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How PIS destroyed Poland.

EDIT: This post is in an article format with pictures and graphs here
I can't be silent anymore. In 2018, out of 1076 abortions in Poland, 1 was because of rape, 25 because it was dangerous for the woman's life and 1050 because of an unhealthy fetus. It means that PIS just totally banned abortion in Poland
Too few Europeans are aware of the depth of this crisis. The current Polish government is destroying the country from inside-out with its nepotism, religious zeal, communistic tactics, social programs and funding verge organizations (or trolls). It breaks every single law, making unconstitutional laws since 2015 and destroying the court of law. How Poland is pushing EU into crisis - rise of populism. The video is 2 years old and now it's worst
PIS staffed every single judicial court with its own people (ending the impartiality of judges). The very aggressive social 500+ program increased the job inactivity of Poles to 48% (48% of 15+ Polish citizens are NEET. Unemployment is at 5-6%). The Job vacancies in Poland are at the lowest level in EU. The corruption and nepotism is rampant, more than 1000 family members and friends are in public companies or in different Ministries. Polish PIS high ranking politicians are also making money together with pimps and mafia (see scandals down there). They are also giving millions of euros from public money to the Catholic Church. They are paying trolls to spew hate on Facebook, via Whatsapp and on the web. Some of them are hiding and not prosecuting pedophiles in the Catholic Church. Poland has almost the lowest innovation in EU. In 15 indexes tracking freedom and democracy in Europe Poland went from an average position of 12 out of 28 in 2010 to 23 out of 28 in 2019. I mean, not to diminish Trump’s “awesomeness” but imagine if the WHOLE republican party in the US was Trump-like. Shady deals, family in the govt, creating discord, staffing courts with their own judges. I’m just mortified.
For further reading I recommend: Sadurski, Wojciech. "Poland's Constitutional Breakdown", Oxford University Press, 2019.
Acronyms and main characters:

PiS changes electoral rules in an unconstitutional move. Presidential "elections" 2020 are the Biggest legal blunder of the year

Poland Is Showing the World How Not to Run a Pandemic Election. The upcoming Polish election is shaping up to be a farce. Washington should learn from Warsaw’s mistakes before November.
Why Poland’s “ghost election” sends a warning about its democracy
Wikipedia about this blunder

Destruction of the rule of law.

Some of the passages below are taken from this pdf
No member state in the history of the EU has ever gone as far in subjugating its courts to executive control as the current Polish government. The Polish case has become a test whether it is possible to create a Soviet-style justice system in an EU member state; a system where the control of courts, prosecutors and judges lies with the executive and a single party.
Across Europe, national courts recognise the judgements of courts in other member states, whether these involve commercial law, the European arrest warrant or child custody. Judges must assume that courts across the EU operate according to common values and principles set out in the European Union Treaty and in its Charter of Fundamental Rights. Once judges across the EU have reason to doubt whether courts in any member state provide effective judicial protection, the legal order on which the EU rests collapses.
Freedom house - How PIS captured Poland’s Courts

Constitutional Tribunal changes

It all began with the constitutional crisis four years ago. Constitutional crisis and the destruction of the rule of law In 2015, parliament changed the law on the Constitutional Tribunal, which rules on the constitutionality of legislation. The changes allowed them to annul the nominations of three judges made by the previous parliament and appoint their own. It shortened the terms of the tribunal's president and vice-president from nine to three years. The tribunal ruled the move unconstitutional in an open rebellion, but the dispute remains unresolved. Julia Przylebska - was illegally named the president of the Tribunal court by the president. And now Kaczynski, the PM have meetings at her house. Nice separation of power
There's too much to describe. For further info please visit the link. It is an amazing summary of the whole ordeal. timeline

Supreme Court changes

The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, said one of the most controversial reforms was to do with the Supreme court, which, among other duties, is responsible for confirming election results. The idea was to lower the age of retirement for Supreme Court justices from 70 to 65, but allow the Polish president to grant a five-year extension to whomever they deemed worthy. In 2019, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) — the EU's highest court —ruled this was illegal, after an interim decision ordered 20 already-sacked judges be reinstated. Of course, PIS chose 2 new Constitutional judges, A politician Pawlowicz with communistic past and Piotrowicz, also a politician and a prosecutor that was an active communist during the 80 that prosecuted Solidarnosc. Both of them are above 65 years old.

Ordinary court judges

There were also moves to try a similar tactic in the general court system for judges and public prosecutors, lowering the age of retirement for women to 60 and for men to 65, down from the current 67. Under the reforms the justice minister, who is appointed by the ruling party, would have the power to extend a judge's term. The laws were somewhat adjusted after pressure from the European Commission, but in November 2019 the ECJ shot down these laws, too, citing gender discrimination and political influence over the judiciary.

Disciplinary measures for judges

Another PiS addition allowed judges to be investigated and sanctioned for their court rulings. The disciplinary hearings and procedures were to be carried out by judges selected via parliament. These reforms were criticized by the European Commission because "judges are not insulated from political control and thus judicial independence is violated." The commission brought legal action against Poland on this matter in October 2019.

National Council of the judiciary takeover

In 2017 PiS remodeled the National Council of the Judiciary, which selects candidates for appointment as judges by the President of the Republic. This allowed it, in the short term, to control appointments to the Supreme Court – including to a newly created Disciplinary Chamber, which hears disciplinary cases against judges, and to a new Extraordinary Appeals Chamber, which adjudicates on electoral issues. Over time PiS’ take-over of the National Judicial Council allows it to reshape the entirety of the judiciary. Fifteen of the 25 members of the National Council of the Judiciary were previously elected by judges themselves, as is common practice across Europe for such bodies. These fifteen judges are now elected by the majority in the Sejm, the lower chamber of the Polish parliament. The other ten members of the National Council of the Judiciary are: four members from the Sejm itself (all four members of PiS), two members from the Senate, one representative of the President of the Republic, the Minister of Justice, the president of the Supreme Court and the president of the Supreme Administrative Court. In total 23 of the 25 positions are directly appointed by political authorities.
After the election of the new KRS, a publication of the list with the names of judges declaring their support for specific candidates was refused. The Supreme Administrative Court ruled that those names must be disclosed. However, the Chancellery of the Sejm has yet to carry out the NSA’s ruling. The Constitutional Tribunal (TK) and the President of the Personal Data Protection Office have been roped into guarding the secret. KRS destruction

Muzzle bill

The muzzle bill passed Dec 2019, victimize judges questioning the legitimacy of the government’s legal appointments, saying it is unlawful to “show hostility to other authorities of the Republic of Poland and its constitutional organs or to critisize the basic principles of the Republic of Poland.”The bill also delegalise the preliminary questions to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU). The bill also allows to fire judges ( which is unconstitutional according to the Constitution). In average Ziobro dismissed a judge every day and a half from its position of president of court source

One of the worse Covid19 laws in EU.

Trampling Fundamental freedoms using a single ordnance and Critiquing the President will land you a year in jail. report.
In the latest special Covid19 law (already 4th lol) PIS smuggled an article straight from a communistic playbook about prosecuting people that critique the president. The sentence can be up to a year. They also smuggled a harsher law for abortions. Can someone tell me HOW it is related to Covid19? source
More Ruleoflaw

Political scandals

Illegal presidential pardon

Illegal presidential pardon for CBA chief Kaminski In 2013, Law and Justice (PiS) MP Mariusz Kamiński – who served as head of the anti-corruption agency from 2006 and 2009 – was found guilty of overstepping his powers. He was sentenced to three years in prison and was banned from holding public office for ten years. Polish President Andrzej Duda pardoned Kamiński even though he was still appealing his sentence at the time. The case against Kamiński was then discontinued. A supreme court judge said that the president interfered in the legal process because Kamiński was proven neither innocent nor guilty when he was pardoned, making a future ruling redundant. The judge said that the president can pardon someone after any final appeal has been heard “because then he is not interfering with the judiciary”.

Merging the General Prosecutor with the political Minister of Justice

The general prosecutor role was merged with the minister of justice Ziobro. source. This handed Ziobro and his subordinates greatly expanded power to politically interfere with rank-and-file prosecutors, their decisions, and their freedoms of speech and association. Poland Is Purging Its Prosecutors
200+ public prosecutors that are loyal to the Minister of Justice Ziobro (from PIS) All of them got promotions (or someone from their family) or pay raises. another list

Destroying the military

The creation of a territorial defense unit- a civilian army led by the ministry of defense to control “the situation inside Poland”. In addition, there was a purge of generals. and killing multibillion deals with France. About 37 generals and 47 colonels left. Why? Because they had to answer to a 27-year old assistant to the Defense Minister, former pharmacy assistant without a university degree. The Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper reported that Misiewicz was given a top communications job with PGZ ( largest defense consortiums in Central Europe) that pays $12,500 a month, huge sum in a country where the average pre-tax wage is about $1,150 a month. source
PIS decides to overhaul 40-years old t-72 instead of investing in German tanks. Not enough ammunition, uniforms NVG and other gadget went to the above unit,
In 2015, the Defence minister Macierewicz raided the Nato center in Warsaw at 1am to take control of documents and place their man at the helm

The ministry of Justice is funding trolls to destroy judges

Ziobro-Piebiak paid Troll scandal The Onet news portal published a report alleging that Deputy Justice Minister Łukasz Piebiak “arranged and controlled” an online campaign against Judge Krystian Markiewicz, the head of Iustitia, a judicial organization critical of the government’s efforts to restructure the judicial system, as well as against other inconvenient judges. According to the Onet report, Piebiak operated and financed an online campaign by a woman called Emilia who allegedly sent over 2,000 letters and emails about Markiewicz to other judges as well as to pro-government right-wing media. The messages contained fabricated, semi-confirmed and gossipy details of the judge’s personal life. According to Onet, Emilia obtained Markiewicz’s personal address from Piebiak so she could send him one of the letters.

Taking over the state media

State media was taken over by PIS and is using mass propaganda and here Not only they are a propaganda tube but they also offend polish citizens ie – translation: defenders of pedophiles and alimonies-takers are the ones against judiciary reforms. They call every peaceful protest as a coup
The same can be said about the GUS – general statistical bureau. It is controlled by PIS and it is known to “change” metrics so every Inflation or unemployment metrics can’t be trusted.

LBGT-free zones and Xenophobia.

Fear against refugees and calls for xenophobia. A leaked draft of a new Polish migration policy discriminates against Muslims, ranks foreigners according to ethnicity and breaches human rights
My article Why the Polish government is against LGBT?
PIS is supporting LGBT free zones where a thrid of Poland is declared as LGBT-free. During the presidential elections in 2020 Gay “ideology” is worse than communism, says Duda - PIS president.

Destroying education and HealthCare.

PIS cancels the in vitro program Polish government program that covered most of the in vitro costs was immediately cut by the Law and Justice Party when it came to power in late 2015, even though Poland has one of the lowest birth rates in the EU. Catholic Church opposition to IVF is widely seen as one factor in the Polish government's decision.
PIS also increased the minimum wage at the beginning of 2020. It created a weird paradox where a teacher and a starting MD is earning less than the minimal wage because they get paid from public money and the minimal wage change is for the private sector. And PIS wants to ban sex ed by labeling teachers as gay activists and pedophiles. Critics say Poland’s governing Law and Justice Party is wrecking the education system for political gain — and students are suffering.


Destruction of the oldest European forest in Poland by Minister of Environment Szyszko The Bialowieza Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage site that sprawls across the border between Poland and Belarus, occupying almost 580 square miles of woodland and providing home to rare European wood bison among others. At least 10,000 trees are thought to have been felled in Białowieża, since the Polish environment minister, Jan Szyzko tripled logging limits there in 2016. The EU’s highest court has ruled that Poland’s logging in the Unesco-protected Białowieża forest is illegal, potentially opening the door to multi-million euro fines.
“Our (water) resources are comparable to those of Egypt,” it said in the report bearing the ominous title: “Poland, European Desert”

Nepotism and colleagues in state-owned companies

PIS won the elections by wanting to fight nepotism. The most famous was “24yo Misiewicz, a former pharmacy assistant without a university degree was in the defense industry under Macierewicz. The apparent favoritism has raised ethics concerns in a party that won office promising to fight corruption.” source There is even a webpage listing more than 1000 cases of nepotism under PIS Pisiewicze
Latest data show 162M PLN to 84 PIS oligarchs and Colleagues

Illegal budget for 2017

The 2017 budget "was adopted" not in the Sejm assembly hall, but in a smaller room where the so-called parliamentary session was held immediately as a follow-up to the meeting of the parliamentary causus of PIS, where no reliable counting of vates was possible, and with many allegations taht the opposition MPs were not allowed in. [Constitutional Democracy in Crisis?, Oxfoord, 2018, p.268]

Ex-communists in PIS ranks. And PIS is very anti-left and anti-PRL.

They are accusing the opposition – PO - to consist mostly of ex-communists or communistic party members or collaborators. The issue is that most members of PO fought against the communism and spent months/years in prison in the ’80. On the other hand, the PIS party members scarcely fought for polish liberty and some of its party members are former communistic party members or communistic prosecutors like Piotrowicz! Some Polish TC judge are also ex-PRL members. Here is a list in polish of all current PIS party members who served as PRL members during the communistic era. So, PIS is fighting against itself. Another list with 20 names of ex-party members now in PIS

Funding the Catholic church with public money

PIS is very Pro-Catholic, most of their voters are devout Catholics. So it is no surprise that PIS is funding religious orgs from public money. Since Law and Justice came to power in 2015, Father Rydzyk’s businesses have received at least $55 million in subsidies from at least 10 ministries and state companies. His Radio Maryja station, which reaches millions and is often the sole source of information for many older voters in rural Poland, offers a daily diet of horror stories about a world without faith, where gay people control the political agenda, universities are corrupted by “neo-Marxists,” and the Roman Catholic Church is under mortal threat. Rydzyk Embroiled in Corruption Allegations
Hiding Pedophilia. Map of 259 victims of catholic pedophilia. When a documentary was released before recent local elections revealing devastating examples of how priests sexually abused children and how church officials covered it up, many in PIS saw it not as evidence of an institution that lost its way, but one that needed to be defended. Piotrowicz, the above communist prosecutor, dismissed in 2001 a case against a priest accused of raping six girls.
Polish PIS president Duda pardons a paedophile that raped his own daughter. He makes the pardon a week before elections

Smolensk commission

The so-called assassination of Kaczynski's twin president brother in Smolensk created 90M PLN of costs. PIS created a "cult" around his death and even created a special commission that would prove it was an assassination. Kaczynski was using it on every occasion Don't wipe your treacherous mugs with .... Ofc they didn’t prove anything and they buried the topic. Every 10th of every month for 3 years, PIS party leader Kaczynski was making a "show" commemorating his dead twin brother. He was using the police to secure his demonstration even if he has no lawful power (he is neither a president, neither the prime minister). New law expanding police surveillance and the police is getting raises after raises to keep them happy. The commemorations, the commission and the damages (paid only to the politicians’ families, not to the crew) amounted to 91M PLN.

