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What A Day: Floperation Blorp Speed by Sarah Lazarus & Crooked Media (12/09/20)

"At 10:00 P.M. on Election Evening, we were at 97% win with the so-called “bookies”." - Donald Trump, seeking the overturn the results of the Triple Crown

None The Pfizer

After the Trump administration nailed every other aspect of the pandemic response with flying colors, it may come as a shock to learn that its plan to distribute vaccines to hundreds of millions of Americans leaves something to be desired. Specifically, vaccines.
Even in a delay-free world, the coronavirus task force warned on Tuesday, the vaccine program wouldn’t substantially reduce the spread of coronavirus until late spring.
It stands to reason that the Trump administration’s demonstrated indifference to saving American lives would hobble the vaccine effort, and we can fully expect Republicans to turn around on January 20 and try to blame the ensuing delays and deaths on Joe Biden. No one should give them the time of day. Hard as they might try to wipe it on to Biden’s hands, the blood is on theirs.

Look No Further Than The Crooked Media

We're only a few weeks away from the January 5 runoff in Georgia that will determine control of the Senate. Early voting starts on December 14, and if you're looking for ways to support groups on the ground making sure every voter makes their voice heard, sign up to Adopt Georgia. We'll be sending new opportunities to donate and volunteer every week between now and January, so head over to to learn more about what you can do today.

Under The Radar

The Federal Trade Commission and 48 attorneys general have filed landmark antitrust lawsuits against Facebook, alleging that the company illegally crushed its competition by buying up its rivals and weaponizing its staggering troves of user data. Federal and state regulators have been investigating Facebook for over a year, and this marks the first government antitrust action against a company that’s been behaving like a monopoly for a decade.The lawsuits explicitly ask the DC district court to consider forcing Facebook to sell off Instagram and WhatsApp, a move that Mark Zuckerberg has said would be “existential” for the company. Oh nooo, where would we all go to spread antisemitic conspiracy theories, spur on the downfall of American democracy, and wish an aunt we've never met happy birthday?

What Else?

The president is just straight up tweeting “#OVERTURN” now. That hashtag is gonna turn this whole coup around.
Trump and 17 states have joined Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to help Republicans overturn (#overturn?) election results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
The Senate confirmed three nominees to the Federal Election Commission, after the agency sat around uselessly for months without a quorum.
The EPA has finalized a rule making it more difficult to enact public health protections, one of several rules the Trump administration is fast-tracking to environmentally screw over Joe Biden.
Gov. Tom Wolf (D-PA) is in quarantine after testing positive for coronavirus but said he hasn't experienced any symptoms.
An Idaho health official left a virtual meeting in tears because anti-mask protesters had surrounded her home, where her 12-year-old son was alone.
Relatedly, here’s the completely heartbreaking story of Mitchell, SD, one of many red state towns where residents followed GOP leaders in not taking coronavirus precautions seriously until people started dying—and where a group of anti-maskers continued to vehemently oppose a local mask mandate.
YouTube will start taking down new videos that spread voter fraud conspiracy theories, right in the nick of time.
Cartoon voter-fraud witness Melissa Carone said she isn’t self-quarantining and hasn’t gotten tested after testifying next to COVID-positive fart-machine Rudy Giuliani.
Joe Biden might send Pete Buttigieg to China as an ambassador, in the latest indication that he is a mere puppet for radical socialist Amy Klobuchar.
Piers Morgan has been forced to deny a rumor that he played the Central Park Pigeon Lady in Home Alone 2, but enough people believe the rumor that we should probably let all of the legal challenges play out.

Be Smarter

A new study found that rural, predominantly Black counties have the highest IRS audit rates. You know, where all the rich white tax evaders live. Humphreys County, MS, where more than a third of mostly Black residents are below the poverty line, is the most heavily-audited county in the country—because so many taxpayers are poor. The IRS doggedly audits taxpayers who claim the earned income tax credit, a program meant to lift workers out of poverty, under pressure from congressional Republicans. As a result, the five counties with the highest audit rates are all poor, majority Black counties in the deep south, and the audit rate is next-highest in majority-Hispanic counties and those with Native American reservations. Try to claim a legal tax credit and get slammed with a year-long IRS audit, while wealthier white populations enjoy an unaudited existence: What could be fairer?

What A Sponsor

Interested in the most comfortable pair of underwear in the world? Tommy John set out to reinvent men’s undergarments, the way they should be: more tailored, fit, and fashionable.
Created by a husband and wife team, co-founders Tom and Erin left their careers, cashed out their 401Ks, and set out to reinvent men’s undergarments, the way they should be: more tailored, fit, and fashionable.
And just like that, Tommy John was born. And the life-changing products followed. Underwear that never rides up. Socks that never roll down. Apparel that moves with you. Loungewear and pajamas that are luxuriously soft, yet machine washable. For all of your clothing needs, Tommy John has you covered.
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This holiday, upgrade you and yours with limited edition prints and patterns guaranteed to bring comfort and joy, available now! Order NOW to make sure your gifts arrive in time.

Is That Hope I Feel?

New York has pledged to divest its $226 billion pension fund from fossil fuels by 2050, and completely decarbonize the fund by 2040.
A universal flu vaccine that protects against all strains of the flu and lasts for years may not be far off.
The House has passed a bill that would broaden marijuana research in states where the drug is already legal.
Taylor Swift donated $13,000 to two mothers on the verge of eviction. Your turn, federal government.


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Far off Anniversaries in Baseball: 1919

