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Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ August 1, 1988 - Bruiser Brody Obituary

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive and 2002 by daprice82
1-4-1988 1-11-1988 1-18-1988 1-25-1988
2-1-1988 2-8-1988 2-15-1988 2-22-1988
2-29-1988 3-7-1988 3-14-1988 3-21-1988
3-28-1988 4-4-1988 4-11-1988 4-18-1988
4-25-1988 5-2-1988 5-9-1988 5-16-1988
5-23-1988 5-30-1988 6-6-1988 6-13-1988
6-20-1988 6-27-1988 7-4-1988 7-11-1988
7-18-1988 7-25-1988 * *
Rewinder note: With the end of the 2002 Rewinds and the opening of Wednesdays as a space, I'm going to aim for getting these up on Wednesdays going forward instead of Thursdays. I'm settling into my work enough now that I think I may even be able to start getting out ahead of these some, and eventually I hope to get back to a twice a week schedule. Not yet, but that's a goal.
  • Bruiser Brody’s murder remains the biggest story of the week, to the point that there really isn’t that much to this issue other than Dave’s full-length obituary for Brody. Last week Dave spent two pages on the story and giving a solid career overview, but this week 60% of the issue is all Brody, and it’s a near-comprehensive essay on Brody’s life, career, and his final days. I’m not about to be able to cover every nuance of this essay, and if the balance of this issue were similar to the ones where daprice82 briefly touches on the obituary I’d do as he does and just give a brief paragraph and a suggestion to read the full obit. But this issue is pretty much a Bruiser Brody memorial issue in its entirety, with just over 6 pages of obituary, 3/4 a page of headlines, and 3 pages of letters. There’s nothing worthwhile in the letters this issue, so 90% of the worthwhile material in this issue is the 7200 word obituary for Brody. The way I see it, the proportionality of this issue makes the standard procedure of giving a short paragraph extolling Dave’s obituary writing not feasible - the Mr. Wrestling obituary in the December 16, 2002 Rewind was of comparable length, but takes up less than 25% of the issue and leaves plenty of stuff to cover. If I did a 135 word stub, we’d probably have a rewind with more space devoted to the archive of past rewinds than to the material in this issue, and that feels weak. To that end, I’m going to give a condensed version of the obituary (with occasional comments to further contextualize Brody for a 21st century readership) that, including those additional comments, clocks in under half the length and still gives us a respectable length for the rewind. This is fortunately one of three issues up on the Observer archive from 1988, so if you are interested in reading the whole unedited essay (and I encourage you to do so, it’s an incredible read), I highly encourage you to do so. I’m not going to pretend that this even holds a candle to the full obituary, but I do hope to represent it well enough.
  • Bruiser Brody was going to main event so many shows at the end of the summer and beginning of fall, and his murder has significantly disrupted the wrestling world. What was happening on July 16, 1988 when Brody was stabbed? Giant Baba was planning on Bruiser Brody vs. Stan Hansen, which would have been a sure sellout, to main event his August 29 show. In Puerto Rico, Carlos Colón was preparing for his own biggest show of the year, WWC’s anniversary show on September 10. The Aniversario was to be shown on closed-circuit throughout the Caribbean and even live on FNN/Score in the U.S., which would make it the first major show from overseas to be shown in the U.S. and Brody was to be in the main event there, too. Otto Wanz was surely still upset, because he’d had Brody booked to job to him in the biggest show of the year in Europe, but Brody decided against going because publicity of that loss in Japan would hurt him as a draw. Every small promotion in the United States, if they were planning a show and wanted to make money, they were thinking about calling Bruiser Brody. And on that afternoon, Frank Goodish called his wife Barbara as he did every afternoon he was on the road. Nothing seemed amiss. He’d be home Monday and didn’t have any foreign tours lined up for another month. But Frank Goodish, Bruiser Brody, died on the operating table early the next morning, suffering stab wounds inflicted by Invader #1 backstage during the show on Sunday. Fuck Invader #1.
  • In 1988, Bruiser Brody was one of a kind. To those of us who live in 2021, most of us have never seen a wrestler quite like him. It’s not even a matter of gimmick. He truly was a unique figure in the business, one of the top stars internationally in a way that allowed him to be able to go where he wanted, when he wanted, to effectively command whatever price he wanted, and to inspire as much awe in his fellow wrestlers as he did fans. And he could do it without working a grueling full-time schedule for the WWF or NWA, or really any single promotion. Perhaps the closest you might be able to come up with today would be Brock Lesnar, but even Brock Lesnar doesn’t hold a candle to Brody in that level of independence. So many wrestlers copied Brody’s look, his gimmick, his every little movement. And yet, while he was the biggest name everywhere outside the U.S., he never was the guy in the U.S. He rarely did jobs, earning him a reputation stateside as hard to do business with, and would often change finishes mid-match to suit his sense of business (another difference from Brock). Brody knew what he was worth and fiercely protected his image, and more often than not his ruthless approach to business was more on the pulse than the promoter’s, so there wasn’t much room to complain after he did things his way.
  • Dave next gives a much more thorough overview of Brody’s early life and start in wrestling than we got last week. His youth and football career all paint the picture that he was never quite able to have the discipline to work as a team player. He became a sportswriter and played minor league football and wound up meeting Ivan Putski while lifting weights, and Putski convinced him to become a wrestler in 1973. He worked everywhere. Leroy McGuirk’s Mid South territory took him on first, and he soon debuted for World Class, getting his big break in 1975 in Florida as Frank “The Hammer” Goodish, where he won the Florida title from Rocky Johnson. In the WWWF he got the name “Bruiser” Frank Brody, becoming Bruno Sammartino’s challenger following Billy Graham and Stan Hansen’s stints in the role. Brody had a good run, but when it ended, work in the U.S. dried up for him and he went to New Zealand, where he met his wife, Barbara. He came back to World Class in 1977 to wrestle Fritz Von Erich, and Brody’s willingness to bleed made Fritz’s Iron Claw one of the most feared holds ever. His cool factor ensured he was a perennial babyface no matter what, and by 1978 Brody was already one of the highest paid wrestlers ever. Through Fritz, Brody secured his first Japan tour with Giant Baba in 1979, where he completely changed the business by opening the door to huge American monsters being dominant figures in Japanese wrestling. Brody, along with Stan Hansen, changed the game and made it so Americans in Japan didn’t simply fall into the pattern of working a few weeks getting put over in order to be fed to Baba or Inoki, but could be stars in their own right. He became a fan favorite, and while he didn’t let Japanese wrestlers get their shit in, the money he brought in made it more than worth it. He was well-regarded in the Japanese press and got the nickname “The Intelligent Monster.”
Watch: a bit of Bruiser Brody in his WWWF run, wrestling Bruno Sammartino in 1976
  • Brody was not, however, popular among American promoters, who felt his success in Japan had made him too uncontrollable. Wrestling promoters, like C-suite executives in any other business, are highly protective of their power over the rank-and-file employees. Labor works to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads, while executives wield power over them and hold the stability of workers’ lives in the palms of their hands. An individual worker negotiates from a position of weakness in nearly all cases (this is why unions are necessary). Not so with Brody. He was in a position of strength like few others before or since in wrestling, the same kind of strength as Hogan, Hall, and Nash had in 1996, or Brock enjoys today. He guaranteed money and could get over anywhere faster than anyone save perhaps Andre the Giant. And he proved this after Sam Muchnick retired and the St. Louis promotion was run by a committee. Larry Matysik, a member of that committee, not only broke from the NWA and crowned Brody as his star, but actually outdrew the NWA. With Brody’s insane popularity, it was impossible to blacklist him, and when Vince Jr. took WWF national, the NWA territories couldn’t afford a bad relationship with Brody. They needed Brody in order to try and compete, but he didn’t need them. Bruiser Brody was bigger than the NWA.
  • Prior to WWF’s national expansion, the big money was in Japan, and Brody was in the thick of the Baba/Inoki rivalry. Inoki had the lead in 1983 thanks to Tiger Mask, Riki Choshu, Dynamite Kid, Hulk Hogan, and Abdullah the Butcher. When Tiger Mask retired and Terry Funk announced his first retirement (and subsequently went back on it and pissed off fans in Japan), Inoki’s lead faltered, and Baba took the lead in 1984 by signing Choshu and his crew. Then in 1985 Vince McMahon held Inoki up for a bigger booking fee for his wrestlers to work Japan (Vince demanded a tenfold increase to $500k/year to book his wrestlers), Inoki lost his biggest foreign draw. Unable to hurt McMahon, Inoki contented himself to strike at Baba by signing Brody out from under him. Baba had brought in the Road Warriors, who got mega-over mega-fast and immediately started making money equal to Brody ($10,000 per week). Brody signed a deal with Inoki, but not before asserting himself against Choshu with a stiff kick and a refusal to let Choshu have any advantage on the March 9, 1985 live tv show and walking out of All Japan during a six-man tag match on the March 23 tv show. His deal with Inoki was the most lucrative in the history of the business to that point (the deal was for $14k/week in 1985, stepping up to $16k in 1986 and $18k in 1987, with a six-figure signing bonus for commitment to 16 weeks a year, plus bonuses for getting other Americans to sign on with Inoki for tours).
Watch: Bruiser Brody tags out, then leaves mid-match on his way out of All Japan
  • Brody’s New Japan run wasn’t all sunshine and roses, and he wasn’t fully convinced the money was worth the headache. Inoki’s tours were more stressful and disorganized, and Inoki put major pressure on Brody to lie down for him in the ring. And while they drew big houses at first, Inoki’s relentless booking of the Brody/Inoki match had cooled the feud off entirely because neither man would take a loss. Brody hadn’t done a job since 1981, and part of the stalemate had to do with Brody’s value in bringing American talent into New Japan, including getting Fritz Von Erich to associate with Inoki over Baba. Meanwhile, as Vince McMahon prepared for Wrestlemania, promoters stateside figured it was do-or-die for the WWF and one promoter tried to get Brody on board with sabotaging the event by jumping Mr. T as he came down the aisle at Madison Square Garden. Brody didn’t bite, because that would have been a stupid business move, and Brody didn’t do stupid business moves. By the end of the year, Inoki still hadn’t paid him his finder’s fee for bringing in American talent, and it all exploded in a match with Seiji Sakaguchi where who started things remains up for debate, but Brody ended it by legitimately attacking Sakaguchi’s knee with his chain. Sakaguchi wasn’t just talent, though. He was New Japan’s booker, and the next day he sent a message to Brody on the train to the next show. Who knows what it said, but Brody and Jimmy Snuka (in solidarity with Brody) got off the train and returned to their hotel, losing out on a $40,000 payday for Brody (pay comes at the end of the tour in Japan) and a big payday for Snuka as well. And as it appeared Brody’s career in Japan was over, Crockett and McMahon’s national bids were killing the territories in America, where desperate smaller promotions called upon Brody to help their ailing gates. Brody and McMahon negotiated, and whether it was McMahon’s wariness about Brody’s ability to follow direction or Brody’s inability to accept limitations on his own independence, nothing came of it. Were he still alive, Dave thinks it likely Brody would have eventually taken a deal with McMahon to make good money as he closed out his career heading into the 90s. In an amusing aside, Dave imagines that had this happened, some more casual fans would have thought Brody an early 90s imitation of Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
  • In the summer of 1986, Brody and Inoki worked a show together in Hawaii, which led to him returning to Japan for two matches in September and discussion of a return run with pay likely exceeding $20,000 a week. The return run never happened. New Japan was in a complete spiral, and we never got Brody vs. Akira Maeda, who was beginning to establish himself as a tough guy who would have done amazing business with Brody, though it’s certain neither would have done the job for the other. Yet Brody’s career didn’t miss a step. He worked in World Class for a few months and was in demand everywhere as Wrestlemania III increased interest and breathed new life into the independent scene. He did his first job in 6 years to Abdullah the Butcher. He filled in for Ric Flair in October 1987 for Baba and won the most popular foreign wrestler award in Japan by a mile. His career was as strong as ever. And in the course of his career, Brody had seen many wrestlers pass too early. The wrestling industry is a brutal one with constant late night travel and heavy drug use contributing to numerous vehicular accidents and drug-related deaths. Brody was there when David Von Erich died and was the booker for World Class when Mike Von Erich took his own life, and swore he had a premonition of Mike’s death a week or two beforehand. Brody was no stranger to the dark side of the ring.
Watch: David Von Erich’s Japanese funeral