The welfare revolution

PIS is also very pro-family. The party is giving away 500zl per month for every kid. In short, it has “bought” the elections. The polish economy is unable to sustain such an endeavor roots of populism. And it costs the economy 80B PLN between 2016 and 2019. The best part? Rate of births is negative for the last couple of years and inflation is still growing. According to the PIS Stats bureau it is 3.5% and growing. However, many journalists made their own baskets of normal good and services and the inflation is closer to 10%. Additionally there is a growing debt that PIS tries to hide by shifting some debt into other Funds. One of them is the “Solidarity fund” that is not counted in the overall polish GDP, that is to support people with disabilities will pay for the 13th and 14th pension of people 65+.

Funding propaganda and trolls

Computational Propaganda in Poland: Russian troll factories
PIS bought the Pegasus spyware to spy on its citizens In September 2018, private broadcaster TVN24 reported that Poland’s state audit body, NIK, was questioning an outlay of over 33 million zloty (€7.6 million euro) by the Justice Fund, a government fund to help victims of crime. According to TVN, the money went toward the purchase of a “new system to spy on telephones and computers, the most expensive system in the history of Polish secret services.” Reports that the covertly purchased system could be Pegasus — a top-performing spyware that is impossible to track — surfaced last week.
Polish troll farms promoting Duda and Kaczynski

Funding public TV stations

Polish public TV stations should be impartial and public. Not favoring any party nor government and give the same screen time to every party equally. Unfortunately, there was a purge of journalists the moment PIS won the election and the propaganda is stalin-like. Look at this graph how it changed. Polish TVP is the mouthpiece of the govt. In 2020 PIS voted to give an additional 2B pln per year for 5 years to public tv.
Public Main TV making fun of US ambassador by reading the tweet with a derogatory accent


PIS has hundreds of scandals that each would destroy a modern government. They defrauded billions of PLN over the years, put 1000’s of family members in different state-owned companies. Below are listed the main sexual and financial scandals.
  1. Sex hotel of the head of the Audit office Marian Banaś , a Law and Justice (PiS) politician and recently appointed chief of Poland’s Supreme Audit Office has been heavily embroiled in a corruption scandal, another to hit the ruling party just weeks before the country votes in a parliamentary election. Mr Banaś served as finance minister from June to August this year, and is a key figure in the party. Mr Banaś concealed his possession of a tenement house in Krakow from his financial disclosures. This property was then revealed to have deep running connections with a local, criminally-run escort agency. He claimed that the house was given to him by an old friend whom he met in the Home Army, which he then renovated. In his disclosures, he claimed he would sell the house, which never happened. Banaś claims that this was due to the buyer’s inability to get a loan. Investigations have further revealed that Mr Banaś agreed to rent the property for 5000 zloty a month, 10,000 zloty lower than its estimated market value, according to Gazeta Wyborcza. Just as the scandal could not apparently get any worse for Mr Banaś, further investigation by journalist Bertold Kittel revealed criminal links. When Mr Kittel entered the property he found at the reception an infamous Krakow criminal known as one of the brothers K – Wiesław or Janusz, who control escort agencies in the region. While still under investigation, there have been suggestions of contact between the two.
  2. "Alleged" Pedophila and Sex trafficking scandal of House speaker Wirtualna Polska learned the contents of the message of CBA officer Wojciech J. to the prosecutor's office about the failure of the head of the CBA, Ernest Bejda. In the background is a lost record with a recording of one of the leading PiS politicians who should have sex with a minor Ukrainian girl lost. His name falls on the document. In the message, Wojciech J. refers to several reports that he was the head of the office in connection with the "unauthorized access to his armored cabinet during his absence" submitted. From this vault, a record should be lost in escort agencies from the Podkarpacie region. One of the leading PiS politicians should have sex with a young Ukrainian in the recording. The statement signed by lawyer Beata Bosak-Kruczek mentions the name of Sejm spokesman Marek Kuchciński.
  3. Health minister Szumowski alleged to have bought £1m of PPE from ski instructor friend during pandemic. And givng away £65m grants to companies run by brother public anger has exploded after Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza reported that Szumowski bought masks with fake certificates from a skiing instructor who is friends with his businessman brother, Marcin. Poland’s Health Ministry reportedly spent five million zloty (£1m) on 120,000 FFP-2 type face masks and 20,000 surgical masks that were later found not to meet safety standards, Politico says. The company that sold the masks was registered on the 30 of March and won the govt. contract on the same day. Critics have also questioned Szumowski’s previous dealings in government. Polish news network tvn24 reports that while serving as deputy science minister in 2016-17, he gave 300 million zloty (£60m) in grants from Poland’s National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) to OncoArendi Therapeutics, a research company run by his brother. Another company in which Szumowski was a shareholder, Life Science Innovation (LSI), was reportedly given a 24 million zloty (£5m) NCBR grant just days after he took up the ministerial post.
  4. Same Health minister Szumowski bought 1.2 thousand ventilators for PLN 200 million from a company owned by an arms dealer, not a single device was delivered
submitted by Logiman43 to Polska [link] [comments]

Another piece of very sad and devastating info about current situation in Poland. The Anti-LGBT Ministry of Education and Science and the Trump's ambassador in Poland against the LGBT hate

I really didn't want to write about this because my blood is boiling and I want to murder the hell out of some people in the parliament in Warsaw who belong to the far right-wing government, but I think it's best to spread the word about this in the world.
The first thing - the current Minister of Education doesn't give a fuck about LGBT people
In the night between Tuesday and Wednesday (tonight) on the building of the Ministry of Education a group of unidentified people wrote five names and a slogan "Your child LGBT+". The current Minister of Education calls that a devastation. He doesn't care that those five names are the names of children, who committed suicides because of the bullying and stalking related to homophobia.
One MP wrote on Twitter that "the elevation has no feelings. The elevation won't hang itself on shoelaces. It won't jump off the bridge. The writings on the walls can be washed off. But you can't wash off the blood from the hands of people, who contributed to the deaths of children."
The Ministry of Education was informed many times about homophobia in schools, but they didn't do shit. And if right now someone writes names on the walls, he/she is a barbarian.
The second thing - the soon-to-be Minister of Education and Science says that "LGBT people are not equal to normal people"
The man who will become the Minister of Education and Science in the new government is clearly and visibly anti-LGBT. On June 13th on air his LGBT hate speech was like this: "Let's protect the families from this kind of rottenness, depravation, absolutely immoral behavior, let's protect us from the LGBT ideology and let's stop listening to all those idiocies about so-called human rights or so-called equality. Those people are not equal to normal people and let's end this discussion". As he was saying this, he showed on his phone photos of people in the center of Los Angeles, where he was "on a business trip and he was passing by the pride parade" (another closeted gay?).
He's also a Law professor in CATHOLIC University of Lublin (to those who don't know - it's one of the bases of Polish catholic mafia). During one of his lectures he said "there is nothing such as homosexual marriage in the nature. It's just like a dry puddle or a dry sea. Either there is a puddle or there is not. If there is no water, it's not a puddle anymore. The same with marriage - either it's a relationship between a woman and a man, or there is not." He's also anti-feministic and he also says that there should be more religious-themed TV programs and other media.
On September 27th 2018 he commented on the pride parade in Lublin as a march that promotes "deviations and degeneration" and "anti-family, anti-christian attitudes, directly against the catechism and Constitution of Republic of Poland". He never apologized, moreover he said that he won't ever apologize for those comments.
And yeah, I know the catechism too well, not itself but the struggle of studying it. I had to learn it by heart during my course for my sacrament of confirmation. If the priest could, he would beat me with a stick for not remembering the smallest detail.
This monster has never stated any opinion on the education system in the parliament, yet he's going to be the minister. The man who is a Law professor, but doesn't respect basic human rights. The man who hates LGBT people and believes in the superiority of men over women.
The only information in English I managed to find about him is here.
What is very ironic is the fact that the building of Ministry of Education was once the base of Gestapo and SD (Sicherheitsdienst) in occupied Warsaw during the Second World War. Now there might be an anti-LGBT Gestapo in the very same place.
The third thing - US Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher and other diplomats are against the hate from Polish government towards the LGBT community. She said that Poland in the case of LGBT is on the wrong side of history.
An open letter urges the Polish government to "end discrimination" of sexual minorities. It was signed by envoys from 50 countries, including Poland's EU partners, the US (the country, which many Polish people love and admire), Israel and India. No surprise, because FUCKING ONE THIRD OF POLAND IS A HUGE LGBT-FREE ZONE. One city went even further and banned 5G and Wi-Fi. We’re not in the 21th century, we’re in the VERY Dark Ages.
Of course, the Polish government tells lies as always, in response to Georgette Mosbacher's words the government said that nobody in Poland discriminates against LGBT people, they have the same rights and duties as people who are single or live in informal relationships. No shit. All that is a fucking DISGUSTING LIE.
Someone's probably going to comment something about European Union's reaction or about Hungary. Well, SURPRISE, SURPRISE: Hungary and Poland to Set Up Joint Institute for Comparative Law against ‘Suppression of Opinions by Liberal Ideology’. It's good to have a loyal partner, but not in the situation when both are rotten to their very cores.
I can't take this anymore. What needs to be done to stop this horror? Do we have to summon Beelzebub, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Satan, and other demons so that they will take all those motherfuckers with them to the bottom of hell?
submitted by quitehopelessguy to askgaybros [link] [comments]

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07-13 09:05 - 'This is the last time I post this pasta. PIS won and I don't have any energy left. I'm done. / Part 1/5 / Too few Europeans are aware of the depth of this crisis. The current polish government is destroying the country from in...' by /u/Logiman43 removed from /r/europe within 15-25min

This is the last time I post this pasta. PIS won and I don't have any energy left. I'm done.
Part 1/5
Too few Europeans are aware of the depth of this crisis. The current polish government is destroying the country from inside-out with its nepotism, religious zeal, communistic tactics, social programs and funding verge organizations (or trolls). It breaks every single law, making unconstitutional laws since 2015 and destroying the court of law. [How Poland is pushing EU into crisis - rise of populism. The video is 2 years old and now it's worst]1
PIS staffed every single judicial court with its own people (ending the impartiality of judges). The very aggressive social 500+ program increased the job inactivity of Poles to [48%]2 (48% of 15+ Polish citizens are NEET. Unemployment is at 5-6%). The Job vacancies in Poland are at the lowest level in [EU]3 . The corruption and nepotism is rampant, more than 1000 family members and friends are in public companies or in different Ministries. Polish PIS high ranking politicians are also making money together with pimps and mafia (see scandals down there). They are also giving millions of euros from public money to the Catholic Church. They are paying trolls to spew hate on Facebook, via Whatsapp and on the web. Some of them are hiding and not prosecuting pedophiles in the Catholic Church. [Poland has almost the lowest innovation in EU]4 . In 15 indexes tracking freedom and democracy in Europe [Poland went from an average position of 12 out of 28 in 2010 to 23 out of 28 in 2019]5 . I mean, not to diminish Trump’s “awesomeness” but imagine if the WHOLE republican party in the US was Trump-like. Shady deals, family in the govt, creating discord, staffing courts with their own judges. I’m just mortified.
Disclaimer: This is my own research from 2019 and 2020. I have polish relatives and friends in Poland and I found out that the political situation in Poland is dire. Please don't do any whataboutism or straw-man or ad hominem or any other fallacy. You want to discuss? Use facts.
For further reading I recommend: Sadurski, Wojciech. "Poland's Constitutional Breakdown", Oxford University Press, 2019.
Acronyms and main characters:

PiS changes electoral rules in an unconstitutional move. Presidential "elections" 2020 are the Biggest legal blunder of the year