Welcome back to a resuscitated /baseball recurring series, (far off) Anniversaries in Baseball. The premise is simple: time, like baseball, is a flowing stream, that changes much less than we like to think it does. This series is about reflecting and remembering upon baseball events, or jerks, and real-world intrusions that made up a certain year exactly a few decades away. I attempt to convey this by merging primary and secondary sources through a variety of mediums to paint a portrait of the season in review. For the next few weeks, until the end of 2019, we will be drawing our thoughts back to ’19, ’29, ’39, ’49, ’59 to better understand our shared past and our sublimely important present- I ask you to join me on a quest through time to preserve a precious perspective and I hope you enjoy the series. Please include any feedback or thoughts in the comments section.
This particular issue is going to factor in a bit more "World History" than the others, simply because of the disastrous tone the year 1919 took was reflected on in the baseball season.
World Leaders: (There really wasn’t any population estimates because the war had ended two months prior, so here’s where the lines were drawn)
*England *:Prime Minister David L. George
United States of America: Woodrow Wilson
France: President of the Council of Ministers Georges Clemenceau
Italy: Prime Minister Francesco S. Nitti
Canada: Prime Minister Robert Borden
Cuba: Governor Mario G. Menocal
Russia: Supreme Ruler Alexander V. Kolchak
Weimar Republic: SDS Leader and President Friedrich Ebert
Ottoman Empire: Mehmed VI
China: President Xu Scichang, Beiyang government
Japan: Emperor Yoshihito
Mexico: President Venustiano C. Garza
Persia: Shah Qajar
January- March:
We have another New Year’s Day baby, when Sol and Marie Sallinger first met their infant, Jerome David on Manhattan Island. Later that week, former President Theodore Roosevelt died on the 6th. Future HoF’er James Henry “Orator Jim” O’ Rourke died two days later on the 8th in Bridgeport, CT of pneumonia contracted while walking home from a consultation appointment one week earlier. He played baseball for 23 years and is credited with the first NL hit while holding a law degree from Yale.. He started playing semi-pro ball only three years after the Civil War and by 1877 he was hitting .362 in the NL. On the 16th of that same month, The U.S. congress ratified prohibition which would take effect one year from that day. More importantly to the geo-political landscape of the world, on the 18th the Paris Peace Conference opened, tasked with sorting out the horrific formalities of The Great War, having been recently decided with the United States’ last-minute entrance. The date was symbolic, according to dispatch from the Guardian:
The great conference was formally opened at the Quai d’Orsay, yesterday on the 48th anniversary of that scene, so calamitous to Europe, when the German Empire was proclaimed at Versailles on the eve of the capitulation of Paris. If anyone had chanced to be present at both ceremonies, he would have been struck by a sense of contrast. The meeting in the Galerie des Glaces gave birth to a new order which has been a fatal burden to Europe. The meeting at the Quai d’Orsay is to give birth to a new order to which all mankind is looking for freedom and peace.
On the 20th, the group of representatives from more than two dozen countries began discussing punishments for the “warmongering” Kaiser, without Germany. The Conference was buzzing along through its second week on Jan. 31, when in Cairo, GA, sharecroppers Mallie and Jerry Robinson were honored with the birth of their fifth child, who they named after the recently deceased president: Jack Roosevelt Robinson. Six days later, on February 5th, four of the largest movie-picture stars in America: Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin, D.W. Griffin and Mary Pickford created and agreed to the United Artists Corporation, in an attempt to control their artwork and profits more directly. There was no block booking for the new movie studio, and the actors and directors themselves controlled much of the common stock. That same day, in the National League offices, the Cincinnati Reds were making a case of corruption against a former player, Hal Chase. He was accused all throughout baseball for throwing games to his gambler friends while leading the league in hitting with .339 in his first year in Cincinnati, 1916. What triggered this hearing? Several Reds reported to their manager, Christy Mathewson, that they had seen or overheard Chase discuss his bets on the team. The NL president decided the suit when Mathewson was still serving in France:
"The testimony shows that Chase acted in a careless manner, both on the field and among the players, and that the club was justified in bringing the charges, in view of the many rumors which arose from the loose talk of the first baseman. In substance, the player was charged with making wagers against his club in games in which he participated. In justice to Chase, I feel bound to state that both the evidence and the records of the games to which reference was made, fully refute this accusation."
On Feb. 19th, the Reds traded him to the Giants and he signed his contract the day his old manager Christy Mathewson was named their assistant manager. On Feb. 25th, the state of Oregon created the first gas tax in U.S. history of a penny. On that same day in Haleburg Alabama, 81 miles west of Cairo, Monford Merrill “Monte” Irvin awoke to his first day of life. Only a few hours later on the 26th, President Wilson signed Senate Bill 390 which designated the Grand Canyon as a national park. Almost a month later, on March 23rd, Benito Mussolini founded the Italian fascist movement as a direct response to post-WWI turmoil. At this point in the year, however, spring was busting open and baseball was beginning to unveil itself again. The only problem was- baseball had taken such a hit in 1918: the “work or fight” movement derailed the season and it prematurely concluded with an almost false-World Series. This year, the season would be cut to 140 games and every owner lost money in the process. Still, many teams traveled to the south per usual for spring training. The Yankees and Tigers to Macon, GA, the Indians to New Orleans, the Red Sox to Tampa. The Phillies to Charlotte, the Robins to Jacksonville, the Pirates to Birmingham, the Braves to Columbus, GA and the Giants to Gainesville. While the Cardinals and A’s stayed put in the home parks, most of the rest of the teams settled in Texas, which was once the hot spot for Spring Training but was now losing its popularity. Still, the Reds showed up to Waxahachie, the O’s to San Antonio and the White Sox to the fabled health center, Mineral Wells. Their offseason was turbulent:
No one was quite sure how Gleason’s team would fare in the pennant race. The White Sox’ lack of pitching depth behind Eddie Cicotte and Lefty Williams was cited as a major concern by Chicago Tribunereporter Irving Sanborn, who predicted on April 20, “Unless he has a lot of luck developing new pitchers … (Gleason) is going to have a hard time keeping his team in the first division of the American League.” Veteran Red Faber, who had won three games in the 1917 World Series, was hampered by arm and ankle injuries, and he had come down with the flu virus and could not shake it. A global influenza epidemic had killed more than 600,000 Americans in the winter of 1918-19 alone. Faber’s condition was noticeably weak during spring training and it took him all year to fully recover.
How could we get into this much of 1919 without commenting on the global pandemic gripping the world: the Spanish flu virus? The world’s first wide war had given humanity an unwanted gift: bird flu, the H1N1 virus. Why call it the Spanish flu virus? Because the pandemic arose during the war, any country fighting censored reports of the disease, leaving neutral countries like Spain to wonder what was going on. No one knows where it started, but some estimates say 3-5% of the world’s population died. 10-20% of humanity was infected, including 28% of the American population. The worst year was 1918, but with the political instability the Great War had caused, the chaos of human civilization was seeping into baseball. As we would see, the White Sox would be in the center of a troubled, shaky world. Before teams departed from Spring training, a man put in the ground work to his legend. Red Sox two-way player George H. Ruth was on the starting nine for the Boston club in an exhibition game in Tampa, where he hit an estimated 587 ft. home run. Ruth and dingers this year would be a common theme, but this homer resonated far after his career was over- and this was important because Ruth had just ended a hold out with the Boston front office.
Until the 19 of April, 1919, Sunday baseball in New York was illegal. Governor Al Smith signed a bill repealing the blue laws, which opened up a new wave of passion for the national pastime on Sundays, when workers have the day off and are able to attend games. The president of the NL, Mr. Heydler, said:
I feel sure that baseball will have one of the greatest revivals in the history of the sport during the coming season, and I expect to see 1919 prove to be one of our banner years. I make this prediction more as a lover of baseball than as a baseball official… I believe the public can look forward to one of the most interesting seasons it has ever known.
144 years to the day after the Lexington and Concord skirmishes that started the rebellion, the season got under way. The Robins completed a sweep of their twinbill against the Braves- the rest of the teams got underway on that Wednesday the 23rd. One week later, if you had awoke in America to inspect the standings, you would see the 6-1 White Sox at the top of the AL and the undefeated 6-0 Reds at the top of the NL. You would have seen another full slate of games for that day: the Robins and Phillies tied a wild 20 inning game, where both starters (HoF) Burleigh Grimes and Joe Oeschger went the distance. Oeschger yielded 24 hits and only got two punchouts. Both teams scored 3 runs in the 19th before home plate umpire (HoF) Bill Klem called the game. But over the past few days in America, anarchists sent sticks of dynamite to the residences of prominent anti-labor and conservative politicians, specifically designed to coincide with May Day. The governor of Mississippi, Theodore G. Bilbo, the Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson, the police commissioner and mayor of NYC, John D. Rockefeller, Chicago District Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis and Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, among others. The country was horrified --) would the violence and revolts that were racking Germany seep into America? Fear spread like air throughout the country and the government quickly rounded up suspects.
Only two days after May Day, a composer and his violinist wife welcomed their son, Peter Seeger, into the world in Manhattan. Three days later, on the 6th, the Yanks lineup featured leadoff hitter and 24-year old rookie George Halas in a game against the 3-7 A’s. Halas got 4 PA’s before being removed for a pinch hitter and got his first hit in the Yankee loss. Rambling through the days to the 11th, Halas was still in the leadoff spot for a matchup against the Senators. Walter Johnson and Jack Quinn each went 12 innings- and Halas collected 2 of Johnson’s 9 K’s that day. In fact, Johnson gave up a double in the first and put down the next 28 batters until surrendering a leadoff single in the 11th. The game ended locked at 0 because of a curfew, but at least they were able to play the game after the disappearance of the blue laws. Johnson’s masterpiece was not the most amazing pitching performance of the day. The Reds were sitting in second place when they took on the bottom-feeding Cardinals. The game went by uneventfully in the first inning just before player-manager Rogers Hornsby led off the second with a walk. He was thrown out trying to steal second, and Reds starter used that momentum to only give up two more walks the entire game, achieving a no hitter in the process. This was the first no hitter at Crosley Field and Eller used his shine ball to baffle the Cards, according to this thought provoking look back.. On May 20th, the 9-8 Red Sox ran out onto the field of Sportsman Park to play the Browns. In the second inning, the first three Sox hitters Harry Hooper, Jack Barry and Amos Strunk all reached base.. Their teammate, Babe Ruth, socked a ball over the fence for his first career grand slam, to put his club ahead 4-0, his second regular season dinger of 1919.
A month had passed, but the red scare was just beginning with more dynamite sticks flying into unsuspecting residences. The next wave of anarchist strikes occurred on the 2 with larger bombs arriving at judges and mayors’ doorsteps, as well as a second bomb directed at AG Palmer, each carrying this message:
War, Class war, and you were the first to wage it under the cover of the powerful institutions you call order, in the darkness of your laws. There will have to be bloodshed; we will not dodge; there will have to be murder: we will kill, because it is necessary; there will have to be destruction; we will destroy to rid the world of your tyrannical institutions.
Palmer was not home when the pipe bomb went off. His neighbors across the street, Franklin and Elenore Roosevelt, walked past his door moments before the explosion and were only feet away from serious injury. Roosevelt was the assistant secretary to the Navy, tasked by Palmer to root out “homosexual behaviors” in the navy. FDR did this by arresting and trying veterans for sodomy. Roosevelt began expanding the illegal investigation harshly and was rebuked by Palmer, who shut down the investigation.. The calls of violent mayhem were not just coming from inside the house. Mexican revolution leader Francisco “Pancho” Villa organized an attack on nationalist forces in Ciudad Juarez, which his godson carried out at his wishes on the evening of the 14th. As the bullets hit buildings in nearby El Paso, the United States army got nervous and invaded Juarez to calm down tensions. Two American citizens were killed and over 90 Mexican soldiers and civilians died. One day after the tensions subsided, on the 17th, the New York Giants (30-14) prepared to play the Chicago Cubs (25-21) at Weeghman Field. Cubs ace Pete Alexander notched a win after giving up two runs to the Giants in the second. Hal Chase was playing at first and got a hit but was removed for a pinch hitter in the late innings. This would be the major league debut of Frankie Frisch. Strikes, bombs and violence was not just the new normal in Mexico and America at this drawn out summer of 1919. Back in mid-May, the entire population of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, went on strike. The population wanted more worker protections and a better life. The strike surged until the leaders of it found themselves behind bars on the same day Frisch made his debut. On the 21st, Canadian soldiers began a silent parade on main street and were met by Mounties with pistols, who unloaded their ammunition into the crowd, wounding 30. These battles between common folk and police, revolutionary leaders and military soldiers were occurring all over the world as the general population waited for the countries to settle their differences in Paris. All throughout this year, this season, the grand leaders sat in rooms hashing out the new world order and as you can imagine, this was quite an exclusively elusive bunch. A former baker from a Boston hotel, born in French Indochina and living in London, co-wrote a letter to the assembly asking them to attend on behalf of their home nation. He was Vietnamese and argued for the creation of a country under the yoke of French occupation, one of several foreign entities that had invaded and tried to control their countryside. In fact, the man who called himself Nguyen Ai Quac showed up at the conference and demanded to speak to President Wilson!. This did not happen and Nguyen the Patriot would find different political idols in France- communists. On the 28th, the leaders emerged from their comfy halls of power to alert their subjects that they had agreed on terms and at the suggestion of Woodrow Wilson, established the “League of Nations”. Wilson embarked on a vigorous campaign to convince the isolationist country to join the world powers.
On the 28th of the former month, Brooklyn’s Ed Konetchy went 3-3 in his plate appearances. In fact, he got a hit every single plate appearance until the 1st, when hit his 10th straight baseball in 10 tries at the box, setting the major league record for consecutive hits. Four days later, on the fifth, was Halas’s last PA in baseball. A hip injury forced his retirement but he continued playing semi-pro baseball and football back home in Ohio. He got a day job at a starch manufacturer, A.E. Staley. He served in sales and ran the company football team, the Decatur Staleys and by 1922 coach George Halas was guiding the Chicago Bears through the infant seasons of the NFL. One day after Halas left the stage, Chicago Cubs president/manager Fred Mitchell gave up his job of controlling the business side of his roster to his VP, William Veeck Sr., a former sportswriter. Veeck would transform the team with shrewd moves, partnered with the infant radio industry and he brought his son, William Veeck Jr., along with him. The Chicago they lived and worked in was not cheerful or peaceful. As soldiers burst back into domestic life, black soldiers began questioning the Jim Crow system that terrorized them at home. Back in May, NAACP co-founder W.E.B. DuBois published an essay, “Returning Soldiers”--) and scolded the status quo which supported lynching and encouraged ignorance. He ended with a call to arms:
This is the fatherland for which we fought! But it is our fatherland. It was right for us to fight. The faults of our country are our faults. Under similar circumstances, we would fight again. But by God of Heaven, we are cowards and jackasses if now that the war is over, we do not marshal every ounce of our brain and brawn to fight a sterner, longer, more unbending battle against the forces of hell in our own land.
We return
We return from fighting
We return fighting
Make way for Democracy! We saved it in France, and by the Great Jehovah, we will save it in the United States of America, or know the reason why.
By 1919, the rest of the country was tightly segregated but Chicago, mostly, was not. Beaches along Lake Michigan were, and that’s where we go on the 27th. The White Sox were 6 games up in first place, the Cubs had Pete Alexander toeing the bump and a unknown white attacker on a beach in Chicago stoned a black swimmer to death. America’s common man poet, Carl Sandburg, wrote an essay about the race riots that ensued and ripped the city apart. A major societal trend was occurring- African Americans were leaving the Black Belt in the South, which they had clung to since Emancipation, for better job opportunities in the industrial north. Sandburg reported on what we call now the “Great Migration”, and predicted the chaos earlier in the year. For a week, gangs of Irish citizens and rabble rousing racists donned blackface and lit up immigrant neighborhoods to stoke tension among the races. The mayor and the governor haggled over the specifics of sending the national guard as 23 African American citizens were hunted down and murdered. Gangs, like the Hamburg Athletic Club continued escalating the violence because they occupied south side neighborhoods stuck in the middle. History will never know for sure if Hamburg Athletic Club gangster, 17-year-old future mayor Richard Daley, took part in busting skulls of protesting African Americans.
By the 4th, Chicago declared the riots had subsided. Now, the battle that occupied their time was in the National League Standings, where the Reds and Giants swung back and forth through the next few weeks. Twenty days later on the 24th, the 28-79 Athletics sent their abysmal hitters up to face the Cleveland Indians at League Park, against Ray Caldwell. The Indians scored twice in the fourth, around the time the foreboding sky started to emit rain and Caldwell waltzed out in the 5th and surrendered his only run. With two outs in the ninth, Caldwell needed one more out to end the game and bared down- when he was struck by lightning and knocked unconscious. A sportswriter described the scene:
“There was a blinding flash that seemed to set the diamond on fire and Caldwell was knocked flat from the shock of it.”
Caldwell came to, stood back up, and retired the last A’s hitter for the victory. This kept the Indians 8 games back of the White Sox, who were the first team to score over 500 runs. The next day, the 25th, in Clio, Alabama, George Corley Wallace Jr. entered the great stage of life.
Entering the 8th of this month, the defending pennant winning-Red Sox were squarely out of the race. Their bright young pitcher, Babe Ruth, was in his first year of a three-year pact and was slowly transitioning into an electrifying power hitter when he wasn’t pitching. He set the AL record in homers in July and on this day he set the major league record with his 26th homer, in the first game of a doubleheader against the Yankees in the Polo Grounds. Harry Hooper also hit his third home run. The 66-53 Yanks wouldn’t get much better luck later in the week, on Wednesday the tenth the red-hot Cleveland club came to town. Ray Caldwell, fresh after his run in with a bolt of electricity in the sky, got two quick supporting runs from his team in the top half of the first. He knocked in his second double of the season later in the game and was a walk away from a perfect game. Caldwell’s first no hitter occurred less than a month after being struck by lightning. Earlier back in the year, Giants manager John McGraw traveled to the Ohio farm of Harry F. “Slim” Sallee and offered him a contract. Sallee was focused on retirement but noted he would only play for a team close by, in this case, Cincinnati. McGraw walked away and watched as Sallee achieved great things as a control master lefty for the Reds. He even got his own day at the ballpark, for his start on the 21st. He threw 65 pitches in total and finished his complete game shutdown of the Giants in 55 minutes. Six days later on the 27th, the last Saturday of the regular season, Babe Ruth became the first AL hitter to homer in every park. The October matchup was already decided: White Sox vs. Reds.
The White Sox were the best team in baseball, but their success originated from their clique-driven clubhouse. Team captain and superstar Eddie Collins, his future Cooperstown buddy Ray Schalk and others were well-paid and good at their jobs. The second half of the clubhouse- Eddie Cicotte, Happy Felsch and 1B Buck Weaver were culturally on a different planet. Weaver was underpaid, and in his search for money contacted a Boston bookie to place a bet against his own team. “According to the grand-jury testimony of Eddie Cicotte, his faction first began to discuss the feasibility of throwing the upcoming World Series during a train trip late in the regular season”. There was still the persistent rumor that the Cubs threw the previous World Series to Ruth’s Sox, and Hal Chase had escaped hot water over his close ties to gamblers. Lefty Williams and Joe Jackson joined the fix during the off days before the Series. Every player demanded their 10k share but only Cicotte got his before the series, which began on the first. At this point, according to “Eight Myths Out” from SABR,, the Chicago owner Charles Comiskey knew about the fix, as did famously connected gambler Arnold Rothstein and Hal Chase. Cicotte hit the first batter in the back as a signal that the fix was on. Here’s the footage. The Reds scored a run in that inning but Chicago answered it. In the fourth, Cicotte made a throwing error and the Reds ended the inning with five runs, eventually winning 9-1. The Reds won again the next day on Sallee’s masterful performance, to go up 2-0 and rolled into the south side of Chicago, still smoldering from the race riots earlier. Not all the cheating players had received their share and the White Sox had a rookie pitcher who was not in on the fix for game 3, so the club got their first series win. Eddie Cicotte was scheduled to start the next day, and after Jackson and Cicotte made obvious errors, the Reds went up 3-1. For what its worth, Cicotte would later mention he tried to win that game. All the White Sox went cold in October, going 26 innings without plating a run during the series. After a rain delay gave the teams their first off day, the Reds lost the next game 5-0. Jackson finally got support from his teammates the next game which led to a 5-4 White Sox win. Cicotte pitched up to snuff in game seven to give White Sox fans hope. Lefty Williams started game eight and gave up a four spot in the first. The Reds won 10-5 and their first World Series. Some writers and fans had questioned the White Sox for their sloppy errors and their owner Comiskey led an investigation that confirmed the truth. He buried the news, ruled Gandil ineligible and hoped no one would find the skeleton in his closet. This scandal would rock baseball to its core for generations and was one of the most famous events from this year with the faulty myths.
In that first week of October, however, throwing the World Series was not the only thing occurring behind closed doors. Woodrow Wilson crisscrossed the country to campaign for his League of Nations to see its ratification in the Senate. In April, he contracted H1N1 and his sickly picture of health and asthma loomed ominously. For days, Wilson [ignored his health and felt painful headaches]( On the day of game two of the WS, he either got up from bed and collapsed or woke up to feel his left hand numb. It was a stroke- he was paralyzed on his left side. Partially blind in his right eye. Suffered a UTI infection three weeks later and another bout of influenza the next year. Just like the White Sox scandal, it would take months for the American public to get wind of just how serious it had been. Until then, his wife, Edith became the de-facto president, our first female executive. Her duties included, in her own words:
I studied every paper sent from the different Secretaries or Senators and tried to digest and present in tabloid form the things that, despite my vigilance, had to go to the President. I, myself, never made a single decision regarding the disposition of public affairs. The only decision that was mine was what was important and what was not, and the very important decision of when to present matters to my husband.
Would the chaos, the suffering, the pain of 1919 continue into the next decade? Was violence, corruption, disease and the lying be the new normal? Around this time, a young veteran in Germany, disillusioned with the ridiculous post-war society joined the German Workers Party. They convinced him to make his first public speech at the Hofbraukeller brewery in Munich on the 16th of October. According to Adolph Hitler, it was the Jews who were to blame for the 1919 post-war madness. Over one hundred brown shirts in the brewery latched on to Hitler’s ideas quickly and his public speaking scheduled increased as President Wilson attempted to regain his health after the stroke.
Historians would later call the summer of 1919 the “Red Scare”, where conservative forces in the government and its citizens lashed out against reformers, socialists, and African Americans with zeal as anarchists and foreign revolutions spread fear. AG Palmer had been a victim of the bombs earlier in the year. This August, he appointed 24-year-old J. Edgar Hoover to prosecute political threats from foreigners and leftists. Hoover forged a pact with local cops to conduct a raid on November 7th, as Wilson sat in bed. Many of the humans they arrested were later freed and Palmer drew condemnation for the raids that bear his name, if little of his actual handiwork. Jumping ahead to December 12, inching toward 1920, the major league owners met and decided to severely limit the use of the spitball, allowing two players on each roster to continue the practice. After the 1920 season, the number would go down to one, allowing several pitchers to be grandfathered in. Toward the end of the year world health officials celebrated the end of the Spanish Flu epidemic and as fans would learn in 1920, Red Sox owner Harry Frazee sent George H. “Babe” Ruth for a hundred thousand dollars and a 350-thousand-dollar loan for Frazee’s new Broadway play, tied to a mortgage on Fenway Park.
AL team W/L pythag record run diff
Chicago White Sox 88-52 84-56 1.0
Cleveland Indians 84-55 80-59 0.7
New York Yankees 80-59 78-61 0.5
Detroit Tigers 80-60 74-66 0.3
St. Louis Browns 67-72 66-73 -0.2
Boston Red Sox 66-71 70-67 0.1
Washington Senators 56-84 66-74 -0.3
Philadelphia A’s 36-104 41-99 -2.0
NL team W/L pythag record run diff
Cincinnati Reds 96-44 92-48 1.
New York Giants 87-53 86-54 1.0
Chicago Cubs 75-65 77-63 0.3
Pittsburg Pirates 71-68 70-69 0
Brooklyn Robbins 69-71 71-69 0.1
Boston Braves 57-82 70-67 -0.7
St. Louis Cardinals 54-83 58-79 -0.6
Philadelphia Phillies 47-90 48-88 -1.4
Player BA OPS+ wRC+
Cobb, Ty .384 166 161
Jackson, Joe .351 159 157
Ruth, Babe .322 217 203
Sisler, George .352 156 151
Veach, Bobby .355 158 152
Players Missing: Jack Tobin (.327 BA), "Baby Doll" Jacobson (.323) Henie Groh (157 wRC+).
Adams, Babe 263.1 0.896 1.98
Alexander, Pete 235 0.928 1.72
Cicotte, Eddie 306.2 0.995 1.82
Johnson, Walter 290.1 0.985 1.49
Vaughn, Hippo 306.2 1.063 1.79
Players Missing: Jim Shaw (306.2 IP), Dutch Reuther (1.82 ERA), Jesse Barnes (295.2 IP, 1.008 WHIP), Lefty Williams (297 IP)
submitted by FederalLeagueMVP to baseball [link] [comments]

A brief rundown of the first ten pages of Jeffrey Epstein's 'Little Black Book'

Below is a quick rundown of the first ten pages of Epstein's contacts. There are some misspelled names. Epstein entered their names like this.
I did not search for pedophilia and other illegal ties into most of these people because I didn't have the time. This took a ton of time as is. Anyway, I hope something here strikes an interest in someone and maybe we can get more investigations out of this.