  • Brody debuted as a heel in Puerto Rico in 1983, and as always he did what he wanted rather than what he was told. Brody’s business sense meant what he wanted always worked, and booker Tom Renesto eventually gave up on telling Brody what to do, entrusting him to handle his own matches. Puerto Rico seemed like the one place where Brody could be Brody and the promotion was happy. He turned face around a year or two ago, saving Invader #1, real name José González, from a double team by Jason the Terrible and Abdullah the Butcher. There was no hint of any tensions between Brody and the promotion. He and Carlos Colón had a shouting match several months back because he made the tag champs look like jobbers, but he’d worked tours since and even volunteered to lose via countout to Dory Funk Jr. in the spring Gillette Cup. On July 14, Brody even rode into San Juan to start the tour with González (booker) and Victor Quiñones (who handled the box office), Colón’s business partners. Brody even considered Quiñones his best friend in Puerto Rico. If there was bad blood, it was kept close to the vest and nobody knew about it, least of all Brody. He’d been in a lot of fights, but he’d never lost one in large part because he was never caught off guard. Dave’s heard dozens of different stories about July 16, and near as he can piece together, the following is the most accurate account we may ever get, at least until any criminal investigations and trials bring new information.
  • Brody rode into Bayamón on July 16 with Dutch Mantell and Tony Atlas. He was scheduled third from the top of the card against Danny Spivey, under the Invaders vs. Ron and Chicky Star in a cage match and Colón defending the Universal Title against Abdullah the Butcher. The crowd was only 8,000, probably a disappointment to the office. Brody and co. arrived at 7:15 pm, showtime to begin at 8:30, and the babyfaces were already there in the locker room. González apparently sat on a bench with a large towel over his hand, and about five minutes later asked Brody to the bathroom for a private meeting (not unusual in wrestling), saying “Brody, mi amigo, come here por favor.” Dave doesn’t name his witness, but I’d wager a guess it’s Atlas who described Brody following González into the bathroom “like a lamb being led to slaughter.” Five seconds after the door closed, loud screams rang out and one wrestler claims to have seen the actual stabbing through the plexiglass wall of the bathroom. Panic. Brody stumbles out of the bathroom and González leaves, eventually returning with a change of clothes and winds up working his match. The ring doctor comes to the dressing room. Brody’s lung was pierced, his liver punctured, and arteries had been severed, causing air bubbles in his blood. He was still fully conscious. Brody spoke to Colón from the floor and told him “No matter what happens, please, take care of my boy.” An ambulance arrived around 7:45 pm and Atlas went with Brody to the hospital. When the hospital refused to let him stay, he returned to the stadium and wrestled his match, because the show went on anyway. The fans were not told. It’s not clear what the heel locker room was told, or even when they found anything out. The promotion claims to have believed Brody had stabilized by that night, and most of the wrestlers believe the promotion’s claim not to have known how serious Brody’s condition was.
  • Carlos Colón’s wife called Barbara Goodish late that night and told her a terrible accident had occurred and she should head to Puerto Rico. Barbara called her husband’s hotel, perhaps believing it to be a prank, and the hotel clerk put her on the phone with Mantell, who told her things were rough and to come to Puerto Rico. Neither the wrestler nor Barbara knew how bad it was. When she and 7-year old Geoffrey arrived at the hospital, they were met by Abdullah the Butcher, who broke the news that her husband had died on the operating table early that morning. The World Wrestling Council’s July 17 show in Mayagüez was to go on as scheduled, and word hadn’t reached the public. A number of the American wrestlers no-showed, with several leaving immediately and many of the babyfaces leaving statements with the police. Some of the heels still didn’t know. González was present and ready to work. Colón asked the wrestlers to work the show and claimed it was what Frank would have wanted. The show wound up cancelled because too few wrestlers stuck around. On the 18th, González was arrested for first degree murder and a weapons violation. The weapon was never recovered, and he was released after posting bond. He’s scheduled for arraignment on August 8. Dave covers his career in brief, noting that some of his peers thought of him as a hot-head and others said he wasn’t well-liked (a not-uncommon state of affairs for a booker, so this tells us less than we’d like).
  • As we reach the end of this story, a single question remains: why? Why is Bruiser Brody dead? Why is Barbara Goodish a widow? According to the police, González asked Brody to do a job to Spivey on Saturday night and Brody refused. But that’s not a motive for murder. And it doesn’t add up with the described timing of events, or Brody’s good mood upon arriving at the stadium. He would have been on edge and ready to argue had it been discussed earlier. Some newspapers are reporting money issues. Dave doesn’t know what Brody’s deal for the tour was, but it would have been set well in advance, and typically wrestlers who come to Puerto Rico get a check in the mail a few weeks after their tour is over so they don’t have to carry a lot of cash back to the States. There’s rumor that Brody owned a share of the company and they wanted it back, but Dave’s seen no evidence for that. Another rumor holds that González wasn’t in his right mind because his daughter had drowned earlier that week, but while she did drown, that accident happened six months earlier. Ultimately, Dave doesn’t have an answer for us as to why. Sometimes there is no clear-cut why. Maybe there was discontent over Brody’s way of doing business. Maybe González snapped out of paranoia about keeping his spot in the babyface pecking order. Only González knows for sure, and so far he’s not telling.
  • Brody’s funeral was Tuesday, and hundreds of fans in Puerto Rico and wrestlers and reporters and photographers attended, and Geoffrey reportedly told his mother “I’m not going to embarrass Daddy by crying at his funeral.” World Wrestling Council had another show the next night, with a banner signed by several thousand fans that read “We the wrestling fans of Puerto Rico wish to extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Bruiser Brody. Please don’t judge the people of Puerto Rico by the actions of one mad man.” The murder of Bruiser Brody made major headlines in Japan and Puerto Rico, got a lot of coverage in Texas, and got reported in places like New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand. Outside of Texas, though, the news went unreported in most of the U.S. Neither the WWF nor the NWA acknowledged a thing, unsurprising since WWF didn’t acknowledge Adrian Adonis’s death and he had been a major star for them. World Class is the biggest promotion to acknowledge Brody’s passing, and they plan to give away Brody memorabilia at upcoming shows. Entertainment Tonight is planning a special on Brody and Adonis for next week. So where do things stand, now that Bruiser Brody is no longer with us? The independents have lost their best weapon in the fight for survival against extinction. Giant Baba faces the challenge of opposing UWF without his biggest draw. Invader #1 is officially no longer with the World Wrestling Council, but Brody’s blood has stained that promotion and it will be a long time if ever before they can wash out that damn spot. Their Anniversary show? No longer going to broadcast in the States, and original plans for three venues have been scrapped. Dave concludes by revisiting December 13, 1981. And this I’ll quote in full:
It was time for the finals of Giant Baba’s annual tag team tournament. Bruiser Brody and Jimmy Snuka were facing off against The Funk Brothers. The match started out slow, but built up to the point that it is generally regarded as one of the greatest matches in the history of the Orient. Certainly it was among the most memorable. All four men were at their best here and when the dust settled, Stan Hansen had shocked the crowd by showing up at ringside (he had just a few days earlier finished a tour with Inoki, and this arrival signalled his jump to Baba). Brody pinned Dory after a kneedrop to win the tournament. For the next three years, Brody and Hansen repeated the same scene, not always winning, but always getting into the finals of the tournament, and on the final night having classic matches that fans will never forget. And that’s the bottom line. Whether you saw him before 200 fans at an independent show, where he made the building look like a tornado had just hit when he was finished, or at a major arena before a sellout crowd, Brody was one of those rare wrestling personalities that fans will never forget.
Read: Dutch Mantell’s recollection of the murder of Bruiser Brody, and Brody’s 1983 shoot on giving back to wrestling when it’s time to wind down his career
Watch: Bruiser Brody and Jimmy Snuka vs. The Funk Brothers, December 13, 1981
  • On to the news. The Great American Bash ppv drew somewhere between a 3.5 and 4% buyrate, grossing between $5.5 and $6 million. Outside of Wrestlemanias 3 & 4 and Survivor Series and a couple boxing events, it’s now the highest grossing event in the history of pay-per-view (wrestling was absolutely integral to making ppv a successful model for cable companies). That’s in line with expectations and the cable companies that carried it have already signed to carry the next ppv in December, so that show should be a success. Dave doesn’t seem to have quite figured out that the December show will be Starrcade, but we’ll get there eventually. Also as expected, the Bash did monster rates in the Carolinas and the southeast, where it beat Wrestlemania IV’s numbers, and only okay at best elsewhere such as a 2.2% in New York. Yeah, about that buyrate… next week’s going to dig into the numbers more and it’s not good for Crockett, because 3.5%-4% is some bullshit.
  • The Tokyo newspaper Yoshitake published the first report from the TBS side of the TurneNWA negotiations and quoted TBS executive Jack Patrick as saying he will have jurisdiction over the NWA after the buy-out. According to Patrick, TBS will set policy for the company, Patrick will be in charge of enforcing it, and Crockett and Rhodes would handle the wrestling end of things. He also said finalization of the sale will be completed within 60 days. It’ll be just a touch longer than that, but we’re near the end of the JCP/NWA era and near the beginning of World Championship Wrestling.
  • The LawleVon Erich title unification match in Memphis on July 18 resulted in Lawler winning by disqualification after Von Erich used a piledriver on Lawler. Apparently the piledriver is illegal in Memphis (or is it that it’s illegal to piledrive Lawler?). As a result, no titles changed hands, even though by World Class rules Lawler should now be unified champion because the World Class belt does change hands on a disqualification. Someone forgot about that here, though.
  • Verne Gagne is getting the AWA onto ppv with Wrestlerock III on November 6. Capacity at the Metrodome is 55,000 seats and ZZ Top have been contracted to perform in concert during the show. Gagne originally planned the show to go on November 8, but someone clued him in that running against a presidential election that at this point looks very close was a really bad idea. Yes, prior to September Michael Dukakis had a real chance of beating Bush and was even leading in Gallup’s poll by around 17 points at the time this issue was written. Anyway, only one match is announced so far (Magnificent Mimi vs. Medusa), while they claim wrestlers from five promotions will work the card. This show (which will eventually become Superclash III) is going to be a complete disaster.
  • Coming to WWF is D.J. Peterson, and Curt Hennig is negotiating with WWF again. Having burned WWF twice, Hennig’s not exactly in the best standing.
  • Stampede is pushing Steve Blackman hard, putting him in the main event against Makhan Singh. He’s still pretty green and not ready for that level of push.
  • During a brawl a few weeks back at a show in Redding, California, between Ultimate Warrior and Hercules Hernandez, Herc fell onto a table and cut his arm up bad. He wound up needing 76 stitches to close up the wound, and he and Warrior got into trouble for throwing tv monitors around during the scuffle.
  • Dick Slater has quit Southern Championship Wrestling to go work in Puerto Rico. Given the fact that Bruiser Brody was just murdered there by the booker of the WWC, this understandably has some wrestlers upset. Brody had a lot of friends (and a lot of enemies as well) in the business, and there’s effectively an informal U.S. boycott of the WWC by American wrestlers.
  • I just want to leave this quote here so you can be as confused as I am: “Joe Malenko won a one-match tournament for the Global jr. heavyweight title.” That’s a match. Is every match that’s not part of a tournament a one-match tournament? What is a one-match tournament?
  • In case you’re wondering, Dean Malenko has left the wrestling business to work in the airline industry behind the counter.
  • WATL in Atlanta is going to drop its Saturday night wrestling block of shows. Apparently, they aren’t happy with having the image of being “the wrestling station” and are dropping wrestling to try and change that image.
  • The general consensus on the NWA’s Bash tour is that if the card has a WarGames match, it’s the best thing you’ll ever see, Fanatics vs. Midnight is great, and everything else sucks.
  • No major recurring themes in the letters this week, just some observations and such. One letter thinks Owen’s style will help him stand out and become successful in WWF. Another questions the concept of “smart” fans because it presupposes that there are adults who actually aren’t smart to what wrestling is. Another questions the ability of an unemployed construction worker to be a “smart” fan and know insider terms about wrestling in the David Sammartino case covered covered in the March 21 rewind. One letter suggests that Dave could be clearer when giving territory reports with match ratings on where those ratings are coming from so they don’t get confused with being Dave’s opinion (I agree with this reader). Dave answers a letter asking who all has played the roles of Kim Chee and Friday with Kamala over the years and notes that in the 70s Jimmy Carter’s mother used to write letters to Pat Patterson. Nothing of significant interest this week, but still figured it was worth giving a brief.
NEXT WEEK: Development in the Brody muder case, Bash buyrates a crock, Crockett in financial trouble, can TBS save Crockett?, and more
submitted by SaintRidley to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

