electric encounter sends these two strangers into a fascinating and life-changing…
  • 🎭 Heisenberg - CityRep Theatre (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 7:30pm Presented by CityRep Theatre Starring Stacey Logan & Ben Hall In this new TONY® nominated Broadway hit, falling in love can be...uncertain. Amidst the bustle of a crowded London train station, impulsive American chatterbox Georgie spots Alex, a quiet, older buttoned-down British man, and plants a kiss on his neck. This electric encounter sends…
  • Judah & The Lion et al. (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Advance $25 | Day of Show $27.50 | Mezzanine $50 (21+) $2 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Jones Assembly Box Office. No re-entry. No refunds. No smoking. Under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Support acts are subject to change without notice. More questions? Visit our website HERE For questions regarding VIP…
  • Larry The Cable Guy (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Larry the Cable Guy aims to keep the crowd laughing all night long. Assemble at the Riverwind Casino, and see this…
  • 🍴 Little Miss Tea Party (Pioneer Library System - McLoud) Start Time: 11:00am Bring your Little Miss, ages 4 to 8, to dress up, make a craft, and have a tea party! Registration is required for this free event. Click the Tickets link to register.
  • Love is in the Air (Czech Hall - Yukon) Explore the Love is in the Air shopping event in Yukon, and pick up gifts just in time for Valentine's Day. Treat…
  • 🎡 Mardi Gras Mask Making (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Come make fun Mardi Gras masks at this free come-and-go event for all ages with Aimee Rook and the Norman Mardi Gras Parade Committee. Get ready for the downtown parade with your own custom-made mask or just head home with this artistic keepsake. Feathers, glitter, and all necessary mask-making materials will be provided, as well as…
  • Mike McClure And Scott Copeland (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • New Breed Brass Band (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City)
  • 🏆 No Limits Monster Truck Tour (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Start Time: 2:00pm Monster Truck Show featuring BIGFOOT'S only Oklahoma appearance in 2018!!
    Also featuring Monster Patrol, Twisted Addiction, Illuminator, Wicked Sckness & Bucking Bronco. Wheelie contests, racing & freestyle craziness! For the first time ever in Oklahoma: Hillclimb 4 x 4 Mud Bog Races; Kid's Power Wheel Races, Tuff Truck Drag Racing.
    Come to…
  • 😂 OKC Improv (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Oklahoma City's premier platform for improvised comedy theatre features weekly performances with shows Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm and 9:30pm. Performances will be held at The Paramount Theatre at 11 N. Lee Ave, OKC.
    Each show is $10 or see both for $15. Enjoy buy one get one ticket prices with your Keep It Local OK membership card, and free…
  • OU Sooners vs West Virginia Mountaineers (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Head to Norman to watch as the Oklahoma Sooners Women's Basketball take on the West Virginia Mountaineers. Since the…
  • Push Play (Newcastle Casino - Newcastle) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Saturdays for Kids: Storybook Read-in and Gallery Hunt (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Explore the Museum’s galleries and hear fantastic tales from exciting children’s books throughout. This Gallery Hunt & Find leads you across the Museum and helps you find the secret location for storybook readings at 10:30, 11:00, and 11:30 a.m. Free for children and accompanying adults. For more information, email…
  • SixTwelve Mardi Gras Ball (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Spring Gardening Workshop (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am It's time to get excited about gardening again! Members of the Cleveland County Master Gardeners program will present information on basic gardening prep, plant selection, planting, maintenance and more, with time for Q&A with speakers. After the workshop, the library will host a seed and plant exchange powered by YOU. Feel free to bring any…
  • Stephen Salewon with The Indigo (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Stephen Salewon is a singesongwriter. He grew up in Lagos, Nigeria and relocated to Oklahoma City with his family at the age of 13. Influences from his African roots, Red Dirt Music, likes of Jack Johnson, Mumford and Sons, and Coldplay, lay a foundation for the melodic and soulful tunes he considers Indie Folk. Join us Saturday, February…
  • 🎭 Tea (Edmond Historical Society - Edmond) Start Time: 2:00pm Join us for our 6th annual Tea event held at the Rodkey House Event & Education Annex! Tea is a multi-generational event for ladies 5 years and up. Visitors will learn the importance of Tea Time in the early 1900’s in Oklahoma and the history of early Edmond through a drama presentation by two living history actors performing as Catherine and…
  • Tree and Leaf - The End is Near! (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm

Sunday, Feb 4th

  • 🎭 The Bluest Eye (Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 8:00pm THE BLUEST EYE Based on the Toni Morrison novel Adapted by Lydia Diamond Showing in Burg Theatre at Oklahoma City University Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye is a story about the tragic life of a young black girl in 1940's Ohio. Eleven-year-old Pecola Breedlove wants nothing more than to be loved by her family and…
  • 🎭 Family Day (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 1:00pm Explore art in the museum’s permanent collection and temporary exhibitions, and enjoy a variety of hands-on art activities for the entire family. Visit the Generations in Modern Pueblo Painting exhibition and enjoy hands-on activities for the whole family.
  • Hail Sagan et al. (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City)
  • 🎭 Heisenberg - CityRep Theatre (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 7:30pm Presented by CityRep Theatre Starring Stacey Logan & Ben Hall In this new TONY® nominated Broadway hit, falling in love can be...uncertain. Amidst the bustle of a crowded London train station, impulsive American chatterbox Georgie spots Alex, a quiet, older buttoned-down British man, and plants a kiss on his neck. This electric encounter sends…
  • Home Team Hostilities: Fist Blood (Star Skate - Norman) Catch the buzz as the Oklahoma Victory Dolls put on an electrifying dance of athleticism and grace during their season…
  • 🎓 Massage for Better Health (Pioneer Library System - Moore) Start Time: 2:00pm Massage Therapist and Educator Tonya Sharp will be demonstrating how to utilize self-care massage to reduce stress and improve your health. All experience levels are welcome. Financial assistance for this special project is made possible with Federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library services administered through the Oklahoma…
  • R.LUM.R (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get your tickets for an evening of electro-pop & new soul when R.LUM.R brings his Framily Matters Tour to…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Los Angeles Lakers (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder take on the Los Angeles Lakers. Wear…
  • Valentine’s Floral Design Fun! (Mainstream Boutique Of - Edmond) Start Time: 3:00pm A fun night with friends, food {& Drinks!} and FLOWERS!
    Madeline’s Flowers will be bringing everything you need to create this beautiful arrangement. All you need to bring is yourself! Please contact the store at 405-285-2212 to make reservations. {Space is limited so don’t wait long to call! Cost is $40} Make it a girls night out!

Monday, Feb 5th

  • OU Sooners vs West Virginia Mountaineers (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Experience the action and excitement in Norman as the Oklahoma Sooners take on the West Virginia Mountaineers. Since the…

Tuesday, Feb 6th

  • School Of Rock - The Musical (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 11th OKC Broadway presents: School of Rock tells the tale of a wannabe rock star turned substitute teacher who turns a class…

See Also

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Sex offender tries to rape 19-year-old inside downtown Cleveland Chipotle, police say

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 60%. (I'm a bot)
CLEVELAND, Ohio - A convicted child sex offender held a woman against her will and tried to rape her inside the bathroom of the Chipotle in downtown Cleveland, police say.
The 19-year-old woman was inside the restaurant's bathroom when Ebose blocked her from leaving and tried to rape her, according to Cleveland police spokeswoman Sgt. Jennifer Ciaccia, and police and court records.
The victim later told police that Ebose was carrying a black guitar case when he tried to attack her, Ciaccia said.
The witness said Ebose tried to disappear into a large crowd that was downtown for a concert that night.
Ebose eventually ran toward Tower City, then walked in and out of Jack Cleveland Casino three times before officers arrived and took him into custody outside near Public Square, according to Ciaccia and the witness.
Ebose is a convicted sexual predator who must register as such in the state of Ohio, according to the Ohio Attorney General's sex offender registry.
Summary Source | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Ebose#1 tried#2 witness#3 woman#4 CLEVELAND#5
Post found in /news.
NOTICE: This thread is for discussing the submission topic. Please do not discuss the concept of the autotldr bot here.
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What's happening around town (Wed, Apr 27th - Tue, May 3rd)

Tulsa's event list.