[Poland Is Showing the World How Not to Run a Pandemic Election. The upcoming Polish election is shaping up to be a farce. Washington should learn from Warsaw’s mistakes before November. ]6
[Why Poland’s “ghost election” sends a warning about its democracy]7
[Wikipedia about this blunder]8
Context Link
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: Logiman43
1: *outu*be/P8*Q*gdjcL* 2: biz**s*in*eria*pl*prac**news-rosnie-*ic*ba-*iernych**a*odo*o-polakow,nI***140**1 3: ec.eu*opa*e*/euros*at**eb/labou*-ma**et/*ob*vac*nc*es/d*ta*as* 4: e*.*uro*a.e**comm*ss****p*esscorn*deta*l/en/ip_*9_2991 5: i.imgu*.co*/***ToBG.p*g 6: fo*e*gnpolicy**om/2*20/05/0*/p*lan*-is-showin*-t*e-w*rld****-not-t*-run-a-p*ndem****le*tion* 7: *ww.n**state*man.c*m*w**ld*e*rop***020*05/pol*nd*president-*nd*ze*-Duda-*lec*ions-*i*-r*ling*party-democr**y 8: en.w*k*pe*ia.or*****i*2020**olis*_president*al*election 9: www*rpo***v.pl/pl/content**o*ona*i**s*rp*-rozp*r*a**eni*-*Z-niez**dne-z-ustawa 10: oko*p*ess/*he-nation*l-elect**a*-*om*ission-depri*ed-*f-****po*ers-i*-*oland* 11: no****rompola*d.co*/20*0/***27/*0-milli*n-zlo*y*bil*-for*pola*ds-***ndoned-presi*ential-*lect*on* 12: qz.com/*8480*3/*o**nds-postal**lection-is-*lr*a*y****ess/ 13: *ygl*g*w**l/kto*-r*zrzuci*-*arty-*o***osowan*a-na-ulicy-*ienkiew*cza*to-podro***-*zy-o*y*inal*/ 14: bal*ani**ig**.com*20**/05/*1/**lish-el*ct**n-anti*s-s*ow-c*lla*se-o*-*emocracy/ 15: https://visegradinsight.eu/cancelled-election-democracy-poland/ 16: https://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1475877,wybory-10-maja-2020-uchwala-pkw.html 17: https://natemat.pl/310055,wybory-prezydenckie-beda-28-czerwca-dr-mikolaj-malecki-niekonstytucyjne 18: p*a*o.gaze*a***wn*.pl/artyku*y/1*7*2*9,w*bo*y*prezyden*kie-1**maja-g**so**nie-kore*p*ndencyjne*ht*l 19: *iadomosci.one*.*l/kraj/w*bory-*020-*i*tur*-*-gl*sowaniu-p**rwszenstw*-*l**seniorow*o*ob-z**zi***i/sj***me
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07-08 18:35 - 'Part 1/5 / Too few Europeans are aware of the depth of this crisis. The current polish government is destroying the country from inside-out with its nepotism, religious zeal, communistic tactics, social programs and funding ve...' by /u/Logiman43 removed from /r/europe within 32-42min

Part 1/5
Too few Europeans are aware of the depth of this crisis. The current polish government is destroying the country from inside-out with its nepotism, religious zeal, communistic tactics, social programs and funding verge organizations (or trolls). It breaks every single law, making unconstitutional laws since 2015 and destroying the court of law. [How Poland is pushing EU into crisis - rise of populism. The video is 2 years old and now it's worst]1
PIS staffed every single judicial court with its own people (ending the impartiality of judges). The very aggressive social 500+ program increased the job inactivity of Poles to [48%]2 (48% of 15+ Polish citizens are not studying nor working. Unemployment is at 5%). The Job vacancies in Poland are at the lowest level in [EU]3 . The corruption and nepotism is rampant, more than 1000 family members and friends are in public companies or in different Ministries. Polish PIS high ranking politicians are also making money together with pimps and mafia (see scandals down there). They are also giving millions of euros from public money to the Catholic Church. They are paying trolls to spew hate on Facebook, via Whatsapp and on the web. Some of them are hiding and not prosecuting pedophiles in the Catholic Church. [Poland has almost the lowest innovation in EU]4 I mean, not to diminish Trump’s “awesomeness” but imagine if the WHOLE republican party in the US was Trump-like. Shady deals, family in the govt, creating discord, staffing courts with their own judges. I’m just mortified. Read the below to understand, albeit 1/10, the most important scandals.
Disclaimer: This is my own research from 2019 and 2020. I have polish relatives and friends in Poland and I found out that the political situation in Poland is dire. Please don't do any whataboutism or straw-man or ad hominem or any other fallacy. You want to discuss? Use facts.
For further reading I recommend: Sadurski, Wojciech. "Poland's Constitutional Breakdown", Oxford University Press, 2019.
Acronyms and main characters:

PiS changes electoral rules in an unconstitutional move. Presidential "elections" 2020 are the Biggest legal blunder of the year

[Poland Is Showing the World How Not to Run a Pandemic Election. The upcoming Polish election is shaping up to be a farce. Washington should learn from Warsaw’s mistakes before November. ]5
[Why Poland’s “ghost election” sends a warning about its democracy]6
[Wikipedia about this blunder]7
Context Link
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: Logiman43
1: yo*tu.be/P*MQTg*j*L* 2: b*z*es.int*ria.*l/*r*ca*news-r**nie-*ic**a-*iernyc***aw*dow*-p*la*ow,nId,3140311 3: ec.europa.e**euro*tat/web/*a*ou*-m*r*et/*ob**a*ancies/*a*a*a*e 4: e*.*ur**a.*u/c*m*i*sio*/p*essc*rnedetail/**/ip_*9_2991 5: *ore*gnpolicy.co*/2020*0*/**/poland-i**sh*wi*g-the-*orld*how*not*to-**n*a-p*n*emic-*lecti*n* 6: www.newstatesm*n*com**orld/eu**pe/20*0/0*/**land-pre*id*n*-An*r*ej-*u*a-ele*t*ons-pis**ulin**p*rty-dem**ra*y 7: **.*ikiped*a.o*g/wiki***20_*o*ish_president**l_elect**n 8: www.*p*.**v.*l/**/con*e*t*k***na*irus*rpo-ro*porzadzenia-M*-n*e*godne-z-us*awa 9: *k*.pre***the-national**l*cto*al-c**m*ssion-*epr*ved-of-its-p*w*rs-in**oland* 10: notes*ro*p*land.com/2020/*5/2*/70-m*llio*-zloty***ll-f*r*p*lands-a**nd*ned-*resid*n*i*l-**ec**on/ 11: qz.co*/1848*13*polands-pos**l-*lec*io***s-alr**dy*a-*ess/ 12: myglogow*pl/k*os-*o*rzu***-*arty-do-**osowania-*a**l*cy-sien*iew*c*a-to-p**robki**z*-*rygina*y/ 13: *alka*insight*co**20***05/*1/po*i*h-e**c*ion*anti*s-s**w-co*lapse-of-de*ocracy/ 14: https://visegradinsight.eu/cancelled-election-democracy-poland/ 15: https://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1475877,wybory-10-maja-2020-uchwala-pkw.html 16: https://natemat.pl/310055,wybory-prezydenckie-beda-28-czerwca-dr-mikolaj-malecki-niekonstytucyjne 17: *rawo.*a*et**raw*a.pl/art*kuly/147**29,wybory-p**zy**nc*ie*10-ma*a*g*osow*ni*-k***spond*ncyjne.ht*l 18: wiad*mosci.*ne*.pl/**aj*w*bor*-2020-ii-*ura*w-*l*sow**iu-pi*rw*z*ns*wo-dla-sen**ro*-osob*z-**iecmi/sj4*5*e
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03-03 13:24 - 'Why the Polish health care is in bad shape' (self.europe) by /u/Logiman43 removed from /r/europe within 262-272min

I decided to write a piece about what is going in Poland. A quick overview of all polish sectors.
Poland is one of the last countries in Europe "without the coronavirus". At least that's what the Law and Justice govt. is claiming. The health care is severely underfunded and many MDs are not prepared for the virus in Poland. No masks, no gloves [video]1 , no tyvek.
Citing this news [article]2
In total, Poland has 10,167 beds that can serve for people infected with coronavirus, which is 1,098 less than in 2003. The average use of beds in infectious wards is 64.9 percent, and in lung diseases wards 69.5 percent, so there are 3.2 thousand "Free" beds. The situation is also dire with specialists in infectious diseases and lung diseases. The former are 538, i.e. 110 less than in 2003, and the second 1261, i.e. 429 less than in 2003. With a larger scale epidemic, responsibilities will have to be shifted to doctors with other specialties. Fortunately, there are more doctors than 17 years ago.
But you know what? 2 weeks ago Law and justice gave 2B PLN for its TV station [You remember Lisocka showing the middle finger?]3
[The end of polish transformation]4
The investment priority does not mean that all welfare spending should be criticised. We should never turn a blind eye on inequality and applaud Korwin-Mikke, a controversial Polish libertarian. The problem with the PiS welfare policy lies in the fact that by making direct transfers it takes the easy way out. It is easier to transfer money to a bank account than to build a well-functioning education or health care system, providing high-quality public services. In a sense, by giving people cash, PiS deserts from the function which an effective state should be performing. If we absolutely need to make transfers, then they should go where they are most needed and most effective. The extension of the Family 500 Plus to cover a benefit for the first child as well, part of the Kaczyński’s Five programme supported by all parties in the Polish Sejm, will mainly go to families that do not require aid. The funds to be spent on this program could allow health care spending to reach the EU average level. There is no shortage of such examples. It is a pity that the opposition did not write up a competition for a smarter way to spend PLN 40 billion. Instead, it would rather take part in the competition announced by Jarosław Kaczyński and shout: „Not only will we not take it away, but perhaps even add some more”.

How the PIS ruling party in Poland is destroying democracy.


The below comment is also in form of a medium article: medium[dot]com/@cache_86525/how-law-and-justice-the-ruling-party-in-poland-is-destroying-democracy-23d188a9df36
PIS staffed every single court with its own people (ending the impartiality of judges). The very aggressive social 500+ program increased the job inactivity of Poles to 48% (48% of able 16+ Polish citizens are not studying nor working and are not searching for work - and that’s why they are not in the unemployment stats category). Moreover, the Health care system is the last on the EU ranking, we don’t have any R&D and our military is based around a couple of F16 and 40 years old T-72 tanks. There’s no fleet, the military schools underwent a purge of generals ( a couple dozen of them gave their resignation when they had to get orders from a 24 years old pharmacian without degree). The corruption and nepotism is rampant, more than 1000 family members and friends are in public companies or in different Ministries. Polish PIS high ranking politicians are also making money together with pimps and the mafia. They are also giving millions of euros from public money to the Catholic Church. They are paying trolls to spew hate on Facebook, via Whatsapp and on the web. Some of them are hiding and not prosecuting pedophiles in the Catholic Church. I mean, not to diminish Trump’s “awesomness” but imagine if the WHOLE republican party in the US was Trump-like. Shady deals, family in the govt, creating discord, staffing courts with their own judges. As a lawyer, as a person that studied pol.sc., I’m just mortified. Read the below to understand, albeit 1/10, the most important scandals.
Acronyms and main characters:

Destruction of the rule of law.

Some of the passages below are taken from [this pdf]5
No member state in the history of the EU has ever gone as far in subjugating its courts to executive control as the current Polish government. The Polish case has become a test whether it is possible to create a Soviet-style justice system in an EU member state; a system where the control of courts, prosecutors and judges lies with the executive and a single party.
Too few Europeans are aware of the depth of this crisis. Across Europe, national courts recognise the judgements of courts in other member states, whether these involve commercial law, the European arrest warrant or child custody. Judges must assume that courts across the EU operate according to common values and principles set out in the European Union Treaty and in its Charter of Fundamental Rights. Once judges across the EU have reason to doubt whether courts in any member state provide effective judicial protection, the legal order on which the EU rests collapses.
[Freedom house - How PIS captured Poland’s Courts]6

Constitutional Tribunal changes

It all began with the constitutional crisis four years ago. [Constitutional crisis and the destruction of the rule of law]7 In 2015, parliament changed the law on the Constitutional Tribunal, which rules on the constitutionality of legislation. The changes allowed them to annul the nominations of three judges made by the previous parliament and appoint their own. It shortened the terms of the tribunal's president and vice-president from nine to three years. The tribunal ruled the move unconstitutional in an open rebellion, but the dispute remains unresolved. [Julia Przylebska]8 - was illegally named the president of the Tribunal court by the president.
There's too much to describe. For further info please visit the link. It is an amazing summary of the whole ordeal. [timeline]9 and another [Great freedomhouse report]10 .

Supreme Court changes

The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, said one of the most controversial reforms was to do with the Supreme court, which, among other duties, is responsible for confirming election results. The idea was to lower the age of retirement for Supreme Court justices from 70 to 65, but allow the Polish president to grant a five-year extension to whomever they deemed worthy. In 2019, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) — the EU's highest court —ruled this was illegal, after an interim decision ordered 20 already-sacked judges be reinstated. Of course, PIS chose 2 new Constitutional judges, A politician Pawlowicz with communistic past and Piotrowicz, also a politician and a prosecutor that was an active communist during the 80 that prosecuted Solidarnosc. Both of them are above 65 years old.

Ordinary court judges

There were also moves to try a similar tactic in the general court system for judges and public prosecutors, lowering the age of retirement for women to 60 and for men to 65, down from the current 67. Under the reforms the justice minister, who is appointed by the ruling party, would have the power to extend a judge's term. The laws were somewhat adjusted after pressure from the European Commission, but in November 2019 the ECJ shot down these laws, too, citing gender discrimination and political influence over the judiciary.

Disciplinary measures for judges

Another PiS addition allowed judges to be investigated and sanctioned for their court rulings. The disciplinary hearings and procedures were to be carried out by judges selected via parliament. These reforms were criticized by the European Commission because "judges are not insulated from political control and thus judicial independence is violated." The commission brought legal action against Poland on this matter in October 2019.

National Council of the judiciary takeover

In 2017 PiS remodelled the National Council of the Judiciary, which selects candidates for appointment as judges by the President of the Republic. This allowed it, in the short term, to control appointments to the Supreme Court – including to a newly created Disciplinary Chamber, which hears disciplinary cases against judges, and to a new Extraordinary Appeals Chamber, which adjudicates on electoral issues. Over time PiS’ take-over of the National Judicial Council allows it to reshape the entirety of the judiciary. Fifteen of the 25 members of the National Council of the Judiciary were previously elected by judges themselves, as is common practice across Europe for such bodies. These fifteen judges are now elected by the majority in the Sejm, the lower chamber of the Polish parliament. The other ten members of the National Council of the Judiciary are: four members from the Sejm itself (all four members of PiS), two members from the Senate, one representative of the President of the Republic, the Minister of Justice, the president of the Supreme Court and the president of the Supreme Administrative Court. In total 23 of the 25 positions are directly appointed by political authorities.
After the election of the new KRS, a publication of the list with the names of judges declaring their support for specific candidates was refused. The Supreme Administrative Court ruled that those names must be disclosed. However, the Chancellery of the Sejm has yet to carry out the NSA’s ruling. The Constitutional Tribunal (TK) and the President of the Personal Data Protection Office have been roped into guarding the secret. [KRS destruction]11

Restructuring the courts

Ahead of the 2019 election, the PiS proposed restructuring the court system. The justice minister said the country had four levels of courts that could be reduced to three. Critics said this could allow the government to reappoint most judges and get rid of undesirable ones through forced retirement or by sending them to distance appointments.