ex boss is withholding paycheck

context: im in Florida
i began working a part time gig a few weeks ago, about 16-20 hours a week, $12/hr. i was being paid off the books, so nothing was signed or officially agreed upon as far as the position. last monday, i abruptly quit after working 8 hours that day, due to differences between me and my boss.
i understand i put her in a tough position by leaving but i needed to be my own advocate in this uncomfortable work situation. it’s been a week now and she still hasn’t paid me. i’ve reach out a couple times but she’s ignoring me, as expected. i’m aware that since the gig was under the table, i don’t have any legal options. however, i’m seeking advice for more creative ways to encourage her to compensate me for my labor.
what i have: -her cell numbeemail -experiences of her talking poorly about her customers -brand name (basically, access to the brand’s socials, perhaps leaving bad reviews??)
I posted in another advice sub and was recommended to remind her paying under the table as a business is illegal. I’m not looking to get her in any trouble but if there’s a way I can word a message to her that’ll make her feel that her best option is just to pay me, then i’d love help scripting that out.
i’d appreciate any advice that will help me get my money.
Edit: added my location
submitted by mavibeacon to legaladvice [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: DHS hides intelligence that reveals Trump using Russia's playbook, again

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.

Trump’s playbook is Russia’s playbook

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in July withheld an intelligence bulletin warning of a Russian plot to spread misinformation regarding Joe Biden's mental health. The bulletin, titled “Russia Likely to Denigrate Health of U.S. Candidates to Influence 2020 Election,” was blocked by the office of acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf on July 9.
  • The bulletin states that analysts had “high confidence” in their conclusion. However, a DHS spokesperson tried to defend the “delay” in issuing the document by saying it did not meet the agency’s standards. This is curious because just a week later, on July 16, DHS circulated a bulletin on anarchists in Portland that officers admitted they had “low confidence” in. Why was the Russia memo held back but the Portland one released?
  • Trump has been pushing the same line of attack against Biden for months - yet another instance of Russia and Trump operating from the same playbook. For instance, in March Trump said there was “something going on” with Biden; in June Trump ran selectively edited ads asserting that Biden is “unfit to serve as Commander in Chief”; last month Trump ran a digital ad portraying Biden as perpetually confused and mentally unstable. Most recently, Trump said questions about his own health are only in the news because “they want to try and get me to be on Biden's physical level."
DHS is just the latest agency in the Trump administration to erode election security, following actions by the Justice Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) last month. DNI John Ratcliffe announced he was ending in-person congressional briefings on election security ahead of November and AG Bill Barr removed a leading career official at the Justice Department’s national security division, replacing him with an inexperienced political appointee.
The ODNI’s decision to halt congressional election briefs may have been influenced by top White House officials. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien and Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, among others, have repeatedly discussed in meetings with staff and with Trump “how to restrict and control the flow of information on such sensitive topics to Capitol Hill.”
One White House official told The Daily Beast that Meadows has for months been wary of the type of briefings on Capitol Hill that Democratic sources can potentially use to try to make Trump look bad through surreptitious leaks to media outlets.
Meanwhile, interim Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee Marco Rubio (R-FL) said last week that his committee will be granted an exception to the ODNI’s new policy and continue to receive in-person briefings from top U.S. intelligence officials about election-security issues. This essentially means that only Democrat-led committees have been cut out of the process ensuring election security.
House Democrats wrote to Ratcliffe insinuating if his office does not provide the previously scheduled briefings this month they will issue subpoenas and/or defund the ODNI in the appropriations bill due by the end of the month. Read the letter here.
In addition to attacks on Biden’s health, DHS has determined that Russia is seeking to “amplify” concerns over the integrity of U.S. elections by promoting allegations that mail-in voting will lead to widespread fraud. Intelligence analysts say this strategy has been underway since at least March, coinciding with Trump’s own assaults on mail-in voting.
  • For instance, in March Trump said if he agreed to funding vote-by-mail expansions in the first coronavirus stimulus bill, the U.S. would see “levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again” (clip). Fact check: Neither party has historically benefited. On April 7, at the White House press briefing, Trump claimed: "Mail ballots are a very dangerous thing for this country, because they're cheaters… They're fraudulent in many cases" (clip). Fact check: There is no evidence that mail ballots are dangerous or fraudulent.
At a White House press briefing on Friday, Trump denied there is any proof that Russia poisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Instead of backing the German government's analysis of Nalvany's illness, Trump then redirected the criticism from Russia to China (clip).
"I don't know exactly what happened. I think it's tragic. It's terrible; it shouldn't happen. We haven't had any proof yet, but I will take a look. It is interesting that everybody is always mentioning Russia - and I don't mind you mentioning Russia - but I think probably China, at this point, is a nation that you should be talking about much more so than Russia. Because the things that China's doing are far worse.”
Trump then went on to say he’s “taken stronger action against Russia than any other country in the world,” but added “I do get along with President Putin” (clip).
  • RELATED: Leaked notes obtained by the Telegraph say that when Theresa May asked for Trump to take a strong stand after Russia poisoned Sergei Skripal, Trump replied “I’d rather follow than lead.” He pushed May to “put together a coalition” first.
The Trump administration plans to deport a Russian national living in America, a move experts say is in response to a politically motivated request by Russia. Gregory Duralev was persecuted by the Russian state for exposing corruption. He fled to America and applied for asylum in 2015. While waiting for a decision on his application, he was arrested by ICE and jailed for nearly 18 months. His case is now in court.
“DHS has acted no better than the Russian authorities,” Duralev said. “They simply fabricated charges against me for violations I never committed — and if DHS can trump up charges against immigrants with impunity, nobody can guarantee they won’t start doing it” to regular Americans. “So that’s the main message I now hope to send.”

Michael Cohen & Peter Strzok

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok has a book coming out called “Compromised.” In it, he alleges that FBI investigators came to believe it was “conceivable, if unlikely” that Russia was secretly controlling President Trump after he took office:
“We certainly had evidence that this was the case: that Trump, while gleefully wreaking havoc on America’s political institutions and norms, was pulling his punches when it came to our historic adversary, Russia,” Strzok writes. “Given what we knew or had cause to suspect about Trump’s compromising behavior in the weeks, months, and years leading up to the election, moreover, it also seemed conceivable, if unlikely, that Moscow had indeed pulled off the most stunning intelligence achievement in human history: secretly controlling the president of the United States — a Manchurian candidate elected.”
He now says he doesn’t believe that Trump is literally a Russian spy: “I don’t think that Trump, when he meets with Putin, receives a task list for the next quarter,” Strzok said, referencing the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. “But I do think the president is compromised, that he is unable to put the interests of our nation first, that he acts from hidden motives, because there is leverage over him, held specifically by the Russians but potentially others as well.”
In an interview with Politico, Strzok confirms that he and then-deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, opened a counterintelligence case on the president, but that it likely was never pursued. Two weeks ago, NYT reported that Rosenstein secretly closed it.
As if there weren’t enough political books coming out this summefall, Michael Cohen is releasing his, called “Disloyal: A Memoir.” The following a couple of quick takeaways:
Cohen says that he, Trump, Aras Agalarov, Emin Agalarov, and others, watched a strip show in Las Vegas where one performer simulated peeing on another performer, who pretended to drink it. Trump reportedly reacted with “delight.” Aras Agalarov, a Russian real estate mogul, is a trusted associate of Putin and reportedly served as a liaison between Trump and the Russian president during Trump’s trip to Moscow.
On Russia, Cohen writes that the cause behind Trump’s admiration of Russian President Vladimir Putin is simpler than many of his critics assume. Above all, he writes, Trump loves money — and he wrongly identified Putin as “the richest man in the world by a multiple.” Trump loved Putin, Cohen wrote, because the Russian leader had the ability “to take over an entire nation and run it like it was his personal company — like the Trump Organization, in fact.”
...According to Cohen, Trump’s sycophantic praise of the Russian leader during the 2016 campaign began as a way to suck up and ensure access to the oligarch’s money after he lost the election. But he claims Trump came to understand that Putin’s hatred of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, dating to her support for the 2011 protest movement in Russia, could also help Trump amass more power in the United States.

USPS & mail voting

According to a Washington Post report yesterday, Postmaster Louis DeJoy engaged in campaign money laundering, also called a straw-donor scheme, at his former logistics business. Five of his former employees told WaPo that they were “urged” to donate to politicians in North Carolina and would be paid back through bonuses from DeJoy. Such a plan would allow DeJoy to illegally circumvent campaign donation limits.
“Louis was a national fundraiser for the Republican Party. He asked employees for money. We gave him the money, and then he reciprocated by giving us big bonuses,” said David Young, DeJoy’s longtime director of human resources, who had access to payroll records at New Breed from the late 1990s to 2013 and is now retired.
“He would ask employees to make contributions at the same time that he would say, ‘I’ll get it back to you down the road,’ ” said [another] former employee.
...A Washington Post analysis of federal and state campaign finance records found a pattern of extensive donations by New Breed employees to Republican candidates, with the same amount often given by multiple people on the same day. Between 2000 and 2014, 124 individuals who worked for the company together gave more than $1 million to federal and state GOP candidates. Many had not previously made political donations, and have not made any since leaving the company, public records show.
More than one million mail-in ballots were sent late to voters during the 2020 primary elections, an audit by the USPS IG’s office determined. Most of the ballots were late, the USPS says, because local election boards sent the ballots to voters at the last minute. Official press release.
[The audit] found the problems during primaries had been most pronounced in Kentucky and New York, where a combined 628,000 ballots were sent out late. In 17 states, the audit found, more than 589,000 ballots were sent from election boards to voters after the state’s ballot mailing deadline. In 11 states, more than 44,000 ballots were sent from election boards to voters the day of or the day before the state’s primary election.
One particularly troubling situation, auditors found, unfolded in Pennsylvania, where 500 ballots were sent to voters the day after the election.
Furthermore, only 13% of the ballots were mailed with the recommended bar code tracking technology.
Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) was blocked from attending two scheduled tours of USPS facilities last week. Local Postal Service officials informed her and union leaders waiting to accompany her into the building that national USPS leadership had directed them to bar the group from the building. A Postal Service spokeswoman said they simply needed more notice for a tour.
Many states, including important battleground states, are not legally permitted to process mail-in/absentee ballots until Election Day, leading to concern that results will be delayed by days or weeks. For instance, in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan election officials cannot even begin processing ballots until Election Day. Processing involves opening envelopes, flattening ballots to run through the scanning machine, and prepping for the scanning.
"When voters have to wait so long for results, it erodes trust in the process and leaves room for partisan bad actors to dispute the will of the people," said Amber McReynolds, CEO of the National Vote at Home Institute, a nonprofit organization.
AG Bill Barr made three stunning false claims about mail voting during an interview with Wolf Blitzer last week. First, Barr wouldn’t even acknowledge that voting twice is a crime - because just hours earlier, Trump encouraged his North Carolina supporters to vote twice to “test” the state’s mail-in voting system (clip).
BLITZER: It sounds like he’s encouraging people to break the law and try to vote twice.
BARR: It seems to me what he’s saying is, he’s trying to make the point that the ability to monitor this system is not good. And it was so good, if you tried to vote a second time you would be caught if you voted in person.
BLITZER: That would be illegal if they did that. If somebody mailed in a ballot and then actually showed up to vote in person, that would be illegal.
BARR: "I don't know what the law in the particular state says.”
BLITZER: You can’t vote twice.
BARR: "I don't know what the law in the particular state says.”
Then, Barr tried to assert that foreign countries could fake ballots, but when challenged he admitted he had no evidence (clip).
BLITZER: You’ve said you were worried that a foreign country could send thousands of fake ballots, thousands of fake ballots to people that it might be impossible to detect. What are you basing that on?
BARR: I’m basing — as I’ve said repeatedly, I’m basing that on logic.
BLITZER: Pardon?
BARR: Logic.
Finally, Barr cited a supposed incident of mail-in voting fraud in Texas. Too bad it doesn’t exist.

The payroll

Charles Rettig, the Trump-appointed IRS Commissioner who has refused to release President Trump’s tax returns, has made hundreds of thousands of dollars renting out Trump properties while in office. Rettig makes $100,000 - $200,000 a year from two units at Trump International Waikiki. When first nominated, Rettig failed to disclose his financial ties to Trump Waikiki. When questioned by Congress, he did not directly answer concerns about the properties.
CREW: With Trump’s name removed from some buildings as it began to hurt property values, we can only imagine how toxic it would become if a bombshell in his tax returns were released. Which means the IRS Commissioner has a vested interest in the success of the Trump brand—and of preventing anything that could damage it.
Voice of America staffers say Trump appointee Michael Pack is threatening to wash away legal protections intended to insulate their news reports from political meddling. Since arriving, Pack has fired the network's leaders, pushed out agency executives, refused to approve allotted budgets, and refused to renew visas for foreign employees.
  • Further reading: “Deleted Biden video sets off a crisis at Voice of America,” Politico.
Pack suggested the staff he fired and foreign journalists he essentially kicked out may have been foreign spies, without offering any evidence to support his claim. A group of 14 senior VOA journalists are openly disputing his explanation:
“Mr. Pack has made a thin excuse that his actions are meant to protect national security, but just as was the case with the McCarthy ‘Red Scare,’ which targeted VOA and other government organizations in the mid-1950s, there has not been a single demonstrable case of any individual working for VOA — as the USAGM CEO puts it — ‘posing as a spy,’ ” they wrote.
The White House is searching for a replacement for Federal Trade Commission Chair Joe Simons, a Republican who has publicly resisted President Donald Trump’s efforts to crack down on social media companies. Simons, a veteran antitrust lawyer, cannot legally be removed by the president except in cases of gross negligence. But the White House has already interviewed at least one candidate for the post.
  • RELATED: The Justice Department plans to bring an antitrust case against Google as soon as this month, after Attorney General William P. Barr overruled career lawyers who said they needed more time to build a strong case.
Richard Grenell, formerly the highest-ranking out gay official in the Trump administration, has joined a law firm founded by Pat Robertson that has a history of opposing LGBTQ+ rights. Grenell also recently joined the Republican National Committee to do outreach to LGBTQ+ voters.
The Trump administration has quietly named a new acting State Department inspector general. Matthew Klimow, the U.S. ambassador to Turkmenistan since mid-2019, is the third acting IG since Trump and Pompeo ousted Senate-confirmed IG Steve Linick in May.
Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s current special envoy to Northern Ireland, former Chief of Staff, and former acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is starting a hedge fund focused on financial services regulation. Ethics experts say Mulvaney explicitly using his knowledge of CFPB to place bets for and against companies gives him an unfair and perhaps illegal advantage.

Court and DOJ matters

Court cases
The Trump administration must, for now, stop winding down in-person counting efforts for the 2020 census, a federal judge in California ordered.
The three-judge panel hearing a challenge to Trump’s new anti-immigrant census policy seemed hostile to the government’s arguments in a hearing last week.
A federal judge has stopped the Trump administration from enforcing a rule change that would let health care providers deny medical services to LGBTQ patients on the grounds of religion.
Justice Department
Federal prosecutors are preparing to charge longtime GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy in connection with efforts to influence the U.S. government on behalf of foreign interests. Broidy helped raise millions for Donald Trump’s election and the Republican Party.
Barr ordered another round of changes to FISA rules, tightening the use of government surveillance on political candidates or their staffers — a move conservatives will likely cheer, as they have long criticized how the FBI investigated the Trump campaign in 2016.
Before conducting physical searches or wiretaps of a federal election official, members of the official's staff, candidates for federal office, or their staff or advisers, the FBI must now consider giving them a "defensive briefing," to tell them that they could be the target of foreign influence.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

What A Day: Orange Man Sad by Sarah Lazarus and Crooked Media (11/04/2020)

"How come every time they count mail-in ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?" - Donald Trump, making his own defeat sound sick as hell

Down For The Count

After reminding each other for weeks that we probably wouldn’t have a clear winner of the race for president on election night, we did not have a clear winner on election night, and frankly, it sucked! But we can now feel very confident that when all of the votes have been counted, we’ll be looking at a Joe Biden presidency. Congratulations! (Provisionally.)
Or until Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is in jail, whichever comes first.
It would have been cathartic to watch the country deliver a swift, decisive rebuke to Donald Trump and everything he represents, and it’s haunting that so many Americans bore witness to the last four years and signed up for more. But with millions of votes untallied, Joe Biden has already broken the popular-vote record, and seems very likely to have pulled off the enormously difficult task of unseating an incumbent president. We always knew we’d have more work to do. Today, enjoy the (provisional, unjinxed) win.