Abby: Not enough information
Joanna Abousleiman: Investment officer at the International Finance Corporation, a sister organization of the World Bank. Former strategy consultant at Booz & Company based in Abu Dhabi, working with public and private sector clients across the Middle East and North Africa.
Nick Adam: Not enough information
Alejandro Agag: Former politician in Spain. Became Secretary General of the European People’s Party (EPP), a tremendous political faction in Europe. Agag played a huge role in getting former Italy PM Silvio Berlusconi’s party into the EPP. Berlusconi has been charged for underage prostitution in the past. Agag quit politics to pursue financial and sporting interests. He is married to the daughter of Jose Maria Aznar, the former PM of Spain and Ana Botella Serrano, the first female mayor of Madrid. Guests at Agag’s wedding included kings and queens. Berlusconi and Tony Blair served as witnesses.
Marie Claire & John Agnew: John Agnew is a big-time banker out of London. He was former Joint Head of Morgan Stanley’s London office. Long history of working at various trusts. His father, Goeffrey Agnew, was the chairman of Thomas Agnew & Sons, a massive fine art dealer in London. Marie Claire Agnew is John Agnew’s wife. Her father, Bernard Dreesman is the Chairman of Morley’s department stores in London.
Azzedine Alaia: Deceased shoe designer. Tons of celebrities wore his shoes.
Rufus & Sally Albermarle: Rufus Keppel is the 10th Earl of Albemarle. The Keppel bloodline has served as Earl of Albemarle since the late 1600s and have ties to the British royal family. Rufus Keppel has the same great-great-grandfather as Camilla Parker Bowles (Prince Charles’s wife). Alice Keppel, who married the 7th Earl of Albemarle (Rufus’s great uncle), was a long-time mistress of King Edward VII. Alice Keppel was Camilla Parker Bowles’s great-grandmother. Camilla admired her. Rufus and Sally have since divorced. She was a sculptor.
Saffron Aldridge: A former Ralph Lauren model in the 1980s and 1990s.
Pam Alexander: According to New York Mag, she is “P.R. agent to the technology stars.” She has become the most powerful woman in the technology industry, and among the most powerful people in the P.R. industry.” Attended annual billionaires’ dinners with Epstein.
Giacomo Algranti: London art dealer.
Paul Allan: Co-founder of Microsoft. Paul Allen was the owner of the Portland Trailblazers (NBA) and the Seattle Seahawks (NFL).
Nicholas and Sarah Allan: Nicholas Allan is a former partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, a financial consulting firm worth billions. He is now the chairman of Link REIT, the largest real estate investment trust in Asia.
Charlie Althorp: Perhaps better known to us as Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer. He is the younger brother of Princess Diana and the maternal uncle of Prince William and Prince Harry. Queen Elizabeth II is his godmother.
Carella Alun-Jones: Wife of James McGrigor, founder of McGrigor group, an organization that does consulting work with health insurers. Could not find anything about her besides this.
Jeremy & Deborah Alun-Jones: Jeremy is a CEO at ADM Capital, a large investment firm. Deborah Alun-Jones is an author and Jeremy’s wife.
Senor Vincente Alvarez: Likely Vincent Alvarez, president of the New York City Central Labor Council. Alvarez is also a Class C director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This is a position that is appointed by the Board of Governors.
Phillipe Amon: Owner and manager of SICPA, a Swiss company and universal leader that specializes in the printing of bank notes, passports, lottery tickets, and identity documents. SICPA literally prints money and passports.
Maurice & Roberta Amon: Maurice is Philippe’s brother. Maurice left SICPA, but may have had an equal role to Philippe had he stayed. Roberta Amon is Maurice’s ex-wife. He left her as she battled breast cancer.
Lisa Anastos: General Counsel for Payfone, a digital identity authentication network. Anastos previously worked in the law department of Goldman Sachs and General Counsel’s office of American Express.
Lulu Anderson: Uncertain. Only lead found were a few pictures of a woman with the same name at a party as a guest of Roger Waters (Pink Floyd).
Robert & Alex Appleby: Robert is co-founder of ADM Capital, a large investment firm.
Maite Arango: Vice-President, Board of Directors for Grupo Vips. Grupo Vips manages Starbucks, TGIFridays, and other chain companies. Arango is also Chairman of the Board for Ashoka, a company that ironically focuses on the betterment of today’s youth. Ashoka even has its own schools.
Victor Arellano: Victor Arellano Jr. is Vice Chairman of the Board of Bacardi. He’s a 5th generation descendant of the founder of Bacardi.
Joaquin Fernandez de Arion: Spanish royalty. The 10th Duke of Arion. His mother is Princess Beatriz zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg. Married to Diana Langes-Swarovski, the great-great granddaughter of Daniel Swarovski, founder of the crystal manufacturer.
Fernando Arion: Joaquin’s brother. Also Spanish royalty but could not find any other information.
Arthur & Cathy Armstrong: Arthur is co-author of Net Gain (1997) which focused on Web-based business models. He is currently executive director at Debevoise and Plimpton LLP, a high-end international law firm.
Herve & Marina Aron: Herve Aaron is the president of Didier Aaron Inc., a premier art gallery.
Lorinda Ash: Fine art dealer. Also, ex-wife of Peter Ezersky, current director at Hargray Holdings LLC (provider of telecommunication services) and Grupo Corporativo (food and agriculture provider in Spain. Associated with Grupo Vips). Possible ties with Maite Arango.
Ashley & Allegra Hicks: Ashley is the Godson of Prince Philip, second cousin of Prince Charles, and an interior designer. He and Allegra are now divorced.
Nick & Ari Ashley: Nick is in home design. Ari is a photographer.
Vittorio & Charlotte Assaf: Vittorio is co-founder of Serafina Restaurant Group.
Mr. Simone Astaire: Hollywood and British Royal Family agent. Specializes in representation, celebrity endorsement, and public relations.
Viscount William Astor: Member of the House of Lords, which creates and shapes laws. There are approximately 800 current members. Chairman of television production company Silvergate Media. Member of the Astor family, which specialized in the fur trade, real estate, and drug smuggling in the early 19th century.
Helene Atkin: Niece of Robert Maxwell (media magnate, father of Ghislaine Maxwell, and suspected Mossad agent).
Mike & Ami Atkin: Almost no information found.
Jose Aznar: Prime Minister of Spain from 1996-2004. Father-in-law of Alejandro Agag, mentioned above. Used public funds for personal means. Granted a posthumous medal of Civil Merit to a high-profile member of the Francoist government who was infamous for torturing people.
Jean Baddeley: Former personal assistant to Robert Maxwell. Maxwell left her a £100,000 legacy when he died.
Peter Bahrke: Technology investor. Co-founder of Aecor Partners, an advisory firm that provides financial advice to corporations.
Danny Baker: Could be the recently fired BBC host, but the phone number, starting with area code 917, makes no sense since that is a NYC area code.
Shahriar Bhaktiar: Could be a real estate investor in Switzerland, but the area code does not make sense.
Andre Balazs: Real estate mogul and entrepreneur. Owns several hotels throughout NYC and London, as well as residential real estate. He was engaged to actress Uma Thurman for three years and dated Chelsea Handler for two years later on. Allegedly groped Amanda Anka (Jason Bateman’s wife) at a party he hosted for Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux.
Alec Baldwin: Popular American actor.
Oxford Balliol College: Ghislaine Maxwell’s alma mater.
George & Alice Bamford: Brother and sister. Offspring of Sir Anthony & Lady Carole Bamford (listed below). George is a successful luxury watch manufacturer.
Sir Anthony Bamford and Lady C: Anthony is a billionaire British businessman. Chairman of JCB, which provides equipment for construction, agriculture, etc. Has donated more than £4m personally and through JCB companies to the Conservative Party. Has close ties to David Cameron, Tony Blair, and Prince Charles. Bamford was mentioned in the Panama Papers as having offshore accounts. Lady Carole Bamford is his wife and a successful businesswoman.
Doug Bands: Doug Band was a longtime adviser to Bill Clinton. He had a substantial part in the creation and inner workings of The Clinton Foundation. Purchased David Rockefeller’s old house in New York City for $20 million. Has been called “the key architect in Clinton’s post-presidency” (
Clive Bannister: Former CEO and Managing Director at HSBC. Current CEO of Phoenix Group Holdings, one of the largest insurance providers in the UK.
Javier Banon: Bañón is a Founding Partner at Trilantic Capital Management LLC. Was a principal (higher up) at Lehman Brothers and previously worked at Deutsche Bank as a Managing Director. Trilantic was founded by five partners who had all worked together at Lehman Brothers.
Nicholas & Gretel Barham: Gretel Barham (Gretel Packer) is the daughter of Kerry Packer, a deceased Australian media mogul worth billions. Both Gretel and younger brother James are billionaires. Nick Barham is Gretel’s ex-husband and a British financier.
Peter Barnes: Entrepreneur and environmentalist.
Craig Barnett: Managing Director of PJ Solomon, a financial advisory firm and investment bank.
Hillary Bastone: No information found
Hillary Batstone: No information found.
Tim & Natasha Batstone: Both directors of H.B. Leisure Holdings Ltd., which focuses on skill games, arcades, amusement parks, etc.
Lorenzo Baumer: High end jeweler.
Lord & Lady Beaumont: Likely refers to the late Tim Beaumont of Whitley and his wife, Baroness Mary Rose. Tim was a UK politician in the Liberal Party and, later on, the Green Party. Six generations of his paternal side sat in the House of Commons (source: Irish Times) He was also an Anglican priest. Mary Rose is the cousin of Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon and (now deceased) husband of Princess Margaret.
Tamara Beckwith: English socialite.
Lisa Belzberg: Ex-wife of Seagram heir Matthew Bronfman and former sister-in-law of Clare and Sara Bronfman, who were both involved in NXIVM, a cult that focused on sexual slavery. Belzberg reportedly had a sexual relationship with Bill Clinton in 2002 while still with Matthew Bronfman.
Steven Benson: No information found.
Baron Bentinck: Dutch and British nobility.
Nicolas Berggruen: Billionaire investor and founder and president of the Berggruen Institute, a think tank that hopes to “shape political, economic and social institutions for the 21st century.” Vague. Berggruen, according to, “puts more trust in elites than voters” and suggested that “the Senate should be appointed rather than elected.”
Bill Berkman: A businessman, entrepreneur, and investor in communications, media technology, and energy industries.
Tara Bernard: Possibly refers to the financial reporter from the New York Times, but the 07 country code at the beginning of the phone number does not make sense. Could also be Tara Bernerd, a high end interior designer in Britain.
Martyn Birchall: Investment banker and businessman who worked as former director at Citi and Merrill Lynch.
Robin Birley: Businessman and entrepreneur, mostly known for his private members’ clubs.
Debbie & Bola Von Bismarck: Leopold (“Bolle”) von Bismarck is the great-grandson of Otto von Bismarck, the first chancellor of Germany. Debbie is a former model and Leopold’s wife. Model Kate Moss is currently engaged to their son, Nikolai.
Vanessa von Bismarck: Cofounder of BPCM, a public relations firm that specialized in fashion, beauty, and wine & spirits. Great-great-granddaughter of Otto von Bismarck.
Jean Marc Bisson: Not much to be found. Possibly a low-level actor, but that doesn’t feel right.
Jean Paul Bjorlin: Likely refers to a music instructor at Columbia and Barnard College.
Conrad & Barbara Black: Conrad Black was a newspaper publisher. He controlled Hollinger International, which published the Chicago Sun-Times, The Daily Telegraph, most Australian newspapers, The Jerusalem Post (Israel), and The National Post (Canada). Conrad was recently pardoned by his friend, Donald Trump, after serving time for fraud. Black was once a Steering Committee member of The Bilderberg Group. Barbara Black is a journalist. She is Conrad’s 2nd wife.
Blogs & Jill Blacker: No information found.
David Blaine: World famous magician. Allegedly raped former model Natasha Prince in 2004. Did not face charges. Earlier this year, New York law enforcement said that they were investigating Blaine for (allegedly) sexually assaulting at least two women.
Tony Blair: Former UK PM.
Mike Bloomberg: Former Mayor of New York City. Billionaire businessman.
Samantha Boardman: Attending Psychiatrist at Weill Cornell Medical College. Founder of Has connections with the wealthy.
Serena Boardman: New York realtor. Named one of the 10 best real estate agents in NYC by Samantha Boardman’s sister. Also has tremendous connections.
Johnnie & Sophie Boden: Johnnie Boden is a clothing entrepreneur.
Daniele Bodini: Serves as Chairman Emeritus of American Continental Properties Group (ACP), which focuses on asset and wealth management. Bodini also serves as a Member of Board of Overseers at Columbia Business School and is the ambassador of the Republic of San Marino to the United Nations.
Edouard de Boisgelin: Holding company CEO out of Paris.
Pierre de Boisguilbert: Very little information found. Possibly refers to a former press director located in Paris.
Annabelle Bond: British socialite. Her father, John Bond, was the Group Chairman of HSBC.
Andrea & Gioia Bonomi: Andrea Bonomi is the founder of Investindustrial Limited, an asset management private equity firm. He also served on the management board and as Chairman of Banca Popolare di Milano.
Nicholas Bookis: President of Topside Shipping Inc.
Mark & Lauren Booth: Mark Booth was CEO of BSkyB (owner of Sky TV). His wife, Lauren, is an artist.
Christina A. Boothe: No information found.
Paulo Borgese: The only thing that might make sense is Prince Paolo Borghese, who died in 1985.
Michael Borrico: Founder and CEO of Certified Construction.
Hon Bruce & Penelope Bossom: Bruce Bossom is a real estate tycoon who co-founded Orion Capital Managers. Penelope Bossom is involved with several businesses, but none of them are wildly successful.
Sylvianne Boucherie: No information found except for a researcher who write scientific articles about the human body.
Rick Bourke: Actually Frederic Bourke, co-founder of Dooney and Bourke, a famous handbag manufacturer. Bourke went to jail in 2013 for bribing the Azerbaijan government in order to rig the auction for ownership of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).
Hamish Bowles: Editor-at-large for Vogue magazine.
Peretti Brachetti: Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti. Nobility. Son of Count Aldo Maria Brachetti-Peretti. Co-owner of Italian oil company, API.
Hugo Brachetti: Also co-owner of Italian oil company, API. Ferdinando’s brother.
Caroline Braine: Some relation of Katie Braine. Possibly her daughter.
Ms. Katie & Serge Braine: Serge Crasnianski is a nuclear physicist and inventor who made a ton of money as CEO of Photo-ME Intl PLC, which specializes in photo booths. It is unclear whether he lives with Kate or if she is his wife. Kate is a sculptress.
Ben Bram: 2x Grammy award-winning a cappella arrangeproduceentrepreneur (according to his Twitter account).
Tony Brand: Assistant General Manager of Gucci. Has also worked with Ralph Lauren, Tom Ford, Prada, and other companies.
d’Adda Brandolini: Nobility. Tons of money. See below.
Nuno & Muriel Brandolini: Muriel Brandolini is a famous interior designer who has worked with Matt Lauer, the Crown Prince and Princess of Greece, and others. Nuno is a banker and (shockingly) comes from money and nobility.
Peter Brandt: Brant is an American industrialist who focuses mainly on print media.
Richard Branson: Billionaire who founded Virgin group (Virgin Airlines, Virgin megastores). In 2017, a backup singer for Joss Stone claimed that Branson sexually assaulted her on his private island.
Flavio Briatore: Italian businessman who used to manage two Formula One racing teams.
Julia Broadhurst: Bra designer from South Africa.
Louis Albert de Broglie: French prince and entrepreneur.
Edgar Bronfman Jr.: Seagram’s heir. Half-brother of Clare and Sara Bronfman (NXIVM sex cult). In addition to being a billionaire business tycoon, his father, Edgar Bronfman Sr., was the leader of the World Jewish Congress, This group has links to the Rothschilds and the Vatican.
Christopher & Amanda Brooks: Amanda Brooks is the former creative director at Barneys. Her husband, Christopher, is an artist.
Miranda Brooks: Contributing editor to Vogue and successful landscaper.
Chris & Alison Brown: Alison Chace is an unsuccessful actress. Christopher Brown is the founder of Global Emerging Markets (GEM), an investment firm.
James & Lucinda Bruce: James is a businessman who comes from nobility. His father was a baron. His 2nd wife, Lucinda, is a producer.
Jean-Luc Brunel: Modeling scout. Co-founder of modeling agency MC2. Helped smuggle in underage girls for Epstein and others.
Tania Bryer: CNBC host.
Joan Juliet Buck: Former editor-in-chief of French Vogue turned actress.
Jimmy & Jane Buffett: Jimmy Buffett is a world famous singer, most notably for the song “Margaritaville.”
Bartle Bull: Best known as a journalist who writes about the Middle East. Has written articles for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and many other publications. Bull is also a partner at Northern Gulf Partners, an investment and financial advisory firm that holds lots of sway in Iraq.
Hamish & Emma Bullough: Hamish is an ex-managing director at Citigroup.
Ron Burkle: Billionaire founder of Yucaipa, an investment firm that specialized in buying and selling supermarket chains. Had close ties with Bill Clinton. According to Los Angeles Times, “Bill Clinton’s bromance with Burkle invited scandal.” The LA Times describes how “unverified reports of the two men jetting around in a Burkle 757 filled with attractive young women leached from the tabloids to the mainstream media.” This could be the reason for Burkle’s falling out with Hillary, as he had nothing to do with her campaign.
Jules Burney: Chairman of Stockcube ltd, a financial research company.
Martin Burtril: No information found.
Candace Bushnell: Author of Sex and the City.
Arki Busson: Real name is Arpad Busson. He is a French financier who founded EIM Group, which specializes in hedge funds. It should be noted that Busson used to host the ARK charity dinner every year, which has drawn the likes of Bill Clinton and Prince William. Busson is a founding chairman of ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) charity, which specializes in educating underprivileged children. ARK has dozens of its own schools in the UK.
**I made an entire thread dedicated to Busson's frightening connections and possible role in international pedophilia rings here:
Charlie Butler: No information found.
Terri Button: No information found.
Robert Byng: Descendant of admirals, viscounts, and earls. Current property owner of Wrotham Park, an English country house that hosts social events for the wealthy and has been used as a filming location for many movies.
Alain de Cadenet: Former Formula One racer. Current television personality for ESPN and Speed channel.
Jason Calacanis: Internet entrepreneur. Dot-com millionaire.
Nicky Caledon: The 7th Earl of Caledon. Received his knighthood in 2015 when he was appointed Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (KCVO).
Mario/Ariadne Calvo-Platero: Mario Calvo-Platero is an Italian journalist and served as editor of the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore for 30 years. Ariadne is the daughter of Lord and Lady Beaumont, listed above.
Roddy Cambell: Campbell is a jack-of-all-trades businessman. He has worked in marketing, networking, and consulting.
Alistar Cambell: Alistair worked closely with Tony Blair for years, first as a spokesman and campaign director, then as Downing Street Press Secretary, and finally as Downing Street Director of Communications and spokesman for the Labour Party. He resigned in 2003 during the inquiry into the death (murder) of David Kelly.
Giancarlo Camerana: Works in real estate and wealth management as an Associate Partner for Shohet & Cie SA
Cammy: Likely Cammy Kinney, a former model turned photographer.
Naomi Campbell: Internationally known supermodel.
Brooke & Emilio del Campo: Likely meant to be Emilio Ocampo, an economist and financial expert who has worked for Chase Manhattan Bank, Salomon Brothers, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley.
Andrew de Candole: British entrepreneur and real estate mogul.
Nicholas Candy: British luxury property developer.
Caprice: Likely refers to Caprice Bourret, a former model and former love interest of Prince Andrew around 2000-2001.
Massimo & Sara Carello: Massimo is an Italian businessman who has served as CEO of Fiat UK, Diners Club UK, and Independent Director of Canadian Overseas Petroleum.
William & Carina Carey: No information found.
Camilla Carlbom: Chairwoman of Carlbom Shipping ltd. Carlbom Shipping looks after the interests of vessels and cargo owners.
Carmine: Not enough information.
Barbara Carrera: Former model and actress, most notably for the Bond flick, Never Say Never Again, where she played a villain. Carrera’s first marriage was to Otto Kurt Freiherr von Hoffman, a German nobleman. Her 2nd marriage was to Uva Harden (born 1941), a German fashion model and actor. Her 3rd and final marriage was to Nicholas Mark Mavroleon, a Greek shipping magnate. After her third marriage, Carrera was involved with Henry Percy, 11th Duke of Northumberland. Lots of international nobility and magnates.
Sophie Caruth: Former literary agent at William Morris. Formerly held a senior manager position at Mason Rose, a sales and marketing company.
Michel & Charlene Carvalho: Michel is a British financier and vice-chairman of investment banking at Citigroup, primarily in Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken is the Heineken heiress. She inherited $4.2 billion when her father died in 2002.
Guido Casagrande: Company director of IU Holdings ltd, a financial services holding company.
Simon Case: Private Secretary to Prince William as of 2018. Previously was in charge of figuring out the border issue in Northern Ireland and Ireland post-Brexit. British civil servant for over a decade, including as a policy adviser for the Ministry of Defence.
George & Pauline Case: Pauline Case (maiden name Pauline Astor) is a Viscountess and daughter of William Astor, 3rd Viscount Astor. No information could be found on George Case.
Debbie Castaneda: Former Ms. Colombia (1996). She had a relationship with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and has been accused of being a “bunga-bunga” girl, a sex party girl for Berlusconi. This information was gained through wiretaps.
Alby & Victoria Cator: Albemarle Cator is a British banker and financial adviser.
Mark & Mini Cecil: Not much information found. Mark Cecil may be the founder of United Wealth Advisors Group LLC.
Aurelia Cecil Stephenson: Founder of Aurelia Public Relations. Her client list included Salvatore Ferragamo, Krug Champagne, TAG Heuer watches, and Gianni Versace.
Dr. Mark Cecil: Founding Partner at Jabre Capital Partners, a hedge fund company. Close friend of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
Fabrizio Cerina: Chairman of international investment banking group Crédit des Alpes.
Gian Carlo Cerutti: Italian banker.
Vikram Chatwal: Actomodel/movie producer and hotel owner in New York City and Miami. Bill Clinton, Prince Nikolaos of Greece, Naomi Campbell, and P. Diddy attended his wedding.
John & Lucy Chenevix-Trench: Former COO of Morgan Stanley securities.
Gianluca Cicogna: CEO, CFO, and President of Beauty Brands Inc. Brother of Gianfranco Cicogna.
Gioconda Cicogna: Mother of Gianluca and Gianfranco. Interior designer.
Gianfranco Cicogna: Gianfranco Cicogna Mozzoni was a business leader, a Count by birth, the Ambassador for the Order of Malta at its embassy in Kenya. His grandfather, Giuseppe Volpi, was known as “Italy’s Rockefeller.” Gianfranco died flying a plane at an air show in 2012.
Marina Cicogna: Countess. Granddaughter of Kingdom of Italy Finance Minister Giuseppe Volpi, one of the richest and most influential men in Italy in the early 1900s.
Pietro & Alejandra Cicognani: Pietro is a high-end architect based out of NYC.
Lindka Cierach: British fashion designer. Her clients include the British Royal Family.
Giuseppa Cipriani: The main business manager of Cipriani S.A., whose holdings include 55 Wall Street (the whole building) and Cipriani restaurants worldwide (most notably in NYC).
Gustavo & Patty Cisneros: Gustavo is a billionaire Venezuelan businessman and Chairman of Grupo Cisneros, one of the largest privately held media entertainment organizations in the world.
Amadeo Clavarino: A real estate investor with properties in Milan, New York, London, Berlin, and St. Moritz.
Isabel Clavarino: Also known as Isabelle Harvie-Watt, Clavarino is the former managing partner at Spring Studios, a production and branding agency and was Giorgio Armani’s key point person for the press, media and celebrities. Last year, Clavarino was named Valentino’s Chief Marketing Officer.
John & Alice Fay Cleese: John Cleese is an actor best known for his role in Monty Python.
Graham & Emma Clempson: Vice Chairman, Executive Board at MidOcean Partners, a private equity and investment firm. Emma is an English radio and television presenter.
Lucy Clive: Girlfriend of Kevin Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother.
Larry Coben: Former Senior Principal of Sunrise Capital Partners. Currently Chairman of the Board at NRG Energy, a large energy company that serves 3 million people in the U.S. NRG also has its name on several sports stadiums in Texas.
Mandy Cochrane: No information found.
Dalit Cohen: Ex-girlfriend of Ian Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother.
Peter Cohen: No information found.
Jo Coleman: No information found.
Nicholas Coleridge: Chairman of Condé Nast Britain. Condé Nast is a media giant and the parent company of Allure, Architectural Digest, Ars Technica, Backchannel, Bon Appétit, Brides, Condé Nast Traveler, Epicurious, Glamour, Golf Digest, GQ, Pitchfork, Self, Teen Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Vogue, W and Wired.
Jeffrey Colle: Real estate developer, specifically in the Hamptons.
Phil & Orianne Collins: Phil Collins is music royalty.
Henrietta Conrad: Co-founder of Princess Productions LTD, a television programming company.
Susannah & Sten Ber Constantine: Susannah is a fashion journalist, author, and television presenter. Her husband, Sten Bertelsen was one of the creators of Death Cigarettes, a fairly popular British brand in the 1990s.
Clive Cooke: Securities executive who is now the head of sales in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for a leading technology company.
Rachel Cordle: Daughter of John Cordle, a British politician. Sister of Rupert Cordle and Marina Cowdray.
Rupert Cordle: Founder of Cordles, a residential building contractor in London. Brother of Rachel and Marina Cordle.
Fernando de Cordova Hohenlohe: Spanish nobility. Current Marquis of Alboloduy.
Harry Cotterall: Chairman of Fisher German, a property consulting firm in England.
Martine de Courcel: No information found.
Marina Cowdray: Wife of Michael Pearson, 4th Viscount of Cowdray. Daughter of John Cordle. Sister of Rachel and Rupert Cordle.
Colin Cowie: A lifestyle guru, television personality, author, interior designer, and party planner for the wealthy.
Sophie Crabbe: No information found.
Alaistar Cudro: No information found.
Boykin R. Curry: Boykin Curry is a partner at Eagle Capital, an investment firm based in New York. Mr. Curry is a co-founder of Public Prep, a group of charter schools in New York City. He is also a board member of Alliance for School Choice and a co-founder of Democrats for Education Reform
Amanda Cutter & Christopher Brooks: Listed earlier under Christopher & Amanda Brooks. At least Epstein kept up with his black book.
submitted by LearningIsListening to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Jack Johnson. The Original BMF [long]