Muzzle bill

[the muzzle bill]12 passed last month, victimise judges questioning the legitimacy of the government’s legal appointments, saying it is unlawful to “show hostility to other authorities of the Republic of Poland and its constitutional organs or to criticise the basic principles of the Republic of Poland.”The bill also delegalise the preliminary questions to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU). The bill also allows to fire judges (it is unconstitutional according to the Constitution)

Illegal pardon

[Illegal presidential pardon for CBA chief Kaminski]13 In 2013, Law and Justice (PiS) MP Mariusz Kamiński – who served as head of the anti-corruption agency from 2006 and 2009 – was found guilty of overstepping his powers. He was sentenced to three years in prison and was banned from holding public office for ten years. Polish President Andrzej Duda pardoned Kamiński even though he was still appealing his sentence at the time. The case against Kamiński was then discontinued. A supreme court judge said that the president interfered in the legal process because Kamiński was proven neither innocent nor guilty when he was pardoned, making a future ruling redundant. The judge said that the president can pardon someone after any final appeal has been heard “because then he is not interfering with the judiciary”.

Merging the General Prosecutor with the Minister of Justice

The general prosecutor role was merged with the minister of justice. [source]14
[200+ public prosecutors that are loyal to the Minister of Justice Ziobro (from PIS)]15 All of them got promotions (or someone from their family) or pay raises.

Overtaking the military

The creation of a [territorial defense unit]16 - a civilian army led by the ministry of defense to control “the situation inside Poland in case of attack” (Author: I wonder who's the enemy?). In addition, the demolition of the polish army [exodus of generals]17 and [killing multibillion deals]18 . Generals are quitting the military at an amazing rate, most of them are citing politics and bad management (dept. of National Defence)
Additionally, PIS instead of buying new Leopard tanks and upscale the current ones, decides to [overhaul old t-72 and not to invest in German tanks]19

The ministry of Justice and Ziobro is paying trolls to destroy judges

[Ziobro-Piebiak paid Troll scandal]20 The Onet news portal published a report alleging that Deputy Justice Minister Łukasz Piebiak “arranged and controlled” an online campaign against Judge Krystian Markiewicz, the head of Iustitia, a judicial organization critical of the government’s efforts to restructure the judicial system, as well as against other inconvenient judges. According to the Onet report, Piebiak operated and financed an online campaign by a woman called Emilia who allegedly sent over 2,000 letters and emails about Markiewicz to other judges as well as to pro-government right-wing media. The messages contained fabricated, semi-confirmed and gossipy details of the judge’s personal life. According to Onet, Emilia obtained Markiewicz’s personal address from Piebiak so she could send him one of the letters.

Taking over the state media

State media was taken over by PIS and is using mass [propaganda]21 and [here]22 Not only they are a propaganda tube but they also offend polish citizens ie – [translation: defenders of paedophiles and alimonies-takers are the ones against judiciary reforms]23 . They call every peaceful protest as a [coup]24
As I stated at the beginning, TVP is receiving each year a "bonus" of 1B PLN or more.
The same can be said about the GUS – general statistical bureau. It is controlled by PIS and [it is known to “change” metrics]25 so every Inflation or unemployment metrics can’t be trusted.

Destroying education and HC

[PIS cancels the in vitro program]26 Polish government program that covered most of the in vitro costs was immediately cut by the Law and Justice Party when it came to power in late 2015, even though Poland has one of the lowest birth rates in the EU. Catholic Church opposition to IVF is widely seen as one factor in the Polish government's decision. But sociologist Karolina Wigura of the center-left think tank Kultura Liberalna says the attacks on women's health care aren't as much about religion as they are about control.
PIS also increased the minimum wage at the beginning of 2020. It created a weird paradox where a teacher and a starting MD is earning less than the minimal wage because they get paid from public money and the minimal wage change is for the private sector. Additionally, the

No one cares for the environment. Coal and Oil

[Destruction of the oldest European forest in Poland by Minister of Environment Szyszko]27 The minister’s approval of increased logging from the last primeval woodland in Europe comes despite an EU warning that it could fall foul of environmental regulation and follows previous clashes over coal usage and migrants, as well as the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party’s move to take greater control of the judiciary and public media. The Bialowieza Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage site that sprawls across the border between Poland and Belarus, occupying almost 580 square miles of woodland and providing home to rare European wood bison among others. Minister Jan Szyszko and foresters have said that more trees need to be cut down because of an infestation of the European spruce bark beetle. Environmentalists, meanwhile, say that increased logging will cause irreparable damage to the ancient forest, which attracts thousands of tourists each year.

Nepotism and “colleagues”

PIS won the elections by wanting to fight nepotism. It is true that the previous government used its power to fill the various ranks with colleagues and family. However the said persons were qualified to serve these functions. When PIS came to power they fired everyone and filled the ranks with their family, mostly unqualified. The most famous was “24yo Misiewicz, a former pharmacy assistant without a university degree was in the defense industry under Macierewicz. The apparent favouritism has raised ethics concerns in a party that won office promising to fight corruption.” [source]28 There is even a webpage listing more than 1000 cases of nepotism under PIS [Misiewicze]29 .
[A list of more than 50 sons and daughters of PIS politicians in state-owned companies or in the European Parlament]30
[Glapinski's Angels]31 [here]32 you have a picture of Glapinski and his 2 "angels". Adam Glapiński is a long-time friend and ally of Poland’s de facto leader Jarosław Kaczyński, which is why he was given the job of running the country’s central bank. The scandal involves two of Glapiński’s senior aides. Polish media calculated their salaries, and claimed that the bank’s director of communications and promotion, Martyna Wojciechowska, makes around 65,000 zloty per month (over €15,000), 13 times the national average and more than the country’s president. The media also claimed that another National Bank of Poland (NBP) employee, Kamila Sukiennik, who manages Glapiński’s office, is also on the board of the Central Securities Depository — the financial instruments regulator — despite having no formal qualifications for the job.

The “so cruel” Ex-communists are in fact PIS members

They are accusing the opposition – PO - to consist mostly of ex-communists or communistic party members or collaborators. The issue is that most members of PO fought against the communism and spent months/years in prison in the ’80. On the other hand, the PIS party members scarcely fought for polish liberty and some of its party members are former communistic party members or communistic prosecutors like [Piotrowicz]33 ! [or Polish CT judge]34 . [Here]35 is a list in polish of all current PIS party members who served as PRL members during the communistic era. So, PIS is fighting against itself.

Where the money goes?

Funding the Catholic church

PIS is pro catholic religion. PIS is funding catholic orgs from [public money]36 . Ie £4.7 million to Lux Veritatis, a foundation behind ultra-conservative Maryja and Trwam of Rydzyk.
[Hiding Pedophilia. Map of 259 cases of suspected pedophilia in the church]37

Smolensk commission

the so-called [assassination]38 of Kaczynski's twin president brother in Smolensk created 90M PLN of costs. PIS created a "cult" around his death and even created a special commission that would prove it was an assassination. Kaczynski was using it on every occasion [Don't wipe your treacherous mugs with ...]39 Spoiler alert – they didn’t prove anything and they buried the topic. Every 10th of every month for 3 years, the PIS party leader Kaczynski was making a "show" commemorating his dead twin brother. He was using the police to secure his demonstration even if he has no lawful power (he is neither a president, neither the prime minister, neither the vice president). New law [expanding police surveillance]40 and the police is getting [raises after raises to keep them happy]41 . The commemorations, the commission and the damages (paid only to the politicians’ families, not to the crew) amounted to 91M PLN.

The welfare revolution

PIS is also very pro-family. The party is giving away 500zl per month for every kid. It is a very good idea however it has “bought” the elections. The polish economy is unable to sustain such an endeavor [roots of populism]42 . And it costs the economy 80B PLN between 2016 and 2019. My [comment]43 . The best part? the Rate of natural increase is negative for the last couple of [years]44 and inflation is still growing. According to the “PIS” Stats bureau it is 3.5% and growing. However, many journalists made their own baskets of normal good and services and the inflation is closer to 10%. Additionally there is a growing debt that PIS tries to hide by shifting some debt into other Funds. One of them is the “Solidarity fund” that is not counted in the overall polish GDP, that is to support people with disabilities will pay for the 13th and 14th pension of people 65+.

Funding propaganda and trolls

[Computational Propaganda in Poland: Russian troll factories]45
[PIS bought the Pegasus spyware to spy on its citizens]46 In September 2018, private broadcaster TVN24 reported that Poland’s state audit body, NIK, was questioning an outlay of over 33 million zloty (€7.6 million euro) by the Justice Fund, a government fund to help victims of crime. According to TVN, the money went toward the purchase of a “new system to spy on telephones and computers, the most expensive system in the history of Polish secret services.” Reports that the covertly purchased system could be Pegasus — a top-performing spyware that is impossible to track — surfaced last week.
Polish troll [farms]47 promoting Duda and Kaczynski

Funding public TV stations

Polish public TV stations should be impartial and public. Not favoring any party nor government and give the same screen time to every party equally. Unfortunately, there was a purge of journalists the moment PIS won the election and the propaganda is stalin-like. [Polish TVP is the mouthpiece of the govt]48 . [Source 2]49 . Yesterday PIS voted to give an additional 2B pln to TVP this year (Last year they gave an additional 1.3B pln)

Fear of refugees and Homophobia

[Fear against refugees]50 and calls for [xenophobia]51 . PIS is supporting [LGBT free zones]52