Wednesday, Apr 27th

Thursday, Apr 28th

  • Alzheimers Benefit (The Shrine) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Black Tiger Sex Machine et al. (IDL Ballroom)
  • Cole Lynch (Whiskey Dog Bar & Grill - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Del McCoury Band (Cain's Ballroom) Del & Woody, an album featuring original lyrics of Woody Guthrie set to music by Del McCoury and performed by The Del McCoury Band, is set to be released on April 15... just in time for the show! All proceeds from this show will benefit the Woody Guthrie Center's education programs . Advance $23 | Day of $25 | Door $25 | Mezzanine $38 There is a…
  • Drillers vs Travelers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Arkansas Travelers Thirsty Thursday / Green Jersey Giveaway
  • Fiddler on the Roof (Theatre Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm April 15-30, 2016.
    Book by Joseph Stein Music by Jerry Bock Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
    Based on Sholem Aleichem’s stories by special permission of Arnold Perl
    A fresh, yet familiar take on the all-time classic tale of faith, family, and tradition! Mark Frie, Jean Valjean from Les Misérables, stars as Tevye – a poor Jewish milkman…
  • 🎨 Keystone Blue Heron (Tulsa Performing Art Center) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Apr. 1-30 10 am-5:30 pm, M-F, and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery April's exhibit in the PAC Gallery features the work of Sand Springs, Oklahoma artist Joey Frisillo. Joey grew up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Arts major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey into the w... FREE
  • The Last Slice (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm https://thelastslice.bandcamp.com/releases
  • 😂 Triple Feature 4-27-30 (Loony Bin) Thru Sat, Apr 30th
  • Tyler Bryant (Crow Creek Tavern) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Woody Guthrie Center Official Afterparty (The Vanguard) Start Time: 10:30pm Levi Parham, Jacob Tovar, Pilgrim