Look No Further Than The Crooked Media

On today's Pod Save America: Favreau, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor, and Dan Pfeiffer discuss the clusterfuck of an Election Night that has ended with votes still being counted in several states (including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina), and Joe Biden on the cusp of defeating Donald Trump. Watch here →

Under The Radar

And now to bring things down for a moment: Democrats had a huge bummer of a night in state houses. A much hoped-for Blue Wave did not materialize, preventing Democrats from flipping legislatures in Texas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Iowa. Only four chambers changed hands on Tuesday: Democrats took control of the Arizona House and Senate, while Republicans won both chambers in New Hampshire. Those losses set the GOP up to continue gerrymandering apace, now with a 6-3 far-right Supreme Court ready to slap down any challenges. The good news is, Democrats won themselves a lot of seats at the redistricting table in the 2018 wave. It would be better news still if Democrats manage to squeak by with a Senate majority (and, y’know, Joe Biden wins), and reform the redistricting process federally. If not, minority rule will still prevail in much of America. Get ready to work your ass off in Georgia.

What Else?

The U.S. has formally withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, which doesn’t sting quite as much as it would have if we hadn’t just elected a president who plans to bring us back in.
President Trump only lost Arizona because Deep State poll workers gave Trump supporters Sharpies!!!!! Also, Arizona getting called for Joe Biden so early was a clear act of sabotage by (checks notes) Fox News!!!!!!
Good news and bad news for abortion rights: Colorado voters slapped down a ban on later-term abortions, while Louisiana voters approved an amendment denying a constitutional right to abortion.
California screwed up and approved Proposition 22, exempting gig companies from a state labor law that would have required them to treat drivers as employees. Those companies paid a record $200 million to make sure the measure passed, and made it virtually impossible to overturn.
Aaron Coleman, a 20-year-old who admitted to circulating revenge porn and hitting his ex-girlfriend, has been elected to the Kansas House. Not the Democratic Party’s proudest moment.
David Andahl, a GOP North Dakota state legislature candidate who died of coronavirus in early October, seems to have won his election, too.
A bunch of dorks in Detroit, MI, showed up to try to stop the vote count in a race where Trump’s already behind! by standing outside and yelling. (They did not stop the vote count.)
There used to be a kind of squid that looked like a giant paperclip and lived for 200 years and there’s a lot going on right now but let’s make a note to circle back to this.
Here it is, the sweatshirt so bad Gap had to delete it.

Be Smarter

We might be about to send a debt-ridden, impeached reality-show host off to a non-extradition country, but he’ll be leaving a party of monsters behind him. Madison Cawthorn, creator of racist attack websites and Instagrammer of Hitler’s vacation retreat, won his House race in North Carolina. Cawthorn’s first public message as an elected statesman: “Cry more, lib.” QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Green has likewise been elected to Congress in Georgia, along with disgraced former White House doctor and conspiracy theorist Ronny Jackson in Texas. Republicans have welcomed the worst fringe elements of Donald Trump’s base into the mainstream, and now into the halls of power. It will take all hands on deck to force them back into the shadows.

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Is That Hope I Feel?

Sarah McBride, a 30-year-old Delaware Democrat, will become the nation’s first-ever openly trans state senator.
Cori Bush won her House race, making her Missouri’s first-ever Black Congresswoman.
Mississippi voters struck down a Jim Crow-era law designed to dilute Black votes, and chose to ditch the state’s Confederate-themed flag.
Voters in several states have roundly rejected the war on drugs.


Siobhan Thompson, mysterious European heiress on Twitter: "Me, a villager, outside of Dracula's castle after he has stolen my third wife for his harem"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

Why the future is really Grim

Hi all,
EDIT 2020: Posted this as an article here
On the canvas of this topic
10 years ago I was the guy chained up to a tree, 5 years ago I was the guy blocking the street trying to get your attention to stop eating meat. I was arrested, ridiculed and "roughed up". Now I’m just tired. I’m a Ph.D. in int.relations with a specialization in climate conflicts
Here you’ll find 30,000 scientific papers about this fu*ked situation.
For all audio lovers here you have a 30 minutes talk about why everything must collapse. "There's no infinite growth"
5 years ago there was a tv show called The Newsroom. It was mostly a serious tv show with some comedic tones about the world of media. There is a famous 5 minutes clip about climate collapse. It was "comedic" back then however now it is the reality.

Global Warming:

According to a 2018 report the have the current global temperature is above 1C the pre-industrial mean. What will happen with every 0.5? The climate action tracker shows we will reach a 3.5C with the current policies by 2050. Climate stripes- look at the jump in 1995
Graph showing Carbon emissions per continents. Look at the explosion in Asia
On this chart you have all the CO2 levels, CH4 levels, N20 levels, Temp and sea level.
The 20 worst Global Warming consequences
9 charts
1.5C - This used to be the point at which scientists thought we were OK. In 2018 the IPCC wanted to stop global warming at this temperature predicting we will hit it with a 10% chance by 2023. At this temperature, heatwaves across the globe will happen every single year, and these 'new' heatwaves will be as hot as the Sahara Desert. There will be massive crop destruction, 70% of coral in the ocean will be bleached, and drought will affect 360M people. source. Guess what according to the month-old IPCC 2019 report we are almost at 1.5C already. The number of loss events (Tsunamis, storms, flood, wildfire) between 1980-2015 has QUADRUPLED.
Historically, every climate summit missed their target of limiting GHG emissions by a lot. Another angle.

Biomass and 6th extinction

Earth appears to be undergoing a process of "biological annihilation." Up to half of the total number of animal individuals that once shared the Earth with humans are already gone. A 2017 study looked at animal populations across the planet by examining 27,600 vertebrate species — about half of the overall total that we know exist. They found that more than 30% of them are in decline. Some species are facing total collapse, while local populations of others are going extinct in specific areas. Moreover humans wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970 Source
Roughly 40% of the world's insect species are in decline, according to one study. Insects aren't the only creatures taking a hit. In the past 50 years, more than 500 amphibian species have declined worldwide — and 90 have gone extinct — due to a deadly fungal disease that corrodes frog flesh. Source
And Plants are going extinct up to 350x faster than the historical norm
On the other side, Look at the explosion of domesticated animals between 1950 and 2000. Cattle is one of the causes of global warming. Ie. The Amazon is being cut down not for lumber but to make room for cattle SourceOur hope in her is all the Beyondmeat, Impossible burger which are not using animal protein and are way better for the environment.


The steep curve of population. If our numbers grow by 228,000 on an average day, then in one week, we will have added about 1,589,000 extra persons to world population. To prepare for it Humanity must produce more food in the next four decades than we have in the last 8,000 years But we are wasting so much food and losing so much water in irrigation that taking all this into account Society will collapse by 2040 due to catastrophic food shortages.

Permafrost and Methane. Soil in the Arctic Is Now Releasing More Carbon Dioxide Than 189 Countries

At 2C level we expect 6.6 million square kilometers of permafrost to thaw. And create a feedback loop of releasing a lot of methane which means that melting ice caps and permafrost becomes a self-accelerating extinction. Already boiling with Methane But that is also terrifying because we know that there are pathogens frozen in that permafrost - pathogens like anthrax.


As the rest of the Earth warms, animals will be forced to migrate en masse. This means animals carrying tropical diseases (such as malaria. To give you an idea of why this should really scare you is because diseases like camel flu have a mortality rate of 36%. And the world’s hospitals are not ready for the health challenges of climate change
Nearly unbeatable and difficult to identify fungus has adapted to global warming and can now survive the warm body temperature of humans. With a 50% mortality rate in 90 days, meet Candida auris, the first pathogenic fungus caused by human-induced global warming
Report from the WHO World at risk. They listed dozens of illnesses that the experts suggested had the potential to trigger an outbreak which could spiral out of control, among them the plague, Ebola, Zika virus and Dengue. A flu-like deadly pandemic could sweep the world in hours and kill millions because NO country is fully prepared. A century ago the Spanish flu pandemic infected a third of the world's population and killed 50million people. source
Right now, air pollution in India or China is so high it goes off the chart. Without an airmask you'll get ill

Topsoil erosion

We are running out of topsoil Source, by 2055 we will have none of it video. That's the warning of "Surviving the 21st Century" author Julian Cribb to an international soil science conference in Queenstown, New Zealand on Dec 15, 2016. "10 kilos of topsoil, 800 litres of water, 1.3 litres of diesel, 0.3g of pesticide and 3.5 kilos of carbon dioxide – that's what it takes to deliver one meal, for just one person," Cribb says.. And it takes 2000 years to form 5cm of topsoil. If you don't think this will affect you...just you wait until food becomes the rarest commodity on Earth. If you think you have seen human barbarity, just wait until those same humans are starving and desperate for food. This won't mean millions starving. It will mean billions starving. Including you.

Scarcity of freshwater

India has 5 years to solve the water crisis, South Africa has the worst drought in 1000 years, Zambia has 2M of brink of starvation thanks to regional drought. According to the UN report in 10 years, 4 billion people will be short of fresh water, 2 billion will be severely short of it.

The Blue Ocean event

A Blue Ocean Event means that huge amounts of sunlight won't get reflected back into space anymore, as they previously were. Instead, the heat will have to be absorbed by the Arctic. As long as the Arctic Ocean has sea ice, most sunlight gets reflected back into space and the 'Center-of-Coldness' remains near the North Pole. A Blue Ocean Event will not only mean that additional heat will have to be absorbed in the Arctic, but also that wind patterns will change radically and even more dramatically than they are already changing now, which will also make that other tipping points will be reached earlier. This is why a Blue Ocean Event is an important tipping point and it will likely be reached abruptly and disruptively by 2022.source The arctic ice volume over the years in one chart. It is a Death spiral.

The ice sheet feedback loop

And when it comes to rising ocean levels it's becoming increasingly difficult to predict because not only are we heating the air, heat is getting trapped in the oceans too which means that ice sheets in the Arctic circle and Greenland are melting from above and below - meaning they're melting much MUCH faster than we estimated even in our most extreme estimates. Vice news video about it. This will mean that Florida and New York could be completely underwater. If you're worried about refugees from Central and Latin America or Africa, you'll want to start thinking about the tens of millions of people that will be fleeing inland to escape the inundations. Rising Seas Will Erase even More Cities by 2050. It triples our previous estimates

Wet bulb event

Extreme heatwaves that kill even healthy people within hours will strike parts of the Indian subcontinent unless global carbon emissions are cut sharply and soon, according to new research. Even outside of these hotspots, three-quarters of the 1.7bn population – particularly those farming in the Ganges and Indus valleys – will be exposed to a level of humid heat classed as posing “extreme danger” towards the end of the century. The new analysis assesses the impact of climate change on the deadly combination of heat and humidity, measured as the “wet bulb” temperature (WBT). Once this reaches 35C, the human body cannot cool itself by sweating and even fit people sitting in the shade will die within six hours. There are already part of thw world above 32-33

Ocean Acidification

Oceans are absorbing a large portion of the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere—in fact, oceans are the largest single carbon sink in the world, dwarfing the absorbing abilities of the Amazon rainforest. But the more CO2 the oceans absorb, the more acidic they become on a relative scale, because some of the carbon reacts within the water to form carbonic acid. If acidification decreases marine emissions of sulfur, it could cause an increase in the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface, speeding up warming—which is exactly what the Nature Climate Change study predicts. Researchers estimate that the pH of the ocean will drop by 0.4 pH units by the end of this century if carbon emissions are not stopped, or by 0.15 units if global temperature rise is limited to 2C. source And plankton and all fishes are plunging. There is a mass extinction in the oceans right now

Why tree-loss prevention is more important than planting them.

There’s too much CO2 in the atmosphere that planting trees can no longer save us. However Scientists estimate that we need to plant 1 trillion trees to mitigate the GW. WITHOUT LOSING ONE SINGLE TREE because a burning tree is releasing all the CO2 back. The amazon is losing 3 football field’s PER MINUTE thanks to fire. If you prefer an interactive map. At the moment we are losing 13-15 million hectares per year in South America and Africa and south East Asia because it is converted from a forest to agriculture land. Source.
So, if we assume that 1M trees’ planted is one step that you make, then 20 meters is 20M trees right? 1 trillion trees are like 2.5x from where you're standing to the International Space station. Not to mention all the pollution by delivering the seeds (or small trees from tree farms), all the logistics in preparing the ground for planting and all the promotion waste etc.


Tens, hundreds of millions of climate refugees. MIT source. By 2050 there will be 1.5B migrants. Yes, it’s in 30 years. And it will increase the potential for conflicts and violence. A study by the Pentagon confirms there will wars caused by migrants. Just an example of top of my head. India could block the river Indus and kill hundreds of millions of Pakistani source. Both countries have WMD.
There will be a rise of fascism and concentration camps. Trump already tried this with the camps south and China is doing terrible things to Uighurs my comment about the crimes against the Uighurs. We will see a rise of this over the next 30 years.