PIS has hundreds of scandals that each would destroy a modern government. They defrauded billions of PLN over the years, put 1000’s of family members in different state-owned companies. Below are listed the main sexual and financial scandals.
  1. [Sex hotel Banas scandal]53 Marian Banaś , a Law and Justice (PiS) politician and recently appointed chief of Poland’s Supreme Audit Office has been heavily embroiled in a corruption scandal, another to hit the ruling party just weeks before the country votes in a parliamentary election. Mr Banaś served as finance minister from June to August this year, and is a key figure in the party. Mr Banaś concealed his possession of a tenement house in Krakow from his financial disclosures. This property was then revealed to have deep running connections with a local, criminally-run escort agency. He claimed that the house was given to him by an old friend whom he met in the Home Army, which he then renovated. In his disclosures he claimed he would sell the house, which never happened. Banaś claims that this was due to the buyer’s inability to get a loan. Investigations have further revealed that Mr Banaś agreed to rent the property for 5000 zloty a month, 10,000 zloty lower than its estimated market value, according to Gazeta Wyborcza. Just as the scandal could not apparently get any worse for Mr Banaś, further investigation by journalist Bertold Kittel revealed criminal links. When Mr Kittel entered the property he found at the reception an infamous Krakow criminal known as one of the brothers K – Wiesław or Janusz, who control escort agencies in the region. While still under investigation, there have been suggestions of contact between the two.
  2. ["Alleged" Paedophila and Sex trafficking scandal with Kuchcinski]54 Wirtualna Polska learned the contents of the message of CBA officer Wojciech J. to the prosecutor's office about the failure of the head of the CBA, Ernest Bejda. In the background is a lost record with a recording of one of the leading PiS politicians who should have sex with a minor Ukrainian girl lost. His name falls on the document. In the message, Wojciech J. refers to several reports that he was the head of the office in connection with the "unauthorized access to his armored cabinet during his absence" submitted. From this vault, a record should be lost in escort agencies from the Podkarpacie region. One of the leading PiS politicians should have sex with a young Ukrainian in the recording. The statement signed by lawyer Beata Bosak-Kruczek mentions the name of Sejm spokesman Marek Kuchciński.
  3. [KNF scandal]55 - Leszek Czarnecki, owner of Getin Noble Bank, has claimed(you can find tapes) that Marek Chrzanowski, chairman of Poland’s Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), used a private meeting to suggest the bank hire a specific lawyer and pay him a fee worth the equivalent of 1 per cent of the bank’s market capitalisation in exchange for “support . . . and protection” from the regulator, in an official deposition made by Mr Czarnecki to Polish prosecutors and seen by the Financial Times. There are tapes and you clearly hear the chairman
  4. [SKOK scandal]56 - Cooperative savings banks and credit unions were not included in the banks, so that only after the introduction of the law in 2012, the checks initiated by the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority of credit unions began. After audits, it was found that 44 out of 55 existing savings banks do not meet the requirements. This situation directly threatened the finances of people who had taken out loans or loans from credit unions or entrusted their money. After 2014 controls, 13 credit unions collapsed and around 250,000 people died as a result of their bankruptcy. According to the Business Insider, the bank guarantee fund has so far paid them nearly PLN 4 billion 335 million.1. [SKOK scandal]56 - Cooperative savings banks and credit unions were not included in the banks, so that only after the introduction of the law in 2012, the checks initiated by the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority of credit unions began. After audits, it was found that 44 out of 55 existing savings banks do not meet the requirements. This situation directly threatened the finances of people who had taken out loans or loans from credit unions or entrusted their money. After 2014 controls, 13 credit unions collapsed and around 250,000 people died as a result of their bankruptcy. According to the Business Insider, the bank guarantee fund has so far paid them nearly PLN 4 billion 335 million.
  5. [SREBNA-KACZYNSKI scandal]58 . The company in question, Srebrna, was founded in the mid-1990s by the conservative Porozumienie Centrum (PC) party, a forerunner to the PiS. The company is majority-owned by the Lech Kaczynski Institute, which was founded to commemorate the eponymous Polish president who died in a 2010 plane crash. Lech Kaczynski's twin brother Jaroslaw is on the institute's supervisory board. When Srebrna decided to erect two skyscrapers in central Warsaw, Jaroslaw Kaczynski signed off on the project. The Lech Kaczynski Institute was to move its headquarters to one of the towers and the remaining space was to be rented out. One-third of the annual revenue generated by the buildings would then go to the Lech Kaczynski Institute. A relative of Kaczynski's cousin, Austrian businessman Gerd Birgfellner, was tasked with bringing the €400 million ($460 million) project to fruition. To this end, Poland's state-run PKO Bank Polski apparently granted Birgfellner a €15.5 million loan. Without a permit, he then invested €1.5 million into the project, assuming Kaczynski would greenlight it as planned. But when Birgfellner asked to be reimbursed, Srebrna declined to foot the bill, as Jaroslaw Kaczynski had decided to stop the project.
  6. [Morawiecki scandal]59 . Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki used his personal ties with a key figure of the country’s Catholic Church and town hall officials in Wroclaw for a huge business gain that he kept away from the public’s eye, the leading Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza reported on May 20. The newspaper quotes documents to prove Morawiecki paid just PLN700,000 (€172,800 in 2002 prices) for 15 hectares of land, which the Wroclaw diocese had received from the Polish state in 1999. The land’s market price was assessed at PLN4mn at the time. After the PM bought the land, it was zoned to enable construction of an important throughway as well as commercial real estate such as offices. Morawiecki signed over the ownership of the land to his wife in 2013, the newspaper also claimed. The PM never mentioned the transaction or the ownership of the land in mandatory declarations of financial interests that public officials are obliged to submit and make public. The entire land the Morawieckis own is currently worth around PLN70mn, Gazeta Wyborcza claims on the basis of a survey of local land prices.
  7. [PFN scandal]60 A lavishly funded Polish organization dedicated to improving the country's international image is trying to rescue its own reputation. The Polish National Foundation, founded in 2016 and financed to the tune of 400 million złoty (€93 million) from the country's leading state-run corporations, was supposed to combat the deluge of bad press about the country's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party. The foundation hasn't been willing to say much about its finances in Poland, but the online news portal Onet dug through financial statements made in Washington by a U.S. lobbying firm hired by the Polish organization. Onet reported that the White House Writers Group, a Washington PR firm, has been paid $5.5 million since 2017 to raise Poland's profile in the U.S. — a sum similar to the annual budget of the Polish Embassy in Washington. A YouTube site set up for the foundation had 13 subscribers as of Tuesday, with mostly fewer than 10 views per video. An Instagram account with stock images of Poland had 51 observers. And even some of those images were wrong. A picture of a sunset over the Polish capital turned out to be of Prague. A photo of ski jumping champion Kamil Stoch was of an acrobatic ski jumper — a completely different sport.
Why the Polish health care is in bad shape
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w*w.bbc.com*news*world-eu*****3550*67* 41: https://www.money.pl/gospodarka/wiadomosci/artykul/zarobki-policjantow-w-polsce,48,0,2136624.html 42: https://www.cidob.org/en/articulos/cidob_report/n1_1/the_roots_of_populism_in_poland_unsustainable_growth_and_cultural_backlash 43: www.**ddit.com/europ*/commen*s/**m5*x*dear_eur*pe_plea***h*lp_**_d*fe**_f**edom*i*/dki*v9f/ 44: https://imgur.com/YgHQRTx 45: ***.*ii.*x.ac.*k/***g/co**u*a*io*al-propaga*d*-in-pol**d-fal*e-amp*if*ers-an*-the-d**it*l-public-*phere/ 46: ww**pol*t*co.**/art*c**/poland-*is*israeli-spyw*r*-q*est*ons/ 47: *w*.th**ua*d***.com*worl*/2*1*/nov/01*undercover-r**orter-*eveals*life*in-a-*oli*h*tro*l*farm 48: for*ignpolicy.*om/2**9/11/25/*o*a*d-*ub*ic*televi*i*n-law-a*d-just***-**s-m*ut*pi*ce/ 49: wszys*ki*-afer**pi**fando*.com/p*/wi**/**zd*ia%C5%82_*_*E*%80%93_Ministe*stwo_p*aw*y_a**_T**.*P*opagand*?*en*tify=c*e*ted 50: w*w.politico.e*/a**icle/po*it**s-nat*onali**-*nd-reli**on-ex**ai*-wh**pola*d-*oesnt-want**efu**es 51: 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www.poli*ico*eu/ar**c*e/p**sk**fun*acja*naro**wa-po*ish-public-pr***tion*scheme*ba*kfir**/
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Bliska relacja dziennikarza Polskiego Radia z groźnym przestępcą i narkomanem oraz seryjnym oszustem. Co łączy Piotra Nisztora z Rafałem Witkowskim i Jackiem Pieńczakiem? [DOKUMENTY I ZDJĘCIA]

Bliska relacja dziennikarza Polskiego Radia z groźnym przestępcą i narkomanem oraz seryjnym oszustem. Co łączy Piotra Nisztora z Rafałem Witkowskim i Jackiem Pieńczakiem? [DOKUMENTY I ZDJĘCIA]

Bliska relacja dziennikarza Polskiego Radia z groźnym przestępcą i narkomanem oraz seryjnym oszustem. Co łączy Piotra Nisztora z Rafałem Witkowskim i Jackiem Pieńczakiem? [DOKUMENTY I ZDJĘCIA]

Bliska relacja dziennikarza Polskiego Radia z groźnym przestępcą oraz seryjnym oszustem.
Co łączy Piotra Nisztora z Rafałem Witkowskim i Jackiem Pieńczakiem?
O tym, jak sprzedajny pseudodziennikarz godzi w Państwo Polskie.
Opisywaliśmy przestępcę Jacka Pieńczaka, a przede wszystkim rozpracowywaliśmy go od paru lat, kiedy to doprowadził wraz ze skorumpowanymi funkcjonariuszami CBA do pokazowego zatrzymania i pomówienia naszego przyjaciela Andrzeja K. Kisiela za rzekome przyjęcie łapówki.
Po naszym ostatnim artykule, przestępca Jacek Pieńczak pisał oświadczenia na swoich profilach. Pisała też także jego żona Anita Karcz, która za paznokciami ma nie tylko układowy związek małżeński z Pieńczakiem, ale też na nią zarejestrowane są firmy, którymi zarządza Pieńczak, jak i ekskluzywne samochody, które były rozbijane, aby wyłudzić pieniądze z ubezpieczenia AutoCasco.
Jeśli chodzi o Rafała Miałkińskiego vel Witkowskiego to Bogdan Węgrzynek starał się pomóc – „schorowanemu na raka”, jak się później okazało – seryjnemu naciągaczowi, który naciągnął na przygotowane na bardzo niskim poziomie, lub niewykonane wcale realizacje telewizyjne kilkanaście osób oraz poważne instytucje państwowe.
W tej chwili dostajemy dziesiątki maili w związku z przekrętami zarówno Jacka Pieńczaka, jak i Rafała Witkowskiego.
Witkowski się nie spodziewał, że Węgrzynek ma tak wiele osób, które będą walczyć o jego dobre imię.
W pewnej chwili i sami myśleliśmy, że Witkowski będzie sprzedawał produkcje TV do Polsatu, ale i to okazało się oszustwem producenckim Witkowski Team.
Co łączy ich z Piotrem Nisztorem – Samozwańczym dziennikarzem śledczym?
Ano łączy ich między innymi opłacane przez przestępców audycje radiowe w publicznym radiu, prowadzone właśnie przez Piotra Nisztora.
Czy w Polsce dziennikarz, wykorzystując publiczne radio, może przestawiać zmanipulowane informacje?
Czy może manipulować informacją, czy wprost kłamać tak, aby oczernić, czy wyśmiewać osoby, które dla Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej społecznie pracowały przez wiele lat?
Czy dziennikarz publicznego radia może nie sprawdzać informacji, które pojawiają się w tak szanowanej polskiej instytucji, na której dobre imię solidnie pracowały przez dziesiątki lat pokolenia polskich dziennikarzy, w tym wiele znakomitych osobistości?
Piotr Nisztor wpisał się tym w propagandę, jaką uprawia dziś Telewizja Polska, która raz za razem przeprasza na swojej antenie zaszczutych polityków opozycji.
Chcemy przytoczyć kolejne fakty z życia zarówno Jacka Pieńczaka jak i Rafała Witkowskiego.
Rafał Witkowski, działając z byłym tajnym współpracownikiem i donosicielem Urzędu Ochrony Państwa jak i Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego Jackiem Łęskim, posługiwał się kłamstwami w systemie dokładnie takim, jak to dawniej robiły komunistyczne służby.
Jacek Łęski był szeroko opisywany przez rzetelnych dziennikarzy, jak i oficerów operacyjnych dla których pracował. Oszukiwał też Skarb Państwa, gdy prowadził agencję PRową współpracując przy tym z gangsterami ze wschody w tym Rosji. Dziś prowadzi programy telewizyjne w TVP, które starają się wykończyć czy też zniszczyć inaczej myślących niż Jarosław Kaczyński czy Jacek Kurski.
Jest o nim i teraz głośno, ponieważ ostatnio wyrzucił ze studia Telewizji Polskiej przedstawiciela opozycji, który stwierdził fakt, iż Jacek Łęski wykorzystując „program TVP szczuje na Polaków”.
W związku z tym, iż przekazaliśmy do Prokuratury Krajowej i Ministra Sprawiedliwości oraz innych służb zajmujących się bezpieczeństwem Państwa informacje i zdjęcia dotyczące zarówno działalności Jacka Pieńczaka jak i Rafała Witkowskiego, przekazujemy tylko parę zdjęć na dowód wiarygodności przedstawianych faktów, w którym uczestniczą również funkcjonariusze służb.
Jacek Pieńczak na co dzień przemieszcza się po ulicach z ostrą bronią zastraszając niewygodnych świadków.
Warto dodać, że Jacek Pieńczak jest narkomanem i alkoholikiem. Przyjmuje heroinę.
Toczą się właśnie kolejne postępowania, mówiące o tym, iż Jacek Pieńczak poprzez swoje stowarzyszenie wyłudza dotacje z Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej na rzekome szkolenia przeprowadzane przez nieuprawnione do tego osoby.
Dlaczego dziennikarz Polskiego Radia zaprasza do czasu antenowego seryjnego naciągacza?
Czy chodzi tylko o pieniądze?

Zdj: Akty oskarżenia wobec Jacka Pieńczaka
Zdj: Aresztowanie Jacka Pieńczaka. Pomimo że aresztowany był kilkanaście razy, m.in. 5 kwietnia, nie przeszkadzało to Piotrowi Nisztorowi aby zapraszać go jako gościa głównego na antenę Polskiego Radia.
Zdj: Radosław Wajs – pracownik firmy CampX Jacka Pieńczaka. Na polecenie Jacka Pieńczaka rozbijał samochody. Woził również pieniądze dla skorumpowanych funkcjonariuszy CBA.
Zdj: Samochód marki Machindra, załatwiony przez Dowódcę GROMU Piotra Gąstała dla Jacka Pieńczaka za kwotę 12 000 zł.
Zdj: Radosław Wajs i Dawid Matusiak prowadzą szkolenia bez wymaganych dokumentów jako instruktorzy.
Wracając do Rafała Witkowskiego, w audycji Piotra Nisztora Witkowski opowiada, jak to poznał Bogdana Węgrzynka i jak przebiegała współpraca z nim.
Interesującym jest, iż na antenie Polskiego Radia poświęca się tak wiele cennego czasu rzekomo nic nieznaczącemu przedsiębiorcy, jakim jest Bogdan Węgrzynek.
To jednak ma wielkie znaczenie. Piotr Nisztor i Rafał Witkowski mają w tym cel.
Jak łatwo sprawdzić i o czym mówią dostępne dowody, Witkowski od początku z premedytacją kłamał we współpracy z Węgrzynkiem.
Wieloletnie działanie Rafała Witkowskiego, które opisują oszukane przez niego osoby, to naciąganie przedsiębiorców na zakup rzekomych realizacji telewizyjnych. Część osób nigdy tych realizacji nie otrzymała (Jak Pan Radosław Pyffel, Bogdan Węgrzynek, Rafał Zborowski), część otrzymała materiał na tak niskim poziomie, że domagała się reklamacji i zwrotu pieniędzy.
Nowa Tożsamość
To nie wszystkie „osiągnięcia” Rafała Witkowskiego.
Witkowski do klubu POLONIA przyprowadził rzekomych inwestorów z Afryki. Mało tego, to posługiwał się wtedy (czyli w 2012 roku) zmyślonym nazwiskiem, przedstawiając się jako Rafał Małkiński.
Zdradza to między innymi także profil na Goldenline.
Wtedy Rafał Witkowski chodził z koszulką Mistrzostw Świata w Kick-boxingu i wszystkim rozpowiadał, że to właśnie było uwieńczenie jego kariery sportowej, że dla Polski zdobył srebrny medal na Mistrzostwach Świata, które odbywały się w Budapeszcie.
Myślał, że wszyscy wierzyli w te bajki, tyle tylko, że Marian Scyborowski, który zadawał mu pytania na Polonii odnośnie kick-boxingu, zauważył, że Witkowski nie umiał odpowiedzieć na pytania, kto to jest Marek Piotrowski, czy w jakiej sekcji trenował.
Z klubu POLONIA pogonili go zarówno działacze jak i kibice…
Przekręt antenowej gwiazdy Piotra Nisztora w Sejmie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Podobno kłamca mówi prawdę tylko wtedy, kiedy się pomyli.
Rafał Witkowski na antenie Polskiego Radia mówił także o realizacji telewizyjnej z Kongresu Klastrów w Sejmie RP, którą podobno przeprowadził.
Kolejne kłamstwo. Ponieważ choć przyjął pieniądze od wiceprezesa zarządu Związku Pracodawców Klastry Polskie Jarosława Bulandy, to nigdy wykonywana przez oszusta realizacja nie ujrzała światła dziennego (co swoją drogą było typowym modus operandi Witkowskiego).
Co więcej, nikt kto żyw nie miał okazji zobaczyć zrealizowanego przez Witkowskiego materiału, choć ten wymienił kilka swoich domen, na których oglądalność była fenomenalna. Tam miały pojawić się materiały. Miały, ale się nie pojawiły.
Wtedy też Rafał Witkowski przepraszał za swoja pracownicę Ewę Adamus, która wydzwaniała do Węgrzynka i Sobieraja, ostrzegając przed swym pracodawcą i mówiąc, że i ją oszukał.
Rafał Witkowski – Nikodem Dyzma Szklanego Ekranu
Rafał Witkowski wiedział dokładnie jak robić, by się nie narobić\*
*i jak wykorzystać do tego Sejm RP.
Na żywo relacja z kongresu była prowadzona za pośrednictwem umieszczonej na stałe sejmowej kamery w Sali Kolumnowej, a nie – jak twierdził Witkowski – za jego pośrednictwem.
Ba – Witkowski nie umiał się wpiąć w kabel techników pracujących w Sejmie.
Natomiast realizację z Kongresu Klastrów zrobiła inna firma, współpracująca z rzeszowskim klastrem pod przewodnictwem Dariusza Tworzydło, który zajmował się public relations kongresu.
Rafał Witkowski aka Dyzma znów chciał wyciągnąć łatwe pieniądze od organizatorów, ale Ci zwyczajnie go pogonili.
Dariusz Tworzydło odpowiedzialny z public relations nawet nie odpisał Witkowskiemu na propozycję współpracy. Choć w materiałach, które rozsyła do potencjalnych klientów Witkowski chwali się stałą współpracą z Kongresem Klastrów od 2012 roku, to należy wyraźnie zauważyć, że tak naprawdę nigdy jej nie było.
W ten sposób Rafał Witkowski przedstawia współpracę z ministerstwami czy Kancelarią Premiera, pomimo, że nawet nie chciano go wpuścić ze sprzętem nagraniowym do Sejmu RP.