I meant to post this sooner but life has been kicking my ass lately. The UFC recently had a special event celebrating the sport's “baddest motherfucker" I thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about the (one time) most infamous figure in combat sports. The original bad motherfucker. I hope you enjoy the brief history. If not? Well fuck your opinion; I wrote it on my phone at work.
Jack Johnson
Nature versus nurture; Is a person born great or is greatness something that is believed, conceived, then achieved? Is greatness defined by birth, death, or the period in between? John Arthur Johnson was born the child of former slaves, their third of nine. He was a man of little formal education, a luxury while there was work to be done; there was always work. By the age of sixteen he was providing for himself. A poor colored boy from Galveston, Texas in reconstruction era USA. Many would tell you that the person described above would never become a person bequeathed the title “Great". Those people never asked John Johnson. ”Gentleman Jack” Johnson was a man of many hats; the boxer, the husband, the socialite, and for the majority of his life a somewhat unwilling champion of change.
To know Jack Johnson you must first know the night. The early twentieth century was a very vibrant time in American history. A time of gambling, brothels, and nightclubs. America was home to fixers, grifters, bookies, cowboys, and “good sports". If a person had a good time in mind, they were likely to find themselves in their company. If a person was accepted by this colorful group, they would likely find themselves in the company of Jack Johnson. And here was a man that was hard to miss. listed between everywhere between 6' and 6'4; he towered over the crowd. He had a smile ready for any willing to accept one; to show off his gold-capped teeth (another accessory he popularized) as much as to be amicable. He wore the nicest clothing, drove the fastest cars, and always had a dollar ready for young servers that cross his path. In 1920 he opened “Club Deluxe” a racially inclusive nightclub in downtown Chicago; the first of it’s kind. Well read, easy going, and quick witted; even the most staunch bigot had trouble disliking him after a few drinks with the man .
He took to the nightlife like he was born with a drink in his hand and a woman on his arm but the truth was he was worlds away from his humble beginnings. A young Johnson told half of Galveston that he was going to become a great man. He didn’t know how or when, but he was destined for it. At sixteen he decided on boxing. He had his first bout while working as a longshoremen, he was paid one dollar and fifty cents. Following that; he would fight around the country, relying on the brawling style he claimed to have developed in “battle royals" a Jim Crowe era spectacle where young colored boys were blindfolded and made to fight until one remained.
His wild style served him well until he met Joe Choynski; the first true boxer Johnson would fight. Choynski knocked Johnson out in the third round, and both were promptly arrested as boxing was illegal in Texas at the time. They spent twenty three days in a cell together; in that time Choynski would turn Johnson into the greatest boxer of his era. Bobs, weaves, jabs, feints, stutter-steps, and tie-ups; we’ll never know how much he learned from the veteran, but its safe to say that Johnson left that cell a new boxer.
He would tear through anyone put before him and make them look silly for the effort. In 1903 He won the unofficial “colored" heavyweight championship. He was known by all that followed the pugilistic arts, and many that didn't. The year before he won the unofficial title he fought and embarrassed Jack Jeffries; younger brother of the true heavyweight champion, Jim Jeffries. Forced to address him. “This fellow Johnson is a fair fighter; but he is a black… the title will never go to a black man if I can help it. ” Jeffries was heard to say. This was a tradition that continued after his retirement. Several champions refused to fight Johnson and he wouldn't get his chance to fight for the title until 1908. Johnson followed the champion, Tommy Burns, around the world. Calling for a title bout in New York, London, and Paris. He would be granted his shotband win the title in Australia to the dismay of mainstream society.
The media began to call for a “Great white hope" someone who would return the title to the right hands. Johnson defeated them all. Jim Jeffries himself returned to the ring after a five year layoff; after being offered one hundred and ten thousand dollars and movie rights, over a million dollars (modern day equivalent). The bout was to take place on America’s day; The fourth of July. This fight was unlike any other; gaining attention from the federal government, it was hotly debated as to if it should take place at all. The discontent forced a move from San Francisco CA, to Reno, Nevada two weeks before it was to take place. When the dust settled Johnson remained; the undisputed lineal heavyweight champion of the world. Anywhere the fight film played soon erupted in race riots and lynch mobs.
Congress would use this as its primary cause to ban the distribution of fight film in 1912. Not long after the ban was passed Johnson would be one of the first, and most famous, victims of the newly passed MANN act. A look law passed banning the trafficking of white women for “immoral purposes”. Apparently marriage to a black man was deemed immoral. To the dismay of her family and parts of the country; his wife refused to cooperate and the case was thrown out. He was immediately brought up on new charges, this time for his relationship with a prostitutes spanning from 1909 to 1910. A relationship that concluded before the MANN act was made into law; Johnson responded fleeing the country in 1913.
Johnson would continue to defend the belt until April fifth 1915. He lost the belt to Jesse Willard in a bout boxing historians question to this day. It's correlation with his negotiations for return to the U.S. leaves many questions unanswered. He would reach a deal in 1920 and return to serve his one year sentence. He would not be pardoned until 2018, one hundred and 5 years after his wrongful sentencing. Sadly it took the election of a president with a love combat sports to right this wrong. Jack Johnson was not always a good man; in fact there were several times in his life that he crossed the line going the other direction. He was accused of abusing several women linked to him throughout his life, “fixing" fights (the practice of illegally predetermining a bout’s victor), and perhaps most damning was his own use of color to deny worthy contenders of his own race.
We can all guess as to the contents of his character but Johnson put it best when speaking to an unknown reporter. “[Whatever you write about me, remember I was a man.]” it was a humble moment from a man known to have few; legacy was secondary to him. He was a man obsessed with living life as he saw fit in a world obsessed with his color. His flashy lifestyle put him at odds with leaders of the black community namely Booker T. Washington, the United States government, and even his family. His commitment to being himself has paved the way for competitors and personalities such as Floyd “money” Mayweather, Jon Jones, Conor McGregor, Roy Jones Junior, and any number of fighters unnamed . The most famous boxer of all time, Cassius Clay otherwise known as Muhammad Ali, cites him as a childhood hero. Jack Johnson changed America’s policy and views on race permanently; inside and outside of the boxing ring. Jack Johnson was America’s first celebrity martyr in its own brand of apartheid. Jack Johnson became it’s most famous rebel when he chose to flee the country instead of bowing to oppression. Jack Johnson was the king of the boxing ring for two decades. Jack Johnson was a man.
If you read all that thanks. Stay safe guys.
submitted by floatlikebrick to MMA [link] [comments]

Things you need when starting your own online casino HINT: A LOT OF MONEY.