The super-rich

The rich know that it is too late and they will be the only one to survive the global warming article. They are building bunkers and buying NZ passports to fly there when SHTF happens and that’s why they are getting richer and richer exponentially. For example Canada, Norway and Brasil will flood the world with oil just to profit at the maximum Article from NYT from today "Flood of Oil Is Coming, Complicating Efforts to Fight Global Warming". And if anything happens they will just buy Visas and passports for 1M+ and bug out while migrants are put into concentration camps. Moreover The wealthy are plotting to leave us behind
The rich are against extinction rebellion movement and Greta.
Keystone Oil spill no one is talking about will be impossible to clean up
Good article on how the future will be seized by corporations. From private taxation to schools, corporate cops and judges. It’s beginning in Toronto
Great post about how the billionaires are discrediting the climate activists. Good GQ article on how the billionaires caused the climate change and in here you have 20 firms behind 1/3 of CO2
the elites have made the conscious decision to destroy the climate in order to maintain their power.

Why the current economic system is broken:

The current economic system is broken beyond belief and not only in the US but also in Europe, Australia and in Asia. I've been researching this issue for years (privately) because I was appalled by how bad it really is.
The ultra-rich are holding up to $32 trillion, excluding non-financial assets such as real estate, gold, yachts and racehorses, in offshore accounts.
Visualization of $50K, $1M and $1B. The median income in the US is $32,000. If each step on a staircase represents $100,000 of net worth then HALF of the people in the US are on the base or the very 1st step. Almost 200 million people who can't even get one step up in this system. The households on the 80th percentile are on the 5th step. That's about five seconds of walking to get up there. A billionaire is ten thousand steps up the staircase. That's enough to walk up five Empire State buildings. From these heights, they couldn't tell the difference between a millionaire and a homeless even if they wanted to. And Jeff Bezos? That's more than halfway to the space station. That's more than 24 consecutive Mt. Everest's stacked on top of each other.
If you had a job that paid you $2,000 an HOUR, and you worked full time (40 hours a week) with no vacations, and you somehow managed to save all of that money and not spend a single cent of it, you would still have to work more than 25,000 years until you had as much money as Jeff Bezos. Of course, we are talking about all his assets but don’t forget that Jeff is selling his shares from time to time. Sold $1B of stock in 2017 and Cashed out $1.8B in 2019. He reinvested the money but nevertheless, he is able to cash it out. Btw, how working in a warehouse is terrible for you but great for Bezos
Notable mentions:
Share of wealth held by the Forbes 400 more than doubled in the last 10 years

The future is grim (automation)

Manual automation: There are entire towns in the US build around factories or mines. If you automate the factory and close the mine plenty of people will lose their job and fail into the drugs trap. How unemployment is tied with illegal drug use. Humans need a goal, should it be work, volunteering or creating. Without one most of us feel useless and without a purpose. Additionally, a mine closing down causes extra mass layoffs in such a town. It is called the ripple effect. A mine closing down = x3 more job loss for a town. Another link What happen when a factory town closes down Least we forget, Trump won the presidency because he promised to give back the jobs' lost. Out of the 8.9M promised he created only 154k
Intellectual Automation: I also don't approve the explanation that automation is creating more jobs. The current automation is not the same as 200 years ago or 100 years ago where industrialization replaced the physical workforce. Now we see our brains replaced. And I get that, companies to stay afloat need to move with the current and need to R&D cut costing methods like automation. However, it is not a long-term solution because there's a point where the population had it enough. Most society revolt when someone is attacking their helpless or close ones. A famine, a natural disaster or shady government are toppled because the population doesn't have enough means to help their families. Why do civilizations collapse.
The 1789 revolution happened because The people of France were growing increasingly more upset with treatment they received from the upper and royal classes, mainly due to special privileges. The 1917 was similar in cause. Families lived just above the subsistence level, and around 50 percent had a member who had left the village to find other work, often in the towns. As the central Russian population boomed, land became scarce. This way of life contrasted sharply with those of rich landowners, who held 20 percent of the land in large estates and were often members of the Russian upper class. source. The great depression of 1929 had only 8% of unemployment rate
As you may see we are getting closer to the same causes as 200 years ago and 100 years ago. Rich getting richer and forcing "peons" out of work thanks to automation.
How can you retrain a 50 yo trucker? How can you tweet #learntocode to a 55 years old maid? It is a crime against humanity but this time caused by greedy corporations trying to move aside the unpredictable part of the machine - Us. No more sick leaves, no more PTO, no more maternity leaves.
"Designing ourselves out of the picture, little by little, scoffing at the idea that we’ll ever actually succeed at it. Playing a grand game of chicken, trying to push machines as close as possible to a complete set of human capabilities without getting so close that it begins to ask uncomfortable questions like “why am I working for you instead of myself”."
Please watch:
The future of work by Vice
Humans need not to apply
No you sweet summer child, automation won't create new jobs
A big debate about the future of work
800 million jobs will be taken by automation by 2030
‘Robots’ Are Not 'Coming for Your Job'—Management Is
There's an Automation Crisis Underway Right Now, It's Just Mostly Invisible
Lastweektonight - Automation
Low Skilled Humans Need Not Apply: Exponential Job Disruption
Low Skilled Humans Need Not Apply: The Growth, Quality And Polarization Of New Jobs part. 2
'Goliath Is Winning': The Biggest U.S. Banks Are Set to Automate Away 200,000 Jobs
(Another Issue is using AI to create a Surveillance state): How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms or Life Inside China's Total Surveillance State or in the UK or in France - RT link
And please, don't reply with the South Park "They took our jobs". It's not the same. You can't compete with Automation. You can't learn something new or something niche that will bring you money. And to be fair, it's not automation taking your job but CEOs and Managers
The percentage of jobs to be automated in the next 10 to 20 years is 70% for the low-skill jobs, 46% for the middle-skill level. And as we all know, most of the population works in these 2 categories and their wage didn't grow since 1979 . At the moment there are just in the US, 3.5M truck drivers, 3.5M cashiers 3M clerks, 2.3M customer rep (that can and will be replaced by automation). Now take these 10M to 15M and their families (x3) so 30 to 45M Americans without a salary. It's 1/6th of the country. You have a revolution.
Even if all accountants, lawyers, clerks and truck drivers go for trade you can't have 200 million plumber, electricians, and gardeners in the States... Let's be real. The ONLY one to profit from it will be Bezos and his peers. Jeff Bezos abruptly cuts health benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time Whole Foods workers. They are just waiting in the starting blocks to start firing employees.


Why going green is not the solution.

Costs of going green are insane and the global economy is unable to bear the brunt of this mass switch. Going 100% green energy is not possible with the current consumption. Earth lacks enough metals to produce solar panels, batteries and ways to distribute energy around the globe. Building one wind turbine requires 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete and 45 tons of plastic. Solar power requires even more cement, steel and glass—not to mention other metals. Global silver and indium mining will jump 250% and 1,200% respectively over the next couple of decades to provide the materials necessary to build the number of solar panels, the International Energy Agency forecasts. World demand for rare-earth elements—which aren’t rare but are rarely mined in America—will rise 300% to 1,000% by 2050 to meet the Paris green goals. If electric vehicles replace conventional cars, demand for cobalt and lithium, will rise more than 20-fold. That doesn’t count batteries to back up wind and solar grids. Source A periodic table of elements that we are running out of And China controls 90% of all rare minerals source
A single electric-car battery weighs about 1,000 pounds. Fabricating one requires digging up, moving and processing more than 500,000 pounds of raw materials somewhere on the planet. The alternative? Use gasoline and extract one-tenth as much total tonnage to deliver the same number of vehicle-miles over the battery’s seven-year life.
The new green deal is not enough. The Developing World Is Increasing Emissions At Such A Rate That Any Emission Reduction By The Developed World Will Be Offset. Even if we imagined that the political will could be found in both the United States and the European Union to spend trillions on a Green New Deal, and we made the somewhat generous assumption that these plans would be successful in achieving net zero emissions by 2030, it would really have no meaningful impact on global carbon emissions thanks to China, Africa, India and South America.
Same with a meat tax. We can impose a tax on meat in the developed countries but China, India or South America are eating more and more meat by the day. According to Asia Research and Engagement's report "charting Asia's protein journey", meat and seafood consumption in Asia will rise 33% by 2030 and 78% from 2017 to 2050

Peak Copper

An international team of researchers has looked at the material demands and pollution that would result from a push to get the globe to 40 percent renewables by the middle of the century. The analysis finds that despite the increased materials and energy demands, a push like this would result in a dramatic reduction in pollution. And for the most part, the material demands could be met, with the possible exception of copper. 40% Green Energy requires 200% more copper 100% green energy requires 500% more copper. We move some 3 billion tons of earth per year to get 15 millions tons of copper. We cannot recycle it into existence. Substituting aluminum for copper takes 5X the energy and is less safe. And there is no substitutes for the metals

Why nobody talks about collapse?

Collapse doc
Why does nobody talk about collapse? Because a world without hope is a burning world. Imagine 7B people realizing they don’t have 50-70 years but 20 or 30. It’s pure chaos. Additionally, the wealthy of this world are trying promoting such work ethics that you don't have the time to read, watch or study the above. This endless cycle of working-buying stuff-sleeping is damaging our society. We are becoming more and more ostracized from each other by using technology like FB or Tinder. Moreover, some countries or politicians are trying to destabilize the world as we know, to create confusion and conflicts between us. Divide and conquer. Why do you think Russia stands behind Brexit, the Blacklivesmatter movement and the rise of fascism in Europe? Russia influenced the American elections by creating hundreds of facebook groups to vote for Trump. Russia paid facebook to run "patriotic maga" ads. If you want to read more about Russia's violations of law here is my 1.6k upvoted comment
Why do you think there are so many protests going around? Here are all the major protests happening around the globe right now. Why so many people are protesting. My 2019 deathtoll
For more: /collapse
submitted by Logiman43 to DarkFuturology [link] [comments]