Zdj: Kłamstwa w portfolio Rafała Witkowskiego vel Małkińskiego.

Zdj: Kłamstwa Rafała Witkowskiego w portfolio ciąg dalszy.
Musiał interweniować Bartłomiej Bodio, który w tym czasie był przewodniczącym Parlamentarnego Zespołu ds. Polityki Klastrowej.
Zresztą sprawdziliśmy i w kancelarii premiera i ministerstwach, także w instytucjach państwowych, jak wyglądała współpraca z producentem TV Rafałem Witkowskim vel Małkińskim.
Jerzy Buzek
Kolejną realizacją miało być nagranie wypowiedzi profesora Jerzego Buzka w Sejmie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej dla Bogdana Węgrzynka i współtworzonego przez niego klastrowego programu Polska 3.0.
Rafał Witkowski lub jak kto woli – Rafał Małkiński znów znalazł sposób.
Udało się tylko dzięki realizatorowi z Polsatu.
To właśnie on ustawił Witkowskiemu odpowiednie światło, przygotował kamery, by później w końcu samemu stanąć za kamerą i nakręcić cenną dla programu Polska 3.0 wypowiedz Premiera.
Kamerzysta ze śmiechem parsknął „-chłopie kogo ty udajesz? do pługa, a nie do kamery” , co stało się znaną do dziś anegdotą, powtarzaną w kontekście oceny profesjonalizmu Rafała Witkowskiego w branży.
Witkowski za to nagranie oczywiście zainkasował pieniądze.
W tym samym dniu porzuciła Witkowskiego inna pracownica, która miała przeprowadzać profesjonalne wywiady w Sejmie. Witkowski wtedy stwierdził, że się do tej pracy w ogóle nie nadawała…
Kolejnymi realizacjami było nakręcenie wywiadów z cenionymi ekspertami programu Polska 3.0.
Rafał Witkowski zaprosił sporą grupę ludzi związanych z programem Polska 3.0 do rzekomego „studia” na Ulicy Madalińskiego. Było to po jednej z konferencji w Sejmie RP.
Okazało się, iż rzekome studio to kawalerka wynajmowana przez Witkowskiego, z niedziałającą toaletą w małym pomieszczeniu ze stęchniętym powietrzem i obskurnym wnętrzem.
– Taki obraz ukazał się osobom, które przyjechały do Rafała Witkowskiego specjalnie na rzekomo profesjonalne przygotowane przez niego nagranie dotyczące programu POLSKA 3.0.
Oczywiście Witkowski, przed realizacją, zażądał z góry zapłaty. Było to 5 000 zł.
Jednak wstyd, którego trzeba było się najeść, zespół programu Polska 3.0 wycenił na znacznie więcej. Wszystkich doświadczonych i profesjonalnych ekspertów trzeba było przemieścić do restauracji, aby w klimatyzowanym pomieszczeniu mogli się przygotować do wywiadów, które nota bene przeprowadzała Angelika Jarosławska-Sapieha.
Witkowski Vel Dyzma i Przemysław Saleta
Wracając do rzekomego studia Rafała Witkowskiego – okazało się, że musiał od sąsiadów pożyczać stół i krzesła.
Były tak obskurne, że eksperci programu Polska 3.0 wątpili we wszystko co mówił do nich zapewniający o sukcesie przygotowywanego nagranie producent Rafał Witkowski.
Witkowski, aby podnieść morale zniesmaczonych klientów, zaczął pokazywać nagranie studia, w którym był Przemysław Saleta. Podobno był nagrywany właśnie w tej samej kawalerce, na tych samych krzesłach. Jak się później okazało, było to kolejne kłamstwo Witkowskiego, mające podziałać na wyobraźnię i morale zebranych.
Kiedy specjalista od wizerunku (jak siebie również określał) Rafał Witkowski zmontował i opublikował pierwsze nagrania, eksperci programu Polska 3.0 żądali natychmiastowego zdjęcia wszystkich materiałów, które wychodziły z tej realizacji. Wizualnie wszystko to wyglądało naprawdę bardzo źle. Angelika Jarosławska wielokrotnie pisała do Rafała Witkowskiego, aby ten ściągnął te materiały ze swojego profilu na youtube.com.
Nigdy tego nie zrobił.
Materiałów potrzebował, aby naciągać potencjalnych kolejnych nieszczęśników.
Witkowski chciał się zrehabilitować i zrobić nowe, dużo lepsze materiały. Znów za parę tysięcy złotych miał zrobić realizację w Toruniu na Welconomy Forum. Tym razem miał być pełen profesjonalizm.
Zespół programu Polska 3.0 pokrył noclegi w hotelu dla osób związanych z realizacją. Choć miał być tam tylko zespół realizacyjny, sam Witkowski zabrał ze sobą kochankę o imieniu Anita, z produkcją nie mającą nic wspólnego.
Również za to realizację dostał wynagrodzenie, ale cóż – kolejna również była nie do zaakceptowania a standard utrzymał na dotychczasowym poziomie.
Potem Rafał Witkowski pojawił się na Kongresie Klastrów, organizowanych przez Agencję Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, której właścicielem jest Iwona Gaweł.
Iwona Gaweł od razu poznała się na Witkowskim, której również Witkowski, zgodnie ze swoim standardowym modelem działania – nigdy nie pokazał żadnej realizacji.
Choć faktycznie z ekipą przyjechał.
Wtedy do organizatorów kongresu wydzwaniali ludzie, że podobno Witkowski nie rozliczył się z jakiegoś sprzętu, a dwie kamery zostały uszkodzone, chodziło o kwotę prawie 800 000 zł
Za realizację kongresu wtedy zażądał ponad 20 tysięcy zł.
Co ciekawe, realizacja ta nigdy nie pojawiła się w internecie, choć Witkowski przysięgał, że oglądalność była niesamowita.
Wtedy też Rafał Witkowski przyjechał z inną kochanką, tym razem Ukrainką.
Tak jak w poprzednim przypadku Witkowski zajmuje jeden pokój, za który tym razem to Iwona Gaweł pokrywa koszty.
I Światowy Kongres Klastrów
Organizatorzy I Światowego Kongresu Klastrów w Dąbrowie Górniczej. Wtedy okazało się, że Rafał Witkowski jest chory na białaczkę – tak przynajmniej mówił, i że te pieniądze, które jest mu winna Iwona Gaweł były przeznaczone na chemię, która akurat w jego przypadku jest jedynym wyjściem, aby mógł przeżyć.
Bogdanowi Węgrzynkowi zrobiło się Rafała Witkowskiego po prostu żal. Przyjaciółka Witkowskiego, Małgorzata Ligas przekonywała go, aby znów skorzystać z usług Rafała Witkowskiego i pomóc człowiekowi w potrzebie, dając mu zlecenie.
Rafał Witkowski obiecał wtedy, że wszystkie jego błędy zostaną naprawione i nie tylko przekaże zaległy materiał z pierwszego kongresu klastrów, ale także na najwyższym poziomie zrealizuje materiał z II Kongresu Klastrów.
Witkowski i Ligas czyli perfekcyjny Duet Krętaczy
Dyrektorem zarówno pierwszego i drugiego kongresu klastrów była Małgorzata Ligas, która miała dostęp do maili organizatorów i jak się później okazało – na prośbę Rafała Witkowskiego podrabiała podpisy osób decyzyjnych na kongresowych zleceniach.
Za to też została skazana.
To właśnie Małgorzata Ligas zaprzyjaźnia się z Witkowskim i jego żoną. Witkowski przeprowadza wszystko bardzo sprytnie.
Mami wielkimi sukcesami dwudziestoparoletnią, mieszkającą w małej wsi pod Zakopanem Małgorzatę Ligas. Dziewczyna ma marzenia, która właśnie zaczął spełniać Rafał Witkowski.
Rafał Witkowski, pomimo niewywiązywania się z umów i niezrealizowania zamówienia, wygrywa procesy sądowe.
Dziwi to organizatorów, ponieważ nigdy ani jeden, ani drugi kongres nie został przez Witkowskiego zrealizowany.
Nie dostarczył – tak jak obiecywał – żadnej realizacji nagrania na twardym dysku, ani do dnia dzisiejszego nie można znaleźć nagrań internecie (choć Witkowski zarzekał się, że nagrania tam się znajdą).
Tylko dzięki Telewizji Polskiej – profesjonalnemu nadawcy, można było oglądać I i II Kongres Klastrów, który był pokazywany na TVP Info, w wiadomościach i panoramie TVP.
Wszystkie realizacje zostały sumiennie i o czasie rozliczone z Telewizją Polską – zarówno z pierwszego, jak i z drugiego Kongresu Klastrów. Węgrzynek płaci zobowiązania chociaż na zleceniach Małgorzata Ligas podrabiała podpisy Bogdana Węgrzynka.
Kiedy Węgrzynek skierował sprawę do sądu, okazało się, iż Małgorzata Ligas nie tylko podrobiła setki podpisów pod szkoleniami i innymi dokumentami, ale także wyłudziła od Iwony Gaweł 70 000 zł.
I za ten preceder Małgorzata Ligas zostaje skazana.
Nie ma już nic do stracenia.
W tej chwili Małgorzata Ligas wraz z Rafałem Witkowskim pomawiają osoby, a Witkowski manipulując faktami, przypisuje długi Iwony Gaweł i Agencji Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości zupełnie niezależnej osobie – Bogdanowi Węgrzynkowi.
O co chodzi?
O to, aby zaatakować Bogdana Węgrzynka (który wie, jakich przekrętów dopuszcza się Rafał Witkowski) medialnie, zanim ktokolwiek zdąży sprawdzić, że są to tylko pomówienia i kłamstwa.
Witkowski nie ma problemu, aby kłamać wprost do kamery naciąga tym razem kolejne osoby dając zlecenia swojej żonie, która jest prawnikiem.
Jak nam powiedział oszukany przez Rafała Witkowskiego Norbert Pyffel – nigdy nie spotkał takiej gnidy i notorycznego kłamcy, który wprowadza w problemy finansowe i wizerunkowe przedsiębiorców i poważne organizacje.
Bogdan Węgrzynek, poprzez Rafała Witkowskiego stracił nie tylko pieniądze, ale też niektórych partnerów.
Okazało się, że poszkodowanych osób i instytucji na jego tzw. produkcji telewizyjnej jest dużo więcej…
Kolejna Tożsamość
Marzena Chołydyńska to osoba, która miała również nieprzyjemność współpracować z Witkowskim Vel Miałkińskim:
-„Ten człowiek najpierw proponował mi pracę, a potem próbował proponować mi sex. Byłam w trudnej sytuacji finansowej, a Witkowski obiecywał mi pracę w TV Polsat. Mówił, że za jego pośrednictwem na profilach facebook’owych prowadzone są transmisje premiera rządu Donalda Tuska.
Pojechaliśmy nad zalew Zegrzyński, gdzie miał mnie przygotowywać do wywiadów. Opowiadał, że administruje portal Prawy.pl i pomaga osobom w trudnych sytuacjach – zwłaszcza poszkodowanych przez wymiar sprawiedliwości.
Mówił, że osobiście zna się ze Zbigniewem Ziobro i ma zostać jego najbliższym doradcą, kiedy PiS dojdzie do władzy.
Świetnie nam się rozmawiało – do czasu, kiedy z samochodu Witkowski wyjął koc i mocniejsze trunki.
Powiedział, że muszę się rozluźnić, że jutro jest mój wielki dzień. Nagle zaczął się do mnie dobierać i mówić, że od pierwszego wejrzenia się we mnie zakochał. Byłam sparaliżowana. Dostał ode mnie w twarz i zaczęłam krzyczeć. Potem próbował przepraszać, a potem mnie straszyć. Mój partner podjechał pod jego studio, ale Witkowski z przerażenia nawet nie otworzył bramki.”
Krzysztof Tobisz twierdzi, iż „dobrze, że Bogdan Węgrzynek nie zapłacił Witkowskiemu za rzekomą realizację telewizyjną.
Przynajmniej on jeden, nie dał się naciągnąć. Choć i tak zapłacił Witkowskiemu za inne realizacje, z których wypłynęła amatorszczyzna.
Przy mnie Witkowski grał profesjonalistę, choć później się okazało, że wynajmował amatorów, którzy z filmowaniem nie mieli nic wspólnego, lub też sam szkolił osoby – nie mając żadnego doświadczenia.
Mnie naciągnął na produkcję telewizyjną, która miała promować sportowe wakacje. Wyszło jak wyszło…”
Sam Rafał Witkowski – powołując się iż jest dziennikarzem Onetu, wydzwaniał do osób, które rzekomo miał oszukać Bogdan Węgrzynek. – Tak Witkowski zadzwonił do mnie 21 sierpnia i przekazywał, że Węgrzynek oszukał wiele osób i zbiera informacje, kogo jeszcze mógł naciągnąć. Witkowski dostał telefon do mnie od mojej koleżanki, pracującej w Akademii Piłki Ręcznej, z którą Bogdan Węgrzynek organizował event kończący karierę Artura Siódmiaka.
To było wspaniałe przedsięwzięcie. W wypełnionej hali w Gdańsku ponad 10 000 widzów oglądało pokaz polskich piłkarzy ręcznych z najlepszymi na świecie zawodnikami tej dyscypliny. Była drużyna VIP-ów, w której zagrali w niej najlepsi sportowcy; medaliści olimpijscy i mistrzowie świata. Był także koncert nowosądeckiego zespołu. To było głośne wydarzenie, które relacjonowała Telewizja Polsat.
Sam Węgrzynek za organizację tego wydarzenia dostał wyróżnienie od ówczesnego Ministra Sportu.
Witkowski zaczął mnie straszyć, że i ja będę miała kłopoty. Zadzwoniłam wtedy do Onetu i okazało się, że Rafał Witkowski nigdy nie pracował w Onecie i nie ma z tym portalem nic wspólnego.
Widziano potem Rafał Witkowskiego kilkakrotnie z Jackiem Łęskim, w tym na konferencji prasowej, gdzie Łęski pojawił się z Witkowskim by zaatakować Angelika Jarosławską-Sapiehę.
Jak powiedział nam dziennikarz śledczy rozpracowujący Witkowskiego, Jacek Łęski wraz z Witkowskim przygotowali atak, który miał spowodować pogrążenie Jarosławskiej-Sapiehy.
Atakowano ją oczywiście bezpodstawnymi zarzutami – kłamstwami, ale nie o to chodziło. Zgodnie z dawnymi, komunistycznymi praktykami, chodzi o to, aby kłamstwo powtarzać wiele razy. Aby ludzie pomyśleli, że „coś musi być na rzeczy”.
Okazało się, że ten wytatuowany goguś, tak nazywają Witkowskiego nawet dobrze gęby nie umiał otworzyć. Wymachiwał jak to w jego stylu jakimiś wydrukowanymi papierami i mailami. Dziennikarze newsowi, zaproszeni na konferencję Angeliki Jarosławskiej-Sapiehy określili go mianem mitomana współpracującego z bandą agentów Łęskiego.
Nikt o nim nie napisał. Cel nie został osiągnięty.
Kolejna manipulacja Rafała Witkowskiego Vel Dyzmy
Rafał Kamiński, który oczekiwał obrobionego materiału z I i II Kongresów Klastrów w Dąbrowie Górniczej miał zapłacić za relacje zrealizowane przez Witkowskiego. Nigdy ich nie zobaczył i już na II Kongresie Klastrów, widząc jak Witkowski realizuje zadania, powiedział, że z tego nic nie będzie.
To właśnie w rozmowie z Bogdanem Węgrzynkiem usłyszał: – „jeżeli nie dostaniesz zrealizowanego materiału Kongresu na twardym dysku lub innym nośniku nie wypłacaj Witkowskiemu ani centa. Bo nigdy tego materiału nie zobaczysz. Na pierwszy rzut oka to ściemniacz.”
Materiał z II Kongresu Klastrów w Dąbrowie Górniczej miał być tłumaczony na język angielski.
Niestety Witkowski nie podpiął kamer do tłumaczeń symultanicznych, choć miał wszystko z firmą zajmującą się tłumaczeniami ustalić. Dlatego zarówno Witkowski jak i firma od tłumaczeń nie zostały rozliczone.
Jak powiedział Bogdan Węgrzynek:
„Rafałowi Witkowskiemu za II Kongres Klastrów w Dąbrowie Górniczej nie wypłacę ani jednej złotówki. Nie wypłacę, ponieważ na żadnym nośniku nie dostałem materiału. Ba – jak mnie informowała Małgorzata Ligas, Witkowski nawet nie miał zamiaru wywiązać się z danej umowy.
Jest oczywiście stuprocentowym kłamstwem, że Witkowskiemu zalegam 100 000 zł. Zresztą -może Rafał Witkowski, który pojawiał się na różnych realizacjach z kochankami nie jest chory na raka, ale ma po prostu coś z głową. „
Zastanawiamy się też jak wielka przyjaźń łączy Rafała Witkowskiego z Jackiem Pieńczakiem. Czy może obaj panowie robili między sobą także tzw. Biznesy na samochodach. Jak pisaliśmy we wcześniejszym artykule, Jackowi Pieńczakowi ginęły zatowarowane tiry, zarejestrowane na Marka Pieńczaka. A może Witkowski pomagał Pieńczakowi rozbijać kolejne samochody, aby wyłudzić ubezpieczenie z Auto Casco?
Bo przecież na produkcji telewizyjnej to chyba Rafał Witkowski kariery nie zrobi, no chyba że taką w stylu Nikodema Dyzmy…
Krzysztof Magiera krótko skwitował znajomość Rafała Witkowskiego i Jacka Pieńczaka: „Powinni oni wystąpić w drugiej części popularnej komedii „Głupi i Głupszy”. Zresztą – to zdjęcie profilowe faktycznie mówi o wszystkim…”
Za to podsumowanie bardzo dziękujemy….
Bogdan Węgrzynek, Damian Michalski, Radosław Janik
Zdj: Akty oskarżenia wobec Jacka Pieńczaka
Zdj: Oto kilka dokumentów z istniejących kilkudziesięciu przeciwko oszustowi Jackowi Pieńczakowi. Co ma z tym wspólnego Rafał Witkowski pokaże śledztwo…