There is a wide range of details on the web concerning gambling and also wagering. Just how to begin a gambling internet site, what do individuals bank on, is a wagering exchange much better than a sporting activities publication or gambling establishment internet site, or do customers favor wagering online instead of wagering offline? What is doing not have in most of these blog posts is not the details they give on beginning a gambling web site, however instead specifically where to begin. So Where do you begin, you ask? and also just how do you begin? Would certainly you need financing when thinking about beginning your very own slot deposit pulsa site? Exist lawful mistakes in running an on-line sporting activities publication or online casino gambling site?

Asking these concerns is just a tip of the iceberg in understanding specifically what you are obtaining right into in running a wagering exchange or any one of the various other gambling sites, yet recognizing the solutions will certainly much better your opportunity or probabilities in running an effective online gambling website. So where do you begin? You can look and also look all over the world broad internet and also collect all the info (very advised) on beginning your very own casino site, running a correct wagering exchange, or on supplying a reasonable on-line sporting activities publication environment to your customers, yet recognizing precisely just how to utilize this info is type in running your clothing.

Prior to we get involved in exactly how to utilize the info you collect effectively, you might wish to check out a few of these locations if you have actually not currently done so: gambling online forums, gambling establishment web pages, sporting activities site, information web pages on gambling, web pages on the "web gambling guideline act" as well as exactly how it will certainly impact your online internet site, legislations regulating gambling as well as paying very close attention to the days the nation each particular info relate to and more.

Now you have to be believing this is a little bit to extreme. Yet ask on your own this: do you recognize what each casino player desire, do you recognize what will certainly make them utilize your website over the following Joe web site. Basically you require to recognize the important things that will certainly drive marketers, enrollers to your website (financing) as well as most notably what will certainly drive customers to your website. You can have the very best residence on the block yet otherwise one finds out about your residence or you, well you understand.

If you have actually seen the recommended headings noted above and also study a little bit much more on gambling as well as the regulations regulating on the internet sporting activities publication, gambling enterprises, online poker spaces and also wagering exchanges and also still dream to proceed after that continue reading my friend, you have actually overcome the very first difficulty. Since we have you assuming outside package as well as have a far better understanding on what remains in shop for you allows deal with the initial as well as really crucial concern you would certainly initially require responded to "Is gambling lawful".

Currently this is one of the most crucial due to the fact that if you are considering carrying out or running a gambling site in a nation, city, state, district, community, what ever before it might be as well as its illegal. Like syndicate you will certainly be fined or worst you will certainly go straight to prison. Sorry children and also ladies however we require to make one point clear right here being on the internet organisation does not indicate a point to the federal government and also the authorities. You will certainly require to sign up a service or obtain an organisation permit (not the like a gambling certificate), you will certainly require organizing and also you will certainly require a checking account to hold the cash produced from your sporting activities publication, wagering exchange, online poker or gambling enterprise internet site. So learning if gambling is lawful where will certainly be running your company is incredibly crucial.

To offer you a far better image of points 9/10 preparing to run a gambling site have actually needed to select an overseas procedure. Why you ask? Well that apparent naturally. In position like Costa Rica there are regulations in position for gambling, however there are no legislation versus on-line gambling neither exists a demand for a gambling permit (extra on gambling certificate later on), yet you will certainly once again need to do your research study, if you are serious about running a sporting activities publication or any one of the various other gambling web sites, prepare yourself to collect info. Right here is Pointer # 1 - Talk to an Attorney (a credible one if you can) they will certainly drop a Great Deal Of light on your scenario and also factor you in the appropriate instructions.

So this brings us to our following inquiry, licensing, and also no its not your chauffeurs permit. A gambling permit is called for to run a wagering exchange, sporting activities publication, gambling establishment, casino poker or any other gambling site a lot of the moment yet not constantly. This is why once more you will certainly require to do your study. However you recognize what they state, when unsure obtain one. That was a joke Joe. If you are truly unclear talk to that legal representative good friend that you spoke with in pointer # 1 regarding this and also any other files you might require to finish this procedure, ask your neighborhood gambling or video gaming authorities/associations in the territory where you intend to run your on the internet gambling internet site for encourage. So keep in mind a gambling certificate is suggested however might not be needed. Pointer # 2 See the neighborhood gambling authorities.

Now you need to have collected sufficient details to obtain you on the right track and also maintain you out of prison or worst a state jail.

Allow us discuss a couple of even more vital locations on running your very own gambling web site. You will certainly require some (the a lot more the far better) research study and also advertising to be done. However have not you currently collected sufficient of your very own research study? No Joe. That was simply info event, obtaining your feet damp, being familiar with just how the sector assumes. Do not presume anything. There are policies to every video game, as well as indeed there are policies to running an on-line company as well as specifically a sporting activities publication, wagering exchange, texas hold'em area or gambling establishment. Even if you recognize a little regarding running a site, the policies and also methods transform for every organisation, and also you will most definitely require to understand about these guidelines if you are also imagining coming to be effective in the on the internet video gaming as well as gambling sector. This does not imply seeing all those online forums as well as analyses were for nothing, they will absolutely assist when you prepare to run your marketing and advertising project, you will certainly be greater than pleased that you did.

If you have actually not currently done a service and/or advertising and marketing strategy this will certainly greater than most likely cause the advancement of one. Being familiar with your target audience, patterns, place, sex, individuals' routines, desires and also disapproval etc will certainly all aid you to progress knowledgeable about your techniques as well as assist in your success. So work with a credible advertising and marketing business or talk to a pal or a person in the advertising area that can drop a little bit much more light on your precise scenario and also factor you in a far better instructions. You do not wish to learn by hand that the marketplace you were targeting does not care a lot for gambling. Suggestion # 3 Obtain correct study done.

This brings us to our following location of passion "team or group". From your details celebration as well as research study you need to have recognized that ever before if you might intend to make this a one male reveal you will certainly require a group or some kind of team. Currently a group does not imply you need to employ on a full-time team. Also majorly titans like Microsoft, IBM, Logitech agreements of time to time. It simply indicates you will certainly require a bit greater than simply on your own in specific locations. Even if you understand the gambling globe it would certainly be important to get some specialists in crucial locations (even if its awhile) to reveal you some covert areas you have actually not yet covered. You would certainly require a technological a person or an advancement business that will certainly have the ability to take care of any type of issues you might come across, updates you might require for your site, shows you may need, layouts you might wish to offer you that look to establish you besides your competitors and so on. You will certainly more than likely require a bookmaker, bookie, (perhaps greater than one) that understands about bookmaking to establish, upgrade, prepare occasions, lines and also odds on your sporting activities publication, gambling establishment, wagering exchange or casino poker web site. So a group or private team is certainly a must, yet can be cost-effective if you intend appropriately and also think about having. Suggestion # 4 Created an appropriate group.

Currently we have actually touched a little bit on your site, however what kind of internet site or software application will certainly you need. The following on our checklist will certainly be Software application. First ask on your own what type of gambling web site will this be; A complete Casino site, texas hold'em, Betting Exchange, sporting activities publication or even better why not all? This is where your research study as well as info celebration enters into play, evaluation ask inquiries, talk with your legal representative, as well as make a strong choice. What are the threat variables, that are my rivals, where do you obtain my line feeds from? Those are all concerns that must have been consisted of in your study and also addressed now.

Afterwards is resolved it is currently time to pick an advancement firm that concentrates on the internet video gaming (even more details online gambling). The majority of otherwise all would certainly currently have items easily offered that have actually been examined and also will typically do alterations to fit your requirements, it is normally even more budget-friendly than having a site established and also created from starting to finish. Software application can vary in costs, anticipate to pay in between EUR 10,000 EUR to EUR 60,000 EUR. Some locations of passion might be: Playtech (Ranked for their Casino site software application), E-Prompt C's BetMore - BetMore Software Application (Ranked for its wagering exchange & sporting activities publication software program), Microgaming (Ranked for their casino poker software application). Idea # 5 Obtain excellent software program.

Well that ought to be it. Yet allows not fail to remember the last and also among one of the most essential on our checklist "Funding". Sports publication, wagering exchange, casino poker, as well as online casino sites are without a doubt one of the most pricey service procedures you can ever before run, and also this does not alter the truths for an on the internet procedure. You do not require a structure, yet you will certainly require organizing, you do not require vending machine yet you will certainly require software program, you do not require cashiers yet you will certainly require settlement sellers and/or entrances. Talk to your attorney, talk with your advertising and marketing and also study group, they will certainly offer you tips to obtain financing, you will most definitely need cash to run this service continuously, so discover enrollers, capitalists that will certainly companion with you unless obviously you have the cash money and also agrees to utilize your very own cash, Below is a tip you will certainly require greater than simply EUR 500K EUR. Pointer # 6 Obtain financing.

So you see it's not brain surgery yet it do without stating with my last Idea to you: "Do not stop working to strategy, it would just cause you intending to fall short".
submitted by Eleanor8762 to Gamblerman [link] [comments]

Documenting Jesuit trained and Catholic Chiefs of Police

The Police are huge part of the control mechanism the Jesuits and the financial powers have put in place to socially manage there exploitative system of domination and control. The Police are not here to "protect and serve" at all. They actually have absoultey no obligation to protect anyone at all--as the Jesuit educated/Catholic lawyers who dominate the U.S. Supreme Court have ruled! :
Police in the United States were created primarily to manage slaves in the south, and break up strikes and labor protesters--to protect the private property of the financial elite and Rome . Peter J Doeswyck in his book Catholic Victory in 1960, speaks on how Rome uses the Police for its own ends.

" Getting back to the “dictatorship of fear and reprisal” of the old democratic bosses, the first thing it imposed on a city was a Roman Catholic police force. This police force controlled and still controls the Catholic underworld and collects from it mil¬ lions of dollars to perpetuate itself in office. It is not a coincidence that in Chicago, a city of prostitutes, bookmakers and gangsters, the Catholic bishop receives car license plate no. 1 to indicate that he is the first citizen of that city. Underworld slayings, though often forecast by our newspapers, are never solved by such police departments. Illegal gambling is exhibited publicly in the streets. Sometimes the Catholic police and the Catholic underworld clash when the first tries to extort too much money from the latter. “Three hundred of the city’s biggest bookies,” reported the New York papers, “shut down their telephone services and went on strike against the exorbitant shakedowns by police officials” (N. Y. Daily News, Feb. 7, 1947). Statistics show that in that year (1947) New York City was 79% non Catholic, but its police force was 62.8% Catholic, while the higher-ups in that department were 80% Catholic. Once it is in control of a city, this gangster element makes the Catholic bishop its first citizen. It is an ordinary thing in New York to find 100 policemen at the steps of St. Patrick’s during a society wedding or funeral, while not a single one at the door of Rockefeller Center. The cathedral holds 2,000 people, the center 70,000. Not only cities, but Protestant towns and counties often have Roman Catholic chiefs and sheriffs. In places where mayors are elected and the chief of police appointed, the Romanists usually make a deal with the Protestant candidates and promise the Catholic vote if one of their men will be appointed as chief. In certain fields the chief of police has more power than a mayor and even more power than the President of the United States. It is a fact that every citizen and newspaper dares to attack the policies of the President and call him names, but no local citizen or local paper dares to attack the chief of police, unless City Hall and the papers and the public attempt to oust the chief in a united drive. Because of their power, these Catholic chiefs can perpetuate themselves in office and make a farce out of democracy. Like the bishops, who maintain a file of all scandals of their priests in order to keep them under subjection, most of our police departments in our bigger cities maintain files of men who have no police records but are potential, political opponents. Like the Jesuits, who own the state-controlled houses of prostitution in Spain and secretly register their patrons, many of our police departments have and are still controlling our houses of prostitution and gambling establishments, and are using hundreds of detectives to trail political opponents. Wiretapping and bugging are the order of the day. Private detectives, invariably “ex¬ police officers” or “bad Catholics”, have access, direct or indirect, to all police files and can blackmail almost any citizen. We have also a situation in Washington where only a handful of senators are still able to express their personal views without fearing the hand of blackmailers. "

During the reign on the Catholic Fascist Ustashi's in Croatia whom massacred over 900,000 --led by the Jesuit trained fuhrer Ante Pavelic , and Jesuit trained Archbishop of Zagbreb Aloysius Stepiniac. A Jesuit Priest , Dragutin Kamber S.J. became a chief of Police in the city of Doboj Bosnia. Edmund Paris has some greats insights in his 1962 book Genocide in Satellite Croatia.
" the Jesuit priest, Dragutin (Charles) Kamber, now in the United States, sworn Ustashi and Chief of Police at Doboj (Central Bosnia), who alone was responsible for various noted crimes such as the “liquidation” of the Serbian clergy of that region and 300 Orthodox Serbs of that city with another 250 courtmartialed in his district on his orders. Also there was confiscation of Jewish property. Published in the newspaper Novi List on August 16, 1941, Dr. Kamber said of the Nazis who were in Doboj:
"We [Ustashi] love you sincerely as friends; we respect you highly; and all of us are sorry, deeply sorry, that you must part. We love youl We love you because you carry in your hands the most powerful sword that has ever been forged in the history of mankind. You are brothers and manly knights by your behavior and by your deeds. The Paradise to which the Germans are going needs no better propagandists than the soldiers of Germany, this German Army. We respect you because you are fighting to give political and social justice to all of Europe. With the blood and the bones of precious German soldiers, the flower of Germany, you are building the foundations of a happy world for future generations."
In a Sarajevo newspaper, called Osvit, Kamber on December 18, 1942 wrote: “Why do I want the Germans and their Allies Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc., to win? Because without the Germans our nation would die and we would have no Independent State of Croatia. From the international point of view the Germans and the Ustashi have the same enemies.”
Father Charles (Dragutin) Kamber is now in the U.S.A. He is writing in many Croatian newspapers all over the world, especially in Danica (Chicago). He is teaching the Ustashi in exile how to fight on for the Independent State Croatia, by new methods. He has written a booklet on how to behave in the world even though still an Ustasha (once an Ustasha—an Ustasha till death was the Ustashi’s slogan). The booklet has the title, “Problems and Methods to Be Used in the Fight to Free Croatia.”