The Man Who Wouldn't Die

Some names have been changed for obvious reasons.
It's a rare and welcome night that I don't dream of the man who wouldn't die. For over thirty years he's been haunting my sleep, and for thirty years I've always wondered to myself if he was out there somewhere, looking for me.
Two mornings ago, I got my answer. At least partly.
I was in my cell, staring at the same cracked walls I have been since 1979, when a guard came by my cell with an envelope in his hand. "Mail."
"For me?" I asked.
"Yes, for you. Mark DiRosario."
"Oh." The last time I got a letter was 1984, from my cousin, telling me that mom was dead. I got up and he handed it through the bars.
Who the hell would write me? I thought as I sat down onto my little cot and ripped it open. Inside was a postcard. On the back was WISH YOU WERE HERE in white over a typical Florida sunset, the bright light radiating out over the water.
"Mark, it's been forever," it opened, "how's Sing-Sing? Nothing's much changed with me. Well, I have my head back on my shoulders and all, but that's a given. Did you know Tony D. died last year? I saw him down in hell. He's waiting for you. Love, S."
I woke up in the prison infirmary. They found me on the floor. A minor stroke. They airlifted me out of here and to Northern New York Medical Center at Coates University. I'm weak and exhausted, but I'm alive.
I almost wish I wasn't, though. Dead would be better.
God help me. He's alive. I've whacked a lot of guys in my day, somewhere in the hundreds (I can't remember the exact number. I had them all recorded in about a dozen notebooks but the D.A.'s office confiscated them when I was arrested), but not him. He's the only one to ever get away.
His name was Sam, Sam Fallwell, and he was a mob groupie, the kinda guy who hangs around and pretends he's just another goodfella, when in actuality he's really nothing, not even an "associate." He was popular with some of the younger guys, and whenever he was in The Suite (a mob-owned bar in Queens), he'd sit in a back booth with a bunch of dudes, laughing and drinking. Vinnie, the capo in those days, hated the motherfucker, said he was plotting against the family and trying to recruit guys to help him. Vinnie didn't much like anybody, so I just ignored it. Like I said, Sam was a wannabe, whatever, leave the guy alone and let him pretend. The way he looked, he didn't have much going for him; tall and lanky, a little on the youngish side (he could have been anywhere from twenty to forty), he wore cheap clothes and looked just a little slow.
That is, until I actually got a good look at him one night as he was going to the pisser; his eyes were livid and evil, and his grin froze my blood. His face was craggy and perpetually masked by shadows.
He was creepy, I mean, real fuckin creepy.
The first time I ever talked to the guy was in late September of '75, I think, though it mighta been October. He came in about ten on a Saturday night, and his usual gang wasn't around. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the bar for a moment before he sat down next to me at the bar.
"How you doin?" he asked.
I gave him a sidelong glance. "Alright, alright."
"Good. I'm Sam. Pleased to meet'cha."
"Mark," I said, and we shook. His hand was hard and cold. He flashed a toothy smile.
And bought me a drink.
"So, talk to me. What's goin on? How's business?"
"What business?" I asked innocently.
"Whacking people."
I nearly choked on my vodka. "Hey, buddy, look, I dunno what you're thinkin, but..."
"Sure, sure." He smiled again. "You're a travel agent."
That was what I said when pushed. It seemed like a clever little joke. Travel agent, arranging trips to the afterlife...
"Yeah, yeah I am."
"Maybe you can send me on a trip one day."
I shrugged. "Maybe. Where you wanna go?"
He took a long sip of his drink. "Ever hear of the Wastelands?"
"Nah. Where is it, Utah?"
He chuckled. "Oh, no, it's in another dimension."
He laughed. "You like magic?"
"No, I don't." I was starting to get annoyed. The last thing I wanted was some wannabe busting out parlor tricks.
"Why not, Mark? Magic is great."
I took a long, slow drink, thinking of what to say. I could just tell him to fuck off. "If you're eight."
Sam shook his head. "I'm talking about the real stuff."
"Real stuff, huh?"
He nodded. "Yep. Like this." He reached over and passed a hand over my glass. I yanked it back, sloshing some of it onto the counter.
"What the fuck are you doin?"
"Take a sip."
I looked down at my glass, checking for any powdery residue. The bastard probably slipped me a roofie so I'd pass out, leaving my asshole unguarded.
I didn't see anything.
"The fuck did you put in my drink?"
"Nothing," Sam said. "Take a sip."
Never taking my eyes off him, I took a tiny little nip. Tasted like...
"Dr. Pepper," Sam said.
I looked back down at the vodka, mystified. It was still clear. I took a large swallow. If that shit wasn't Dr. Pepper, then I'm the Queen of England.
"That's a simple trick that most anyone can learn," Sam said. He reached into his coat and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. "Check this out." He tore it down the middle and slapped each half onto the smooth counter-top. "See?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
"Okay, good. Watch this."
He covered it with his hands, said "Abracafuckindabra," and pulled his hands away. Two hundred dollar bills sat crisply before him.
"Cool," I said. I don't know how he made my liquor taste like fuckin soda, but I knew exactly how he did that one. Sam had a few tricks up his sleeve, if you know what I mean.
"Isn't it? I can teach you to do shit like that if you want. I been showing some of the other guys. You gotta keep quiet about it, though."
I nodded. "Yeah, maybe."
"Okay, good. You have a good night. Early to bed early to rise. Hey, give Carl my love."
He went to get up, but I snatched the motherfucker by the back of his coat and dragged him back down.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
He grinned. "I just told you to tell your boyfriend I said hi."
I leaned close until we were nose-to-nose. "Listen, you piece of shit. If you think you're gonna blackmail me..."
"Why would I do that?" he asked, "I don't have anything against gays."
"Fuck you!" I spat. "How do you know about him?"
No one knew about Carl. We met at a club on the Lower East Side in '73, and saw each other on the weekends. We were discreet. Very discreet.
"Magic," Sam said, and yanked away. "See you Friday?"
I didn't reply. I wanted to kill the son of a bitch right there.
"Yeah," I said.
Sam smiled and left.
Vinnie came over. "You alright?" he asked, settling his titanic bulk into a stool next to me.
"I'm gonna whack his ass," I muttered, and downed my drink. I forgot that it was Dr. Pepper.
"What'd he do?"
I shook my head and licked my lips. "I'm gonna fuckin kill him."
Vinnie looked around and then, satisfied he wouldn't be heard, leaned conspiratorially in. "Look, I'm not supposed to say anything, but I talked to Mama over the weekend."
Mama was the head of the family, and had been since her husband, Vincent, the guy who started the family, died back in the sixties.
"One of the guys who hangs out with Sam says he's planning to overthrow Mama and take the family over. Just like I said."
"Yeah. So there's some serious shit coming down in the next few days. Sam's buddies? Done. They're gettin whacked. If you want Sam...take him, but take him quick."
I nodded. "Alright."
Two days later it was Friday, and I was ready. I drove over to The Suite in the golden September sunshine and parked at the curb under a red-and-gold colored tree. Inside it was dim and dank, like the den of vampire bears. At the end of the bar, Willy Carlone sat nursing a gin. He was a small, thin old guy with a bushy uni-brow and faded blue eyes. His clothes were always baggy and wrinkled, like his flesh, and his teeth were yellow and jagged. He'd been with the family since the beginning, when Vincent Laraza started making illegal alcohol in the twenties.
I sat next to him and ordered a rum and coke.
"Hey, Willy, what's going on?"
"Ah, nothin," he replied, "just havin breakfast." He cackled like a witch.
"Hey, do you have Sam's number?" Willy was one of Sam's pupils, the only one over twenty-five or so.
"Yeah, you want it?"
"Yeah, that'd be great."
He whipped out a pencil stub and jotted it down on a cocktail napkin. "Joining the gang?"
"You bet."
I drove back over to my apartment and changed into a pair of jeans and a flannel lumberjack shirt. I looked like a fuckin farmer. Good.
Two hours later I was in Jersey. I pulled the car into the parking lot of a hardware wholesaler and killed the engine. Inside, I wandered the aisles until I found the quicklime. I bought a huge bag of the shit and paid in cash.
Back at home, it was three 'o'clock. I called the number Willy gave me, and Sam picked up on the first ring. "Mark, what's up?"
My heart sputtered. How did he know it was me?
Then it hit me. Willy told him. Old fucker. If he was still alive at the end of the
day, I'd see if I could whack his ass, too.
"Hey, Sam," I said, "I was wondering if you could come over here later, before we all meet at The Suite."
"Sure. What's up?"
"I want you to, you know..."
"Give you a crash course?" he supplied.
"Sure thing. Six alright?"
Actually, it was the exact time I had in mind. Weird, fuckin weird.
"Alright, see you then."
I hung up the phone and sat there for a moment, my heart beating faster than it
should have. Magic is bullshit.
Wasn't it?
At five thirty someone knocked on the door, startling me. I was in the kitchen, baking a batch of special cookies for dickhead, and nearly dropped my spatula.
I went into the living room and opened up the door as he knocked again. It was Tony DeSimone, one of the guys in the crew. He was a tall, lanky guy, and today he was wearing a pair of plaid pants and a blazer.
"Tony," I greeted, "you look like shit."
He laughed. "Yeah, I threw this on as a disguise."
"Vinnie told me you were gonna ice that Sam guy, so I thought I'd help."
Tony liked killing people. Simple as that.
"I don't really need any help..." I started, but Tony was already shouldering past me.
"Sure you do. Sam's a big guy. How you gonna do it?"
Tony looked at me like I was crazy. "Poison? What are you, a woman?"
"Fuck you!"
Tony laughed. "Take it easy," he said, "I'm just playin with you."
I nodded. I guess I was a little too sensitive.
"How you gonna do it?"
Tony shrugged. "Good plan."
They were done by six. I had just gotten them onto a plate and sat them on the kitchen table when another knock came at the door.
"Got it!" Tony called.
I imagined Sam saying something about my secret as soon as he saw Tony ("You're gay, too?"), and my heart leapt.
Before I could stop him, he had the door open and Sam was inside, laughing and joking.
"Mark, howzit goin?"
"It smells good in here."
"I made cookies," I said, leading Sam and Tony into the kitchen.
"They're good," Tony said, "I ate about fifty of 'em."
Sam chuckled. "I'm famished, gimme some."
He sat down like a man to a five course dinner.
"Got milk?"
"Sure," I said, getting it out of the fridge and pouring a tall, frosty glass. I sat it down in front of him just as he was crunching into his third cookie. I took Tony aside and told him to get the quicklime from the trunk of my car. He nodded and rushed off.
"So, Sam," I said, sitting down across from him, "tell me more about magic."
"Sure," he replied, "just let me finish this."
Five minutes later, the cookies were almost gone. I'd never used poison before, so I had no idea how long it was supposed to work before it kicked in. Hopefully not that long.
"My compliments to the chef," he said as he ate the last one, and then downed his milk.
He pulled out a silver case and took a cigarette out. "We'll get started once I smoke this."
I nodded. Behind Sam, Tony was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and hall. He looked impatient.
"Sam, I'll be right back."
In the hall, Tony sighed. "How long is this shit supposed to take?"
I shrugged, lost. "Not this long. I put enough in there to kill six men, he should be convulsing on the floor right now."
Tony nodded. "I got this, then."
"No! It's personal."
"Fuck you," Tony said, "you had your chance."
He took a slapjack out of his coat and stormed into the kitchen. Before I knew it, Sam was on the ground, convulsing. "Die, motherfucker!" Tony screamed, and whacked him over the head again and again and again. Finally, Sam was still, a pool of blood spreading across the linoleum. Tony bent down and felt for a pulse. He looked up at me.
"That's how you do it."
"I need a cigarette," I said.
"Here," Tony tossed me Sam's case. "Gimme one."
We stood in the hall talking and smoking for awhile. For guys like me and Tony, killing was like sex; we sucked down two cigarettes each.
"We'll wait 'til dark to take him out," I said.
"You got a spot picked out?"
"Yeah," I said. It was a plot of land Mama Laraza's son, Mario, owned in Jersey.
"Good. Now..."
I caught a flash out the corner of my eye. I turned, and was met by Sam's bloody face.
"Move, bitch," he grunted, shoving me out of the way. It felt like a train hit me. I went down and laid limp like a slug.
"Get him!" I screamed breathlessly.
Tony shook himself awake and darted after Sam, who was at the door. Tony put him in a headlock and wrestled him to the ground. Sam yelled and shout as Tony rained punches down on his head. Like a bull, Sam bucked Tony off and jumped to his feet.
"Catch me if you can, motherfucker!" he yelled, and ran up the stairs, laughing.
"Cocksucking motherfucker!" Tony roared and leapt up. He bounded up the stairs two at a time. A second later there was a crash, and the whole house shook.
Aching all over, lungs tight and weak, I stood with the help on an end table and shambled up the stairs. Sam was laying in the hallway. Tony was on top of him, dragging a straight razor across his throat. There was blood everywhere. On Sam, on Tony, soaking into the carpets, splattering the walls.
"I thought you said he was dead!" I yelled, collapsing on the top step.
"He was!" Tony grunted. He stopped and the knife fell to the floor. He sat there panting and looking at me, his face covered in sweat. "He was fuckin dead."
"Apparently not," I retorted.
"I know how to read a fuckin pulse," Tony shouted, getting back to his feet. "I'm telling you, he was dead."
"Whatever, whatever. He's dead now. You almost cut his fuckin head off."
Tony looked down at the supine corpse, and spat on it. "Got the right."
We dragged the body back downstairs and left it in the kitchen. As we mopped up the blood, I thought again of Sam's "magic." I knew Tony was right. Sam was dead. He was fuckin dead and he came back.
No. No. No. That's fuckin crazy, I told myself. Tony knocked Sam out and misread the pulse. That's it.
But the arsenic. That should have kept him down.
"Alright," Tony said, startling me. I was on my knees in the hall trying to get the blood out of my carpet. I'd have to replace it. "Let's get him out of here."
I nodded and swallowed. "Okay."
We went back into the kitchen, and...I swear to God, Sam was standing at the fridge pouring himself a fuckin glass of milk. He turned to us and smiled. I think. His face was so caked with dried blood I couldn't tell.
"Just getting a drink for the road," he assured us.
Tony and I just stood froze in place. Neither one of us could have moved even if Satan himself was behind us. I felt like a man watching a zombie stumble out of a dank crypt in an old Roger Corman movie. It was surreal, I guess, so totally unbelievable and mind-shatteringly insane. There was no way he was alive and well enough to be chugging milk.
Finally, after what felt like a thousand years, Tony pulled his gun out of his coat and fired without even aiming. The first bullet struck Sam in the gut, ripping it open in an exaggerated shower of blood and intestines. He stumbled back, dropping his glass, and the second one caught him above the left eye, obliterating his skull. He spun, seemed to tiptoe, and then fell over.
Tony stood heaving like a man who'd just run the marathon, sucking in air and blowing it out in great gusts. The report hung heavily in the air, seeming to linger.
Oh shit!
It hit me: I had neighbors, and there was no way in hell they didn't hear the roar of the gun. In the confined kitchen it was as loud as artillery fire.
Tony was looking at me. "That wasn't such a good idea, was it?"
"Fuck no, it wasn't," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
"At least it took him down," Tony said, walking over to Sam's body.
"What are you doing?" I asked. "The cops are coming!"
Tony didn't acknowledge me. Ware and tense, he regarded the body. He toed his head once, twice, three times. Then he bent down and, with his razor, severed the bastard's head and gouged his eyes out. When he was done, we looked at each other. I took a deep breath. "Tony," I almost pleaded, "the cops..."
"Okay. Take care of the blood. I'll deal with Sammy."
As it turns out, no one called the cops after all. I had a reputation in the neighborhood, so people were more likely to mind their business when it came to me than to anyone else. Thank God. It made sense afterward, but in the heat of the moment, I knew some nosy fuck had picked up their phone.
We waited for an hour. By then, we were outta the woods. Cops in the city are overworked, but not that damn much.
"Alright, let's get him outta here," Tony said. He'd wrapped Sam in a tarp from my garage.
Outside, it was dark and muggy. I moved my car from under the orange glare of an arch sodium streetlamp, and then ran back inside and helped Tony carry the body down to the car. We opened the trunk and threw him in.
"Hey, what're you guys doin?" someone yelled from their front porch.
"None of your fuckin business!" Tony yelled, slamming the trunk.
"Hey, fuck you, buddy. How about I call the cops?"
Great. There goes my grand reputation.
"Yeah?" Tony shouted back, "how about I kill your whole fuckin family?" I tried to hold him back, but he pulled away.
"You try it, asshole."
Tony broke into a run. The guy on the porch, a form in the darkness, screamed in terror. Five minutes later Tony came back; his hands were covered in blood. "Piece of shit."
"Jesus, Tony, you're gonna get us pinched."
"No one talks to me like that. Let's go."
"Did you kill him?"
"No, I didn't kill him. I probably broke his fuckin nose, but he had it comin. Taught him some fuckin manners."
I sighed. "You can't run around doing shit like that. One day you're gonna meet someone who doesn't play fair."
"Yeah?" Tony asked as we slipped into the car, "then they're gonna wind up buried out in Jersey."
I pulled away from the curb and set a course for Jersey. From there on the ride was quiet and hot, the only sound the humming of the tires. We were both thinking of Fallwell.
We stopped only once, at a truck stop off the interstate, to grab a few burgers and some gas cans, which I filled as Tony wolfed down his food. The smell of it made me sick, and I had to fight to keep from puking.
"I'm not hungry," I said, "you can have mine."
We reached the plot, a grassy field in the woods, about two hours after we left. We parked at the bottom of a gentle hill and killed the engine. "What if he's alive again?" I asked fearfully.
"He won't be. He doesn't even have a head."
"Last time he had a slit throat and a gut full of arsenic, but that didn't stop him"
Tony didn't reply.
We got out and went around to the trunk. Tony opened it as I stood back with my gun in my jittering hands. Thank God, Sam was still.
"See? I told you."
As if on cue, the body started moving. First a twitch, and then a shuddering spasm.
"The fuck?" Tony cried, jumping back. I stood there, memorized with horror. This can't be happening, I told myself, even as dark laughter started to rise from the trunk, this can't be fuckin happening!
"Jesus Christ, man!" For the first time all night, Tony sounded scared, or at least as close to scared as a guy like him can ever come.
"We there yet?" Sam asked, his voice muffled. Those words, even more than the laughter, shattered my soul. I think I lost my mind a little bit.
Behind me, Tony was shouting. I didn't hear what he was saying; I was too terrified to move, to hear, to even really see.
"Get the fuck out of the way!"
I heard that, loud and clear, only because at that precise instant Tony shoved me aside and knocked me to the ground. The impact forced the breath out of my lungs, and my mind back into its rightful place.
I don't know how many rounds Tony fired, but it was a lot. The reports seemed to last a lifetime, one after the other, echoing in the night. Silence, when it came, was deafening. Tony stood by the trunk, heaving like a man who'd just run a marathon. When he finally spoke, his voice was breathless and strained. "Where's the nearest town?"
The question was lost on me. "Wha...?"
"The nearest town! Where was the last town we passed?"
I wracked my brain. "Five miles back, I think."
"Good," he said, tucking his gun into his belt. He went around the car, opened one of the back doors, and took out the gas can. He upended it over the trunk, and splattered Sam's body. "We're leaving the car."
I got to my feet. I didn't care at that point.
Done, Tony struck a match and dropped it into the trunk. Flames whumped into life, crackling and swaying in the cool night breeze. The smell of gas and burning cloth filled the air. The heat was incredible.
"Got your gun?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
"On our way out, hit the tank."
We waited until the fire had died down a little before we left. It took me three shots before I hit the tank. The car exploded.
We walked three miles to a service station along the highway, called a ride, and never spoke of it again.
I did my best not to think about it. I did a pretty good job, too...when I was awake. Every night, though, all those repressed fears and what the hell ever else came to the surface and tortured me. It got so bad around '78 that I tried to kill myself. I was always tired, always nervous, always struggling to keep from breaking down. It wasn't worth it. I took an overdose of sleeping pills, but Carl found me and took me to the hospital. I wish he'd never done that.
It got better for a few years, but then it started all over again. A prison psychiatrist I talked to back in 1988 told me I needed to be open about the whole thing, that I had to rob it of its power by not trying to repress it. Whatever. That's bullshit. It didn't help. Nothing has.
There's no escape.
submitted by Jrubas to nosleep [link] [comments]