Friday, Apr 29th

  • Borns (Brady Theater) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • The Chill Expo Tulsa 2016 (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo) Thru Sun, May 1st
  • DJ Trigger Warning + DJ Swang em (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Dj Yella of N.W.A And Lil Eazy (The Shrine) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Drillers vs Naturals (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Northwest Arkansas Naturals News on 6 Friday Night Fireworks
  • Fiddler on the Roof (Theatre Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 8:00pm April 15-30, 2016.
    Book by Joseph Stein Music by Jerry Bock Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
    Based on Sholem Aleichem’s stories by special permission of Arnold Perl
    A fresh, yet familiar take on the all-time classic tale of faith, family, and tradition! Mark Frie, Jean Valjean from Les Misérables, stars as Tevye – a poor Jewish milkman…
  • First Friday Art Crawl w/musical guest Native Strange !!! (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎡 Germanfest (GAST House) Thru Sun, May 1st Dine on authentic German fare, listen to live German entertainment and watch as skilled folk dancers grace the stage at…
  • 🍴 Grand Wine Tasting presented by Polo Grill (Philbrook Museum of Art) Start Time: 6:00pm 45+ vintners. 20+ restaurants. 1 unforgettable experience. $145/Philbrook Members. $175/Not-yet Members. Visit Philbrook.org/wine for details. Renowned vintners and regional restaurants come together at Philbrook to create an unparalleled wine tasting experience. Guests enjoy the finest wines and culinary delights from dozens of acclaimed…
  • Green Country Classic Ranch Rodeo & Trade Show (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Day 1 of 2 Watch as 16 ranch teams from all across Oklahoma compete in exciting rodeo events such as wild cow milking, team…
  • Half Moon Run (The Vanguard)
  • Kendra Gives Back Party (Theatre Tulsa) Start Time: 5:00pm Enjoy Tulsa's finest selection of jewelry - and help out "Tulsa's Finest Local Theatre" too! Shop at Kendra Scott-Utica Square during the "Kendra Gives Back Party", and 20% of the sales will help support our theatre! Kendra Scott - Utica Square April 29, 5pm-8pm 20% of proceeds benefit TT Impress the special lady in your life - or plan the…
  • 🎨 Keystone Blue Heron (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Apr. 1-30 10 am-5:30 pm, M-F, and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery April's exhibit in the PAC Gallery features the work of Sand Springs, Oklahoma artist Joey Frisillo. Joey grew up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Arts major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey into the w... FREE
  • 🎨 Landscape: Scene Through My Eyes (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Apr. 1-29 10 am-5:30 pm, M-F, and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery April's exhibit in the PAC Gallery features the work of Sand Springs, Oklahoma artist Joey Frisillo. Joey grew up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Arts major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey into the w... FREE
  • $ Oklahoma All American Tattoo Convention (Hyatt Regency Hotel) Thru Sun, May 1st If you're a tattoo enthusiast or just curious about the art and industry of tattooing, head to the Hyatt Regency in…
  • 🍴 Philbrook Wine Experience (Philbrook Museum of Art) Day 1 of 2 Head to the Philbrook in Tulsa on a beautiful spring evening for a wine event so huge it takes a year to recover. Held…
  • 🍴 RSU Foundation Scholarship Auction and Dinner (Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs - Claremore) Start Time: 6:00pm The 2016 RSU Foundation Scholarship Auction and Dinner will take place on Friday, April 29th at the Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs Event Center (20900 S. 4200 Road, Claremore, Oklahoma). Doors open at 6 p.m. As part of the event, we are selling raffle tickets for a chance to spend up to $28,000 at either Jim Glover Chevrolet, Jim Glover…
  • Spring Antique Open House (Blue Heron Mercantile - Jenks) Thru Sun, May 1st Embrace the changing seasons by heading to Jenks for the Spring Antique Open House at Blue Heron Mercantile…
  • the Tiptons (Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs - Claremore) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 😂 Triple Feature 4-27-30 (Loony Bin) 1 day left
  • 🍴 Wine Experience (Philbrook Museum of Art) Start Time: 6:00pm Head to the Philbrook in Tulsa on a beautiful spring evening for a wine event so huge it takes a year to recover. Held every other year for over two decades, the biennial Philbrook Wine Experience Weekend brings internationally renowned vintners, regional restaurants and an impressive auction together under one roof to create one of the top ten…
  • Woody Guthrie Center Anniversary Weekend (Guthrie Green) Thru Sun, May 1st Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Z104.5 The Edge Birthday Bash (Brady Theater)