To start, there is Daniel Isom who was chief of police in St. Louis ( October 6, 2008 – December 4th, 2013 ) whom was trained by the Jesuits at Saint Louis University and by the Catholic dominated FBI as-well. "He joined the St. Louis Police Department on August 29, 1988. During his career, he served in patrol, investigations, training, and internal affairs positions. Promoted through the ranks, finally to Major in 2007, he worked as the Special Projects Assistant to the Police Commissioner until his promotion to Police Commissioner.He previously served as an adjunct professor at Harris Stowe State University and an instructor at St. Louis Community College where he taught criminal justice, criminology, and public safety courses.He has received an associate degree in Criminal Justice from Forest Park Community College-St. Louis, a Bachelor's, Master's and a Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, all from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He also holds a Masters in Public Administration from St. Louis University (Jesuit)..... He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Police Executive Forum Senior Management Institute and the FBI National Executives Institute. "
Isom's Jesuit training surely helped with the fascist militarized policing which occurred in Ferguson. " In August 2014, he was appointed as Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety in the Cabinet of Governor Jay Nixon.[4] On November 18, 2014, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon appointed the Ferguson Commission – a volunteer group of 16 diverse community leaders to listen to and engage with area organizations, national thought leaders, institutions, experts and citizens.[5] Isom was appointed as a commissioner and served as the co-chair of the commission task force on police community relations."

U. Reneé Hall, the current police chief of Dallas was trained by Jesuits at the University of Detroit Mercy.

"Chief U. Reneé Hall is the 29th Chief of Police for the City of Dallas, Texas. She is the first woman to ever hold this position. During her brief tenure with the Dallas Police Department, Chief Hall has made prominent steps to transform the department to reflect 21st Century Policing by streamlining the department’s organizational structure to improve efficient workflow between units, and strengthen effective policy processes. Chief Hall has prioritized community engagement and outreach by connecting with officers in the field, meeting with Dallas community groups, professional leaders, and local organizations...... Her educational accomplishments include completion of the FBI National Academy, Major Cities Chiefs Executive Leadership Institute (PELI IV), two Masters of Science degrees in Security Administration and Intelligence Analysis, from the University of Detroit Mercy (Jesuit), and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Grambling State University. Chief Hall is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and The International Women’s Forum (IWF). "

William D. Gore, the current sheriff of San Diego County was trained by Jesuits at the University of Seattle.

" William D. Gore became the 29th Sheriff of San Diego County on July 3, 2009. Sheriff Gore oversees one of the largest Sheriff’s Departments in the nation with 4,300 employees, an annual budget of more than $850 million, and a service area of over 4,400 square miles including a 60-mile international border. Along with patrol and investigative operations, his department provides air support, search and rescue service, and forensic support for the San Diego region. His department operates seven detention facilities countywide and provides security to nine courthouses..... Sheriff Gore’s law enforcement career spans over 47 years. He spent 32 years in the FBI, where he rose to the level of Assistant Director. He served as Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Seattle and San Diego Field Divisions, where he implemented the FBI Cyber Crime Squad and Joint Terrorism Task Force. .....A San Diego native, Sheriff Gore holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of San Diego(Catholic) and a Master's degree in Public Administration from Seattle University(Jesuit). Sheriff Gore's family is rich in law enforcement experience. His father and older brother were a part of the San Diego Police Department and his middle brother was a San Diego County Deputy Sheriff. His wife was one of the first female FBI agents in the United States."
How fitting then that the seal of San Diego County has a Roman Fasces right in the center! :,_California.png
Gregory Ahern, current Sheriff of Alameda County is Catholic educated.
" Gregory Ahern was born September 1957 in Oakland, California. A lifelong resident of Alameda County, he graduated from Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward in 1975. He went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Saint Mary's College(Catholic, ran by De Salle Brothers) in Moraga. Sheriff Ahern was hired as a Deputy Sheriff in 1980, was promoted to Sergeant in 1986, promoted to Lieutenant in 2000, promoted to Captain in 2003, promoted to Commander in 2005, and promoted to Assistant Sheriff in 2006. On June 6, 2006, Gregory J. Ahern was elected Sheriff and became the 22nd Sheriff of Alameda County on January 8, 2007."

Aminta Granera Sacasa, a former chief of Nicaragua national police(September 5, 2006 until April 27, 2018.) was trained by Jesuits at Georgetown and became a nun! " Sacasa is a former Sandinista revolutionary and the former Director General of the National Police of Nicaragua.... She was the chief of the National Police [1] Aminta Granera Sacasa was born 18 September 1952 in León), Nicaragua. After studies at Georgetown University(Jesuit) in the United States, Granera decided to become a nun and began her novitiate with the Sisters of the Assumption in Guatemala City.[1].... However, the police under her tenure also drew allegations of human rights violations and repression of Ortega's critics.[2]Grenera resigned as chief of National Police on April 28, 2018, in the face of mass protests across Nicaragua, dozens of deaths and widespread criticism of the police response.[2]"

Greg Suhr a former Chief of Police in San Francisco was trained by the Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco--as have many police chiefs of San Francisco--Suhr was given an Alemany award in 2018 by the Jesuit school.
" Greg Suhr is a native son (5th Generation) of our beloved City of San Francisco. He rose through the ranks over his nearly 35-year career through his exemplary leadership skills, and his ability to build trust in diverse communities to become the San Francisco Police Department's 42nd Chief of Police..... Chief Suhr retired from the SFPD in May of 2016 after nearly 35 years of service. He and his wife, Wendy, currently own and operate Suhr Consulting Group, LLC....
Education BS | 1988 | University of San Francisco(Jesuit)
In April 2014 the journal for the San Francisco police were proud to announce under Jesuit trained Chief Suhr's watch that a new Catholic chaplain had been hired to join the force.
" Deputy Chief David Shinn swore in our newest chaplain Father Michael Quinn on St Patrick’s Day March 17. The ceremony was held in the Police Commission hearing room at the Hall of Justice. Father Mike is a Roman Catholic priest and a true San Franciscan. He was raised in Eureka Valley attending Most Holy Redeemer School with his twin brother. He graduated from Riordan High School in 1970 and went on to earn an accounting degree at USF(Jesuit) . **He worked for the IRS, AC Transit and did forensic accounting at his own firm before entering St Patrick’s Seminary in 2003.**He was ordained in 2009 and assisted at Holy Name and St. Brendan’s Parishes before being named pastor of Star of the Sea Parish in Sausalito. Father Mike trained and volunteered at San Francisco Suicide Prevention and is active in marriage counseling....."

Raymond Kelly, who was the 37th and 41st Police Commissioner of New York City ( September 1, 1992 – January 1, 1994 / January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2013 ) is currently a board member at the Catholic Alfred E. Smith foundation!
" With fifty years in public service, including fourteen years as police commissioner of the City of New York, Raymond W. Kelly is one of the world’s most well-known and highly esteemed leaders in law enforcement. Kelly was appointed police commissioner in January 2002 by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, making Kelly the longest serving police commissioner in the city’s history, as well as the first to hold the post for a second, separate tenure. He also served as police commissioner under Mayor David N. Dinkins.In Commissioner Kelly’s distinguished career he has also served as senior managing director of global corporate security at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service, undersecretary for enforcement at the U.S. Treasury Department, and vice president for the Americas of Interpol.Commissioner Kelly holds a BBA from Manhattan College(Catholic), a JD from St. John’s University School of Law(Catholic), an LLM from New York University Graduate School of Law, and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In addition, Commissioner Kelly retired as a colonel from the Marine Corps Reserves after 30 years of service. Kelly is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the advisory board of the Counter Extremism Project. He also serves on the board of Hain Celestial Group and is on the advisory board of Applied DNA Sciences. In September 2006, Commissioner Kelly was awarded France’s highest decoration, the Légion d’honneur, by then French Minister of the Interior Nicholas Sarkozy."
Kelly was the leading advocate behind New York's disastrous stop and frisk policing. :
Raymond Kelly, whom had a postion at Interpol , the " International Criminal Police Organization" that uses a Roman military wreath on its logo, was in good company with his fellow papists representing the United States there. In fact the first Americans to serve as Secretary General of Interpol and President are directly connected to Rome. These being Mark John Simpson, and Ronald Noble.
"Mark John Richard Simpson (February 13, 1932 – February 10, 2017) was the first U.S. Interpol President (1984–1988)and was the sixteenth Director of the United States Secret Service (1981–1992).[1]#citenote-1) Born in 1932, Simpson served in the United States Army, graduated from Loyola College) in Montreal (Jesuit) before attending Portia Law School.[[2]]( joined the Secret Service in 1962 during his time at Portia Law (graduating in 1964 and was elected as his Law School President) and became Special Agent with the Presidential Protective Division in 1978.[[3]]( After retiring as Director in 1992, Simpson became a commissioner in the United States Parole Commission for 2 terms.[[3]]("
" Ronald Kenneth "Ron" Noble (born September 24, 1956)is an American law enforcement officer who served as the secretary-general of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) from 3 November 2000 – 7 November 2014 . He became the organization's first American and youngest secretary-general at the time of his appointment. Prior to his time there, he worked as a public servant in various U.S. government agencies, including the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Department of Justice and the Treasury. ..In 1993, Noble was appointed as the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, being placed in charge of the Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the Customs Service Office of Enforcement, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.[4][9] He was head of the department's "Waco Administrative Review Team", which produced a report on the ATF's actions against the Branch Davidians, leading to the Waco siege.[10] "..... Awards: Hilal-e-Pakistan (2011) Order of St. Gregory the Great(Papal Knighthood), Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion of Honour .... In 1998, with the support of Attorney General Janet Reno and FBI directorLouis Freeh (Opus Dei), Noble applied to become the secretary-general of Interpol and succeed incumbent Raymond Kendall.[3] "

To be continued...

David Clarke, often known as the Fox News Sheriff--whom is always advocating for more invasive militarized policing was trained by Jesuits at Marquette Univeristy Highschool. Clarke was the 64th sheriff of Milwaukee county ( March 19, 2002 – August 31, 2017).
" Clarke was born in Milwaukee, one of five children of Jeri and David Clarke Sr.[5]#citenote-milmag-5) His father was a paratrooper with the 2nd Ranger Infantry Company). Clarke Jr. attended Marquette University High School (Jesuit).... Clarke frequently appeared as a guest on Fox News through February 2018 and was a speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He resigned as sheriff in August 2017.[[4]]( A vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, Clarke was considered for a role in the Trump Administration. After resigning as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Clarke joined the super PAC America First Action as a spokesman and senior advisor, serving until February 2019. ......Clarke's career was not without controversy; in 1994, the mother of a 15-year-old boy filed a complaint alleging that Clarke used excessive force when arresting her son. According to public documents, Clarke was returning from a vacation when he spotted five teenagers heaving rocks at passing cars. Clarke chased down the teens, drew his service revolver and ordered them to lie on the ground. He admitted to using his foot to turn one boy over as he searched for weapons. The boy’s mother claimed Clarke put a gun to her son’s head and kicked him in the side, causing bruised ribs that required medical attention. However, the Fire and Police Commission ruled there was insufficient evidence to charge Clarke and dismissed the case.[[5]]( "
That is because Police are hired thugs for Rome and Corporations, and have full immunity.
"Clarke has called for the suspension of habeas corpus in the United States in a December 2015 appearance on his radio program, where he asserted that there were "hundreds of thousands" or "maybe a million" people who "have pledged allegiance or are supporting ISIS, giving aid and comfort," and stated that "our commander in chief ought to utilize Article I, Section 9" to imprison them at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp "and hold them indefinitely under a suspension of habeas corpus."

In the Case of Morgan vs. District of Columbia in 1983, the court ruled that " Absent a special relationship between police department and victim, liability for failure to protect individual citizens from crime does not generally lie against police officials, who occupy positions necessarily fraught with discretion in the administration of justice. Appellants do not fall within the narrow exception to this longstanding rule. Furthermore, the facts of this case, as a matter of law, cannot support a finding of negligence by the city. "

The Los Angeles Police Department--who has zero duty and obligation to protect citizens of Los Angeles, gave the biggest protective motorcade in the history of the department to Pope John Paul 2 on his 1987 trip to LA!! They must of had a "special relationship" with the Pope. Quoting from the LAPD website :
" 1987 Pope John Paul II Visit
Never before in the history of the Department has a single individual been afforded the level of security that was provided to the Pope during his September 1987 visit. Preparations were initiated long before his arrival at Los Angeles International Airport. His travels earlier in the year had been observed in person by LAPD Operations-Headquarters Bureau staff in Germany, Miami, San Antonio, and Phoenix...... In addition to patrol officers, specialists from Metropolitan Division, bomb experts, motor officers, detectives, the Mounted Patrol, Air Support helicopters and even volunteer ham radio operators, participated in the security operations. Thanks to their diligence, only minor incidents involving confiscated weapons and detained suspects occurred. Personnel representing other agencies exhibited exemplary cooperation with local law enforcement. The Pope’s concern for children and youth was amply revealed when, joined by then First Lady Nancy Reagan, he spoke to the youngsters at the diocesan school and to 6,000 teenagers at the Universal Amphitheater. .... Some Additional Interesting Facts about the Pope’s Visit: 5,800 officers were used; 2,416 along the motorcade parade route, including 49 motor, 55 mounted and 104 Metropolitan Division personnel. The parade was witnessed by 300,000 spectators. An additional 170,000 attended the outdoor masses. 4,000 55-gallon drums were stationed every 20 feet along the parade route, each filled with water, capped and sealed; 35 miles of rope was strung from drum to drum and 10,000 wooden barricades placed in between. 4,250 feet of five-foot chain link fence was installed at the Coliseum. Air Support Division deployed 11 helicopters and one fixed wing airplane over the concerned territory for a total of 127 airborne hours."
Darryl Francis Gates who was chief of Police of LA when the Pope came to visit was given a Papal Visit ribbon! Gates is credited for the creation of modern day SWAT teams!

" Daryl Gates (born Darrel Francis Gates;[3] August 30, 1926 – April 16, 2010) was the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) from 1978 to 1992. His length of tenure was second only to that of William H. Parker). As chief of police, he took a hardline, aggressive, paramilitary approach to law enforcement. ... Awards📷 Police Meritorious Unit Citation📷 Police Meritorious Service Medal1984 Summer Olympics Ribbon📷 1987 Papal Visit Ribbon📷 1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon "

Danielle Outlaw, current cheif of police in Portland was trained by Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco.