Zdj: Oto kilka dokumentów z istniejących kilkudziesięciu przeciwko oszustowi Jackowi Pieńczakowi. Co ma z tym wspólnego Rafał Witkowski pokaże śledztwo.
Zdj: Oto kilka dokumentów z istniejących kilkudziesięciu przeciwko oszustowi Jackowi Pieńczakowi
Zdj: Radosław Wajs i Dawid Matusiak prowadzą szkolenia na obiekcie Jacka Pieńczaka bez wymaganych dokumentów jako instruktorzy.
Zdj: Radosław Wajs i Dawid Matusiak prowadzą szkolenia bez wymaganych dokumentów jako instruktorzy.
Zdj: Kradzione samochody Jacka Pieńczaka na CampX. Wśród nich jest też skradziony autobus, który został zdewastowany na strzelnicy CampX.

Zdj: Auto należące do Anity Karcz, drugiej żony Jacka Pieńczaka. Na ten samochód Pieńczak podrabiał dokumenty jak również akcyzę.
Zdj: Radosław Wajs i Dawid Matusiak prowadzą szkolenia na obiekcie Jacka Pieńczaka bez wymaganych dokumentów jako instruktorzy.
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Zdj: Jacek Pieńczak ma też sprawę korupcyjną z dowódcą jednej z Jednostek Specjalnych.

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Zdj: Porshe należące do Anity Karcz, małżonki Jacka Pieńczaka. Jacek Pieńczak wraz z przyjaciółmi rozbił ten samochód aby wyłudzić AutoCasco
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Subreddit Stats: albania posts from 2019-09-19 to 2019-12-18 07:53 PDT

Period: 89.49 days
Submissions Comments
Total 980 14318
Rate (per day) 10.95 158.10
Unique Redditors 433 1222
Combined Score 31674 50064