Another piece of potential evidence for a widespread sex trafficking ring (amongst the elite)

(skip paragraph one if you want to get right into the new potential evidence)
Recently a new story has come out on this subreddit in which sex traffickers may be using wayfair for their operations. This has opened a new discourse here on whether a sex trafficking ring is being operated. So, I guess this is my place to throw in another potential piece of evidence into the loop. I know that this isn't the most reputable source, but on 4chan, there was a thread in which a poster disclosed some potentially significant information on these occurrences. Allegedly, the author was a driver for Jeffrey Epstein & co and got some insight into the sex trafficking ring through this job of his. He would post this alleged information between July 1rst and 2nd 2020 and seeing his disappearance/hints - he likely committed suicide if this story is true . Now, this story may or may not be true seeing the unreliability of 4chan - but in my opinion the allegations are large enough & the story seems believable enough for it to warrant discussion on this subreddit and on other forums. After all, it implicates quite a few celebrities and a couple notable politicians. Even a GPS coordinate does come into play. As such, I am posting this anecdote here to facilitate such discussion. So, here is the link to the thread containing the anecdotes:

(content warning: content is at least somewhat NSFW)
If the thread has been taken down/if you want to see the author's writings without scrolling through endless feedback of other 4channers , here are the compiled writings/stories of the author:

I'm going to kill myself tomorrow, /x/. I'm also sending 3 packets of copied information to the media, one to CNN, one to MSNBC, and one to Fox News. You all will have to see which one tells the truth about the information they receive and who doesn't. I trust 4chan to do this because of our history of releasing legit info in the face of mass media coverup.
I have been a professional drivesecurity guard for a circle of very wealthy people for almost 8 years. I started by working the door at a private gentlemen's club outside of the DC area. From that job I was introduced to some employment managers for Jeffrey Epstein. Because I had experience as both a cab driver and a bouncer, as well as always overlooking and keeping my mouth shut about the drugs and prostitution my employers at the club profited from they thought I'd be a good fit to work the weekends for Mr. Epstein. At first, I didn't do very much, definitely nothing important. I would run errands mostly, and do anything my manager (who reported directly to Mr. Epstein) wanted me to do. So say the gardener calls out sick one day, it would be me mowing the lawn in his place. I was sort of a floating general helper. Inevitably I ran into Mr. Epstein now and then, and he was always very personable, enthusiastic. I had heard about his original court case and the rumours and everything, but just meeting this guy made me feel like it was all a lie because he seemed so kind, and genuine. I thought he really was just this hot shot money man, like a Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark kind of figure. And I think, ultimately, that's how he wanted us all to see him. His god complex was, to say the least, very developed.
Eventually I was trusted with bigger jobs. I think I got a good reputation because I cleaned one of Mr. Epstein's bedrooms one day. There was, to my dismay, a mixture of shit and cum on the bed sheets. I dealt with it professionally, and I didn't say anything. I knew by then that someone is always watching. There are cameras in almost every single room save Mr. Epstein's private office and regular bedroom (he had several bedrooms but one was his "favorite" I guess. His main room). I never mentioned it to anyone, but I still got a thank you from my manager for being discreet. One day, I was asked to go pick up a masseuse. From a bus station. I didn't ask her her age, I knew better, but she couldn't have been older than 16. I got a really bad feeling in my stomach because at this point denying Mr. Epstein's tastes would be borderline irrational. I did my job, though. I took her to his house and a few hours later I took her back to the bus stop. She was crying, and I didn't talk to her about it. A few weeks later, I did it again. Now my manager tells me that Mr. Epstein would like me to take over all of his various pick ups and drop offs. They called it "Cutie duty" (fucking barf). But it was more than just girls, I would pick up drugs and other assorted packages, most of which I had no idea the contents but as far as I was concerned, the less I knew the better. I was getting paid VERY well for the amount of work I was doing. In a given day I spend 3, maybe 4 hours doing anything that could be considered work, the rest of the time I either sat in my car browsing 4chan on my phone or inside pretending like I was rich and this was my house. For this I was being paid 75k/year, more than I'd ever even hoped to have made in my whole life. When I took over doing most of the driving it went up to 115. Every time my job became more illegal, the money would get better. That's his tactic. He knows that people will do just about anything, for the right price.
I just want people to know I guess, call it a public confession because I'm guilty. I guess I don't care that much because I'm gonna be dead. I've done things I can't forgive myself for, and I think they'll have me killed anyway. I'm going to do it on my terms.
Mr. Epstein is very shrewd. He pays you a lot, but not enough for the shit you have to do. And he tries to find the absolute least amount he can pay to keep you doing it. For me, disgracefully, that was around 150k. I stayed on "cutie duty" for about 4 months, then Mr. Epstein took a trip abroad and he loaned me out to another family, the Romney's. Now, keep in mind, I never met Mitch Romney and I don't think I even worked for him, I just worked for the family. I reported to an employment manager as usual. I was tasked with driving a young man, named Cole around wherever he wanted. Cole was probably 22 and already his license had been suspended for drunk driving. He lived in a huge house out in the middle of nowhere outside Bolder, Colorado. Man, it was beautiful. If I could have stayed there forever I would have. I suspect it was a vacation "cabin" (mansion) owned by his parents, but I digress. Every weekend we would drive into the city, he would get shitfaced drunk, find a woman or prostitute and I'd take us all back home. Cole was a total piece of shit. If you remember "scumbag steve" just imagine is Steve's parents were multi millionaires if not billionaires and you get the idea.
So one Sunday morning, after a typical Saturday night I report for duty 8 am sharp knowing damn well that Cole isn't going to drag his ass out of bed until at least 3 pm. Here he comes hobbling down the driveway in his socks to my car. He usually texts when he's up and I come inside and start cleaning up his messes. No text today. He comes over to the car as I'm stepping out. He says, "Uhh, hey buddy? We kinda got a problem but, it's not that big of a deal". Ok, what? Let's see it. We go inside, upstairs to his bedroom. His girl from last night is lying face up, and her open mouth is pooled with vomit. She is most definitely dead. Far as I can tell she overdosed on whatever combination of prescription drugs they were doing, passed out, puked, then suffocated on her own vomit. I'm absolutely flipping my shit, and I've got my phone out dialing 911. Cole slaps it out of my hand and says tells me to hold on. He says he can't get in trouble because it will look bad on his family. I said, Cole, you've already been getting into trouble. He says he knows, just not this kind of trouble. He says I'll get a big bonus if I just deal with it myself. Now, I'm way out here in the middle of nowhere and the implication from day one of my employment in this circle has been that if I mess up I might suffer harsh consequences. I know what I did here was wrong. I know that, and I am so sorry.
I asked him what I'm supposed to do. He says just wait. He gets a different phone out of a drawer and starts making calls. After a few minutes (I'm waiting in the hallway, he's casually pacing around the corpse) he gives me gps coordinates (39.982602, -105.615416) for a little spot off 111 out in the mountains. I'm supposed to wrap her up, take her there, and drop her off. He said there would be guys waiting there to take her. It's a long drive and I don't look forward to it one bit. I wrap her up in his comforter. He stops me. "Bro", he says. "Bro not that blanket, that's like, the softest blanket in the world dude, no way" and he gets me a different blanket from the closet. Fucking real gentleman, Cole was.
He's got an f-150 at the property used for landscaping work, I put her body in the bed with a tarp on top and then I fill the rest of the back with landscaping supplies. Fertilizer, tools etc. I tried to make it look really natural and boring. I'm shitting bricks, I can't believe I'm actually doing this. But he's promising me that if I get busted I'll have the best lawyers money can buy, and I believe him. She's dead already anyway and it's unlikely he would even get into any real legal trouble, just bad press. So what's the difference? The whole time driving I'm just sweating right through my clothes. I have to stop twice to puke. When I get there there's a little dirt spot you can pull of into and sure enough they're a big black SUV and a jeep with offroad tires. I'm not about to just *assume* these are the body people so I stop and get out and approach the SUV. The window rolls down and there's a woman who's probably in her 50's and a big guy driving. I don't know what to say so I'm just kinda like "uhhhh, how's it going?" feeling like a complete fucking idiot. She makes a call and describes me to the person on the phone, then she puts it down and says "We're who you're looking for, is it under all that stuff in the bed?" I say yeah, do you need help? She says no, take a break. So I walk into the trees a little bit and smoke a cigarette or two. They've got her out and put her in the jeep within about 5 minutes. The woman tells me to drive wait 15 minutes before I leave, then they pull out and drive away, the jeep drives further into the woods. I wait maybe 7 minutes and I leave. I got a text later telling me not to ever leave early again. It was from a blocked number.
So when I get back to the house Cole is sitting at the kitchen table eating a massive bowl of fruit loops with a big serving spoon watching Love and Hip Hop. This man is like a child, and he hasn't even gotten dressed yet. He asks me to wash his blanket and sheets. I do it. We got really drunk that night, and Cole tells me this has happened twice before and it's always fine. He says he's like Scarface "and shit". I hate him. The remaining few months go by without incident and he gets his license back, freeing me at last. Mr. Epstein doesn't need me at this time but I do get referred as a reliable driver to the big wigs at Def Jam Records, who assigned me to work on Rihanna's crew while she promoted Talk that Talk, at the time her 6th and newest album.
I never met Ms. Rihanna in person, just in passing now and then, but I found this job to agree with me a lot better than the others. I drove a van stacked with promotional gear from city to city while she toured. A few times I was sent to pick up molly and was taught to use test strips to test for purity. If it was not pure I was supposed to walk away, but it was always pure. There are circles within circles of connections. I believe there is an entire shadow economy strictly for the rich and famous to get their rocks off collectively. One thing I did learn about Rihanna is that she enjoys young females as well. I was sent to pick up two young girls and bring them to her hotel room. Of course I was met outside the door by someone more important than me. This struck me as odd because as far as I understand, Rihanna is not a billionaire like Epstein, but she was even more insulated and protected than he was. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with just personal choices regarding security, but I get the picture that in this world, influence and money both equal power and Rihanna especially in 2011/2012 was HIGHLY influential. All I had to do was mention her name and girls would get in the car. Just like that.
So the most noteworthy thing that happened while working for Def Jam is when Rihanna had a party to celebrate the end of her tour. Everybody was there, I mean all of the pop stars were there. Jonas Brothers, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and even a few old heads like Elton John and some actors, I noticed John Travolta for sure, Seth Rogen, Emma Stone, Bradley Cooper, to name a few. For this party I was, of course, tasked with getting entertainment. They wanted "as young as I could get" and "as many as I could get". Ostensibly they were being hired to be wait staff, valet drivers etc, but the plan is to switch it up on them when they actually get there, give them drugs, money, whatever they need to do what they wanted them to do, which was essentially to be all expenses paid prostitutes for whoever wanted them. That part, thankfully, was not my job. I'm just the piece of shit who tricked them into going. I picked up 5 young girls from a mall, a couple of teenage boys I found walking along the road, and then I got a hold of an escort company to fill it out and make an even dozen. The ones from the escort company were not underage and I was severely chastised for it. My manager basically asked if I ever wanted to work again. I said yes. He said then act like you've got some goddamned sense. I didn't make this mistake again. After the tour ended I was just on my own for a month or so, I rented a house near Tulsa and basically isolated the entire time. I was starting to get ideas in my head about going to trade school or something when I was called back to come work for Mr. Epstein again.
At this point, I've developed a bad coke habit, of which I have only been sober a few months to this day. I needed something to make me do it. Coke makes you feel numb in a way not much else does, and believe me, I've tried just about everything. There are research chemicals no one has even heard of that get traded around in these circles. When I came back to work for Mr. Epstein on his island I was going through an 8 ball every day or two. I binge drank at night but I had to keep focused during the day. The coke wired me up and the liquor brought me back down. That's the only way, mentally, I could really cope with what's happening.
I was flown to his now infamous island to be one of the regular staff. Essentially I lived on this island for free, while getting paid, to maintain the grounds and keep the buildings up. When Mr. Epstein was there, obviously he would bring his own entertainment so I didn't even have to do that. I thought, this sounds like a fucking fantastic deal. Island paradise? Great wages? Not much real work? Count me in. Out of all of my sins, I believe sloth is the most damaging one I indulge in. I always look for the easy dollar, and that's why I am prey for people like this.
Now, first of all, this island is like paradise on earth. It's always a comfortable temperature. The rains are breathtakingly beautiful and the architecture and decor of the houses are exquisite. Yes, the bath house is really creepy. The fake doors are there to confuse fly by surveillance, if anyone was wondering. The other regular staff were...hard to get along with. They were all creeps and I mean capital C fucking creeps. Made me wonder about myself, honestly, that I'm put here with them. They all joked about getting Mr. Epstein's "leftovers" and the talk was constantly about when Mr. Epstein was going to visit the island again. When he would bring important people - world leaders, CEO's etc, I and most of the staff were kept totally out of site. We weren't allowed to work in an area unless we knew it was empty. Only his most trusted employees could actually be in the building with him and high powered friends. Sometimes though, it would just be the family and things were more relaxed. I passed by his office once, carrying some garbage, when he beckoned me inside. He asked me my name and I told him. He offered me a seat, I took it. You don't get far in this business saying no. He began to talk to me, he looked really stressed. He asked me how anything that feels good could be bad. He had a big painting of Oscar Wilde and considered him a personal hero. He began to explain hedonism to me, and asked me if I understood. Of course, I said. Who doesn't like fun? Lots of people. He said, lots of people. Then he let me go about my duties.
I fucked up really bad one evening and entered one of the maintenance sheds to return some tools I'd been using, and saw the sweaty, pale back of a large man, hunched over and thrusting. He had a tattoo of Nixon on his back, and he was wearing a bull's head mask. He was fucking one of the regular staff member's mouth. He turns to me, I'm just standing in shock, and says quite angrily, "DO YOU MIND?" and I slam the door shut. As I'm closing the door I get a glimpse of my coworker's face and he is crying. I googled nixon back tattoo later and realized that man was Roger Stone, who I'd never even heard of up to that point. I knew I was in deep shit. The next day and for two weeks after I got all the worst jobs - trash pick up, cleaning toilets, scrubbing his boats. It fucking sucked, but I kept my mouth shut anyway. As far as I understood my pay had not been cut so whatever, I'll do the shitty jobs where I'm by myself because at least, hey, I'm by myself. That was fine with me.
Anyway things started getting really tense on the island from that point. People started making little comments to me about being nosy, or about minding my own business. I was started to get worried I'd be branded a "troublemaker", which you don't want to be. Things turn very quickly in this business, that's how they've kept a lid on it for so long, any small mistake and you're out. Most people are let go with NDA's and the understanding that they will be watched the rest of their lives which, ultimately, is how I got out as well. After Epstein died they cut me lose, I guess they figure since he's dead nothing I'd know would matter anyway. They're probably right, honestly. It probably won't matter anyway. But the rest of my time on that island was pure terror. I was just waiting to be taken away or worse, never happened, but I was still really scared. I saw a few of their weird "plays" they would do, around the bath house. Mr. Epstein had a little portable stage he would get set up, he would wear the bull head I saw Stone wearing and give a big speech about what he called freedom. He would say this island is the only free place in the whole world, where everyone on it can do whatever they want. Bullshit. Not your employees, not the children you bring here. Total bullshit. Everyone would cheer, they'd get up and do a sort of conga line with tiki torches, really cringy old rich people shit and go into the bath house. There is a trap door on the floor that has not been reported in any of the investigation photos that I've seen which lead to what they call "The chamber", and it is essentially a bondage dungeon. I don't know what all happened in there and I never want to know, I stayed as far away from that bath house as I could.
I mean large as in wide. He is a brick of a man. Pic related, in the supply shed he was taking up basically the entire doorway.
So anyway eventually I got my reputation for the most part back into good graces, and I was working in the main houses again. One time I was helping in the kitchen. I don't know if the chef was fucking with me, I hope so, but he was separating what looked to me like the torso of a very young, skinned pig. It had been roasted and he was chopping it into quarters, the ribs to be served that evening and the rest broken down for soups and casseroles. I jokingly said that it looked like a little kid. He just gave me this awful, dead eyed looked for a second and said "watch it"
I worked on that island for about a year, in 2013-2014 Mr. Epstein chose me and two other trusted employees from the island to come with him to a winter retreat in the Swiss Alps. He owned a small (billionaire 'small' mind you) "cabin" (again, mansion) there and wanted people he knew could be trusted, because most of the staff would be local hires. Our job on the surface was to help manage all the employees, like supervisors basically, but the unspoken task would be keeping everyone either in the dark or quiet. Mr. Epstein had a real fondness for plump, young swiss blondes, and the Swiss, as he would explain, have a very "progressive" idea regarding age of consent. He viewed this as a more relaxed way to do what he does, more casual. Part of the thrill for these people, I think, is in the fact that it is illegal and they could get in big trouble. When they go to places that are more friendly with the idea of an older man having sex with 15 year olds it's to "take a break" so to speak. The alps themselves, wow. I mean, wow. I've been all over the United States and NOTHING in this country compares to Europe in terms of sheer beauty. Sometimes, early in the morning when I'd come out of my cabin and stretch, looking at the trees, smelling the crisp, clean air...just for a minute I'd forget what I have done, and what I'm doing. When it came back to me, I'd have to fight back tears. I want the mountains there to be the last thing I think about before I die.
So I've not been there three days when, while me and the two from the island are doing bumps of coke off a butter knife in the lower garage, a boy maybe 14, skinny, blonde, pale and naked comes through the doorway right towards us. He's speaking French but I think I got the gist of what he was saying, he was asking for help. He looked hysterical. Immediately my two "friends" were outta there and I shouldn't have been far behind. I told him, calm down, calm down, it's ok, I'm gonna help you. I just wanted him to feel better. This all took maybe 30 seconds before one of the "nannies" came in. He looked at her, confused, and I get the picture he was trying to decide if she could be trusted. She couldn't. She shushed him and put her jacket over him and took his hand, she was speaking French as well and it sounded like a mother consoling a frightened child. She lead him back into the house, I did not see him again. I never mentioned it to anyone, and nobody ever mentioned it to me.
During my last couple of weeks there I witnessed first hand the murder of an "independent journalist". I don't think he was actually a journalist, I think he had maybe a blog or a youtube channel, but I had never heard of him and don't know his name so I don't think he was anyone with any real connections. He was one of the local hires, a dishwasher, but he was seen with a cell phone, out, possibly recording. Me and the other two from the island were asked to go "check it out". So we go get the guy and ask him to empty out his pockets, sure enough he's got a phone. We told him to unlock it, he wouldn't. One of the other guys made a call, came back, and slugged him directly in the nose. I think he broke it because there was blood just pouring out and the guy started screaming. I don' think he'd ever been hit before but me and the other guy held him down. Fuck it I'll say their names. It was Daniel Robinson from South Florida and Marcus Harper from Nevada. Marcus and I were holding him down and Danial punched him again and told him to unlock his phone. He complied this time, and sure enough there were pictures and videos from inside the house. We knew he hadn't sent anything out because only wired connections work there, I guess they had signal jammers or something, or maybe because it was just so remote, I don't know. Anyway, Daniel makes another call and tells us to take him outside into the woods. I think we're just gonna threaten him and make him sign an NDA, but Daniel took his belt off and strangled him to death. We had to put his body up in an outbuilding because the ground was frozen. We put him through a wood chipper and then burned everything to ash. There were bits of charred bone left over when I swept it all into a trash bag and threw it out with the regular garbage. This, above anything else, I feel the most guilty for.
After that, if I wasn't "in" before, I was definitely "in" now, me, Marcus, and Daniel. The three fucking stooges from hell. Daniel had been in the military and I think he had a few screws loose because he always had a temper. He became the go to guy for the really dirty shit. I started working for Mr. Epstein directly after this. He would confide in me sometimes, when he was very high, about how nothing really makes him feel good enough. He told me once that he hasn't felt happy in years. I wish I had had the stones to tell him that this life he is living is only bringing him down. For a brief moment, I felt empathy for this man. I think that, too, was part of his game though. I don't think he has ever had a single genuine feeling in his life outside of sexual gratitude. He never mentioned the journalist to me, it was like it never happened but we both knew that was the reason I was now working directly for him.
Listen, I think I've said about all I care to right now. I'm going to go get a bottle of something before all the stores close. If this thread is still here in a few hours, I'll answer questions and tell some more stories.