"Danielle Outlaw (born 1975)[1][3][4] currently serves as chief of police for the Portland Police Bureau, in the U.S. state of Oregon. She is the first African American woman to head the bureau,[1] and was appointed by mayor Ted Wheeler in 2017.[5] Outlaw previously worked for the Oakland Police Department, where she served as deputy chief from 2013 until 2017.[2][4] Danielle Outlaw was born in 1975. Her father and mother worked with the California Department of Transportation and AT&T. She attended the Holy Names High School) in Oakland, California(Catholic).[4] She didn't have a good perception of the Oakland police during her childhood. In high school, as part of a career exploration program, Outlaw visited the Oakland Police Department, and had the opportunity to patrol with officers, change her perception of the police, and find out that those in the police force are just like her.[4]Before she graduated from theUniversity of San Francisco(Jesuit) with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology, followed by a Master of Business Administration from Pepperdine University. Outlaw entered the Pepperdine Grazio Business School to differentiate herself from people in her field. In addition, Chief Outlaw was the recipient of the Oakland Black Officers' Association Trailblazer Award, the Holy Names High School Alumnae Association Citation for Service and the 2015 Police Executive Research Forum, which also known as PERF, Gary P. Hayes Award"
"Outlaw said she remembers being shut inside her Catholic school, Holy Names High School, during the protests in Oakland. “They put chains on the doors to keep us inside, to prevent us from walking out and marching,” she said."

Anne Kirkpatrick, current police chief of Oakland was trained by Jesuits at Seattle University.

" Anne Kirkpatrick is the Chief of the Oakland Police Department. Kirkpatrick was appointed Chief by Mayor Libby Schaafon January 4, 2017.[1]#citenote-1) She was the former police chief in the city of Spokane, Washington and was leading organizational development inside the Chicago Police Department.[[2]]( She was sworn in as Oakland police chief on February 27, 2017.[[2]]("
" Born and raised in Memphis, Kirkpatrick moved across the country for law school because she wanted to keep working as a police officer, and it was one of the few part-time programs available at the time. She studied in her patrol car during lunch breaks - as long as she wasn't interrupted by a DUI or domestic disturbance call. In admiration of her dedication to both work and education, her Redmond colleagues named her Officer of the Year the same year she graduated from Seattle University School of Law (then University of Puget Sound School of Law(Jesuit)). "
William McManus, current police chief of San Antonio is Catholic and was educated at Catholic Villanova. McManus has been taking some heat lately for releasing 12 illegal immigrants to a Catholic Shelter! The Vatican is behind the agenda of the mass invasion of latino roman catholics into the United States from the south.

" Bill McManus was appointed San Antonio’s Police Chief in March 2006. He oversees a department of more than 2,000 sworn officers and more than 800 civilian positions.... McManus has over 40 years of experience in law enforcement. He previously served as the Chief of Police for the Minneapolis Police Department where he rebuilt the departmental infrastructure and provided new direction and leadership to a 1,200-member department. McManus also has served as the Chief of Police in Dayton, Ohio, from 2001 to 2003. He started his career in law enforcement in 1975 with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., where he served in a full range of patrol and investigative assignments that included internal and criminal investigations, narcotics, and tactical positions. McManus also served as Assistant Chief of Police for the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department from 1998 to 2001.....
"Mayor Ron Nirenberg and City Manager Sheryl Sculley blasted the San Antonio Police Officers Association over its latest call for Police Chief William McManus to be placed on administrative leave while the attorney general's office investigates claims he violated Texas' law banning sanctuary cities last December. On December 23, 2017, officers released 12 undocumented immigrants found in a tractor-trailer to a local Catholic shelter. Previously, McManus, who was at the scene, said his officers didn't have the jurisdiction to detain them and that a Homeland Security agent on the scene also declined to take them into custody."
submitted by Ainsoph777 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Documenting Jesuit trained and Catholic Chiefs of Police

The Police are huge part of the control mechanism the Jesuits and the financial powers have put in place to socially manage there exploitative system of domination and control. The Police are not here to "protect and serve" at all. They actually have absoultey no obligation to protect anyone at all--as the Jesuit educated/Catholic lawyers who dominate the U.S. Supreme Court have ruled! :

Police in the United States were created primarily to manage slaves in the south, and break up strikes and labor protesters--to protect the private property of the financial elite and Rome . Peter J Doeswyck in his book Catholic Victory in 1960, speaks on how Rome uses the Police for its own ends.

" Getting back to the “dictatorship of fear and reprisal” of the old democratic bosses, the first thing it imposed on a city was a Roman Catholic police force. This police force controlled and still controls the Catholic underworld and collects from it mil¬ lions of dollars to perpetuate itself in office. It is not a coincidence that in Chicago, a city of prostitutes, bookmakers and gangsters, the Catholic bishop receives car license plate no. 1 to indicate that he is the first citizen of that city. Underworld slayings, though often forecast by our newspapers, are never solved by such police departments. Illegal gambling is exhibited publicly in the streets. Sometimes the Catholic police and the Catholic underworld clash when the first tries to extort too much money from the latter. “Three hundred of the city’s biggest bookies,” reported the New York papers, “shut down their telephone services and went on strike against the exorbitant shakedowns by police officials” (N. Y. Daily News, Feb. 7, 1947). Statistics show that in that year (1947) New York City was 79% non Catholic, but its police force was 62.8% Catholic, while the higher-ups in that department were 80% Catholic. Once it is in control of a city, this gangster element makes the Catholic bishop its first citizen. It is an ordinary thing in New York to find 100 policemen at the steps of St. Patrick’s during a society wedding or funeral, while not a single one at the door of Rockefeller Center. The cathedral holds 2,000 people, the center 70,000. Not only cities, but Protestant towns and counties often have Roman Catholic chiefs and sheriffs. In places where mayors are elected and the chief of police appointed, the Romanists usually make a deal with the Protestant candidates and promise the Catholic vote if one of their men will be appointed as chief. In certain fields the chief of police has more power than a mayor and even more power than the President of the United States. It is a fact that every citizen and newspaper dares to attack the policies of the President and call him names, but no local citizen or local paper dares to attack the chief of police, unless City Hall and the papers and the public attempt to oust the chief in a united drive. Because of their power, these Catholic chiefs can perpetuate themselves in office and make a farce out of democracy. Like the bishops, who maintain a file of all scandals of their priests in order to keep them under subjection, most of our police departments in our bigger cities maintain files of men who have no police records but are potential, political opponents. Like the Jesuits, who own the state-controlled houses of prostitution in Spain and secretly register their patrons, many of our police departments have and are still controlling our houses of prostitution and gambling establishments, and are using hundreds of detectives to trail political opponents. Wiretapping and bugging are the order of the day. Private detectives, invariably “ex¬ police officers” or “bad Catholics”, have access, direct or indirect, to all police files and can blackmail almost any citizen. We have also a situation in Washington where only a handful of senators are still able to express their personal views without fearing the hand of blackmailers. "

During the reign on the Catholic Fascist Ustashi's in Croatia whom massacred over 900,000 --led by the Jesuit trained fuhrer Ante Pavelic , and Jesuit trained Archbishop of Zagbreb Aloysius Stepiniac. A Jesuit Priest , Dragutin Kamber S.J. became a chief of Police in the city of Doboj Bosnia. Edmund Paris has some greats insights in his 1962 book Genocide in Satellite Croatia.

" the Jesuit priest, Dragutin (Charles) Kamber, now in the United States, sworn Ustashi and Chief of Police at Doboj (Central Bosnia), who alone was responsible for various noted crimes such as the “liquidation” of the Serbian clergy of that region and 300 Orthodox Serbs of that city with another 250 courtmartialed in his district on his orders. Also there was confiscation of Jewish property. Published in the newspaper Novi List on August 16, 1941, Dr. Kamber said of the Nazis who were in Doboj:
"We [Ustashi] love you sincerely as friends; we respect you highly; and all of us are sorry, deeply sorry, that you must part. We love youl We love you because you carry in your hands the most powerful sword that has ever been forged in the history of mankind. You are brothers and manly knights by your behavior and by your deeds. The Paradise to which the Germans are going needs no better propagandists than the soldiers of Germany, this German Army. We respect you because you are fighting to give political and social justice to all of Europe. With the blood and the bones of precious German soldiers, the flower of Germany, you are building the foundations of a happy world for future generations."
In a Sarajevo newspaper, called Osvit, Kamber on December 18, 1942 wrote: “Why do I want the Germans and their Allies Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc., to win? Because without the Germans our nation would die and we would have no Independent State of Croatia. From the international point of view the Germans and the Ustashi have the same enemies.”
Father Charles (Dragutin) Kamber is now in the U.S.A. He is writing in many Croatian newspapers all over the world, especially in Danica (Chicago). He is teaching the Ustashi in exile how to fight on for the Independent State Croatia, by new methods. He has written a booklet on how to behave in the world even though still an Ustasha (once an Ustasha—an Ustasha till death was the Ustashi’s slogan). The booklet has the title, “Problems and Methods to Be Used in the Fight to Free Croatia.”

To start, there is Daniel Isom who was chief of police in St. Louis ( October 6, 2008 – December 4th, 2013 ) whom was trained by the Jesuits at Saint Louis University and by the Catholic dominated FBI as-well. "He joined the St. Louis Police Department on August 29, 1988. During his career, he served in patrol, investigations, training, and internal affairs positions. Promoted through the ranks, finally to Major in 2007, he worked as the Special Projects Assistant to the Police Commissioner until his promotion to Police Commissioner.He previously served as an adjunct professor at Harris Stowe State University and an instructor at St. Louis Community College where he taught criminal justice, criminology, and public safety courses.He has received an associate degree in Criminal Justice from Forest Park Community College-St. Louis, a Bachelor's, Master's and a Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, all from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He also holds a Masters in Public Administration from St. Louis University (Jesuit)..... He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Police Executive Forum Senior Management Institute and the FBI National Executives Institute. "
Isom's Jesuit training surely helped with the fascist militarized policing which occurred in Ferguson. " In August 2014, he was appointed as Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety in the Cabinet of Governor Jay Nixon.[4] On November 18, 2014, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon appointed the Ferguson Commission – a volunteer group of 16 diverse community leaders to listen to and engage with area organizations, national thought leaders, institutions, experts and citizens.[5] Isom was appointed as a commissioner and served as the co-chair of the commission task force on police community relations."

U. Reneé Hall, the current police chief of Dallas was trained by Jesuits at the University of Detroit Mercy.

"Chief U. Reneé Hall is the 29th Chief of Police for the City of Dallas, Texas. She is the first woman to ever hold this position. During her brief tenure with the Dallas Police Department, Chief Hall has made prominent steps to transform the department to reflect 21st Century Policing by streamlining the department’s organizational structure to improve efficient workflow between units, and strengthen effective policy processes. Chief Hall has prioritized community engagement and outreach by connecting with officers in the field, meeting with Dallas community groups, professional leaders, and local organizations...... Her educational accomplishments include completion of the FBI National Academy, Major Cities Chiefs Executive Leadership Institute (PELI IV), two Masters of Science degrees in Security Administration and Intelligence Analysis, from the University of Detroit Mercy (Jesuit), and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Grambling State University. Chief Hall is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and The International Women’s Forum (IWF). "

William D. Gore, the current sheriff of San Diego County was trained by Jesuits at the University of Seattle.

" William D. Gore became the 29th Sheriff of San Diego County on July 3, 2009. Sheriff Gore oversees one of the largest Sheriff’s Departments in the nation with 4,300 employees, an annual budget of more than $850 million, and a service area of over 4,400 square miles including a 60-mile international border. Along with patrol and investigative operations, his department provides air support, search and rescue service, and forensic support for the San Diego region. His department operates seven detention facilities countywide and provides security to nine courthouses..... Sheriff Gore’s law enforcement career spans over 47 years. He spent 32 years in the FBI, where he rose to the level of Assistant Director. He served as Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Seattle and San Diego Field Divisions, where he implemented the FBI Cyber Crime Squad and Joint Terrorism Task Force. .....A San Diego native, Sheriff Gore holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of San Diego(Catholic) and a Master's degree in Public Administration from Seattle University(Jesuit). Sheriff Gore's family is rich in law enforcement experience. His father and older brother were a part of the San Diego Police Department and his middle brother was a San Diego County Deputy Sheriff. His wife was one of the first female FBI agents in the United States."

How fitting then that the seal of San Diego County has a Roman Fasces right in the center! :,_California.png

Gregory Ahern, current Sheriff of Alameda County is Catholic educated.

" Gregory Ahern was born September 1957 in Oakland, California. A lifelong resident of Alameda County, he graduated from Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward in 1975. He went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Saint Mary's College(Catholic, ran by De Salle Brothers) in Moraga. Sheriff Ahern was hired as a Deputy Sheriff in 1980, was promoted to Sergeant in 1986, promoted to Lieutenant in 2000, promoted to Captain in 2003, promoted to Commander in 2005, and promoted to Assistant Sheriff in 2006. On June 6, 2006, Gregory J. Ahern was elected Sheriff and became the 22nd Sheriff of Alameda County on January 8, 2007."

Aminta Granera Sacasa, a former chief of Nicaragua national police(September 5, 2006 until April 27, 2018.) was trained by Jesuits at Georgetown and became a nun! " Sacasa is a former Sandinista revolutionary and the former Director General of the National Police of Nicaragua.... She was the chief of the National Police [1] Aminta Granera Sacasa was born 18 September 1952 in León), Nicaragua. After studies at Georgetown University(Jesuit) in the United States, Granera decided to become a nun and began her novitiate with the Sisters of the Assumption in Guatemala City.[1].... However, the police under her tenure also drew allegations of human rights violations and repression of Ortega's critics.[2]Grenera resigned as chief of National Police on April 28, 2018, in the face of mass protests across Nicaragua, dozens of deaths and widespread criticism of the police response.[2]"

Greg Suhr a former Chief of Police in San Francisco was trained by the Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco--as have many police chiefs of San Francisco--Suhr was given an Alemany award in 2018 by the Jesuit school.

" Greg Suhr is a native son (5th Generation) of our beloved City of San Francisco. He rose through the ranks over his nearly 35-year career through his exemplary leadership skills, and his ability to build trust in diverse communities to become the San Francisco Police Department's 42nd Chief of Police..... Chief Suhr retired from the SFPD in May of 2016 after nearly 35 years of service. He and his wife, Wendy, currently own and operate Suhr Consulting Group, LLC....
Education BS | 1988 | University of San Francisco(Jesuit)

In April 2014 the journal for the San Francisco police were proud to announce under Jesuit trained Chief Suhr's watch that a new Catholic chaplain had been hired to join the force.

" Deputy Chief David Shinn swore in our newest chaplain Father Michael Quinn on St Patrick’s Day March 17. The ceremony was held in the Police Commission hearing room at the Hall of Justice. Father Mike is a Roman Catholic priest and a true San Franciscan. He was raised in Eureka Valley attending Most Holy Redeemer School with his twin brother. He graduated from Riordan High School in 1970 and went on to earn an accounting degree at USF(Jesuit) . He worked for the IRS, AC Transit and did forensic accounting at his own firm before entering St Patrick’s Seminary in 2003. He was ordained in 2009 and assisted at Holy Name and St. Brendan’s Parishes before being named pastor of Star of the Sea Parish in Sausalito. Father Mike trained and volunteered at San Francisco Suicide Prevention and is active in marriage counseling....."

Raymond Kelly, who was the 37th and 41st Police Commissioner of New York City ( September 1, 1992 – January 1, 1994 / January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2013 ) is currently a board member at the Catholic Alfred E. Smith foundation!