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 1412 points, 12 submissions: 1301arbi
    1. Vogëlushe shqiptare me veshje tradicionale 📷:Pietro Marubi, 1880 (187 points, 6 comments)
    2. Prizren, maj 1913 (182 points, 23 comments)
    3. Çift shqiptar nga Malësia. 📷:Giuseppe Massani 1940 (161 points, 9 comments)
    4. Stacioni i trenit në Pejë, 1925 (152 points, 30 comments)
    5. Prishtinë, NATO fillon të bombardojë forcat e armatosura Jugosllave me qëllim që ti largoj nga territori i Kosovës. Një djalosh shqiptar tymos një cigare ndërkohë që cdo gjë rreth tij është shkatërruar. Kosovo War 1999 (141 points, 10 comments)
    6. Malësorë te vegjël nga Thethi, 1921 (128 points, 3 comments)
    7. Kartolinë nga Shqipëria me një vajzë të vogël veshur me rroba nga zona e Korçës, 1943 (104 points, 1 comment)
    8. Vajza shqiptare të veshura me veshjet tradicionale nga zona e Zadrimës. (103 points, 3 comments)
    9. Pershendetje, sapo zbulova nje artikull qe fliste per komunitetin afro-shqiptar ne qyetetin e Ulqinit. Gjeja me interesante qe kam pare prej kohesh. https://www.criticatac.ro/lefteast/only-memories-and-emptiness-remain-the-history-of-ulcinjs-afro-albanian-community-in-montenegro/ (95 points, 21 comments)
    10. E shihni edhe ju silueten e Shqiperise apo thjesht jam duke u cmendur ?! (73 points, 40 comments)
  2. 1199 points, 21 submissions: nikiu
    1. S'mund të quhesh redditues i vërtetë nëse nuk bën një foto me z. Lee Qeni nga liqeni. Btw, have I got the right doggo? Why is he looking at me like that? Is there food stuck on my beard? (156 points, 68 comments)
    2. Cobbled streets of Gjirokastra. (142 points, 4 comments)
    3. My secret pool. Somewhere inside Nivica canyons, Tepelene. (134 points, 26 comments)
    4. MegaThread: Earthquake in Albania - Termeti ne Shqiperi (26/11/19) (102 points, 64 comments)
    5. Manastiri i Ardenices, vendi ku Gjergj Kastrioti lidhi kurore me Donika Arianitin. (92 points, 24 comments)
    6. Breaking News (91 points, 22 comments)
    7. Lapidari ne Drashovice, Vlore. (77 points, 21 comments)
    8. Perëndim në Bënçë, Tepelenë (77 points, 4 comments)
    9. Teqeja e Baba Aliut ne Alipostivan, Permet. (68 points, 12 comments)
    10. Progonat, Tepelene. (37 points, 14 comments)
  3. 1094 points, 53 submissions: Deer_Noises
    1. Shqipëria i mbyll derën Kinës, miraton marrëveshjen me SHBA-në për rrjetin 5G (69 points, 77 comments)
    2. Skandal në Turqi, bllokohen 1 mijë tifozë shqiptarë dhe u heqin flamurin (65 points, 48 comments)
    3. Kapet minoritari që po i ndërtonte memorial ekstremistit grek që u vra në Bularat (52 points, 2 comments)
    4. 48 hours in Albania (48 points, 6 comments)
    5. Thirrjet antishqiptare, nëna e Kacifas nën hetim nga Antiterrori (44 points, 20 comments)
    6. Vetëm 1 vit në burg për 4 mina me telekomandë, Gjykata e Lezhës liron vëllain e Alketa Vejsiut (39 points, 11 comments)
    7. Policia nuk lejon Crvena Zvezdën të hyjë në Kosovë, i detyron të kthehen andej nga erdhën (38 points, 9 comments)
    8. Shkon ne 15 numri i viktimave (36 points, 3 comments)
    9. 'Poshtë tradhtari' - Dhunohet shtatorja e ish-mbretit Zog në Tiranë (34 points, 36 comments)
    10. Alvini arrin në Itali, përqafim mes lotësh dhe emocionesh me babanë dhe motrën (30 points, 7 comments)
  4. 734 points, 9 submissions: TheIss96
    1. It do be like that sometimes (185 points, 24 comments)
    2. Rumania "ngre flamurin" nëpër rrugët e saj për pavarësinë e Shqipërisë, në solidaritet ndaj termetit! (173 points, 6 comments)
    3. Buzeqesh dhe tund doren. Vetem buzeqesh dhe tund doren... (159 points, 5 comments)
    4. Any partizani grandpa still breathing?! (94 points, 34 comments)
    5. Thjesht po e lë këtë ketu. 🇦🇱🇦🇱 (34 points, 21 comments)
    6. This menu section at a restaurant in Albania. (33 points, 14 comments)
    7. Thirrje të dhunshme te varri i të birit! E ëma e Kacifasit: Shfarosini; Vorio Epiri është tokë greke! (28 points, 28 comments)
    8. Anketa/ Çfarë mendojnë shqiptarët në Kosovë e Shqipëri për njëri-tjetrin dhe sa janë pro bashkim kombëtar (18 points, 15 comments)
    9. Every country's tourism slogan! (10 points, 5 comments)
  5. 631 points, 24 submissions: kastor-kembngules
    1. How to save albania (148 points, 15 comments)
    2. Petro Marko shkruan mbi “nje termet vdekjeprures qe kishte goditur fshatin e tij”. (94 points, 8 comments)
    3. Brryli Broadway (80 points, 5 comments)
    4. PESIMIZMI NE SHQIPERI! (41 points, 47 comments)
    5. Interesante vendosja ne harte e te gjithe termeteve te regjistruara ndonjeher. Ne qofte se shikohet me vemendje ne Europe ka nje pririje te termeteve ne zonen e gadishullit te ballkanit sidomos Greqi dhe Shqiperi. (38 points, 12 comments)
    6. Qan kampioni boksit: Me dhanë 14 mijë lek per titull (37 points, 62 comments)
    7. Cilat jane portalet qe perdorni per te kerkuar pune ne Shqiperi dhe jashte? (31 points, 16 comments)
    8. Universiteti i Durrsit nje nga me te vjetrit ne Ballkan 😂 (28 points, 12 comments)
    9. Nice! (21 points, 5 comments)
    10. Nadia, nje japoneze ne Radio Tirana. (15 points, 11 comments)
  6. 473 points, 13 submissions: redi_t13
    1. Sad but Still standing (127 points, 8 comments)
    2. Surprised pikacifas (93 points, 26 comments)
    3. Or “kaps” to dogs (64 points, 11 comments)
    4. Diaspora coming through (60 points, 14 comments)
    5. Emigrant joke (53 points, 4 comments)
    6. People are getting worried about transparency and I think this might help. (31 points, 26 comments)
    7. Wholesome (14 points, 1 comment)
    8. Kshu esht kur ke trajner te huaj. Nuk i di qytetet dhe ia beson sulmin lushnjes. (10 points, 15 comments)
    9. It was looking good guys until everything went to shit and we lost like half of what’s in this map. (7 points, 7 comments)
    10. Anybody living in New York? (6 points, 19 comments)
  7. 472 points, 5 submissions: shykriu
    1. An old Albanian lady dining with her dead husband & children who were killed in 1999 during the war (340 points, 55 comments)
    2. I'm an Albanian high school student in Italy. This sits beautifully in top my classrooms wall. Project on waopression in The Balkans (60 points, 2 comments)
    3. Peak Albanian TV - There's about an ad every two minutes in this video. Because that's how you get people to watch your shows smh (52 points, 21 comments)
    4. Per sa i perket dhurimeve monetare qe jane bere per familjet e ndikuara nga termeti (10 points, 12 comments)
    5. albania, where do you watch your pirated tv shows? (10 points, 22 comments)
  8. 444 points, 5 submissions: Boni4real
    1. Bruh (201 points, 12 comments)
    2. The ambassador of OSBE i Tirana teaching Albanians the 'Peace among worlds ' sign . Colorized (91 points, 18 comments)
    3. Albanian nature 24/10/2019 (Tropoje) (90 points, 3 comments)
    4. Na la pa gjum , qr (33 points, 6 comments)
    5. Dy ✌️ (29 points, 8 comments)
  9. 420 points, 10 submissions: Neon_Pink_Pineapple
    1. Qeni....Li-qeni. I'll show myself out now (147 points, 23 comments)
    2. Wembley i Balkanit, umbrellas not included (72 points, 11 comments)
    3. I made a thing 😂😂 (53 points, 26 comments)
    4. Ah shit, here we go again (40 points, 38 comments)
    5. Pune ka por ska profesionist (37 points, 19 comments)
    6. Reasons of leaving (24 points, 30 comments)
    7. I hapen negociatat or is peter crouch here celebrating to prematurely again? (18 points, 22 comments)
    8. SKANDINAVI = S’KA N DI NA VI = S’ KAN DI NA VI = NUK DIN NA VIN = NUK DINË NA VIN (VYN) /s Odin was Albanian dont @ me (14 points, 21 comments)
    9. Qe ku BE-ja nuk na hapi negociatat nuk i ndahet i gjati Zaevit. (13 points, 8 comments)
    10. A keni uji? (2 points, 5 comments)
  10. 415 points, 12 submissions: njeshizzle87
    1. Lol Perfect (231 points, 17 comments)
    2. Racist tweet from Rolling Stone Italy that now has been deleted: “The earthquake arrives in Italy from Albania. Is this what happens when borders are open? Mostly undernourished, they make homes in half of Puglia tremble!” (53 points, 14 comments)
    3. Shume rëndë ky tërmeti (40 points, 6 comments)
    4. Italian Light (22 points, 12 comments)
    5. King Zog Funeral in Paris (16 points, 4 comments)
    6. Embracing Life, Love and Rich Fare at Dua Kafe (13 points, 2 comments)
    7. Best place in Tirana to get my iphone battery replaced (11 points, 7 comments)
    8. Tirana Film Festival Sept 23rd - 29th (9 points, 2 comments)
    9. New York’s Top 10 New Restaurants of 2019 (8 points, 4 comments)
    10. MMA Prospect Dennis Buzukja Saturday Fight (6 points, 0 comments)
  11. 389 points, 4 submissions: kafshepylli
    1. “Gjama e burrave” (139 points, 15 comments)
    2. Albanian couple from Shkodra - Photo Studio Marubi, 1879 (138 points, 13 comments)
    3. Tirana vitet 90. (63 points, 23 comments)
    4. Ismail Kadare fiton çmimin ndërkombëtar të letërsisë për vitin 2020 (49 points, 47 comments)
  12. 371 points, 2 submissions: Oryon-
    1. It's time to stop (337 points, 52 comments)
    2. Weird, Blurred Out Church near Greek Albanian Border (34 points, 2 comments)
  13. 343 points, 10 submissions: Metatron-X
    1. One this day Hasan Prishtina was born. (113 points, 14 comments)
    2. On this day Mic Sokoli was born. (90 points, 17 comments)
    3. On this day Gjerg Fishta was born. (72 points, 24 comments)
    4. Information Report by the CIA on Yugoslavia, Kosova and Albania - Part 1 (Report 1-6). (18 points, 7 comments)
    5. Information Report on Kosova by the CIA - Part 2 - Communists and the Second League of Prizren (Report 7-11) (16 points, 1 comment)
    6. Information Report by the CIA on Kosova - Part 5 - The Social Situation of united Albania (14 points, 3 comments)
    7. Information Report on Kosova by the CIA - Part 3 - Enemies within (Report 12-15) (9 points, 10 comments)
    8. Information Report by the CIA on Kosova - Part 6 - The Resistance of Drenica, Gjilan and Ferizaj (6 points, 0 comments)
    9. Information Report on Kosova by the CIA - Part 4 - Kosova was defeated by the Serbian mind and the Albanian Partisans were their Instrument. (3 points, 5 comments)
    10. Bledar Kola - Does anyone have any experience with his cook book? (2 points, 2 comments)
  14. 339 points, 12 submissions: Sobla
    1. Albanais (81 points, 15 comments)
    2. Albanian dispute (61 points, 16 comments)
    3. Bulgarians nailing the Albanian dance (54 points, 10 comments)
    4. Both are Gheg (43 points, 27 comments)
    5. Pejë/Ipek (Kosovo) - l'Albanie inconnue (19 points, 5 comments)
    6. Albanian from Montenegro VS Southern Albanian (16 points, 1 comment)
    7. Tivari - Translated (15 points, 1 comment)
    8. Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824–1904) (14 points, 1 comment)
    9. Thomas Smart Hughes (1786–1847) (12 points, 2 comments)
    10. Albanian VS Spanish / "Language Challenge" (10 points, 2 comments)
  15. 339 points, 7 submissions: kristiani95
    1. Most popular male names in Albania by decade and region. (109 points, 63 comments)
    2. Most popular female names in Albania by decade and region (73 points, 23 comments)
    3. Top 1% in wealth in Albania compared to the rest of the population (43 points, 10 comments)
    4. Kur qeveria e Vlores ne 1913 bente plane per ndertimin e nje tramvaji ne qytet (42 points, 14 comments)
    5. Names in Albania that are found mostly in one region (38 points, 17 comments)
    6. Common surnames in Albania found mostly in one region (18 points, 6 comments)
    7. Detailed PISA 2018 Albania results (16 points, 20 comments)
  16. 328 points, 12 submissions: Stannis-the-Dragon
    1. Problems (91 points, 9 comments)
    2. Vëllai Turk në Serbi hap fabrika ekonomike. Në Shqipëri, Kosovë, dhe Maqedoninë (shqiptare) hap fabrika fetare-ideologjike. (64 points, 27 comments)
    3. Switzerland’s top court has upheld a decision to not renew the residence permit of an imam from Kosovo guilty of domestic abuse. (38 points, 35 comments)
    4. Truer words were never spoken (33 points, 6 comments)
    5. According to this proposal, Western Balkan countries would be offered financial assistance and other special benefits in exchange for a “silent abandonment” of a full membership. (30 points, 13 comments)
    6. The inauguration of Migjeni (17 points, 27 comments)
    7. Lord Byron, creator of the Vampire creature, in traditional Albanian dress. The word Vampire possibly derived from the Albanian word Dhampir. Dham, Albanian Gheg variant of dhëmb (“tooth”) and pir, participle of pi (“to drink”). Literally meaning 'that who drinks through his/her teeth'. (15 points, 30 comments)
    8. ZBULOHET KISHA MBI 1500-VJEÇARE (13 points, 0 comments)
    9. Messapian, an Illyrian language (11 points, 16 comments)
    10. Projected population change in Central and Southeast Europe. 1989 - 2050. Link to full article in comments. (11 points, 2 comments)
  17. 305 points, 2 submissions: memeifications
    1. Serbian rescue team in Albania (297 points, 79 comments)
    2. Any news on what happened to the MEK camp in Manzë? (8 points, 2 comments)
  18. 301 points, 2 submissions: lodoplak
    1. The 2 boys who jumped out of the building during the earthquake meet their idols, Buffon & Ronaldo (263 points, 13 comments)
    2. U dëmtua nga tërmeti, shembet ndërtesa “Ish Markata” në Shkozet. (38 points, 8 comments)
  19. 299 points, 4 submissions: kajokarafili
    1. If Albania can’t join Europe,then we’ll make Europe join us! (186 points, 53 comments)
    2. Pathetic. (60 points, 5 comments)
    3. Dhe e ze gjumi prap ne divan (48 points, 2 comments)
    4. Kuriozitet!Sa shoke/shoqe qe keni patur ne lagje,kane lene Shqiperine?(Legal ose jo legal,ska rendesi) (5 points, 20 comments)
  20. 275 points, 10 submissions: TheDitkaDog
    1. Edvin “Edi” Rama is the current PM of Albania and is responsible for “putinizing” Albania. This scumbag has paved the way for corruption and organized crime to flourish under his administration. His mandate has been marred by scandals comprised of drug trafficking, election fraud, media abuse etc... (109 points, 106 comments)
    2. Meet Satak, the rescue dog of the Kosovo Security Forces who is so far responsible for saving four lives and continues to be a great resource as rescue efforts intensify. Albania was hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake killing at least 28 and injuring over 600+ people. (68 points, 13 comments)
    3. Our national team plays today! LFG!!!! (44 points, 21 comments)
    4. Cultural Exchange between Albanians and our friends at Italy happening NOW!!! (32 points, 2 comments)
    5. Post Unification Bros? (11 points, 4 comments)
    6. Polska Cultural Exchange (5 points, 1 comment)
    7. Feral Hogs Find and Destroy Cocaine Worth $22,000 Hidden in Woods (4 points, 2 comments)
    8. Due to popular demand, this upcoming Friday (11/8/19) we will be hosting another cultural exchange with our friends at India! 🇽🇰🇮🇳 (1 point, 1 comment)
    9. Which one of you is going through this? (1 point, 15 comments)
    10. “Bashkimi kombetar nuk mund te behet pa biseduar me Serbine, nese ata nuk pajtohen atehere heqja e kufirit do te thote lufte.” (0 points, 11 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. nikiu (2192 points, 730 comments)
  2. Ju_flet_Tirana (1435 points, 314 comments)
  3. jonbristow (1109 points, 223 comments)
  4. absinthemami (1017 points, 281 comments)
  5. redi_t13 (937 points, 207 comments)
  6. sharkstax (861 points, 112 comments)
  7. SoloDragons (775 points, 125 comments)
  8. tejanaqkilica (767 points, 353 comments)
  9. BeesAreStingers (761 points, 183 comments)
  10. Selvis12 (730 points, 95 comments)
  11. kastor-kembngules (700 points, 243 comments)
  12. klevis99 (685 points, 83 comments)
  13. iLLYR14NS (672 points, 172 comments)
  14. BassKiat (634 points, 92 comments)
  15. the_aleph_ (616 points, 164 comments)
  16. kristiani95 (562 points, 100 comments)
  17. zenithghost (542 points, 134 comments)
  18. elektra01 (496 points, 108 comments)
  19. noxhi (459 points, 80 comments)
  20. Bsaraki (424 points, 161 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. An old Albanian lady dining with her dead husband & children who were killed in 1999 during the war by shykriu (340 points, 55 comments)
  2. It's time to stop by Oryon- (337 points, 52 comments)
  3. Serbian rescue team in Albania by memeifications (297 points, 79 comments)
  4. The 2 boys who jumped out of the building during the earthquake meet their idols, Buffon & Ronaldo by lodoplak (263 points, 13 comments)
  5. #IndependenceDay #Albania by Arditduka (250 points, 10 comments)
  6. Lol Perfect by njeshizzle87 (231 points, 17 comments)
  7. Shot by me on Tirana ✌️ by xhevin19 (229 points, 26 comments)
  8. Duhet ti mbeshtesim shoket ne Hong Kong. by idcris98 (212 points, 68 comments)
  9. Ahhh Balkan by Klementuseri (209 points, 30 comments)
  10. Bruh by Boni4real (201 points, 12 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 85 points: bizantini's comment in Serbian rescue team in Albania
  2. 82 points: nikiu's comment in This is what a Serbian keyboard warrior looks like
  3. 74 points: deanceliku07's comment in 2 policë nga Shqipëria arrestohen pasi përvetësojnë pakot e ushqimit të dedikuar për të prekurit
  4. 68 points: Metatron-X's comment in Mario Dedivanovic, the number one makeup artist in the world and proud Albanian, came out as a gay man in the acceptance speech of an "Artist Achievement" award from AIA.
  5. 64 points: okin107's comment in PESIMIZMI NE SHQIPERI!
  6. 60 points: deanceliku07's comment in Insert "Thomas has never seen such load of bullshit before" meme
  7. 57 points: sharkstax's comment in What fetishes do albanians have?
  8. 56 points: ScaryFairyBG's comment in MegaThread: Earthquake in Albania - Termeti ne Shqiperi (26/11/19)
  9. 55 points: AllMightAb's comment in The pope last time it was here
  10. 53 points: CKSYKYSKC's comment in Insert "Thomas has never seen such load of bullshit before" meme
Generated with BBoe's Subreddit Stats
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