Saturday, Apr 30th

  • 5 BANDS 5 BUCKS (The Shrine) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • An evening of all original music w/ POPA J live (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • THE BOWIEXPERIENCE (The Vanguard) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎓 Chenoweth Master Class Auditions (Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 9:00am KRISTIN CHENOWETH MASTER CLASS AUDITIONS SET FOR THIRD ANNUAL EVENT An open casting call has been set for the third annual Kristin Chenoweth Master Class event. Students in grades 9-12 and at the collegiate level can audition at two separate events. Auditions will be held in Oklahoma City on Monday, April 25, while others can audition Saturday,…
  • Cherry Street Farmers Market Thru Wed, Apr 27th Start Time: 8:30am
  • The Chill Expo Tulsa 2016 (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo) 1 day left
  • 🎭 Dali Quartet with Ricardo Morales (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Day 1 of 2 Head to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center to hear world-class chamber music live right here in Oklahoma through Chamber…
  • DJ sweet baby jayzus (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:30pm
  • Drillers vs Naturals (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Northwest Arkansas Naturals Tulsa's Channel 8 Grand Slam Saturday / Autism Night Jersey Silent Auction / Fireworks Show!
  • 🎭 Fiddler on the Roof (Theatre Tulsa) (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Start Time: 2:00pm Apr. 15-16, 21-23, 27-29 at 8 p.m.; Apr. 16-17, 23-24 and 30 at 2 p.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre A fresh, yet familiar take on the all-time classic tale of faith, family, and tradition! Mark Frie (Jean Valjean from Les Mis�rables) stars as Tevye, a poor Jewish milkman struggling to raise five daughters in the face of changing customs and…
  • 🎡 Germanfest (GAST House) 1 day left Dine on authentic German fare, listen to live German entertainment and watch as skilled folk dancers grace the stage at…
  • 🍴 Germanfest (GAST House) Dine on authentic German fare, listen to live German entertainment and watch as skilled folk dancers grace the stage at the annual Germanfest in Tulsa. Held in downtown Tulsa, Germanfest is a fun-filled, family-friendly festival that invites all ages out to celebrate and learn about German culture. Entertainment will include polka band and folk…
  • Green Country Classic Ranch Rodeo & Trade Show (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Day 2 of 2 Watch as 16 ranch teams from all across Oklahoma compete in exciting rodeo events such as wild cow milking, team…
  • Green Country Classic Ranch Rodeo & Trade Show (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Watch as 16 ranch teams from five states compete in exciting rodeo events such as wild cow milking, team penning, cattle branding and bronc riding. The Green Country Classic Ranch Rodeo celebrates the history of early Oklahoma's cattle raising economy and the rural traditions of the area. Remember to watch the kids compete in the Junior Ranch…
  • 🎓 "IT’S A BABY!" Baby Shower (Chandler Park) Start Time: 10:00am Shower Welcoming Young Families to Parenthood! Educational event for expectant families offering topics important to the well-being of new babies. Expectant mothers and fathers are welcome to attend this FREE event. Participants are provided with workshops on topics such as growth and development, nutrition, safety. Vendors from local…
  • Ken Risewick Catfish Bash (Keystone Lake - Cleveland) Compete to catch the biggest and best catfish Keystone Lake has to offer at the annual Ken Risewick Catfish Bash. Check…
  • Lynch Mob (River Spirit Casino)
  • 🎓 MCN JBC Challenge (Expo Square: Pavilion)
  • $ Metcalf Gun Show (Expo Square) Day 1 of 2 The Metcalf Gun Show at Expo Square in Tulsa is sure to have the products you are looking for with a wide selection of…
  • Myers-Duren Harley-Davidson: Smoke & Guns III (BOK Center) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • $ Oklahoma All American Tattoo Convention (Hyatt Regency Hotel) 1 day left If you're a tattoo enthusiast or just curious about the art and industry of tattooing, head to the Hyatt Regency in…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma All American Tattoo Convention (Hyatt Regency Hotel) If you're a tattoo enthusiast or just curious about the art and industry of tattooing, head to the Hyatt Regency in Tulsa for the Oklahoma All American Tattoo Convention. This event will feature over 100 of the tattoo industry's most talented artists from all over the country. Richard Stell from Ink Master, Anthony Montemayor from CMT's Tattoo…
  • Parachute (Cain's Ballroom) Head to Tulsa for an evening of blue-eyed soul as Parachute takes the stage at Cain’s Ballroom. Hailing from…
  • 🍴 Philbrook Wine Experience (Philbrook Museum of Art) Day 2 of 2 Head to the Philbrook in Tulsa on a beautiful spring evening for a wine event so huge it takes a year to recover. Held…
  • 🏃 PURPOSE 2.2 (TCC Southeast Campus) PURPOSE, stands for Powerful Unbreakable Resilient Person Overcoming Suicide Everyday and the 2.2 represents the roughly 22 veterans that commit suicide a day.
    see website for details and registration!
  • Smoke and Guns (BOK Center) Start Time: 7:00pm Oklahoma firefighters take on Oklahoma police officers in the Third Annual Smoke and Guns Charity MMA and Boxing event on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at BOK Center. In this one-night only event, presented by 918 Fully Involved, Tulsa's best will go toe-to-toe in the ring to benefit the Oklahoma Firefighters Burn Camp and Oklahoma Special Olympics.…
  • Spring Antique Open House (Blue Heron Mercantile - Jenks) 1 day left Embrace the changing seasons by heading to Jenks for the Spring Antique Open House at Blue Heron Mercantile…
  • St. Augustine's Arts, Crafts & Business Expo (St. Augustine Catholic Church) Head to Tulsa for a day spent shopping and learning tricks of the trade at St. Augustine's Arts, Crafts &…
  • 🏃 Stone Canyon Hero Run (Owasso Ok 74055 - Owasso) 1 mile times run 5k certified course 10k plus (6.25 mile) 10k plus 2 person relay (6.25 total distance)
    PANCAKE BREAKFAST (courtesy Marshall Spinal Care) soft cotton race shirts/finisher medals for everyone who registers by 4/22/16. 5.00 discount for Wing's members, YMCA, Stone Canyon Running Club.
  • 😂 Triple Feature 4-27-30 (Loony Bin) Last Day
  • Woody Guthrie Center Anniversary Weekend (Guthrie Green) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm

Sunday, May 1st

  • Animal Collective (Cain's Ballroom) Head to Tulsa for an evening of experimental and noise pop when Animal Collective takes over at Cain’s…
  • 🎨 Arias & Art (Philbrook Museum of Art) Start Time: 1:00pm Art and opera converge as Tulsa Opera Studio Artists present selections from Camille Saint-Saëns masterpiece, Samson and Delilah. In this grand opera of biblical proportions, seductive Delilah attempts to discover the source of Samson’s divine strength and divert Samson from his mission to free his Hebrew kinsmen. After the Studio Artists’…
  • The Chill Expo Tulsa 2016 (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo) Last Day
  • 🎭 Dali Quartet with Ricardo Morales (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Day 2 of 2 Head to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center to hear world-class chamber music live right here in Oklahoma through Chamber…
  • Dal Quartet With Ricardo Morales (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Start Time: 3:00pm Dal� Quartet With Ricardo Morales May 1 at 3 p.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre The Dal� Quartet creates a zesty, irresistible fusion of classical roots and Latin soul. They will enthrall you with swirling dance rhythms and sultry melodies, and enchant you with masterworks that are both sublime and profound. The Quartet will b... GET TICKETS
  • David's Bandana + Darkbird (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Tulsa Drillers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 1:05pm vs Northwest Arkansas Naturals Kids Eat Free! / AWESOME Socks Giveaway / Kids Baseball Skills Clinic
  • Ellis Paul (Woody Guthrie Center)
  • 🎡 Germanfest (GAST House) Last Day Dine on authentic German fare, listen to live German entertainment and watch as skilled folk dancers grace the stage at…
  • Gretchen Peters (Woody Guthrie Center) Start Time: 2:30pm
  • Ian Moore (The Shrine)
  • $ Metcalf Gun Show (Expo Square) Day 2 of 2 The Metcalf Gun Show at Expo Square in Tulsa is sure to have the products you are looking for with a wide selection of…
  • 🎓 Metcalf Gun Show (Expo Square) Start Time: 10:00am
  • $ Oklahoma All American Tattoo Convention (Hyatt Regency Hotel) Last Day If you're a tattoo enthusiast or just curious about the art and industry of tattooing, head to the Hyatt Regency in…
  • Patti Lupone (Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center - Broken Arrow)
  • Sarah Maud & Dean DeMerritt (Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Spring Antique Open House (Blue Heron Mercantile - Jenks) Last Day Embrace the changing seasons by heading to Jenks for the Spring Antique Open House at Blue Heron Mercantile…
  • Woody Guthrie Center Anniversary Weekend (Guthrie Green) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm

Monday, May 2nd

Tuesday, May 3rd

See Also

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