The stories end here, but here are a few questions from other users (answered by OP) - which I thought were interesting enough to warrant them being placed here:
"Wow. I believe you OP. And I forgive you, for whatever that's worth. THank you for sharing your story."
"Can you tell us more about the chamber? Multiple floors deep, or like a basement? And what was the significance of the massive occult sundial on the island? DId you notice any rituals or satanic behavior?"
"You ever see occult stuff on the island? Robes, pentagrams, rituals, that kind of shit?"
They called them "plays" and "theatre" but from my eyes yeah, I would say the speeches and stuff I saw looked a lot like rituals. The bull's head mask was scary. I mean it was a rubber mask for sure but whoever spoke would wear it all night. After they would come up out of the chamber the masked person would roam the island all night, and it was generally understood that you are to avoid them at all costs. When they wear the mask they're like animals, they just wander around from one carnal satisfaction to the next. Food, sex, sometimes violence, whatever. And they could do whatever they want. If they came to you and told you to suck their dick or whatever, you have to do it. It never happened to me thankfully, but I made sure on those nights to stay out of sight.
"my question here >>25411676 about the shadow economy
another, did you feel Epstein was retarded in some way? I'm intrigued by how you describe his crisis of "how can something that feels good be wrong". elaborate on what you feel really goes on in these people's heads, are they infantile?
also interested in hearing more about weird drugs"
I don't think he was retarded at all, he was whip smart. I just don't think he had any emotional intelligence, maybe. I think he was hollow inside, for the most part.

Conclusion (my thoughts):
This story does bring up some big potential revelations. However, it should definitely be taken with a large grain of salt due to its origin. Because of this, I wonder what you think about the story - and if you think its true. Also, it is intriguing how the author used GPS coordinates (39.982602, -105.615416) to describe the spot where he dropped off the dead girl. So, i'm just wondering, are any of you familiar with the surrounding area of the coordinates described? Also, is this story alone, or are there others which corroborate the allegations provided?

Finally, there are a few inconsistencies, namely:

  1. I find it hard to believe that Roger stone went to Epstein island - seeing his anti-establishment position
  2. Jeffrey Epstein reportedly didn't allow people into his room
  3. Mitt Romney's name is misspelled as Mitch in the original post
  4. I have never heard of a young man named Cole who is in league with Mitt Romney

I hope to see what you guys think about this story and the allegations it brings.
submitted by Writer2094 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

is it illegal to get paid under the table in florida video

Bottom line: under the table employees are not worth the potential legal trouble, hassle and money. If you're being audited by the IRS or your state's tax agency for not reporting employee income or paying under the table, consult with an experienced business attorney for help. There is also the fact that paying employees under the table is illegal, and carries the same risks as any illegal activity. Can you really get put in jail for paying employees under the table? Absolutely, in fact it is not an uncommon site to see employers face jail time for it, along with paying fines for it outside the taxes that they owe. I work under the table in Florida for a company based out of Michigan. Myself and the 2 other workers down here haven't been paid in over a month. They keep giving us work and saying if we don't do th … read more The law is very clear on this issue. If you earn any money from someone that is not your father or mother. You have to pay taxes on all earned money. The employer has to take out taxes on that... Then again, employees getting paid under the table may be reluctant to report any labor violations, for fear of incriminating themselves (and for more than just accepting under the table wages). It is illegal for (most) employers to pay (most) employees under the table, but can you report them? And if so, how? Fair Play, and Fair Pay First, it's important to understand what "under the table" means. The implication is that you were being paid out of pocket and not documented. That may be true. Independent contractors may perform small jobs for money paid "under the table." One of the most common motives for paying someone under the table is tax evasion. The more employees a company or business has, the more payroll tax it has to pay. A simple, yet illegal, remedy is to pay someone in secret without involving the government. Paying people under the table is not legal, because it is a way to avoid paying taxes. Apart from the under the table issue, if you were not paid for overtime, you may potentially have an FLSA claim. You should consult with an employment attorney in order to protect your rights. When your boss pays you under the table, the law doesn’t recognize you as an employee, which means you lose out on a number of benefits and legal protections. Being paid off-the-books doesn’t get you in trouble provided you satisfy all of your tax responsibilities. Your The term, being paid under the table, is used so commonly and matter-of-factly that a person might wonder whether this practice is legal. In case you haven’t heard this term, or don’t know what it means, being paid under the table or paying under the table wages is a way to accept or pay money, usually in cash, to get around paying income tax or payroll tax.

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