" With fifty years in public service, including fourteen years as police commissioner of the City of New York, Raymond W. Kelly is one of the world’s most well-known and highly esteemed leaders in law enforcement. Kelly was appointed police commissioner in January 2002 by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, making Kelly the longest serving police commissioner in the city’s history, as well as the first to hold the post for a second, separate tenure. He also served as police commissioner under Mayor David N. Dinkins.In Commissioner Kelly’s distinguished career he has also served as senior managing director of global corporate security at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service, undersecretary for enforcement at the U.S. Treasury Department, and vice president for the Americas of Interpol. Commissioner Kelly holds a BBA from Manhattan College(Catholic), a JD from St. John’s University School of Law(Catholic), an LLM from New York University Graduate School of Law, and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In addition, Commissioner Kelly retired as a colonel from the Marine Corps Reserves after 30 years of service. Kelly is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the advisory board of the Counter Extremism Project. He also serves on the board of Hain Celestial Group and is on the advisory board of Applied DNA Sciences. In September 2006, Commissioner Kelly was awarded France’s highest decoration, the Légion d’honneur, by then French Minister of the Interior Nicholas Sarkozy."

Kelly was the leading advocate behind New York's disastrous stop and frisk policing. :

Raymond Kelly, whom had a postion at Interpol , the " International Criminal Police Organization" that uses a Roman military wreath on its logo, was in good company with his fellow papists representing the United States there. In fact the first Americans to serve as Secretary General of Interpol and President are directly connected to Rome. These being Mark John Simpson, and Ronald Noble.

"Mark John Richard Simpson (February 13, 1932 – February 10, 2017) was the first U.S. Interpol President (1984–1988) and was the sixteenth Director of the United States Secret Service (1981–1992).[1]#citenote-1) Born in 1932, Simpson served in the United States Army, graduated from Loyola College) in Montreal (Jesuit) before attending Portia Law School.[[2]]( Simpson joined the Secret Service in 1962 during his time at Portia Law (graduating in 1964 and was elected as his Law School President) and became Special Agent with the Presidential Protective Division in 1978.[[3]]( After retiring as Director in 1992, Simpson became a commissioner in the United States Parole Commission for 2 terms.[[3]]("

" Ronald Kenneth "Ron" Noble (born September 24, 1956)is an American law enforcement officer who served as the secretary-general of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) from 3 November 2000 – 7 November 2014 . He became the organization's first American and youngest secretary-general at the time of his appointment. Prior to his time there, he worked as a public servant in various U.S. government agencies, including the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Department of Justice and the Treasury. ..In 1993, Noble was appointed as the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, being placed in charge of the Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the Customs Service Office of Enforcement, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.[4][9] He was head of the department's "Waco Administrative Review Team", which produced a report on the ATF's actions against the Branch Davidians, leading to the Waco siege.[10] "..... Awards: Hilal-e-Pakistan (2011) Order of St. Gregory the Great(Papal Knighthood), Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion of Honour .... In 1998, with the support of Attorney General Janet Reno and FBI director Louis Freeh (Opus Dei), Noble applied to become the secretary-general of Interpol and succeed incumbent Raymond Kendall.[3] "

To be continued...

David Clarke, often known as the Fox News Sheriff--whom is always advocating for more invasive militarized policing was trained by Jesuits at Marquette Univeristy Highschool. Clarke was the 64th sheriff of Milwaukee county ( March 19, 2002 – August 31, 2017).

" Clarke was born in Milwaukee, one of five children of Jeri and David Clarke Sr.[5]#citenote-milmag-5) His father was a paratrooper with the 2nd Ranger Infantry Company). Clarke Jr. attended Marquette University High School (Jesuit).... Clarke frequently appeared as a guest on Fox News through February 2018 and was a speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He resigned as sheriff in August 2017.[[4]]( A vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, Clarke was considered for a role in the Trump Administration. After resigning as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Clarke joined the super PAC America First Action as a spokesman and senior advisor, serving until February 2019. ......Clarke's career was not without controversy; in 1994, the mother of a 15-year-old boy filed a complaint alleging that Clarke used excessive force when arresting her son. According to public documents, Clarke was returning from a vacation when he spotted five teenagers heaving rocks at passing cars. Clarke chased down the teens, drew his service revolver and ordered them to lie on the ground. He admitted to using his foot to turn one boy over as he searched for weapons. The boy’s mother claimed Clarke put a gun to her son’s head and kicked him in the side, causing bruised ribs that required medical attention. However, the Fire and Police Commission ruled there was insufficient evidence to charge Clarke and dismissed the case.[[5]]( "
That is because Police are hired thugs for Rome and Corporations, and have full immunity.
"Clarke has called for the suspension of habeas corpus in the United States in a December 2015 appearance on his radio program, where he asserted that there were "hundreds of thousands" or "maybe a million" people who "have pledged allegiance or are supporting ISIS, giving aid and comfort," and stated that "our commander in chief ought to utilize Article I, Section 9" to imprison them at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp "and hold them indefinitely under a suspension of habeas corpus."

In the Case of Morgan vs. District of Columbia in 1983, the court ruled that " Absent a special relationship between police department and victim, liability for failure to protect individual citizens from crime does not generally lie against police officials, who occupy positions necessarily fraught with discretion in the administration of justice. Appellants do not fall within the narrow exception to this longstanding rule. Furthermore, the facts of this case, as a matter of law, cannot support a finding of negligence by the city. "

The Los Angeles Police Department--who has zero duty and obligation to protect citizens of Los Angeles, gave the biggest protective motorcade in the history of the department to Pope John Paul 2 on his 1987 trip to LA!! They must of had a "special relationship" with the Pope. Quoting from the LAPD website :

" 1987 Pope John Paul II Visit
Never before in the history of the Department has a single individual been afforded the level of security that was provided to the Pope during his September 1987 visit. Preparations were initiated long before his arrival at Los Angeles International Airport. His travels earlier in the year had been observed in person by LAPD Operations-Headquarters Bureau staff in Germany, Miami, San Antonio, and Phoenix...... In addition to patrol officers, specialists from Metropolitan Division, bomb experts, motor officers, detectives, the Mounted Patrol, Air Support helicopters and even volunteer ham radio operators, participated in the security operations. Thanks to their diligence, only minor incidents involving confiscated weapons and detained suspects occurred. Personnel representing other agencies exhibited exemplary cooperation with local law enforcement. The Pope’s concern for children and youth was amply revealed when, joined by then First Lady Nancy Reagan, he spoke to the youngsters at the diocesan school and to 6,000 teenagers at the Universal Amphitheater. .... Some Additional Interesting Facts about the Pope’s Visit: 5,800 officers were used; 2,416 along the motorcade parade route, including 49 motor, 55 mounted and 104 Metropolitan Division personnel. The parade was witnessed by 300,000 spectators. An additional 170,000 attended the outdoor masses. 4,000 55-gallon drums were stationed every 20 feet along the parade route, each filled with water, capped and sealed; 35 miles of rope was strung from drum to drum and 10,000 wooden barricades placed in between. 4,250 feet of five-foot chain link fence was installed at the Coliseum. Air Support Division deployed 11 helicopters and one fixed wing airplane over the concerned territory for a total of 127 airborne hours."

Darryl Francis Gates who was chief of Police of LA when the Pope came to visit was given a Papal Visit ribbon! Gates is credited for the creation of modern day SWAT teams!

" Daryl Gates (born Darrel Francis Gates;[3] August 30, 1926 – April 16, 2010) was the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) from 1978 to 1992. His length of tenure was second only to that of William H. Parker). As chief of police, he took a hardline, aggressive, paramilitary approach to law enforcement. ... Awards📷 Police Meritorious Unit Citation📷 Police Meritorious Service Medal1984 Summer Olympics Ribbon📷 1987 Papal Visit Ribbon📷 1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon "

Danielle Outlaw, current cheif of police in Portland was trained by Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco.

"Danielle Outlaw (born 1975)[1][3][4] currently serves as chief of police for the Portland Police Bureau, in the U.S. state of Oregon. She is the first African American woman to head the bureau,[1] and was appointed by mayor Ted Wheeler in 2017.[5] Outlaw previously worked for the Oakland Police Department, where she served as deputy chief from 2013 until 2017.[2][4] Danielle Outlaw was born in 1975. Her father and mother worked with the California Department of Transportation and AT&T. She attended the Holy Names High School) in Oakland, California(Catholic).[4] She didn't have a good perception of the Oakland police during her childhood. In high school, as part of a career exploration program, Outlaw visited the Oakland Police Department, and had the opportunity to patrol with officers, change her perception of the police, and find out that those in the police force are just like her.[4]Before she graduated from the University of San Francisco(Jesuit) with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology, followed by a Master of Business Administration from Pepperdine University. Outlaw entered the Pepperdine Grazio Business School to differentiate herself from people in her field. In addition, Chief Outlaw was the recipient of the Oakland Black Officers' Association Trailblazer Award, the Holy Names High School Alumnae Association Citation for Service and the 2015 Police Executive Research Forum, which also known as PERF, Gary P. Hayes Award"

"Outlaw said she remembers being shut inside her Catholic school, Holy Names High School, during the protests in Oakland. “They put chains on the doors to keep us inside, to prevent us from walking out and marching,” she said."

Anne Kirkpatrick, current police chief of Oakland was trained by Jesuits at Seattle University.

" Anne Kirkpatrick is the Chief of the Oakland Police Department. Kirkpatrick was appointed Chief by Mayor Libby Schaaf on January 4, 2017.[1]#citenote-1) She was the former police chief in the city of Spokane, Washington and was leading organizational development inside the Chicago Police Department.[[2]]( She was sworn in as Oakland police chief on February 27, 2017.[[2]]( "

" Born and raised in Memphis, Kirkpatrick moved across the country for law school because she wanted to keep working as a police officer, and it was one of the few part-time programs available at the time. She studied in her patrol car during lunch breaks - as long as she wasn't interrupted by a DUI or domestic disturbance call. In admiration of her dedication to both work and education, her Redmond colleagues named her Officer of the Year the same year she graduated from Seattle University School of Law (then University of Puget Sound School of Law(Jesuit)). "

William McManus, current police chief of San Antonio is Catholic and was educated at Catholic Villanova. McManus has been taking some heat lately for releasing 12 illegal immigrants to a Catholic Shelter! The Vatican is behind the agenda of the mass invasion of latino roman catholics into the United States from the south.

" Bill McManus was appointed San Antonio’s Police Chief in March 2006. He oversees a department of more than 2,000 sworn officers and more than 800 civilian positions.... McManus has over 40 years of experience in law enforcement. He previously served as the Chief of Police for the Minneapolis Police Department where he rebuilt the departmental infrastructure and provided new direction and leadership to a 1,200-member department. McManus also has served as the Chief of Police in Dayton, Ohio, from 2001 to 2003. He started his career in law enforcement in 1975 with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., where he served in a full range of patrol and investigative assignments that included internal and criminal investigations, narcotics, and tactical positions. McManus also served as Assistant Chief of Police for the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department from 1998 to 2001.....

"Mayor Ron Nirenberg and City Manager Sheryl Sculley blasted the San Antonio Police Officers Association over its latest call for Police Chief William McManus to be placed on administrative leave while the attorney general's office investigates claims he violated Texas' law banning sanctuary cities last December. On December 23, 2017, officers released 12 undocumented immigrants found in a tractor-trailer to a local Catholic shelter. Previously, McManus, who was at the scene, said his officers didn't have the jurisdiction to detain them and that a Homeland Security agent on the scene also declined to take them into custody."
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is being a bookie illegal in texas video

Sports Betting: Billy Walters - YouTube Texas border town concerned about illegal immigrants Inside the brain of a gambling addict - BBC News - YouTube Civil Asset Forfeiture in Texas Is Creating An Unlikely ... How I got banned from sports betting... - Arbitrage ... Is Being a Bookie / Bookmaker Illegal? - YouTube 3 Ways A Police Officer Can Stop You While Carrying In Texas How Science is Taking the Luck out of Gambling - with Adam ... Being a Bookie for Dummies, Bookmaker Business (Best Tips ... College Football Picks, Predictions, Odds Week 2 (09-07-19), Missouri vs. WVU (7*MLB Today)

The fact of the matter is that gambling is illegal in most states. One of the few states where it isn’t illegal is Nevada because of Las Vegas. More places are opening up to the idea of legalising gambling, but it’s still impossible to legally become a bookie in several states. Make sure that you read up on the gambling laws of your state. Is Being a Bookie Legal? Being a bookie is when you have people that want to wager on sports with you. This means that the player makes a wager on a certain team such as the New England Patriots -6.5 and then you as the bookie will have the opposite side meaning you will need the Patriots to either lose the game or just not win by 7 points or more. Sports betting is currently illegal in Texas. A sports betting bill was introduced in February of 2019 that could take effect on January 1, 2020. While sports betting is illegal, horse and dog racing are legal. The state lottery has been in existence since 1991. In other words, it is legal to bet with a bookie, but it is not legal for the bookie to bet with you. Sure, if you use an illegal local bookie to place bets in your town, you might get caught in a wider police dragnet, but online, you run no such risk. Nor do the bookies, because they aren’t based in America and are thus not beholden to US law. The argument for widespread legal sports betting across the US is predicated upon the American Gaming Association assertion that Americans were betting $150 billion on sports every year when it was illegal everywhere outside Nevada — mostly at unlawful bookies and offshore sports betting operations on the internet.. If states legalize it, they can see that money wagered at regulated sports ... Are Bookies Illegal in the US? The question of whether or not bookies are illegal in the USA has changed over the last year, because this used to be a hard no that bookies were illegal, however now with the United States recent law changes that allow each state to determine if they want gambling to be illegal in their specific state, the answer is not always a no. Frequently Asked Questions About Sports Betting In Texas. Will I get arrested for betting on sports in Texas? As long as you only bet online with a licensed offshore sportsbook you will have nothing to worry about. Placing a bet with an illegal bookie operating inside of texaas state lines could land you in some trouble. Because being a bookie is illegal. This would be like going to the cops and telling them that your roommate stole your drugs. You can’t intelligently do that without opening yourself up to criminal charges. Online sports bookie in Texas must serve 3 years, pay $7M. Authorities say Dominguez, from 2011 to 2016, offered illegal opportunities for online sports bets. Dominguez in 2014 earned more than $2.3 million through the online gambling operation but reported taxable income of only about $63,000. Is it illegal to be a bookie? Although the […] When it comes to gambling, be it at a land-based casino or online, it helps to know the gambling laws of the US state you are in because they all have different stances when it comes to the issue. What may be considered legal in one state may not necessarily be legal in another, so it pays to know more about these things lest you want to wake up one day being charged with illegal gambling with ...

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Sports Betting: Billy Walters - YouTube

IC's free selections are well known for being one of the best in the country at over 60% documented for the past 3+ year and also does an extra Video just for Youtube Subscribers which discusses ... Today we discuss how I managed to get banned from sports betting, but we also discuss how to implement arbitrage betting strategies to make you money!Arbitra... Las Vegas sports betting legend Bill Walters has never had a losing year - a winning a streak that's made odds makers call him the "most dangerous sports bet... From the statisticians forecasting sports scores to the intelligent bots beating human poker players, Adam Kucharski traces the scientific origins of the wor... What happens inside the brain of a gambling addict when they make a bet - and can the secret to their addiction be found within the brain itself? BBC Panoram... We dive into the legal and moral obligations of choosing to make book at a local level. When you finally decide to start your own #bookiebusiness, understanding how to take actio... In Texas, a public fight has broken out over a strategy used to fight drug crime: Civil asset forfeiture, which lets police officers seize property from susp... Every day innocent legal gun owners are questioned by police in public. Understand the three types of contact you will have with police, what your rights are... Residents in the Texas border town of Hidalgo are concerned about illegal immigrants

is being a bookie illegal in texas

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